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Operations Research, Volume 21
Volume 21, Number 1, January / February 1973
- Mokhtar S. Bazaraa, Jamie J. Goode:
On Symmetric Duality in Nonlinear Programming. 1-9 - Mandell Bellmore, Ramakrishna R. Vemuganti:
On Multi-Commodity Maximal Dynamic Flows. 10-21 - Gabriel R. Bitran, A. G. Novaes:
Linear Programming with a Fractional Objective Function. 22-29 - Jerome Bracken, James T. McGill:
A Convex Programming Model for Optimizing SLBM Attack of Bomber Bases. 30-36 - Jerome Bracken, James T. McGill:
Mathematical Programs with Optimization Problems in the Constraints. 37-44 - Gordon H. Bradley, Pran N. Wahi:
An Algorithm for Integer Linear Programming: A Combined Algebraic and Enumeration Approach. 45-60 - Claude-Alain Burdet:
Enumerative Cuts: I. 61-89 - Martin Dillon:
Heuristic Selection of Advanced Bases for a Class of Linear Programming Models. 90-100 - Richard L. Francis:
A Minimax Facility-Configuration Problem Involving Lattice Points. 101-111 - Stanley J. Garstka, David P. Rutenberg:
Computation in Discrete Stochastic Programs with Recourse. 112-122 - Fred W. Glover
Convexity Cuts and Cut Search. 123-134 - Fred W. Glover
, Darwin Klingman:
Concave Programming Applied to a Special Class of 0-1 Integer Programs. 135-140 - Fred W. Glover, Darwin Klingman:
The Generalized Lattice-Point Problem. 141-155 - Fred W. Glover
, Eugene Woolsey:
Further Reduction of Zero-One Polynomial Programming Problems to Zero-One linear Programming Problems. 156-161 - Harvey J. Greenberg:
The Generalized Penalty-Function/Surrogate Model. 162-178 - Richard C. Grinold, David S. P. Hopkins:
Computing Optimal Solutions for Infinite-Horizon Mathematical Programs with a Transient Stage. 179-187 - William Hogan:
Directional Derivatives for Extremal-Value Functions with Applications to the Completely Convex Case. 188-209 - Charles A. Holloway:
A Generalized Approach to Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for Concave Programs. 210-220 - Robert G. Jeroslow:
There Cannot be any Algorithm for Integer Programming with Quadratic Constraints. 221-224 - Andrew J. Korsak:
An Algorithm for Globally-Optimal Nonlinear-Cost Multidimensional Flows in Networks and Some Special Applications. 225-239 - Kenneth O. Kortanek, Walter O. Rom, Allen L. Soyster:
Solution Sets of Convex Programs Related to Chemical Equilibrium Problems. 240-246 - T. H. Mattheiss:
An Algorithm for Determining Irrelevant Constraints and all Vertices in Systems of Linear Inequalities. 247-260 - Jean-Claude Picard, H. Donald Ratliff:
A Graph-Theoretic Equivalence for Integer Programs. 261-269 - Charles E. Pinkus, Donald Gross, Richard M. Soland:
Optimal Design of Multiactivity Multifacility Systems by Branch and Bound. 270-283 - V. Srinivasan, Gerald L. Thompson:
An Algorithm for Assigning Uses to Sources in a Special Class of Transportation Problems. 284-295 - M. Sriram, William F. Stevens:
An Example of the Application of Nonlinear Programming to Chemical-Process Optimization. 296-304 - W. A. Thompson Jr., Darrel W. Parke:
Some Properties of Generalized Concave Functions. 305-313 - Richard E. Wendell, Arthur P. Hurter Jr.:
Location Theory, Dominance, and Convexity. 314-320 - Egon Balas:
Technical Note - A Note on the Group Theoretic Approach to Integer Programming and the 0-1 Case. 321-322 - Gordon H. Bradley:
Technical Note - Equivalent Mixed Integer Programming Problems. 323-326 - C. W. Chapoton Jr.:
Technical Note - An Application of Witzgall's Algorithm to a Problem in Radar Signal Design. 326-328 - Jacques Dubois:
Technical Note - Theorems of Convergence for Improved Nonlinear Programming Algorithms. 328-332 - Bruce Faaland:
Technical Note - Solution of the Value-Independent Knapsack Problem by Partitioning. 332-337 - James E. Falk:
Technical Note - Conditions for Global Optimality in Nonlinear Programming. 337-340 - Robert S. Garfinkel:
Technical Note - On Partitioning the Feasible Set in a Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for the Asymmetric Traveling-Salesman Problem. 340-343 - Floyd J. Gould, David S. Rubin:
Technical Note - Rationalizing Discrete Programs. 343-345 - Harvey J. Greenberg:
Technical Note - Bounding Nonconvex Programs by Conjugates. 346-348 - D. K. Guha:
Technical Note - The Set-Covering Problem with Equality Constraints. 348-351 - William W. Hogan:
Technical Note - The Continuity of the Perturbation Function of a Convex Program. 351-352 - Toshihide Ibaraki:
Technical Note - The Use of Cuts in Complementary Programming. 353-359 - R. Jagannathan, M. R. Rao:
Technical Note - A Class of Nonlinear Chance-Constrained Programming Models with Joint Constraints. 360-364 - John J. Jarvis, Duane D. Miller:
Technical Note - Maximal Funnel-Node Flow in an Undirected Network. 365-369 - Bertram Mond:
Technical Note - On a Duality Theorem for a Nonlinear Programming Problem. 369-370 - William M. Raike, James G. Taylor:
Technical Note - Comments on the "Classical" Derivation by Taha and Curry of Optimality Conditions in Linear Programming. 371-372 - Hamdy A. Taha, Guy L. Curry:
Technical Note - Rejoinder. 372 - M. R. Rao:
Technical Note - Some Comments on "Linear" Programming with Absolute-Value Functionals. 373-374 - William J. Reich Jr.:
Technical Note - A Note on Reinverting the Dantzig-Wolfe Type Decomposed LP Basis. 374-376 - David P. Rutenberg:
Technical Note - Risk Aversion in Stochastic Programming with Recourse. 377-380 - Graham Smith:
Technical Note - Further Necessary Conditions for the Existence of a Solution to the Multi-Index Problem. 380-386 - Vincent A. Sposito:
Technical Note - Solutions of a Special Class of Linear Programming Problems. 386-388 - Cornelis van de Panne:
Technical Note - Parameterizing an Activity Vector in Linear Programming. 389-390 - Sanjo Zlobec, Adi Ben-Israel:
Technical Note - Explicit Solutions of Interval Linear Programs. 390-393 - Leslie C. Edie, Robert E. Machol, W. Edward Cushen:
The 1972 Lanchester Prize - Call for Nominations. 399
Volume 21, Number 2, March / April 1973
- Meir G. Kohn, Yakir Plessner:
An Applicable Model of Optimal Marketing Policy. 401-412 - Allen D. Franklin, Ernest Koenigsberg:
Computed School Assignments in a Large District. 413-426 - Michael Radnor, Rodney D. Neal:
The Progress of Management-Science Activities in Large US Industrial Corporations. 427-450 - Rodney D. Neal, Michael Radnor:
The Relation between Formal Procedures for Pursuing OR/MS Activities and OR/MS Group Success. 451-474 - Dennis E. Smith:
An Empirical Investigation of Optimum-Seeking in the Computer Simulation Situation. 475-497 - Shen Lin, Brian W. Kernighan:
An Effective Heuristic Algorithm for the Traveling-Salesman Problem. 498-516 - Edward Minieka:
Maximal, Lexicographic, and Dynamic Network Flows. 517-527 - Richard C. Grinold:
Calculating Maximal Flows in a Network with Positive Gains. 528-541 - Donald Erlenkotter:
Sequencing Expansion Projects. 542-553 - John O. McClain, L. Joseph Thomas:
Response-Variance Tradeoffs in Adaptive Forecasting. 554-568 - Donald P. Gaver, Gerald S. Shedler:
Processor Utilization in Multiprogramming Systems via Diffusion Approximations. 569-576 - Nicos Christofides, I. Colloff:
The Rearrangement of Items in a Warehouse. 577-589 - Richard M. Soland:
Optimal Defensive Missile Allocation: A Discrete Min-Max Problem. 590-596 - Thoddi C. T. Kotiah, N. B. Slater:
On Two-Server Poisson Queues with Two Types of Customers. 597-603 - Uri Yechiali:
A Queuing-Type Birth-and-Death Process Defined on a Continuous-Time Markov Chain. 604-609 - M. Posner:
Single-Server Queues with Service Time Dependent on Waiting Time. 610-616 - Paul G. Marlin:
On the Ergodic Theory of Markov Chains. 617-622 - Asha Seth Kapadia:
A k-Server Queue with Phase Input and Service Distribution. 623-628 - Irwin Greenberg:
Distribution-Free Analysis of M/G/1 and G/M/1 Queues. 629-635 - H. Ali:
Technical Note - Distribution of the Mean Queue Size for the Time-Dependent Queue. 636-638 - David Silverman, Benjamin L. Schwartz:
Technical Note - How to Win by Losing. 639-643 - S. K. Goyal:
Technical Note - Economic Packaging Frequency for Items Jointly Replenished. 644-647 - Iram J. Weinstein, Oliver S. Yu:
Technical Note - Comment on an Integer Maximization Problem. 648-650 - Warren Dent:
Technical Note - A Note on Lipstein's Model of Consumer Behavior. 650-652 - Joel D. Barkan, James E. Bruno:
Errata. 653
Volume 21, Number 3, May / June 1973
- Russell L. Ackoff:
Science in the Systems Age: Beyond IE, OR, and MS. 661-671 - Stuart H. Mann:
On the Optimal Size for Exploited Natural Animal Populations. 672-676 - William F. Hamilton, Michael A. Moses:
An Optimization Model for Corporate Financial Planning. 677-692 - William J. Abernathy, Nicholas Baloff, John C. Hershey, Sten Wandel:
A Three-Stage Manpower Planning and Scheduling Model - A Service-Sector Example. 693-711 - Thomas W. Knowles:
An Artificial-Variable Elimination Method for Solving Block-Diagonal Programming Problems. 712-727 - Jay K. Satia, Roy E. Lave Jr.:
Markovian Decision Processes with Uncertain Transition Probabilities. 728-740 - Milton C. Chew Jr.:
Optimal Stopping in a Discrete Search Problem. 741-747 - S. K. Srinivasan, M. N. Gopalan:
Probabilistic Analysis of a Two-Unit System with a Warm Standby and a Single Repair Facility. 748-754 - Thomas K. Wignall:
Priority Queuing Systems with and without Feedback. 764-776 - Colin E. Bell:
Efficient Operation of Optional-Priority Queuing Systems. 777-786 - A. Kuczura:
Loss Systems with Mixed Renewal and Poisson Inputs. 787-795 - Seth Bonder:
Operations Research Education: Some Requirements and Deficiencies. 796-809 - Kneale T. Marshall:
A Comparison of Two Personnel Prediction Models. 810-822 - Bala K. R. Balachandran, Donald Gerwin:
Variable-Work Models for Predicting Course Enrollments. 823-834 - James S. Dyer:
A Procedure for Selecting Educational Goal Areas for Emphasis. 835-845 - W. A. Horn:
Technical Note - Minimizing Average Flow Time with Parallel Machines. 846-847 - Richard C. Grinold:
Technical Note - Elimination of Suboptimal Actions in Markov Decision Problems. 848-851 - James P. Ignizio:
Letter to the Editor - Validating Claims for Algorithms Proposed for Publication. 852-854 - John B. Jennings, Peter Kolesar:
Letter to the Editor - Comments on a Blood-Bank Inventory Model of Pegels and Jelmert. 855-858 - Stafford Beer, Abraham Charnes, William W. Cooper, B. Mellon, Robert E. D. Woolsey:
Letter to the Editor - Comments on a Letter by Woolsey. 858-861 - Sumer C. Aggarwal:
Letter to the Editor - An Example of Ignall and Schrage. 862
Volume 21, Number 4, July / August 1973
- James M. Dobbie:
Some Search Problems with False Contacts. 907-925 - Frank E. Grubbs, John H. Shuford:
A New Formulation of Lanchester Combat Theory. 926-941 - Yasushi Kawara:
An Allocation Problem of Support Fire in Combat as a Differential Game. 942-951 - William Shonick, James R. Jackson:
An Improved Stochastic Model for Occupancy-Related Random Variables in General-Acute Hospitals. 952-965 - Nils Blomqvist:
Serial Correlation in a Simple Dam Processs. 966-973 - Barry I. Marks:
State Probabilities of M/M/1 Priority Queues. 974-987 - Bill Mitchell:
Variance Reduction by Antithetic Variates in GI/G/1 Queuing Simulations. 988-997 - Suresh P. Sethi:
Optimal Control of the Vidale-Wolfe Advertising Model. 998-1013
Volume 21, Number 5, September / October 1973
- Harlan Cleveland:
Systems, Purposes, and the Watergate. 1019-1023 - Leslie C. Edie:
The Quality and Maturity of Operations Research. 1024-1029 - Edward J. Rising, Robert Baron, Barry Averill:
A Systems Analysis of a University-Health-Service Outpatient Clinic. 1030-1047 - Masao Nakamura:
Some Programming Problems in Population Projection. 1048-1062 - Robert E. Kohn:
Labor Displacement and Air-Pollution Control. 1063-1070 - Richard D. Smallwood, Edward J. Sondik:
The Optimal Control of Partially Observable Markov Processes over a Finite Horizon. 1071-1088 - Richard E. Beckwith:
Planning the 41st ORSA Meeting: The Visiting-Fireman Problem, I. 1089-1094 - Larry R. Arnold, Richard E. Beckwith, Carl M. Jones:
Scheduling the 41st-ORSA-Meeting Sessions: The Visiting-Fireman Problem, II. 1095-1103 - Charles J. Cicchetti, Anthony C. Fisher, V. Kerry Smith:
Economic Models and Planning Outdoor Recreation. 1104-1113 - Marshall L. Fisher:
Optimal Solution of Scheduling Problems Using Lagrange Multipliers: Part I. 1114-1127 - Robert G. Jeroslow:
Asymptotic Linear Programming. 1128-1141 - Jeffery L. Kennington, V. E. Unger:
The Group-Theoretic Structure in the Fixed-Charge Transportation Problem. 1142-1153 - Allen L. Soyster:
Technical Note - Convex Programming with Set-Inclusive Constraints and Applications to Inexact Linear Programming. 1154-1157 - Roger A. Blau:
Technical Note - Decomposition Techniques for the Chebyshev Problem. 1157-1163 - Ernest M. Scheuer:
Technical Note - Maximum and Minimum Service Times for Batches of Jobs with an Unknown Number of Servers. 1163-1167
Volume 21, Number 6, November / December 1973
- C. H. Springer:
Strategic Management in General Electric. 1177-1182 - Bruce D. Fielitz, T. N. Bhargava:
The Behavior of Stock-Price Relatives - A Markovian Analysis. 1183-1199 - John M. Cozzolino, Michael J. Zahner:
The Maximum-Entropy Distribution of the Future Market Price of a Stock. 1200-1211 - Benjamin Avi-Itzhak, Daniel P. Heyman:
Approximate Queuing Models for Multiprogramming Computer Systems. 1212-1230 - Edward P. C. Kao:
Optimal Replacement Rules when Changes of State are Semi-Markovian. 1231-1249 - Wlodzimierz Szwarc:
Optimal Elimination Methods in the m × n Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem. 1250-1259 - Philip B. Zwart:
Nonlinear Programming: Counterexamples to Two Global Optimization Algorithms. 1260-1266 - Rick Hesse:
A Heuristic Search Procedure for Estimating a Global Solution of Nonconvex Programming Problems. 1267-1280 - Colin E. Bell:
Optimal Operation of an M/G/1 Priority Queue with Removable Server. 1281-1290 - Gershon G. Furman, Harvey J. Greenberg:
Optimal Weapon Allocation with Overlapping Area Defenses. 1291-1308 - Paul H. Randolph, Gary E. Swinson, Carl Ellingsen:
Technical Note - Stopping Rules for Sequencing Problems. 1309-1315 - Dennis W. McLeavey:
Technical Note - On an Algorithm of Ghare and Taylor. 1315-1318 - W. Karl Kruse, Alan J. Kaplan:
Technical Note - On a Paper by Simon. 1318-1322 - Stephen L. Robinson:
Corrections to a Paper by Hershaft on Decoy Effectiveness. 1322 - Basil A. Kalymon:
Errata. 1323

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