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Computación y Sistemas, Volume 27
Volume 27, Number 1, 2023
- Kazizat Iskakov, Dinara Tokseit, Samat Boranbaev, Iskander Akhmetov, Irina Gelbukh:
Computer Modeling of the Outgoing GPR Signal. - Erika Yolanda Aguilar del Villar, Mario Alberto Sánchez Flores, Jesús Jaime Moreno Escobar, Oswaldo Morales Matamoros, Ricardo Tejeida Padilla:
Power Spectral Analysis of Bioacoustic Signals Emitted by a Bottlenose Dolphin when Performing Assisted Therapy. - Arturo Heredia Márquez, Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas, Gilberto Martínez-Luna:
Feature Selection Ordered By Correlation - FSOC. - Hugo David Calderon-Vilca, Andres Leonardo Satornicio Medina, Reynaldo Sucari Leon:
Music Recommender System based on Sentiment Analysis Enhanced with Natural Language Processing Technics. - Marcos Andrés Jiménez Moreno, José del Carmen Jiménez-Hernández, José Roberto Hernandez Barajas, Aureo Rivera Cordova, Juan Gabriel Plazas Quiroga:
Simulation and Optimization of Hydraulics Applied to Oil Well Drilling. - Jacobo Sandoval-Gutiérrez, Juan Carlos Herrera-Lozada, Gerardo Abel Laguna-Sanchez, Jesús Antonio Álvarez-Cedillo:
Numerical Analysis of Atan2() for Embedded Systems. - Nayma Cepero-Pérez, Mailyn Moreno-Espino, Eduardo F. Morales, Milton García-Borroto:
Progressive Forest: An Early Stopping Criteria For Building Ensembles. - Israel Jesús Orlando Guerrero:
Procedimiento para obtener modelos lineales de cinética de color en frutos. - Rigoberto Cerino Jiménez, David Eduardo Pinto Avendaño, Sergio Vergara-Limón, Fernando Pérez-Téllez:
Estimulación visual basada en conceptos y su análisis mediante electroencefalografía. - Aleksei V. Abramov, Vladimir Ivanov, Valery D. Solovyev:
Lexical Complexity Evaluation based on Context for Russian Language. - Luis Diego Baños-Zamora, Arturo Téllez-Velázquez, Rosebet Miranda-Luna:
Comparative Analysis of Clustering Methods for Fuzzy Classifiers Simplification. - Alejandro Escalante-Hernandez, Luis Joaquín Arellano, José de Jesús Lavalle-Martínez, Luis Villaseñor Pineda, Hugo Jair Escalante:
Towards the Monitoring of Violent Events in Social Media through Visual Information. - Daniel Molina Pérez, Efrén Mezura-Montes, Edgar Alfredo Portilla-Flores, Eduardo Vega-Alvarado:
An Improved Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Problems: EDAIImv. - Ramon Soto de la Cruz, Félix Agustín Castro Espinoza, Liz Soto:
Isodata-Based Method for Clustering Surveys Responses with Mixed Data: The 2021 StackOverflow Developer Survey.
- Jose R. Martínez-García, Ramón René Palacio Cinco, Francisco Edgar Castillo-Barrera, Juan Carlos Cuevas-Tello, Gilberto Borrego:
Knowledge Condensation Model to Support Expertise Location in Software Development.
- Osslan Osiris Vergara-Villegas, Vianey Guadalupe Cruz Sánchez, Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela, Jesús Ariel Carrasco-Ochoa, José Francisco Martínez Trinidad, José Arturo Olvera-López:
Thematic Section: Advances in Pattern Recognition. - Sandra Eugenia Barajas Montiel, Eduardo F. Morales, Hugo Jair Escalante, Carlos Alberto Reyes García:
Automatic Selection of Multi-view Learning Techniques and Views for Pattern Recognition in Electroencephalogram Signals. - Adrián Rodríguez Ramos, Francisco Javier Ortiz Ortiz, Orestes Llanes-Santiago:
A Proposal of Robust Condition Monitoring Scheme for Industrial Systems. - Gustavo Ulloa-Poblete, Héctor Allende-Cid, Alejandro Veloz, Héctor Allende:
Edges-enhanced Convolutional Neural Network for Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Segmentation. - Rocio Ochoa-Montiel, Humberto Sossa, Gustavo Olague, Carlos Sánchez-López:
Automatic Recognition of Leukemia AML Using Evolutionary Vision. - Oscar Roberto Chaparro-Amaro, Miguel de Jesús Martínez Felipe, Jesús Alberto Martínez-Castro:
Performance of the Classification of Critical Residues at the Interface of BMPs Complexes Pondered with the Ground-State Energy Feature using Random Forest Classifier. - Verónica Neri Mendoza, Yulia Ledeneva, René Arnulfo García-Hernández, Ángel Hernández-Castañeda:
Generic and Update Multi-Document Text Summarization based on Genetic Algorithm. - Karla María Valencia-Segura, Hugo Jair Escalante, Luis Villaseñor Pineda:
Automatic Depression Detection in Social Networks Using Multiple User Characterizations.
- Everardo Bárcenas, Lourdes Del Carmen González-Huesca, Favio Ezequiel Miranda-Perea, Miguel Pérez-Gaspar:
Thematic Section(2): Logic/Languages, Algorithms, Novel Methods of Reasoning. - Mauricio Osorio, José Luis Carballido:
A 4-Valued Logic that Extends the Paraconsistent Logic G'3. - Mauricio Osorio, Aldo Figallo Orellano, Diego Huerta:
An Alternative Definition of Stable Models Via Łukasiewicz Logic. - Favio Ezequiel Miranda-Perea, Ximena Estrada Zavaleta, Lourdes Del Carmen González-Huesca:
Fitch-Style Modal Necessity as a Substructural Sequent-Style System. - Martín Figallo, Claudia M. Gomes:
The Subalgebra Lattice of A Finite Diagonal-Free Two-Dimensional Cylindric Algebra. - Axel Suárez Polo, José de Jesús Lavalle-Martínez, Iván Molina Rebolledo:
Specifying and Verifying a Transformation of Recursive Functions into Tail-Recursive Functions.
Volume 27, Number 2, 2023
- José Javier Pérez Díaz, Ernesto Zambrano-Serrano, Alejandro Eutimio Loya-Cabrera, Oscar Eduardo Cervantes-García, José Ramón Rodríguez-Cruz, Miguel Angel Platas-Garza, Cornelio Posadas-Castillo:
Synchronization between a Class of Variable-Order Fractional Hyperjerk Chaotic Systems. - Ingrid Guevara, Salvador Godoy-Calderón, Eduardo Alba-Cabrera:
Adding Learning Capabilities to the LEX Algorithm for Computing Minimal Transversals. - Germán Ríos-Toledo, Erick Velázquez-Lozada, Juan Pablo Francisco Posadas-Durán, Saul Prado Becerra, Fernando Pech-May, María Guadalupe Monjaras Velasco:
Evaluation of Feature Extraction Techniques in Automatic Authorship Attribution. - Rim Laatar, Chafik Aloulou, Lamia Hadrich Belguith:
Evaluation of Stacked Embeddings for Arabic Word Sense Disambiguation. - Pradnya Bhagat, Pratik D. Korkankar, Jyoti D. Pawar:
Aspect-Based Sentiment Words and Their Polarities Using Chi-Square Test. - Adriana Lara, Giovanni Guzmán, Natan Vilchis:
Automatic Composition of Music Using a Genetic Algorithm, Emotional Musical Theory and Machine Learning. - Henry Jesús Hernández-Gómez, Juana Canul-Reich:
A Partitional Clustering Approach for the Identification and Analysis of Coexisting Bacteria in Groups of Bacterial Vaginosis Patients. - Adrián García-López, Oscar Chávez-Bosquez, José Hernández-Torruco, Betania Hernández-Ocaña:
Comparative Analysis of the Bacterial Foraging Algorithm and Differential Evolution in Global Optimization Problems. - Indalecio Mendoza Uribe, Víctor Kevin Contreras Tereza, Pamela Iskra Mejía Estrada, Olivia Rodríguez López:
Methodology for the Classification of Types of Land Use in the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico Based on the Spectral Signature of Satellite Images and its Effect on the Rainfall Simulation with the WRF Model. - Fernando Pech-May, Julio Víctor Sánchez Hernández, Luis Antonio López Gómez, Jorge Magaña-Govea, Edna M. Mil-Chontal:
Flooded Areas Detection through SAR Images and U-NET Deep Learning Model. - Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas, Enrique Reyes-Archundia, José Antonio Gutiérrez Gnecchi, Ismael Molina-Moreno, Arturo Méndez Patiño, Jaime Cerdá Jacobo:
Cyber Hygiene in Smart Metering Systems. - Robin Prakash Mathur, Manmohan Sharma:
A Multi-Objective Task Scheduling Scheme GMOPSO-BFO in Mobile Cloud Computing. - Alma-Delia Cuevas-Rasgado, Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas, Joel Omar Juárez-Gambino, Franz Ludwig Lake-Moctezuma, Lluís Padró Cirera:
Adding Semantics for Solving 'PP Attachment' in Spanish. - Luis Alberto Pachas-Santos, Hugo David Calderon-Vilca, Flor Cagniy Cárdenas Mariño:
Chatbot based on Deep Learning for Recommending Relevant Products. - David Bobadilla-Rendón, Irvine J. Monroy-Rueda de León, Gabriel Salazar-Salinas, Antonio Stefan-Lepe De Soto, Hiram Ponce, Ernesto Moya-Albor, Jorge Brieva:
Mechatronic Design of a Low-Cost Smart Wheelchair Controlled by Joystick and Voice Commands. - José Antonio Taquía Gutiérrez:
Impact of Bayesian Approach to Demand Management in Supply Chains for the Consumption of Dynamic Products. - Héctor Hugo Alfaro-Cortés, Ricardo Emmanuel García-Manzo, Blanca Sofía Ocampo-Estrada, Israel Román-Godínez, Ricardo-Antonio Salido-Ruiz, Sulema Torres-Ramos:
Comparing Wavelet Characterization Methods for the Classification of Upper Limb sEMG Signals. - Rigoberto Cerino Jiménez, David Eduardo Pinto Avendaño, Sergio Vergara-Limón:
Pictographic Representation of the Toki Pona Language for Use in Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems. - Florencio Javier González-Rodriguez, Eleazar Aguirre Anaya, Moisés Salinas-Rosales, Atsuko Miyaji:
Identification of Static and Dynamic Security Controls Using Machine Learning.
- Diana Lizet González Baldovinos, Pedro Guevara López:
Modeling and Reconstruction of Response Times on Single Board Computers with RT-Linux.
Volume 27, Number 3, 2023
- Ildar Z. Batyrshin, Imre J. Rudas, Nailya I. Kubysheva:
Parametric Negations of Probability Distributions and Fuzzy Distribution Sets. - Lourdes P. Aquino-Martinez, Beatriz Ortega Guerrero, Arturo I. Quintanar, Carlos A. Ochoa Moya, Ricardo Barrón-Fernández:
High-Performance Computing with the Weather Research and Forecasting System Model: A Case Study under Stable Conditions over Mexico Basin. - Laura Cleofas-Sánchez, Juan Pablo Francisco Posadas-Durán, Pedro Martínez-Ortiz, Gilberto Loyo-Desiderio, Eduardo Alberto Ruvalcaba-Hernández, Omar González Brito:
Automatic Detection of Vehicular Traffic Elements based on Deep Learning for Advanced Driving Assistance Systems. - Rajani Trivedi, Bibudhendu Pati, Subhendu Kumar Rath:
gTravel: Weather-Aware POI Recommendation Engine for a Group of Tourists. - Claudia Elena Durango Vanegas, Juan Camilo Giraldo Mejía, Fabio Alberto Vargas Agudelo, Dario Enrique Soto Duran:
A Representation Based on Essence for the CRISP-DM Methodology. - Flor Cagniy Cárdenas Mariño, Hugo David Calderon-Vilca, Vladimiro Quispe Ibañez, Hesmeralda Rojas:
Diet Recommendation according to Kilocalories and People's Tastes. - Carlos Hiram Moreno Montiel, Marisol Sandoval Ríos, Benjamín Moreno-Montiel, Miriam Noemi Moreno Montiel, José Luis Bernal López, Ezequiel Alpuche de la Cruz:
Influencing Factors on Individual Economic Decision Making: A Computational Mobile Model. - Ature Angbera, Huah Yong Chan:
Spatiotemporal Bandits Crime Prediction from Web News Archives Analysis. - Andrea de Anda-Trasviña, Alejandra Nieto-Garibay, Fernando D. Von Borstel, Enrique Troyo-Diéguez, José Luis García-Hernández, Joaquín Gutiérrez Jagüey:
Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio Estimation for Urban Organic Waste Using Convolutional Neural Networks. - Alexander J. Marcos Valdez, Eduardo G. Navarro Ortiz, Rodrigo E. Quinteros Peralta, Juan J. Tirado Julca, David F. Valentin Ricaldi, Hugo David Calderon-Vilca:
Machine Learning for the Prediction of Anemia in Children Under 5 Years of Age by Analyzing their Nutritional Status Using Data Mining. - Brenda Sofía Sánchez López, Daniela Candioti Nolberto, José Antonio Taquía Gutiérrez, Yvan García López:
Traditional Machine Learning based on Atmospheric Conditions for Prediction of Dengue Presence. - Pavel Zheltov:
Logic Abstraction Operations and their Algorithmic Implementation. - Anukampa Behera, Chhabi Rani Panigrahi, Sitesh Behera, Rohit Patel, Saurav Bera:
trACE - Anomaly Correlation Engine for Tracing the Root Cause on a Cloud based Microservice Architecture. - Iván A. Juárez Trujillo, Jonny Paul Zavala de Paz, Omar Palillero-Sandoval, Francisco Antonio Castillo Velásquez:
Multispectral Camera Calibration Using Convolutional Neural Networks. - Reza Nouralizadeh Ganji, Chitra Dadkhah, Nasim Tohidi:
Improving Sentiment Classification for Hotel Recommender System through Deep Learning and Data Balancing. - Salvador Israel Avilés-López, Miguel Ángel Basurto-Pensado, Omar Palillero-Sandoval, Francisco Antonio Castillo Velásquez:
Development of Membranes for Use as the Seismic Mass in a Fiber Optic-Accelerometer. - María del Consuelo Argüelles Arellano:
Simulation of Systems with Random Variables for Making Strategic Decisions.
- Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas, Enrique Reyes-Archundia, José Antonio Gutiérrez Gnecchi:
A Cybersecurity Transaction Energy System Using Multi-Tier Blockchain.
Volume 27, Number 4, 2023
- Said Khelifa, Fatima Boukhatem, Leila Benaissa Kaddar:
Simulated Annealing-Based Optimization for Band Selection in Hyperspectral Image Classification. - Alba Maribel Sánchez Gálvez, Ricardo Álvarez-González, Sully Sánchez Gálvez, Frida Rojas-Alarcon:
COVID-19 Mortality Risk Prediction Model Using Machine Learning. - Joanna Alvarado-Uribe, Ari Yair Barrera-Animas, Miguel González-Mendoza, Ariel Lucien García-Gamboa, Neil Hernández-Gress:
Towards a Standardized Evaluation of APIs Non-Functional Requirements Focused on Completeness and Soundness Qualities. - Ericka Ovando Becerril, Hiram Calvo:
Design of an Automatic Tagging Algorithm for the Development of a Non-Literal Language Corpus in Spanish. - Carlos Minutti-Martinez, Boris Escalante-Ramírez, Jimena Olveres Montiel:
PumaMedNet-CXR: An Explainable Generative Artificial Intelligence for the Analysis and Classification of Chest X-Ray Images. - Diana Jiménez, Marco A. Cardoso-Moreno, Fernando Aguilar Canto, Omar Juárez Gambino, Hiram Calvo:
PoSLemma: How Traditional Machine Learning and Linguistics Preprocessing Aid in Machine Generated Text Detection. - Iara Alcauter, Lourdes Martínez-Villaseñor, Hiram Ponce:
Explaining Factors of Student Attrition at Higher Education. - Gerardo Lugo-Torres, José E. Valdez Rodríguez, Diego A. Peralta-Rodríguez, Hiram Calvo:
Comparison of Transfer Style Using a CycleGAN Model with Data Augmentation. - Jorge Reyes-Magaña, Gerardo Sierra, Gemma Bel-Enguix, Helena Gómez-Adorno:
LexAN: Lexical Association Networks. - Jorge Francisco Ciprián-Sánchez, Valente Vazquez-Garcia, Miguel González-Mendoza, Gerardo Rodriguez-Hernandez, Adriana Palacios-Rosas, Lucile Rossi-Tisson, Gilberto Ochoa-Ruiz:
An FPGA Smart Camera Implementation of Segmentation Models for Drone Wildfire Imagery. - Paul Hernandez-Herrera, Victor Abonza, Jair Sanchez-Contreras, Alberto Darszon, Adán Guerrero:
Deep Learning-Based Classification and Segmentation of Sperm Head and Flagellum for Image-Based Flow Cytometry. - Jairo Enrique Ramírez Sánchez, Pedro A. Martínez-Barron, Hannia Medina-Aguilar, Romeo Sánchez-Nigenda:
Weighted U-NET++ and 2D-HMM Ensemble for Gastrointestinal Image Segmentation. - Omar López-Ortega, Félix Agustín Castro Espinoza, Omar-Arturo Domínguez-Ramírez, Shani Ioana López-Popa:
A Multi-Agent System Model to Advance Artificial General Intelligence based on Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development. - Jacobo E. Cruz-Silva, Jesús Yaljá Montiel-Pérez, Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela:
3-D Interface for Humanoid Robot Operation. - Jesús Jaime Moreno Escobar, Verónica de Jesús Pérez-Franco, Ana Lilia Coria Páez, Oswaldo Morales Matamoros, Erika Yolanda Aguilar del Villar, Mauro Daniel Castillo-Perez:
Multivariate Data Analysis of Consumer Behavior of Functional Products: A Neuroscience and Neuromarketing Approach to Improve Decision-Making. - Elizabeth López-Lozada, David Peréz-Martínez, Diana Patricia Barragán Vázquez, Jesús Yaljá Montiel-Pérez, Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela:
Blood Pressure Estimation Algorithm By A Cuff-Based Monitoring Unit. - Zvi Retchkiman Königsberg:
A Logical Deductive Approach to Analyze and Synthesize a Class of Linguistic Expressions Using Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto 21 Logical Names. - Sandip Sarkar, Dipankar Das, Partha Pakray, David Eduardo Pinto Avendaño:
Math Word Problem Solving: Operator and Template Techniques with Multi-Head Attention. - Jorge Cervantes-Ojeda, María del Carmen Gómez Fuentes, Julián Fresán-Figueroa:
Applying Genetic Algorithms to Validate a Conjecture in Graph Theory: The Minimum Dominating Set Problem. - César R. Cortez Martinez, Jesús Arámburo-Lizárraga, César R. Cortez Álvarez, Mario A. Ramírez Herrera, María Luisa Mendoza-Magaña:
Development of a Mobile Virtual Reality Application based on Morris Water Maze for the Evaluation of Spatial Memory in Human Beings. - Jose Rojas Valdivia, Javier Gamboa-Cruzado, Percy De la Cruz Vélez de Villa:
Systematic Literature Review on Machine Learning and its Impact on APIs Deployment. - Omar Palillero-Sandoval, Martín Alberto Vazquez-Castrejon, J. Jesús Escobedo Alatorre, Pedro A. Márquez-Aguilar, José Antonio Marbán-Salgado, Jonny P. Zavala-De Paz, Álvaro Zamudio Lara, E. Eduardo Antúnez-Cerón, Francisco Antonio Castillo Velásquez, Carlos Rodriguez-Donate:
Colorization of Monochrome Hyperspectral Images. - Padmini Mansingh, Binod Kumar Pattanayak, Bibudhendu Pati:
Deep Learning-Based Sentiment Analysis for the Prediction of Alzheimer's Drugs. - Bivasa Ranjan Parida, Amiya Kumar Rath, Bibudhendu Pati, Chhabi Rani Panigrahi, Hitesh Mohapatra, Rajkumar Buyya:
Energy Efficient Virtual Machine Placement in Dynamic Cloud Milieu Using a Hybrid Metaheuristic Technique. - Sarmistha Nanda, Chhabi Rani Panigrahi, Bibudhendu Pati:
Flood Prediction with Optimized Attributes and Clustering. - Antonio Jesús Tamayo Herrera, Diego A. Burgos, Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Clinical Text Mining in Spanish Enhanced by Negation Detection and Named Entity Recognition. - Edit Laufer:
Personal Statistics-Based Heart Rate Evaluation Using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets. - Fernando Pech-May, Germán Ríos-Toledo:
Development of Agricultural Knowledge Graphs through the Reuse of Ontologies. - Iskander Akhmetov, Sabina Nurlybayeva, Irina Ualiyeva, Alexandr A. Pak, Alexander F. Gelbukh:
A Comprehensive Review on Automatic Text Summarization. - Sabino Miranda, Obdulia Pichardo-Lagunas, Bella Martínez-Seis, Pierre Baldi:
Evaluating the Performance of Large Language Models for Spanish Language in Undergraduate Admissions Exams.

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