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NeuroImage, Volume 16
Volume 16, Number 1, May 2002
- J. Valla, Kewei Chen
, J. D. Berndt, F. Gonzalez-Lima
, Simon R. Cherry, D. Games, Eric M. Reiman:
Effects of Image Resolution on Autoradiographic Measurements of Posterior Cingulate Activity in PDAPP Mice: Implications for Functional Brain Imaging Studies of Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer's Disease. 1-6 - James R. Booth, Douglas D. Burman, Joel R. Meyer, Darren R. Gitelman
, Todd B. Parrish
, M.-Marsel Mesulam:
Functional Anatomy of Intra- and Cross-Modal Lexical Tasks. 7-22 - Simon S. Keller
, Clare E. Mackay
, Thomas R. Barrick
, Udo C. Wieshmann, Matthew Howard
, Neil Roberts:
Voxel-Based Morphometric Comparison of Hippocampal and Extrahippocampal Abnormalities in Patients with Left and Right Hippocampal Atrophy. 23-31 - Afraim Salek-Haddadi, Martin Merschhemke, Louis Lemieux
, David R. Fish:
Simultaneous EEG-Correlated Ictal fMRI. 32-40 - Thomas Koenig
, Leslie S. Prichep, Dietrich Lehmann, Pedro A. Valdés-Sosa
, Elisabeth Braeker, Horst Kleinlogel, Robert Isenhart, E. Roy John:
Millisecond by Millisecond, Year by Year: Normative EEG Microstates and Developmental Stages. 41-48 - Wolfgang Weber-Fahr, Gabriele Ende, Dieter F. Braus, Peter Bachert, Brian J. Soher
, Fritz A. Henn, Christian Büchel:
A Fully Automated Method for Tissue Segmentation and CSF-Correction of Proton MRSI Metabolites Corroborates Abnormal Hippocampal NAA in Schizophrenia. 49-60 - Nancy E. Adleman
, Vinod Menon
, Christine M. Blasey, Christopher D. White, Ilana S. Warsofsky, Gary H. Glover, Allan L. Reiss:
A Developmental fMRI Study of the Stroop Color-Word Task. 61-75 - Christine Y. Ducommun, Micah M. Murray
, Gregor Thut
, Anne Bellmann, Isabelle Viaud-Delmon
, Stephanie Clarke, Christoph M. Michel
Segregated Processing of Auditory Motion and Auditory Location: An ERP Mapping Study. 76-88 - Jonathan D. Blumenthal, Alex P. Zijdenbos, Elizabeth A. Molloy, Jay N. Giedd
Motion Artifact in Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Implications for Automated Analysis. 89-92 - Claudia A. M. Wheeler-Kingshott
, Simon J. Hickman
, Geoffrey J. M. Parker
, Olga Ciccarelli, Mark R. Symms, David H. Miller, Gareth J. Barker
Investigating Cervical Spinal Cord Structure Using Axial Diffusion Tensor Imaging. 93-102 - Krish D. Singh
, Gareth R. Barnes
, Arjan Hillebrand
, Emer M. E. Forde, Adrian L. Williams
Task-Related Changes in Cortical Synchronization Are Spatially Coincident with the Hemodynamic Response. 103-114 - Andreas A. Ioannides, Lichan Liu, Ara Khurshudyan, Roger Bodley, Vahe Poghosyan
, Tadahiko Shibata, Jürgen Dammers
, Ali Jamous:
Brain Activation Sequences Following Electrical Limb Stimulation of Normal and Paraplegic Subjects. 115-129 - Andrea Brovelli
, Piero Paolo Battaglini
, Jose Raul Naranjo, Riccardo Budai:
Medium-Range Oscillatory Network and the 20-Hz Sensorimotor Induced Potential. 130-141 - Martin F. Lafleur, Philip L. Jackson
, Francine Malouin, Carol L. Richards
, Alan C. Evans, Julien Doyon:
Motor Learning Produces Parallel Dynamic Functional Changes during the Execution and Imagination of Sequential Foot Movements. 142-157 - Stuart W. G. Derbyshire
, Anthony K. P. Jones
, F. Creed, T. Starz, Carolyn C. Meltzer, David W. Townsend, A. M. Peterson, L. Firestone:
Cerebral Responses to Noxious Thermal Stimulation in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients and Normal Controls. 158-168 - Axel Riecker, Dirk Wildgruber, Grzegorz Dogil, Wolfgang Grodd, Hermann Ackermann:
Hemispheric Lateralization Effects of Rhythm Implementation during Syllable Repetitions: An fMRI Study. 169-176 - Jesper L. R. Andersson, Stefan Skare:
A Model-Based Method for Retrospective Correction of Geometric Distortions in Diffusion-Weighted EPI. 177-199 - Koen Van Laere, Jan Versijpt
, Michel Koole, Stefaan Vandenberghe, Philippe Lahorte, Ignace Lemahieu
, Rudi A. Dierckx:
Experimental Performance Assessment of SPM for SPECT Neuroactivation Studies Using a Subresolution Sandwich Phantom Design. 200-216 - Chloe Hutton, Andreas Bork, Oliver Josephs, Ralf Deichmann, John Ashburner
, Robert Turner:
Image Distortion Correction in fMRI: A Quantitative Evaluation. 217-240 - Martin A. Koch, David G. Norris, Margret Hund-Georgiadis:
An Investigation of Functional and Anatomical Connectivity Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 241-250 - Michael Czisch, Thomas C. Wetter, Christian Kaufmann, Thomas Pollmächer, Florian Holsboer, Dorothee P. Auer
Altered Processing of Acoustic Stimuli during Sleep: Reduced Auditory Activation and Visual Deactivation Detected by a Combined fMRI/EEG Study. 251-258 - Michael W. L. Chee
, Nicholas H. H. Hon, David Caplan, Hwee Ling Lee, Joshua Oon Soo Goh:
Frequency of Concrete Words Modulates Prefrontal Activation during Semantic Judgments. 259-268 - Thomas T. Liu
, Eric C. Wong, Lawrence R. Frank, Richard B. Buxton:
Analysis and Design of Perfusion-Based Event-Related fMRI Experiments. 269-282
Volume 16, Number 2, June 2002
- Francisca Pais Leite
, Doris Tsao, Wim Vanduffel, Denis Fize, Yuka Sasaki
, Lawrence L. Wald
, Anders M. Dale, Kenneth K. Kwong
, Guy A. Orban
, Bruce R. Rosen, Roger B. H. Tootell, Joseph B. Mandeville:
Repeated fMRI Using Iron Oxide Contrast Agent in Awake, Behaving Macaques at 3 Tesla. 283-294 - Kevin P. Hinshaw, Andrew V. Poliakov, Eider B. Moore, Richard F. Martin, Linda G. Shapiro, James F. Brinkley:
Shape-Based Cortical Surface Segmentation for Visualization Brain Mapping. 295-316 - Roberto Cabeza, Florin Dolcos
, Reiko Graham
, Lars Nyberg
Similarities and Differences in the Neural Correlates of Episodic Memory Retrieval and Working Memory. 317-330 - K. Luan Phan, Tor D. Wager, Stephan F. Taylor
, Israel Liberzon
Functional Neuroanatomy of Emotion: A Meta-Analysis of Emotion Activation Studies in PET and fMRI. 331-348 - Staci A. Gruber, Jadwiga Rogowska, Philip Holcomb, Salvatore Soraci, Deborah A. Yurgelun-Todd:
Stroop Performance in Normal Control Subjects: An fMRI Study. 349-360 - Reginald B. Adams Jr., Petr Janata:
A Comparison of Neural Circuits Underlying Auditory and Visual Object Categorization. 361-377 - Christoff Gössl, Ludwig Fahrmeir, Benno Pütz
, Ludwig M. Auer, Dorothee P. Auer
Fiber Tracking from DTI Using Linear State Space Models: Detectability of the Pyramidal Tract. 378-388 - Norihiro Sadato
, Tomohisa Okada
, Manabu Honda, Yoshiharu Yonekura:
Critical Period for Cross-Modal Plasticity in Blind Humans: A Functional MRI Study. 389-400 - Rufin Vogels, Gyula Sáry, Patrick Dupont
, Guy A. Orban
Human Brain Regions Involved in Visual Categorization. 401-414 - Pamela Moses, Katherine Roe
, Richard B. Buxton, Eric C. Wong, Lawrence R. Frank, Joan Stiles:
Functional MRI of Global and Local Processing in Children. 415-424 - Romesh Markus, Geoffrey Donnan
, Seiji Kazui, Stephen Read
, T. Hirano, A. M. Scott, G. J. O'Keefe, Henri Jacques Tochon-Danguy, J. I. Sachinidis, David C. Reutens
Statistical Parametric Mapping of Hypoxic Tissue Identified by [18F]Fluoromisonidazole and Positron Emission Tomography Following Acute Ischemic Stroke. 425-433 - Martin Schürmann
, Tommi Raij
, Nobuya Fujiki, Riitta Hari:
Mind's Ear in a Musician: Where and When in the Brain. 434-440 - Robia G. Pautler, Alan P. Koretsky
Tracing Odor-Induced Activation in the Olfactory Bulbs of Mice Using Manganese-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 441-448 - S. Durston, K. M. Thomas, Michael S. Worden, Y. Yang, B. J. Casey:
The Effect of Preceding Context on Inhibition: An Event-Related fMRI Study. 449-453 - Ola Friman, Magnus Borga
, Peter Lundberg, Hans Knutsson:
Exploratory fMRI Analysis by Autocorrelation Maximization. 454-464 - Karl J. Friston
, William D. Penny
, Christophe Phillips
, Stefan J. Kiebel
, Geoffrey E. Hinton, John Ashburner
Classical and Bayesian Inference in Neuroimaging: Theory. 465-483 - Karl J. Friston
, Daniel E. Glaser, Richard N. A. Henson, Stefan J. Kiebel
, Christophe Phillips
, John Ashburner
Classical and Bayesian Inference in Neuroimaging: Applications. 484-512 - Karl J. Friston
Bayesian Estimation of Dynamical Systems: An Application to fMRI. 513-530 - Mark A. Mintun, Andrei G. Vlassenko, Gordon L. Shulman, Abraham Z. Snyder:
Time-Related Increase of Oxygen Utilization in Continuously Activated Human Visual Cortex. 531-537 - Nicole A. Lazar, Beatriz Luna, John A. Sweeney
, William F. Eddy:
Combining Brains: A Survey of Methods for Statistical Pooling of Information. 538-550
Volume 16, Numbers 2, Supplement 1, 2002
- M.-Marsel Mesulam:
Welcome address. viii
Volume 16, Number 3, Part A, July 2002
- Markus Svensén, Frithjof Kruggel, Habib Benali:
ICA of fMRI Group Study Data. 551-563 - Bin He
, X. Zhang, J. Lian, H. Sasaki, Dongsheng Wu, Vernon L. Towle:
Boundary Element Method-Based Cortical Potential Imaging of Somatosensory Evoked Potentials Using Subjects' Magnetic Resonance Images. 564-576 - Fumihiko Yasuno, Akter Haque Hasnine, Tetsuya Suhara, Tetsuya Ichimiya, Yasuhiko Sudo, Makoto Inoue, Akihiro Takano, Tan Ou, Tomomichi Ando, Hinako Toyama:
Template-Based Method for Multiple Volumes of Interest of Human Brain PET Images. 577-586 - Richard P. Kennan, Silvina G. Horovitz
, Atsushi Maki
, Yuichi Yamashita, Hideaki Koizumi, John C. Gore:
Simultaneous Recording of Event-Related Auditory Oddball Response Using Transcranial Near Infrared Optical Topography and Surface EEG. 587-592 - C. H. Liao, Keith J. Worsley, Jean-Baptiste Poline, John A. D. Aston, G. H. Duncan, Alan C. Evans:
Estimating the Delay of the fMRI Response. 593-606 - Gregor Rainer
, Mark Augath, Torsten Trinath, Nikos K. Logothetis:
The Effect of Image Scrambling on Visual Cortical BOLD Activity in the Anesthetized Monkey. 607-616 - Ying Zheng, John Martindale, David Johnston, Myles Jones
, Jason Berwick, John E. W. Mayhew:
A Model of the Hemodynamic Response and Oxygen Delivery to Brain. 617-637 - Arjan Hillebrand
, Gareth R. Barnes
A Quantitative Assessment of the Sensitivity of Whole-Head MEG to Activity in the Adult Human Cortex. 638-650 - Ruben C. Gur, Lee Schroeder, Travis Turner, Claire McGrath, Robin M. Chan, Bruce I. Turetsky, David C. Alsop
, Joseph A. Maldjian
, Raquel E. Gur:
Brain Activation during Facial Emotion Processing. 651-662 - Diego A. Pizzagalli, Dietrich Lehmann, Andrew M. Hendrick, Marianne Regard, Roberto D. Pascual-Marqui
, Richard J. Davidson
Affective Judgments of Faces Modulate Early Activity (∼160 ms) within the Fusiform Gyri. 663-677 - Christophe Phillips
, Michael D. Rugg, Karl J. Friston
Anatomically Informed Basis Functions for EEG Source Localization: Combining Functional and Anatomical Constraints. 678-695 - Jorge Moll
, Ricardo de Oliveira-Souza, Ivanei E. Bramati, Jordan Henry Grafman
Functional Networks in Emotional Moral and Nonmoral Social Judgments. 696-703 - Martin Wolf
, Ursula Wolf, Vlad Toronov, Antonios Michalos, L. Adelina Paunescu, Jee Hyun Choi
, Enrico Gratton:
Different Time Evolution of Oxyhemoglobin and Deoxyhemoglobin Concentration Changes in the Visual and Motor Cortices during Functional Stimulation: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study. 704-712 - Lea K. Pilgrim
, Mohamed-Jalal Fadili, Paul C. Fletcher
, Lorraine K. Tyler:
Overcoming Confounds of Stimulus Blocking: An Event-Related fMRI Design of Semantic Processing. 713-723 - Andy C. H. Lee, Trevor W. Robbins
, Kim S. Graham
, Adrian M. Owen
"Pray or Prey?" Dissociation of Semantic Memory Retrieval from Episodic Memory Processes Using Positron Emission Tomography and a Novel Homophone Task. 724-735 - A. Baumgaertner, Cornelius Weiller
, Christian Büchel:
Event-Related fMRI Reveals Cortical Sites Involved in Contextual Sentence Integration. 736-745 - David H. Zald
, José V. Pardo:
The Neural Correlates of Aversive Auditory Stimulation. 746-753 - Rhodri Cusack
, N. Papadakis:
New Robust 3-D Phase Unwrapping Algorithms: Application to Magnetic Field Mapping and Undistorting Echoplanar Images. 754-764 - Peter E. Turkeltaub
, Guinevere F. Eden, Karen M. Jones, Thomas A. Zeffiro:
Meta-Analysis of the Functional Neuroanatomy of Single-Word Reading: Method and Validation. 765-780 - Hiroshi Ito
, Ikuo Yokoyama, Yoshikazu Tamura, Toshibumi Kinoshita, Jun Hatazawa, Ryuta Kawashima, Hidehiro Iida
Regional Changes in Human Cerebral Blood Flow during Dipyridamole Stress: Neural Activation in the Thalamus and Prefrontal Cortex. 788-793 - B. Dräger, Stefan Knecht
When Finding Words Becomes Difficult: Is There Activation of the Subdominant Hemisphere? 794-800 - Giedrius T. Buracas, Geoffrey M. Boynton:
Efficient Design of Event-Related fMRI Experiments Using M-Sequences. 801-813 - Helen L. Gallagher, Anthony I. Jack
, Andreas Roepstorff, Christopher D. Frith
Imaging the Intentional Stance in a Competitive Game. 814-821 - Michael Breakspear
, John R. Terry
Topographic Organization of Nonlinear Interdependence in Multichannel Human EEG. 822-835 - Guillem Massana
, Cristóbal Gastó, Carme Junqué
, José-María Serrano, Beatriz Gómez, Joan Massana, Xavier Torres
, Manel Salamero:
Reduced Levels of Creatine in the Right Medial Temporal Lobe Region of Panic Disorder Patients Detected with 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. 836-842
Volume 16, Number 4, August 2002
- Lars Muckli
, Wolf Singer, Friedhelm E. Zanella, Rainer Goebel
Integration of Multiple Motion Vectors Over Space: An fMRI Study of Transparent Motion Perception. 843-856 - Jeffrey M. Zacks
, John M. Ollinger, Margaret A. Sheridan
, Barbara Tversky
A Parametric Study of Mental Spatial Transformations of Bodies. 857-872 - Andreas Kleinschmidt
, Kai V. Thilo, Christian Büchel, Michael A. Gresty, Adolfo M. Bronstein, Richard S. J. Frackowiak
Neural Correlates of Visual-Motion Perception as Object- or Self-motion. 873-882 - Fumitaka Homae, Ryu-ichiro Hashimoto
, Kyoichi Nakajima, Yasushi Miyashita
, Kuniyoshi L. Sakai:
From Perception to Sentence Comprehension: The Convergence of Auditory and Visual Information of Language in the Left Inferior Frontal Cortex. 883-900 - Frederick J. P. Langheim, Joseph H. Callicott
, Venkata S. Mattay, Jeff H. Duyn, Daniel R. Weinberger:
Cortical Systems Associated with Covert Music Rehearsal. 901-908 - Hugo D. Critchley
, Raphael N. Melmed, Eric Featherstone, Christopher J. Mathias, Raymond J. Dolan
Volitional Control of Autonomic Arousal: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Study. 909-919 - Ricarda I. Schubotz
, D. Yves von Cramon:
A Blueprint for Target Motion: fMRI Reveals Perceived Sequential Complexity to Modulate Premotor Cortex. 920-935 - Linda Stenbacka, Simo Vanni
, Kimmo Uutela, Riitta Hari:
Comparison of Minimum Current Estimate and Dipole Modeling in the Analysis of Simulated Activity in the Human Visual Cortices. 936-943 - Almut Engelien, Yihong Yang, Wolfgang Engelien, Jessica Zonana, Emily Stern, David Silbersweig:
Physiological Mapping of Human Auditory Cortices with a Silent Event-Related fMRI Technique. 944-953 - Martin Staudt, Karen Lidzba
, Wolfgang Grodd, Dirk Wildgruber, Michael Erb
, Ingeborg Krägeloh-Mann:
Right-Hemispheric Organization of Language Following Early Left-Sided Brain Lesions: Functional MRI Topography. 954-967 - Anna Christina Nobre
, Gillian N. Sebestyen
, Darren R. Gitelman
, Christopher D. Frith
, M.-Marsel Mesulam:
Filtering of Distractors during Visual Search Studied by Positron Emission Tomography. 968-976 - Peter Fransson
, Klaus-Dietmar Merboldt, Karl Magnus Petersson
, Martin Ingvar
, Jens Frahm:
On the Effects of Spatial Filtering - A Comparative fMRI Study of Episodic Memory Encoding at High and Low Resolution. 977-984 - S. J. Peltier, Douglas C. Noll
T2* Dependence of Low Frequency Functional Connectivity. 985-992 - Bruno Weber
, Karim Fouad
, Cyrill Burger, Alfred Buck:
White Matter Glucose Metabolism during Intracortical Electrostimulation: A Quantitative [18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose Autoradiography Study in the Rat. 993-998 - Richard G. Wise, Richard Rogers
, Deborah Painter, Susanna Bantick, Alexander Ploghaus, Pauline Williams
, Garth Rapeport
, Irene Tracey
Combining fMRI with a Pharmacokinetic Model to Determine Which Brain Areas Activated by Painful Stimulation Are Specifically Modulated by Remifentanil. 999-1014 - Sabina Pappatà, Stanislas Dehaene, Jean-Baptiste Poline, M. C. Gregoire, Antoinette Jobert, Jacques Delforge, Vincent Frouin, Michel Bottlaender, Frédéric Dollé, L. Di Giamberardino, André Syrota:
In Vivo Detection of Striatal Dopamine Release during Reward: A PET Study with [11C]Raclopride and a Single Dynamic Scan Approach. 1015-1027 - Ming-Ting Wu, Jer-Ming Sheen, Kai-Hsiang Chuang
, Pinchen Yang, Shieuh-Lii Chin, Chin-Ying Tsai, Chung-Jen Chen
, Jan-Ray Liao, Ping-Hong Lai, Kuo-An Chu, Huay-Ben Pan, Chien-Fang Yang:
Neuronal Specificity of Acupuncture Response: A fMRI Study with Electroacupuncture. 1028-1037 - Ruth A. Carper, Pamela Moses, Zachary D. Tigue, Eric Courchesne:
Cerebral Lobes in Autism: Early Hyperplasia and Abnormal Age Effects. 1038-1051 - Jyrki Ahveninen, Seppo Kähkönen, Sirpa Pennanen, Jyrki Liesivuori, Risto J. Ilmoniemi
, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
Tryptophan Depletion Effects on EEG and MEG Responses Suggest Serotonergic Modulation of Auditory Involuntary Attention in Humans. 1052-1061 - Robert Turner:
How Much Cortex Can a Vein Drain? Downstream Dilution of Activation-Related Cerebral Blood Oxygenation Changes. 1062-1067 - Ferath Kherif
, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Guillaume Flandin, Habib Benali, Olivier Simon, Stanislas Dehaene, Keith J. Worsley:
Multivariate Model Specification for fMRI Data. 1068-1083 - Greig I. de Zubicaray
, Katie L. McMahon, Mathew Eastburn, Stephen J. Wilson:
Orthographic/Phonological Facilitation of Naming Responses in the Picture-Word Task: An Event-Related fMRI Study Using Overt Vocal Responding. 1084-1093 - D. A. Nathaniel-James, Christopher D. Frith
The Role of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: Evidence from the Effects of Contextual Constraint in a Sentence Completion Task. 1094-1102 - Oliver Schmitt
, M. Böhme:
A Robust Transcortical Profile Scanner for Generating 2-D Traverses in Histological Sections of Richly Curved Cortical Courses. 1103-1119 - Abigail A. Baird, Jerome Kagan, Thomas Gaudette, Kathryn A. Walz, Natalie Hershlag, David A. Boas:
Frontal Lobe Activation during Object Permanence: Data from Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. 1120-1126 - Giorgio Bonmassar, Patrick L. Purdon, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Keith Chiappa, Victor Solo, Emery N. Brown, John W. Belliveau:
Motion and Ballistocardiogram Artifact Removal for Interleaved Recording of EEG and EPs during MRI. 1127-1141 - Predrag Petrovic
, Karl Magnus Petersson
, Per Hansson
, Martin Ingvar
A Regression Analysis Study of the Primary Somatosensory Cortex during Pain. 1142-1150 - Jacco A. de Zwart
, Peter van Gelderen, Peter Kellman, Jeff H. Duyn:
Reduction of Gradient Acoustic Noise in MRI Using SENSE-EPI. 1151-1155 - Thomas Stephan, Esther Marx, Hartmut Brückmann, Thomas Brandt, Marianne Dieterich:
Lid Closure Mimics Head Movement in fMRI. 1156-1158 - P. Read Montague, Gregory S. Berns, Jonathan D. Cohen, Samuel M. McClure, Giuseppe Pagnoni
, Mukesh Dhamala, Michael C. Wiest, Igor Karpov, Richard D. King, Nathan Apple, Ronald E. Fisher:
Hyperscanning: Simultaneous fMRI during Linked Social Interactions. 1159-1164

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