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Optimization Letters, Volume 10
Volume 10, Number 1, January 2016
- Pavlo A. Krokhmal, Oleg A. Prokopyev:
Optimization Letters Best Paper Award. 1 - Cédric Josz, Didier Henrion
Strong duality in Lasserre's hierarchy for polynomial optimization. 3-10 - Michael Orlitzky, M. Seetharama Gowda:
An improved bound for the Lyapunov rank of a proper cone. 11-17 - Carlos J. Luz
A characterization of the weighted Lovász number based on convex quadratic programming. 19-31 - Belma Yelbay, S. Ilker Birbil, Kerem Bülbül
, Hasan M. Jamil
Approximating the minimum hub cover problem on planar graphs. 33-45 - César Gutiérrez
, Bienvenido Jiménez
, Vicente Novo
, Gabriel Ruiz Garzón
Vector critical points and efficiency in vector optimization with Lipschitz functions. 47-62 - Nooshin Movahedian:
Necessary optimality conditions for countably infinite Lipschitz problems with equality constraint mappings. 63-76 - Wei Li, Pengzhen Liu, Haohao Li:
Checking weak optimality of the solution to interval linear program in the general form. 77-88 - Zümbül Atan, Martine Rousseau:
Inventory optimization for perishables subject to supply disruptions. 89-108 - Jianming Dong, Jueliang Hu, Guohui Lin:
A note on the algorithm LPT-FF for a flowshop scheduling with two batch-processing machines. 109-118 - Yang Zhang
, Bin Dan:
An efficient adaptive scaling parameter for the spectral conjugate gradient method. 119-136 - Rouhollah Tavakoli:
On the coupled continuous knapsack problems: projection onto the volume constrained Gibbs N-simplex. 137-158 - Wenjie Li, Jinjiang Yuan:
LPT online strategy for parallel-machine scheduling with kind release times. 159-168 - Enrico Malaguti, Rosa Medina Durán
, Paolo Toth:
A metaheuristic framework for Nonlinear Capacitated Covering Problems. 169-180 - Amin Dehghanian
, Andrew J. Schaefer
Superadditive characterizations of pure integer programming feasibility. 181-188 - Christian Blum
, Günther R. Raidl:
Computational performance evaluation of two integer linear programming models for the minimum common string partition problem. 189-205 - Taibo Luo, Yin-Feng Xu:
Optimal algorithm for semi-online scheduling on two machines under GoS levels. 207-213
Volume 10, Number 2, February 2016
- Yaroslav D. Sergeyev
Preface to the Special Issue "Recent developments in non-linear and global optimization". 215-218 - Stefano Lucidi
, Massimo Maurici, Luca Paulon, Francesco Rinaldi, Massimo Roma:
A derivative-free approach for a simulation-based optimization problem in healthcare. 219-235 - Remigijus Paulavicius
, Julius Zilinskas
Advantages of simplicial partitioning for Lipschitz optimization problems with linear constraints. 237-246 - Sergey P. Shary, Irene A. Sharaya:
On solvability recognition for interval linear systems of equations. 247-260 - Tao Pham Dinh, Hoai An Le Thi
, Viet Nga Pham, Yi-Shuai Niu
DC programming approaches for discrete portfolio optimization under concave transaction costs. 261-282 - Yannis A. Guzman, M. M. Faruque Hasan, Christodoulos A. Floudas:
Performance of convex underestimators in a branch-and-bound framework. 283-308 - Carmine Cerrone
, Raffaele Cerulli, Manlio Gaudioso
OMEGA one multi ethnic genetic approach. 309-324 - Yan Zhang, Nikolaos V. Sahinidis
Global optimization of mathematical programs with complementarity constraints and application to clean energy deployment. 325-340 - Antanas Zilinskas, Anatoly Zhigljavsky
Branch and probability bound methods in multi-objective optimization. 341-353 - Annabella Astorino
, Giovanna Miglionico
Optimizing sensor cover energy via DC programming. 355-368 - Andrei V. Orlov
, Alexander S. Strekalovsky
, S. Batbileg:
On computational search for Nash equilibrium in hexamatrix games. 369-381 - Anke Tröltzsch:
A sequential quadratic programming algorithm for equality-constrained optimization without derivatives. 383-399 - Trond Steihaug, Sara Suleiman:
On the final steps of Newton and higher order methods. 401-416 - Guillaume Guérard
, Ider Tseveendorj:
Inscribed ball and enclosing box methods for the convex maximization problem. 417-432
Volume 10, Number 3, March 2016
- Abraham Berman, Mirjam Dür, Naomi Shaked-Monderer
, Julia Witzel:
Cutting planes for semidefinite relaxations based on triangle-free subgraphs. 433-446 - Heinz H. Bauschke
, Walaa M. Moursi
On the order of the operators in the Douglas-Rachford algorithm. 447-455 - Xiaojun Zhou
, David Yang Gao, Chunhua Yang
Global solutions to a class of CEC benchmark constrained optimization problems. 457-472 - Dimitra Alexiou
Generating the family of all traffic signal light cycles coordinated with pedestrian crosswalks. 473-484 - Xuewen Mu, Wenlong Liu:
An augmented Lagrangian method for binary quadratic programming based on a class of continuous functions. 485-497 - Jian Zhang:
A smoothing Newton algorithm for weighted linear complementarity problem. 499-509 - Sohaib Afifi
, Duc-Cuong Dang
, Aziz Moukrim
Heuristic solutions for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and synchronized visits. 511-525 - Y. D. Xu:
Nonlinear separation functions, optimality conditions and error bounds for Ky Fan quasi-inequalities. 527-542 - Ganggang Li, Xiwen Lu:
Approximation algorithms for the single-machine scheduling with a period of maintenance. 543-562 - Yina Liu, Zili Wu:
Characterization of weakly sharp solutions of a variational inequality by its primal gap function. 563-576 - Shashi Kant Mishra
, Vivek Laha
On minty variational principle for nonsmooth vector optimization problems with approximate convexity. 577-589 - Behrouz Kheirfam:
A full step infeasible interior-point method for Cartesian P∗(κ)-SCLCP. 591-603 - Changhe Liu, Youlin Shang, Hongwei Liu:
An (√n L) iteration Mehrotra-type predictor-corrector algorithm for monotone linear complementarity problem. 619-634 - Maksim V. Dolgopolik
Smooth exact penalty functions: a general approach. 635-648
Volume 10, Number 4, April 2016
- Warren L. Hare, H. Song:
On the cardinality of positively linearly independent sets. 649-654 - Stéphane Gaubert
, Zheng Qu
, Srinivas Sridharan:
Maximizing concave piecewise affine functions on the unitary group. 655-665 - Maurício C. de Souza
, Aloísio C. Gomes Jr., Allan Messeder Caldas Bretas
, Martín Gómez Ravetti
Models for scheduling charges in continuous casting: application to a Brazilian steel plant. 667-683 - Qingsong Tang, Yuejian Peng, Xiangde Zhang, Cheng Zhao:
Connection between the clique number and the Lagrangian of 3-uniform hypergraphs. 685-697 - Mahdi Dodangeh
, Luís Nunes Vicente
, Zaikun Zhang
On the optimal order of worst case complexity of direct search. 699-708 - Amir Ali Ahmadi, Anirudha Majumdar:
Some applications of polynomial optimization in operations research and real-time decision making. 709-729 - Guo-Qiang Wang
, Jiyuan Tao, Lingchen Kong:
A note on an inequality involving Jordan product in Euclidean Jordan algebras. 731-736 - Feng He, Xiaoning Xu, Rong Chen, Na Zhang:
Sensitivity and stability analysis in DEA with bounded uncertainty. 737-752 - Sheng-lan Chen, Nan-Jing Huang:
Vector variational inequalities and vector optimization problems on Hadamard manifolds. 753-767 - Yuan Mei Xia, Wanli Zhang, Ke Quan Zhao:
Characterizations of improvement sets via quasi interior and applications in vector optimization. 769-780 - Bang Công Vu:
Almost sure convergence of the forward-backward-forward splitting algorithm. 781-803 - Mohammad M. Alshahrani
, Suliman Al-Homidan, Qamrul Hasan Ansari
Minimum and maximum principle sufficiency properties for nonsmooth variational inequalities. 805-819 - Maziar Salahi
, Saeed Fallahi:
Trust region subproblem with an additional linear inequality constraint. 821-832 - M. Beatrice Lignola, Jacqueline Morgan
A method to bypass the lack of solutions in MinSup problems under quasi-equilibrium constraints. 833-846 - Archis Ghate:
Robust optimization in countably infinite linear programs. 847-863 - Tamás Fleiner, Gábor Wiener:
Coloring signed graphs using DFS. 865-869
Volume 10, Number 5, June 2016
- Giuseppe Bruno, Raffaele Cerulli, Monica Gentili:
Models, algorithms and applications for location problems. 871-873 - Daniela Ambrosino
, Anna Sciomachen:
A capacitated hub location problem in freight logistics multimodal networks. 875-901 - Maria Barbati
, Carmela Piccolo:
Equality measures properties for location problems. 903-920 - Nathaniel D. Bastian, Paul M. Griffin, Eric Spero, Lawrence V. Fulton
Multi-criteria logistics modeling for military humanitarian assistance and disaster relief aerial delivery operations. 921-953 - Gianpiero Bianchi, Renato Bruni, Alessandra Reale, Fabio Sforzi:
A min-cut approach to functional regionalization, with a case study of the Italian local labour market areas. 955-973 - Giuseppe Bruno, Andrea Genovese
, Carmela Piccolo:
Capacity management in public service facility networks: a model, computational tests and a case study. 975-995 - Massimiliano Caramia
, Renato Mari:
A decomposition approach to solve a bilevel capacitated facility location problem with equity constraints. 997-1019 - Luigi Di Puglia Pugliese
, Francesca Guerriero
, Dimitrios Zorbas
, Tahiry Razafindralambo
Modelling the mobile target covering problem using flying drones. 1021-1052 - Sara Khodaparasti, Hamid Reza Maleki
, Maria Elena Bruni
, Sedigheh Jahedi, Patrizia Beraldi
, Domenico Conforti
Balancing efficiency and equity in location-allocation models with an application to strategic EMS design. 1053-1070 - Wlodzimierz Ogryczak
, Pawel Olender
Ordered median problem with demand distribution weights. 1071-1086 - Ahmed Saif
, Samir Elhedhli:
A Lagrangian heuristic for concave cost facility location problems: the plant location and technology acquisition problem. 1087-1100 - Claudio Sterle, Antonio Sforza, Annunziata Esposito Amideo
, Carmela Piccolo:
A unified solving approach for two and three dimensional coverage problems in sensor networks. 1101-1123 - Chefi Triki:
Location-based techniques for the synergy approximation in combinatorial transportation auctions. 1125-1139
Volume 10, Number 6, August 2016
- Marco Locatelli:
Exactness conditions for an SDP relaxation of the extended trust region problem. 1141-1151 - Oliver Stein
Error bounds for mixed integer nonlinear optimization problems. 1153-1168 - Dmitry V. Gribanov, Sergey I. Veselov
On integer programming with bounded determinants. 1169-1177 - Dmitry V. Gribanov
, Aleksandr Yu. Chirkov:
The width and integer optimization on simplices with bounded minors of the constraint matrices. 1179-1189 - Shun-Chieh Chang, William Chung-Kung Yen, Yue-Li Wang, Jia Jie Liu
The connected p-median problem on block graphs. 1191-1201 - Panayotis E. Nastou, Vasilis Papadinas, Panos M. Pardalos, Yannis C. Stamatiou
On a new edge function on complete weighted graphs and its application for locating Hamiltonian cycles of small weight. 1203-1220 - Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang:
A note on Lipschitzian stability of variational inequalities over perturbed polyhedral convex sets. 1221-1231 - Peter Richtárik, Martin Takác
On optimal probabilities in stochastic coordinate descent methods. 1233-1243 - Sascha Kurz, Stefan Napel:
Dimension of the Lisbon voting rules in the EU Council: a challenge and new world record. 1245-1256 - Longcheng Liu, Enyu Yao:
Capacity inverse minimum cost flow problems under the weighted Hamming distance. 1257-1268 - Jungyun Bae
, Sivakumar Rathinam
A primal-dual approximation algorithm for a two depot heterogeneous traveling salesman problem. 1269-1285 - Shengkun Zhu
Weak sharp efficiency in multiobjective optimization. 1287-1301 - Dimitris Souravlias
, Konstantinos E. Parsopoulos, Ilias S. Kotsireas:
Circulant weighing matrices: a demanding challenge for parallel optimization metaheuristics. 1303-1314 - Luis Felipe Bueno, Gabriel Haeser
, José Mario Martínez
An inexact restoration approach to optimization problems with multiobjective constraints under weighted-sum scalarization. 1315-1325 - João Xavier da Cruz Neto, Paulo Sérgio Marques dos Santos
, P. A. Soares Jr.:
An extragradient method for equilibrium problems on Hadamard manifolds. 1327-1336 - Jianping Li, Li Guan, Honglin Ding, Weidong Li
Approximations for constructing tree-form structures using specific material with fixed length. 1337-1345 - Petro I. Stetsyuk
, Tatiana E. Romanova
, Guntram Scheithauer:
On the global minimum in a balanced circular packing problem. 1347-1360 - Maryam Yashtini:
On the global convergence rate of the gradient descent method for functions with Hölder continuous gradients. 1361-1370 - Jean-Paul Penot:
On the relations between some second-order derivatives. 1371-1377
Volume 10, Number 7, October 2016
- Miguel F. Anjos
, Manuel V. C. Vieira
An improved two-stage optimization-based framework for unequal-areas facility layout. 1379-1392 - Zhao Zhang, Joonglyul Lee
, Weili Wu, Ding-Zhu Du:
Approximation for minimum strongly connected dominating and absorbing set with routing-cost constraint in disk digraphs. 1393-1401 - Jan Brinkhuis:
Inner and outer approximation of convex sets using alignment. 1403-1416 - Rupaj Kumar Nayak
, Jitamitra Desai:
A modified homogeneous potential reduction algorithm for solving the monotone semidefinite linear complementarity problem. 1417-1448 - Pablo Cristini Guedes
, William Prigol Lopes, Leonardo Rosa Rohde, Denis Borenstein
Simple and efficient heuristic approach for the multiple-depot vehicle scheduling problem. 1449-1461 - Xiang-Kai Sun, Zai-Yun Peng, Xiao-Le Guo:
Some characterizations of robust optimal solutions for uncertain convex optimization problems. 1463-1478 - André B. Chassein, Marc Goerigk
On the recoverable robust traveling salesman problem. 1479-1492 - Andrea Grosso, Fabio Salassa
, Wim Vancroonenburg:
Searching for a cycle with maximum coverage in undirected graphs. 1493-1504 - Dang Phuong Nguyen
, Michel Minoux, Viet Hung Nguyen, Thanh Hai Nguyen, Renaud Sirdey
Stochastic graph partitioning: quadratic versus SOCP formulations. 1505-1518 - Yonghong Yao
, Mihai Postolache, Yeong-Cheng Liou, Zhangsong Yao:
Construction algorithms for a class of monotone variational inequalities. 1519-1528 - João Carlos de Oliveira Souza
, Paulo Roberto Oliveira, Antoine Soubeyran:
Global convergence of a proximal linearized algorithm for difference of convex functions. 1529-1539 - Maksim V. Dolgopolik
Smooth exact penalty functions II: a reduction to standard exact penalty functions. 1541-1560 - Tadeusz Antczak
The exact absolute value penalty function method for identifying strict global minima of order m in nonconvex nonsmooth programming. 1561-1576 - Ali Diabat:
A capacitated facility location and inventory management problem with single sourcing. 1577-1592
Volume 10, Number 8, December 2016
- Dmitriy S. Malyshev
, Panos M. Pardalos:
Critical hereditary graph classes: a survey. 1593-1612 - Saumya Sinha
, Archis Ghate:
Policy iteration for robust nonstationary Markov decision processes. 1613-1628 - Hyunseok Cho, Kyoung-Kuk Kim, Kyungsik Lee:
Computing lower bounds on basket option prices by discretizing semi-infinite linear programming. 1629-1644 - Jueliang Hu, Taibo Luo, Xiaotong Su, Jianming Dong, Weitian Tong
, Randy Goebel, Yinfeng Xu, Guohui Lin:
Machine scheduling with a maintenance interval and job delivery coordination. 1645-1656 - Mansi Dhingra, C. S. Lalitha
Well-setness and scalarization in set optimization. 1657-1667 - Do Sang Kim, Phan Tu Vuong, Pham Duy Khanh:
Qualitative properties of strongly pseudomonotone variational inequalities. 1669-1679 - Xiangyu Cui, Lu Xu, Yan Zeng:
Continuous time mean-variance portfolio optimization with piecewise state-dependent risk aversion. 1681-1691 - Raka Jovanovic, Stefan Voß
A mixed integer program for partitioning graphs with supply and demand emphasizing sparse graphs. 1693-1703 - Hejie Wei
, Wei Hong Yang:
A Riemannian subspace limited-memory SR1 trust region method. 1705-1723 - Ioannis E. Livieris
, Panagiotis E. Pintelas:
A limited memory descent Perry conjugate gradient method. 1725-1742 - Bruno F. Lourenço, Masakazu Muramatsu, Takashi Tsuchiya:
Weak infeasibility in second order cone programming. 1743-1755 - Majid Soleimani-Damaneh
, Moslem Zamani
On Benson's scalarization in multiobjective optimization. 1757-1762 - Vittorio Latorre
, David Yang Gao:
Canonical duality for solving general nonconvex constrained problems. 1763-1779 - Constantin Zalinescu
On V. Latorre and D.Y. Gao's paper "Canonical duality for solving general nonconvex constrained problems". 1781-1787 - Saman Babaie-Kafaki:
On optimality of two adaptive choices for the parameter of Dai-Liao method. 1789-1797

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