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Discrete Mathematics, Volume 311
Volume 311, Number 1, January 2011
- Jordan Paschke, Jeffrey Burkert, Rebecca Fehribach:
Computing and estimating the number of n-ary Huffman sequences of a specified length. 1-7 - Charles J. Colbourn, Gennian Ge, Alan C. H. Ling:
Optical grooming with grooming ratio nine. 8-15 - Hengming Zhao, Dianhua Wu, Z. Mo:
Further results on optimal (v, {3, k}, 1, {1/2, 1/2})-OOCs for k=4, 5. 16-23 - Junling Zhou, Yanxun Chang, Zihong Tian:
Large sets of resolvable idempotent Latin squares. 24-31 - Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
, M. Young:
Graphs of arbitrary excessive class. 32-37 - Genzhen Yu:
The energy and spanning trees of the Aztec diamonds. 38-44 - Ying Xu, Jixiang Meng:
Gaussian integral circulant digraphs. 45-50 - Jean-Luc Baril:
Cyclic and lift closures for k...21-avoiding permutations. 51-57 - Denis S. Krotov
, Vladimir N. Potapov
On connection between reducibility of an n-ary quasigroup and that of its retracts. 58-66 - Jens Vygen:
Splitting trees at vertices. 67-69 - Zejun Huang, Xingzhi Zhan:
Digraphs that have at most one walk of a given length with the same endpoints. 70-79 - Alexander V. Gnedin:
Coherent random permutations with biased record statistics. 80-91 - Min Chen, André Raspaud, Nicolas Roussel, Xuding Zhu:
Acyclic 4-choosability of planar graphs. 92-101 - Abbas Mehrabian:
The capture time of grids. 102-105 - Martin Kochol:
Three measures of edge-uncolorability. 106-108
Volume 311, Numbers 2-3, February 2011
- Gerhard Larcher, Heidrun Zellinger:
On irregularities of distribution of weighted sums-of-digits. 109-123 - David Meier:
On the existence of latin squares with special distribution properties. 124-131 - Majid Behbahani, Clement W. H. Lam:
Strongly regular graphs with non-trivial automorphisms. 132-144 - H. Michael Damm:
Half quasigroups and generalized quasigroup orthogonality. 145-153 - Oleg V. Borodin, Anna O. Ivanova
List injective colorings of planar graphs. 154-165 - Charles R. Johnson, Paul R. McMichael:
The change in multiplicity of an eigenvalue of a Hermitian matrix associated with the removal of an edge from its graph. 166-170 - Arseniy V. Akopyan, Alexey A. Glazyrin, Oleg R. Musin, Alexey S. Tarasov:
The extremal spheres theorem. 171-177 - Marek Niezgoda:
Remarks on convex functions and separable sequences, II. 178-185 - Fan Yang, Xiangwen Li:
Small cycle covers of 3-connected cubic graphs. 186-196 - Manouchehr Zaker:
Bounds for chromatic number in terms of even-girth and booksize. 197-204 - Timothy D. LeSaulnier, Sujith Vijay:
On permutations avoiding arithmetic progressions. 205-207 - András Gyárfás, Jenö Lehel:
Trees in greedy colorings of hypergraphs. 208-209
Volume 311, Number 4, February 2011
- José M. Rodríguez, José María Sigarreta
, Jean-Marie Vilaire, María Villeta:
On the hyperbolicity constant in graphs. 211-219 - James H. Schmerl:
Dividing a polygon into two similar polygons. 220-231 - Chao Li, Weifan Wang, André Raspaud:
Upper bounds on the linear chromatic number of a graph. 232-238 - Mauro Zannetti
A characterization of the external lines of a hyperoval cone in PG(3, q), q even. 239-243 - Jason I. Brown
, Richard Hoshino:
Well-covered circulant graphs. 244-251 - David M. Howard, Stephen J. Young
When linear and weak discrepancy are equal. 252-257 - Cristian Lenart:
Hall-Littlewood polynomials, alcove walks, and fillings of Young diagrams. 258-275 - Femke Douma:
A lattice point problem on the regular tree. 276-281 - Shiying Wang, Ruixia Wang:
Independent sets and non-augmentable paths in arc-locally in-semicomplete digraphs and quasi-arc-transitive digraphs. 282-288 - Alberto Alexandre Assis Miranda, Cláudio Leonardo Lucchesi:
Matching signatures and Pfaffian graphs. 289-294 - Murad Banaji
, Carrie G. Rutherford
P-matrices and signed digraphs. 295-301 - M. Zh. Nikoghosyan, Zh. G. Nikoghosyan:
Large cycles in 4-connected graphs. 302-306 - Saad I. El-Zanati, G. F. Seelinger, Papa A. Sissokho
, L. E. Spence, Charles Vanden Eynden:
On lambda-fold partitions of finite vector spaces and duality. 307-318 - Hong Bian, Fuji Zhang, Guoping Wang, Haizheng Yu:
Matching polynomials for chains of cycles. 319-323 - Tomás Vetrík
, Rinovia Simanjuntak
, Edy Tri Baskoro
Large bipartite Cayley graphs of given degree and diameter. 324-326
Volume 311, Number 5, March 2011
- Radoslav Fulek
, Filip Moric, David Pritchard:
Diameter bounds for planar graphs. 327-335 - Thierry Vallée, Alain Bretto
A new closure concept preserving graph Hamiltonicity and based on neighborhood equivalence. 336-341 - Kishore Yadav, Satish Varagani, Kishore Kothapalli, V. Ch. Venkaiah:
Acyclic vertex coloring of graphs of maximum degree 5. 342-348 - Juliana Freire, Joel Spencer:
Proppian random walks in Z. 349-361 - Jan Baldeaux, Josef Dick
, Friedrich Pillichshammer
Duality theory and propagation rules for higher order nets. 362-386
Volume 311, Number 6, March 2011
- Aimin Xu, Zhongdi Cen:
On a q-analogue of Faà di Bruno's determinant formula. 387-392 - William Y. C. Chen, Ernest X. W. Xia:
The ratio monotonicity of the q-derangement numbers. 393-397 - Miodrag Sokic:
Bounds on trees. 398-407 - Jian-Dong Wu, Feng-Juan Chen, Yong-Gao Chen:
On the structure of the sumsets. 408-412 - Jun-Lin Guo, Yue-Li Wang:
3-list-coloring planar graphs of girth 4. 413-417 - William Y. C. Chen, David G. L. Wang
Singletons and adjacencies of set partitions of type B. 418-422 - David Covert, Derrick Hart, Alex Iosevich
, Steven Senger, Ignacio Uriarte-Tuero:
A Furstenberg-Katznelson-Weiss type theorem on (d+1)-point configurations in sets of positive density in finite field geometries. 423-430 - Elaine M. Eschen, Chính T. Hoàng, R. Sritharan, Lorna Stewart:
On the complexity of deciding whether the distinguishing chromatic number of a graph is at most two. 431-434 - Zbigniew R. Bogdanowicz
On arc reversal in balanced digraphs. 435-436 - Andrey Kupavskiy:
On the chromatic number of Rn with an arbitrary norm. 437-440 - Toby Kenney:
The path relation for directed planar graphs in rectangles, and its relation to the free diad. 441-456 - Grant Cairns
, Nhan Bao Ho, Tamás Lengyel:
The Sprague-Grundy function of the real game Euclid. 457-462 - Eugenijus Manstavicius:
Strong convergence on weakly logarithmic combinatorial assemblies. 463-477 - Jianping Ou:
On optimizing edge connectivity of product graphs. 478-492 - Guanglong Yu, Zhengke Miao, Jinlong Shu:
The base of a primitive, nonpowerful sign pattern with exactly d nonzero diagonal entries. 493-503 - Yufei Huang, Bolian Liu, Yingluan Liu:
The signless Laplacian spectral radius of bicyclic graphs with prescribed degree sequences. 504-511 - Július Czap
, Stanislav Jendrol'
, Margit Voigt:
Parity vertex colouring of plane graphs. 512-520
Volume 311, Number 7, April 2011
- Valérie Berthé, Thomas Fernique:
Brun expansions of stepped surfaces. 521-543 - Peter Keevash, Daniela Kühn, Richard Mycroft, Deryk Osthus:
Loose Hamilton cycles in hypergraphs. 544-559 - Richard A. Moy:
On the growth of the counting function of Stanley sequences. 560-562 - Csaba Biró, William T. Trotter:
A combinatorial approach to height sequences in finite partially ordered sets. 563-569
Volume 311, Numbers 8-9, May 2011
- Jing Xu:
Metacirculant tournaments whose order is a product of two distinct primes. 571-576 - Kyle Pula:
A generalization of plexes of Latin squares. 577-581 - Shangwang Tan:
On the Laplacian coefficients of unicyclic graphs with prescribed matching number. 582-594 - Eduardo H. M. Brietzke
, José Plínio O. Santos, R. Silva:
A new approach and generalizations to some results about mock theta functions. 595-615 - Mitre Costa Dourado, Dieter Rautenbach, Philipp Matthias Schäfer:
On finite convexity spaces induced by sets of paths in graphs. 616-619 - Cristobal Rojas
, Serge Troubetzkoy:
Coding discretizations of continuous functions. 620-627 - Xin Wang, Jinhua Wang:
A note on cyclic almost difference families. 628-633 - Christian Bey, Martin Henk
, Matthias Henze
, Eva Linke:
Notes on lattice points of zonotopes and lattice-face polytopes. 634-644 - Laurie M. Lai, T. Kyle Petersen
Euler-Mahonian distributions of type Bn. 645-650 - Jessica Ruth Metcalf-Burton:
Improved upper bounds for the information rates of the secret sharing schemes induced by the Vámos matroid. 651-662 - Xiaomiao Wang
, Yanxun Chang, Ruizhong Wei:
Existence of cyclic (3, λ)-GDD of type gv having prescribed number of short orbits. 663-675 - Addie Armstrong
, Dan McQuillan:
Vertex-magic total labelings of even complete graphs. 676-683 - Nicolas Trotignon, Kristina Vuskovic:
On Roussel-Rubio-type lemmas and their consequences. 684-687 - Shinya Fujita:
Some remarks on long monochromatic cycles in edge-colored complete graphs. 688-689 - Peter Dankelmann
, Henda C. Swart, Paul van den Berg:
The number of edges in a bipartite graph of given radius. 690-698 - Elad Horev
On colorability of graphs with forbidden minors along paths and circuits. 699-704 - José Neto:
From equipartition to uniform cut polytopes: Extended polyhedral results. 705-714 - Michael H. Albert, Steve Linton, Nikola Ruskuc
, Vincent Vatter
, Steve Waton:
On convex permutations. 715-722 - Margaret Archibald
, Arnold Knopfmacher
The largest missing value in a composition of an integer. 723-731
Volume 311, Numbers 10-11, June 2011
- Jen-Ling Shang, Chiang Lin:
Spiders are status unique in trees. 785-791 - Hiroshi Nozaki:
A generalization of Larman-Rogers-Seidel's theorem. 792-799 - Xin Zhang
, Jianliang Wu:
On equitable and equitable list colorings of series-parallel graphs. 800-803 - Miao Liang, Jian Wang, Beiliang Du:
Support sizes of threefold quadruple systems. 804-816 - Xuelian Wen, Zan-Bo Zhang, Dingjun Lou:
M-alternating paths and the construction of defect n-extendable bipartite graphs with different connectivities. 817-826 - Charles J. Colbourn, Petteri Kaski, Patric R. J. Östergård, David A. Pike, Olli Pottonen:
Nearly Kirkman triple systems of order 18 and Hanani triple systems of order 19. 827-834 - Byungchan Kim:
Overpartition pairs modulo powers of 2. 835-840 - Haitao Cao, Wen Li:
Existence of strong symmetric self-orthogonal diagonal Latin squares. 841-843 - Yingqian Wang
, Qijun Zhang:
Decomposing a planar graph with girth at least 8 into a forest and a matching. 844-849 - Gek Ling Chia, Wanida Hemakul, Sirirat Singhun:
Graphs with cyclomatic number two having panconnected square. 850-855 - Hau Chan, Dinesh G. Sarvate:
On 1-Sarvate-Beam designs. 856-865 - Sheshayya A. Choudum, S. Lavanya
Embedding a subclass of trees into hypercubes. 866-871 - Morten Hegner Nielsen, Ortrud R. Oellermann:
Helly theorems for 3-Steiner and 3-monophonic convexity in graphs. 872-880 - Yota Otachi
, Ryohei Suda:
Bandwidth and pathwidth of three-dimensional grids. 881-887 - Khodakhast Bibak
, Mohammad Hassan Shirdareh Haghighi
Degree-equipartite graphs. 888-891 - Arezou Soleimanfallah, Anders Yeo:
A kernel of order 2k-c for Vertex Cover. 892-895
Volume 311, Number 12, June 2011
- Jian-Hua Yin, Yue Zhang:
Pósa-condition and nowhere-zero 3-flows. 897-907 - Roi Krakovski, D. Christopher Stephens:
Structure of 4-connected claw-free graphs not containing a subdivision of K5. 908-910 - N. R. Aravind, T. Karthick, C. R. Subramanian:
Bounding χ in terms of ω and Δ for some classes of graphs. 911-920 - Anna Bieñ:
The problem of singularity for planar grids. 921-931 - Pawel Pralat
Connectivity threshold and recovery time in rank-based models for complex networks. 932-939 - Shi-Chao Chen:
On the number of partitions with distinct even parts. 940-943 - Marc Hellmuth
A local prime factor decomposition algorithm. 944-965 - Zbigniew Lonc
, Miroslaw Truszczynski:
On graph equivalences preserved under extensions. 966-977 - Osamu Shimabukuro:
On structures of modular adjacency algebras of Johnson schemes. 978-983 - C. N. Campos
, Simone Dantas, Célia Picinin de Mello:
The total-chromatic number of some families of snarks. 984-988 - Bhaskar Bagchi, Basudeb Datta:
On Walkup's class K(d) and a minimal triangulation of (S3 X S1)#3. 989-995 - Alexandr V. Kostochka, Michael Stiebitz, Douglas R. Woodall:
Ohba's conjecture for graphs with independence number five. 996-1005 - Hua Gao, Jinhua Wang:
Doyen-Wilson theorem for perfect hexagon triple systems. 1006-1014 - John Asplund, Melissa S. Keranen:
Mutually orthogonal equitable Latin rectangles. 1015-1033 - Gábor Horváth:
A lower bound for the number of blocks of t-(v, k, λ) designs with t odd. 1034-1039 - Hans L. Bodlaender
, Kyohei Kozawa, Takayoshi Matsushima, Yota Otachi
Spanning tree congestion of k-outerplanar graphs. 1040-1045 - Maria Axenovich, Joan P. Hutchinson, Michelle A. Lastrina:
List precoloring extension in planar graphs. 1046-1056 - Jang Soo Kim:
Bijections on two variations of noncrossing partitions. 1057-1063 - Firat Ates, Eylem Güzel Karpuz, Canan Kocapinar, A. Sinan Çevik:
Gröbner-Shirshov bases of some monoids. 1064-1071
Volume 311, Number 13, July 2011
- Keith Edwards:
Preface. 1073 - Peter J. Cameron
Research problems from the BCC22. 1074-1083 - Kiyoshi Ando, Chengfu Qin:
Some structural properties of minimally contraction-critically 5-connected graphs. 1084-1097 - Sian K. Jones
, Stephanie Perkins
, Paul A. Roach
Properties, isomorphisms and enumeration of 2-Quasi-Magic Sudoku grids. 1098-1110 - Hortensia Galeana-Sánchez, Mika Olsen
Kernels by monochromatic paths in digraphs with covering number 2. 1111-1118 - Nirmala Achuthan, N. R. Achuthan, Mudin Simanihuruk
On minimal triangle-free graphs with prescribed k-defective chromatic number. 1119-1127 - Yusuke Higuchi, Atsuhiro Nakamoto
, Katsuhiro Ota, Tadashi Sakuma
N-flips in even triangulations on the torus and Dehn twists preserving monodromies. 1128-1135 - Leonard H. Soicher:
On generalised t-designs and their parameters. 1136-1141 - Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, Lucas C. van der Merwe, Anders Yeo:
On the existence of k-partite or Kp-free total domination edge-critical graphs. 1142-1149 - Carl Johan Casselgren:
Vertex coloring complete multipartite graphs from random lists of size 2. 1150-1157 - S. Arumugam
, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, Yared Nigussie:
Maximal independent sets in minimum colorings. 1158-1163 - Nicholas J. Cavenagh, Carlo Hämäläinen, James G. Lefevre
, Douglas S. Stones:
Multi-latin squares. 1164-1171 - Saieed Akbari
, Ebrahim Ghorbani, Akram Mahmoodi:
On edge star sets in trees. 1172-1178 - Frank De Clerck, Nikias de Feyter:
A new characterization of projections of quadrics in finite projective spaces of even characteristic. 1179-1186 - T. L. Alderson
, Keith E. Mellinger:
Spreads, arcs, and multiple wavelength codes. 1187-1196 - László A. Székely, Hua Wang, Taoyang Wu
The sum of the distances between the leaves of a tree and the 'semi-regular' property. 1197-1203 - Vadim E. Levit
, Eugen Mandrescu:
A simple proof of an inequality connecting the alternating number of independent sets and the decycling number. 1204-1206 - Derek H. Smith
, Niema Aboluion, Roberto Montemanni
, Stephanie Perkins
Linear and nonlinear constructions of DNA codes with Hamming distance d and constant GC-content. 1207-1219 - Peter J. Cameron
, Shamik Ghosh:
The power graph of a finite group. 1220-1222 - Alewyn P. Burger, Martin Philip Kidd, Jan H. van Vuuren
A graph-theoretic proof of the non-existence of self-orthogonal Latin squares of order 6. 1223-1228 - M. J. Morgan, Simon Mukwembi, Henda C. Swart:
On the eccentric connectivity index of a graph. 1229-1234 - Ernest J. Cockayne, Sarada Herke
, Christina M. Mynhardt
Broadcasts and domination in trees. 1235-1246 - Shinya Fujita, Colton Magnant:
Gallai-Ramsey numbers for cycles. 1247-1254
Volume 311, Number 14, July 2011
- George E. Andrews, Wolfgang Gawronski, Lance L. Littlejohn
The Legendre-Stirling numbers. 1255-1272 - Susan A. van Aardt, Marietjie Frick
, Peter Katrenic, Morten Hegner Nielsen:
The order of hypotraceable oriented graphs. 1273-1280 - Xiyong Zhang, Hua Guo, Rongquan Feng, Yifa Li:
Proof of a conjecture about rotation symmetric functions. 1281-1289 - Chao Yang
Sliding puzzles and rotating puzzles on graphs. 1290-1294 - Jonathan Spreer
Normal surfaces as combinatorial slicings. 1295-1309 - Sandi Klavzar
, Michel Mollard, Marko Petkovsek:
The degree sequence of Fibonacci and Lucas cubes. 1310-1322 - Christopher Storm:
An iterative construction of isospectral digraphs. 1323-1332 - Yiting Yang, Linyuan Lu
The Randić index and the diameter of graphs. 1333-1343 - Olof Heden, Cornelis Roos:
The non-existence of some perfect codes over non-prime power alphabets. 1344-1348 - Yu Qing Chen, John B. Polhill:
Paley type group schemes and planar Dembowski-Ostrom polynomials. 1349-1364 - Manouchehr Zaker:
On lower bounds for the chromatic number in terms of vertex degree. 1365-1370 - William Klostermeyer, Christina M. Mynhardt
Graphs with equal eternal vertex cover and eternal domination numbers. 1371-1379 - Henry Towsner
A combinatorial proof of the Dense Hindman's Theorem. 1380-1384 - Gurusamy Rengasamy Vijayakumar:
A property of weighted graphs without induced cycles of nonpositive weights. 1385-1387
Volume 311, Number 15, August 2011
- Gena Hahn, Bojan Mohar:
Preface. 1389 - R. Bruce Richter:
Graph-like spaces: An introduction. 1390-1396 - Imed Boudabbous, Pierre Ille:
Ultracritical and hypercritical binary structures. 1397-1409 - Vladimir Ivanovich Trofimov
On the action of a group on a graph, II. 1410-1417 - Wilfried Imrich
, Sandi Klavzar
Two-ended regular median graphs. 1418-1422 - Reinhard Diestel:
Locally finite graphs with ends: A topological approach, I. Basic theory. 1423-1447 - Péter Komjáth:
The chromatic number of infinite graphs - A survey. 1448-1450 - Péter Komjáth, Jean A. Larson, Norbert Sauer:
The quasi order of graphs on an ordinal. 1451-1460 - Henning Bruhn, Reinhard Diestel:
Infinite matroids in graphs. 1461-1471 - Maya Stein
Extremal infinite graph theory. 1472-1496 - Robert Gray, Rögnvaldur G. Möller:
Locally-finite connected-homogeneous digraphs. 1497-1517 - Ron Aharoni, Eli Berger:
Strongly maximal antichains in posets. 1518-1522 - Agelos Georgakopoulos:
Graph topologies induced by edge lengths. 1523-1542 - Gregory L. Cherlin:
Forbidden substructures and combinatorial dichotomies: WQO and universality. 1543-1584 - Lajos Soukup:
Elementary submodels in infinite combinatorics. 1585-1598 - Dugald Macpherson
A survey of homogeneous structures. 1599-1634
Volume 311, Number 16, August 2011
- Kolja B. Knauer
, Piotr Micek, Torsten Ueckerdt:
How to eat 4/9 of a pizza. 1635-1645 - Mario Cetina, César Hernández-Vélez
, Jesús Leaños, C. Villalobos:
Point sets that minimize (≤k)-edges, 3-decomposable drawings, and the rectilinear crossing number of K30. 1646-1657 - Qingsong Zou, Guojun Li, Aijun Dong:
Ore-type conditions for bipartite graphs containing hexagons. 1658-1665 - Shengzhang Ren:
On some structural properties of generalized fullerene graphs with 13 pentagonal faces. 1666-1669 - Yury L. Orlovich, Jacek Blazewicz
, Alexandre Dolgui
, Gerd Finke, Valery S. Gordon:
On the complexity of the independent set problem in triangle graphs. 1670-1680 - Lifeng Ou, Heping Zhang
, Haiyuan Yao
Determining which Fibonacci (p, r)-cubes can be Z-transformation graphs. 1681-1692 - Bostjan Bresar, Tadeja Kraner Sumenjak, Aleksandra Tepeh Horvat:
The geodetic number of the lexicographic product of graphs. 1693-1698 - Chuanan Wei, Dianxuan Gong, Xiaoming Fu:
Duplicate form of Carlitz inversions and summation formulae. 1699-1713 - Liming Xiong:
Closure operation for even factors on claw-free graphs. 1714-1723 - Roswitha Hofer:
Coquet-type formulas for the rarefied weighted Thue-Morse sequence. 1724-1734 - Konrad Pióro:
Hypergraphs induced by algebras of fixed type. 1735-1753 - Evan Fuller, Jeffrey B. Remmel:
Quasi-symmetric functions and up-down compositions. 1754-1767 - Weihua Yang, Zhao Zhang, Xiaofeng Guo, Eddie Cheng
, László Lipták:
On the edge-connectivity of graphs with two orbits of the same size. 1768-1777 - Toufik Mansour
Adjoint polynomials of bridge-path and bridge-cycle graphs and Chebyshev polynomials. 1778-1785 - Yair Caro, Raphael Yuster
Colorful monochromatic connectivity. 1786-1792 - Sandy H. L. Chen, Amy M. Fu:
A 2n-Point interpolation formula with its applications to q-identities. 1793-1802 - John S. Caughman IV
, Charles L. Dunn
, Nancy Ann Neudauer, Colin L. Starr:
Counting lattice chains and Delannoy paths in higher dimensions. 1803-1812 - Nicholas Korpelainen
, Vadim V. Lozin
Two forbidden induced subgraphs and well-quasi-ordering. 1813-1822 - Washiela Fish, Jennifer D. Key, Eric C. Mwambene:
Codes from the incidence matrices of graphs on 3-sets. 1823-1840 - Palanivel Subramania Nadar Paulraja, S. Sampath Kumar
Resolvable even cycle decompositions of the tensor product of complete graphs. 1841-1850 - Spencer P. Hurd, Dinesh G. Sarvate:
Group divisible designs with three unequal groups and larger first index. 1851-1859 - Vassil Yorgov:
Erratum to "The extremal codes of length 42 with automorphism of order 7" [Discrete Math. 190(1998) 201-213]. 1860-1861
Volume 311, Number 17, September 2011
- Geoffrey Exoo, Ville Junnila
, Tero Laihonen
Locating-dominating codes in paths. 1863-1873 - Yotsanan Meemark, Thanakorn Prinyasart:
On symplectic graphs modulo pn. 1874-1878 - Olof Heden:
On the size of the symmetry group of a perfect code. 1879-1885 - Kiyoshi Hosono:
On an empty triangle with the maximum area in planar point sets. 1886-1891 - Nayandeep Deka Baruah
, Bipul Kumar Sarmah:
Congruences for generalized Frobenius partitions with 4 colors. 1892-1902 - Hiroshi Maehara:
On a proper acute triangulation of a polyhedral surface. 1903-1909 - Daniel W. Cranston
, Gexin Yu:
Linear choosability of sparse graphs. 1910-1917 - Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, Lucas C. van der Merwe, Anders Yeo:
On a conjecture of Murty and Simon on diameter 2-critical graphs. 1918-1924 - Kiyoshi Ando, Takashi Iwase:
The number of vertices of degree 5 in a contraction-critically 5-connected graph. 1925-1939 - Xiangneng Zeng, Pingzhi Yuan:
Weighted Davenport's constant and the weighted EGZ Theorem. 1940-1947 - Olivier Delmas, Sylvain Gravier, Mickaël Montassier, Aline Parreau:
On two variations of identifying codes. 1948-1956 - Denis Cornaz:
Max-multiflow/min-multicut for G+H series-parallel. 1957-1967 - Danilo Artigas
, Simone Dantas, Mitre Costa Dourado, Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter:
Partitioning a graph into convex sets. 1968-1977 - Xing Gao, Wenwen Liu, Yanfeng Luo
On the extendability of certain semi-Cayley graphs of finite abelian groups. 1978-1987 - Jin Yan:
Nowhere-zero 3-flows and Z3-connectivity of a family of graphs. 1988-1994 - Helge Tverberg:
On a Lovász-type lemma, applied to Brooks' theorem for list-colouring. 1995-1997 - Katarzyna Rybarczyk
Diameter, connectivity, and phase transition of the uniform random intersection graph. 1998-2019 - Maria Axenovich, JiHyeok Choi:
A note on the monotonicity of mixed Ramsey numbers. 2020-2023
Volume 311, Numbers 18-19, October 2011
- Bing Wang, Jianliang Wu:
Total colorings of planar graphs with maximum degree seven and without intersecting 3-cycles. 2025-2030 - Michael A. Henning, Christian Löwenstein, Dieter Rautenbach:
Dominating sets, packings, and the maximum degree. 2031-2036 - Douglas Bauer
, Michael Yatauro, Nathan Kahl
, Edward F. Schmeichel:
Best monotone degree conditions for binding number. 2037-2043 - Hongliang Lu, Wei Wang, Bing Bai:
Vertex-deleted subgraphs and regular factors from regular graph. 2044-2048 - Lankun Guo, Fangping Huang, Qingguo Li
, Guo-Qiang Zhang
Power contexts and their concept lattices. 2049-2063 - Matthieu Josuat-Vergès, Martin Rubey:
Crossings, Motzkin paths and moments. 2064-2078 - Gábor N. Sárközy, Stanley M. Selkow, Fei Song:
Vertex partitions of non-complete graphs into connected monochromatic k-regular graphs. 2079-2084 - Susan A. van Aardt, Jean E. Dunbar, Marietjie Frick
, Morten Hegner Nielsen:
Cycles in k-traceable oriented graphs. 2085-2094 - Oliver Schaudt:
On the existence of total dominating subgraphs with a prescribed additive hereditary property. 2095-2101 - Ka Hin Leung, Qing Xiang:
Erratum to "On the dimensions of the binary codes of a class of unitals" [Discrete Math. 309(2009) 570-575]. 2102-2103
Volume 311, Number 20, October 2011
- David J. Galvin:
Two problems on independent sets in graphs. 2105-2112 - Michael E. Picollelli:
Set systems without a 3-simplex. 2113-2116 - Guanglong Yu, Yarong Wu, Yajie Zhang, Jinlong Shu:
Some graft transformations and its application on a distance spectrum. 2117-2123 - Ondrej Klíma:
Piecewise testable languages via combinatorics on words. 2124-2127 - William Y. C. Chen, Cindy C. Y. Gu, Kevin J. Ma, Larry X. W. Wang:
Higher order log-concavity in Euler's difference table. 2128-2134 - Aung Kyaw
Spanning trees with at most k leaves in K1, 4-free graphs. 2135-2142 - Vasek Chvátal, Dieter Rautenbach, Philipp Matthias Schäfer:
Finite Sholander trees, trees, and their betweenness. 2143-2147 - Masaaki Harada:
On the residue codes of extremal Type II Z4-codes of lengths 32 and 40. 2148-2157 - Rui Li, Baogang Xu:
Edge choosability and total choosability of planar graphs with no 3-cycles adjacent 4-cycles. 2158-2163 - Jane Holsapple Long
, Sarah Crown Rundell:
The Hodge structure of the coloring complex of a hypergraph. 2164-2173 - Cheng Yeaw Ku, Kok Bin Wong:
Generalized D-graphs for nonzero roots of the matching polynomial. 2174-2186 - Richard P. Anstee, C. G. W. Meehan:
Forbidden configurations and repeated induction. 2187-2197 - Robert A. Beeler, D. Paul Hoilman:
Peg solitaire on graphs. 2198-2202 - József Balogh, Alexandr V. Kostochka:
Large minors in graphs with given independence number. 2203-2215 - Ilhan Hacioglu
, T. S. Michael:
The p-ranks of residual and derived skew Hadamard designs. 2216-2219 - Haitao Cao, Meixin Niu, C. Tang:
On the existence of cycle frames and almost resolvable cycle systems. 2220-2232 - Mohammad J. Nadjafi-Arani
, H. Khodashenas, A. R. Ashrafi
On the differences between Szeged and Wiener indices of graphs. 2233-2237 - Francesca Cioffi
, Paolo Lella
, Maria Grazia Marinari, Margherita Roggero:
Segments and Hilbert schemes of points. 2238-2252 - Geertrui Van de Voorde:
On sets without tangents and exterior sets of a conic. 2253-2258 - Xiao-Hui Hua, Yan-Quan Feng
, Jaeun Lee:
Pentavalent symmetric graphs of order 2pq. 2259-2267 - Michael Molloy, Giovanna Thron:
The adaptable choosability number grows with the choosability number. 2268-2271 - Gaokui Xu, Shengjia Li, Hongwei Li, Qiaoping Guo:
Strong subtournaments of order c containing a given vertex in regular c-partite tournaments with c≥16. 2272-2275 - Mao Li, Qianrong Tan:
Divisibility of matrices associated with multiplicative functions. 2276-2282 - Horst Trinker:
The triple distribution of codes and ordered codes. 2283-2294 - Hong-Jian Lai, Hao Li, Ping Li, Yanting Liang, Senmei Yao:
Group connectivity in line graphs. 2295-2307
Volume 311, Number 21, November 2011
- Rongquan Feng, Robert Jajcay, Yan Wang:
Regular t-balanced Cayley maps for abelian groups. 2309-2316 - Xiaogang Liu
, Suijie Wang
, Yuanping Zhang, Xuerong Yong:
On the spectral characterization of some unicyclic graphs. 2317-2336 - Nicla Bernasconi, Julian Lorenz, Reto Spöhel:
Von Neumann and Newman poker with a flip of hand values. 2337-2345 - Pierre Ille, Robert E. Woodrow:
Decomposition tree of a lexicographic product of binary structures. 2346-2358 - L. Sunil Chandran, Rogers Mathew
, Naveen Sivadasan:
Boxicity of line graphs. 2359-2367 - Fumio Hazama:
Spectra of graphs attached to the space of melodies. 2368-2383 - Seth Pettie:
Degrees of nonlinearity in forbidden 0-1 matrix problems. 2396-2410 - A. L. Drizen, Mike J. Grannell, Terry S. Griggs:
Pasch trades with a negative block. 2411-2416 - R. Sampathkumar, S. Srinivasan:
Cyclic orthogonal double covers of 4-regular circulant graphs. 2417-2422 - Elizabeth J. Billington, Dean G. Hoffman:
Lambda-fold 2-perfect 6-cycle systems in equipartite graphs. 2423-2427 - L'udmila Bezegová, Jaroslav Ivanco:
On conservative and supermagic graphs. 2428-2436 - Wanzhou Ye:
A note on properties of locally finitely convergent sequences with respect to median filter. 2437-2441 - Yanxun Chang, Tao Feng
, Giovanni Lo Faro
, Antoinette Tripodi
The fine triangle intersection problem for K4-e-designs. 2442-2462 - Yichao Chen, Lu Ou, Qian Zou:
Total embedding distributions of Ringel ladders. 2463-2474 - Jun Fujisawa
, Katsuhiro Ota, Kenta Ozeki
, Gabriel Sueiro:
Forbidden induced subgraphs for star-free graphs. 2475-2484 - Jian-Hua Yin:
A Rao-type characterization for a sequence to have a realization containing a split graph. 2485-2489 - Ping Sheng, Yingqian Wang
On acyclic edge coloring of planar graphs without intersecting triangles. 2490-2495 - Emma Yu Jin
, Christian M. Reidys:
Random induced subgraphs of Cayley graphs induced by transpositions. 2496-2511 - Clemens Heuberger, Stephan G. Wagner:
The number of maximum matchings in a tree. 2512-2542 - Dragan Masulovic
, Rajko Nenadov
, Nemanja Skoric:
On finite reflexive homomorphism-homogeneous binary relational systems. 2543-2555 - Ajit A. Diwan, Josh B. Frye, Michael Plantholt, Shailesh K. Tipnis:
A sufficient condition for the existence of an anti-directed 2-factor in a directed graph. 2556-2562 - Yun Wang, Baoyindureng Wu:
Proof of a conjecture on connectivity of Kronecker product of graphs. 2563-2565 - Michal Adamaszek
, Jonathan Ariel Barmak:
On a lower bound for the connectivity of the independence complex of a graph. 2566-2569 - Július Czap
Parity vertex coloring of outerplane graphs. 2570-2573 - Lianying Miao, Jibin Qu, Qingbo Sun:
On the average degree of critical graphs with maximum degree six. 2574-2576 - Deepak Bal, Andrzej Dudek, Zelealem B. Yilma
On the maximum number of edges in a hypergraph with a unique perfect matching. 2577-2580 - Jessica Striker:
A direct bijection between descending plane partitions with no special parts and permutation matrices. 2581-2585
Volume 311, Number 22, November 2011
- Arbind Kumar Lal, Sumit Mohanty
, Nandini Nilakantan:
Combinatorial PDEs on Cayley and coset graphs. 2587-2592 - Kinkar Chandra Das:
Maximal and minimal entry in the principal eigenvector for the distance matrix of a graph. 2593-2600 - Manoj Changat
, Anandavally K. Lakshmikuttyamma, Joseph Mathews, Iztok Peterin
, Prasanth G. Narasimha-Shenoi
, Aleksandra Tepeh:
A note on 3-Steiner intervals and betweenness. 2601-2609 - Kagan Kursungöz
, Ae Ja Yee:
Alternating permutations and the mth descents. 2610-2622 - Bin Jia:
A construction of imprimitive symmetric graphs which are not multicovers of their quotients. 2623-2629 - Michael Coons
, Jeffrey O. Shallit:
A pattern sequence approach to Stern's sequence. 2630-2633 - Andrzej Zak:
A note on k-placeable graphs. 2634-2636
Volume 311, Numbers 23-24, December 2011
- Andrew Beveridge, Milan Bradonjic:
On the mixing time of geographical threshold graphs. 2637-2649 - Ping Zhao, Kefeng Diao, Kaishun Wang:
The chromatic spectrum of 3-uniform bi-hypergraphs. 2650-2656 - Min Soo Sim, Hwa Kyung Kim:
On generalized competition index of a primitive tournament. 2657-2662 - Hossein Hajiabolhassan
A generalization of Kneser's conjecture. 2663-2668 - Shanhai Li, Jun Ma:
Some equitably 3-colorable cycle decompositions of Kv+I. 2669-2676 - Shixin Zhu, Liqi Wang:
A class of constacyclic codes over Fp+vFp and its Gray image. 2677-2682 - Weihua Yang, Zhao Zhang, Chengfu Qin
, Xiaofeng Guo:
On super 2-restricted and 3-restricted edge-connected vertex transitive graphs. 2683-2689 - Paul-Olivier Dehaye
, Guo-Niu Han:
A multiset hook length formula and some applications. 2690-2702 - Lutz Warnke:
Dense subgraphs in the H-free process. 2703-2707 - De-Yin Zheng
An algebraic identity on q-Apéry numbers. 2708-2710 - Xiaoyun Lu:
A note on Barnette's conjecture. 2711-2715

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