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Computer Physics Communications, Volume 296
Volume 296, 2024
- Ben Dudson, Mike Kryjak, Hasan Muhammed, Peter Hill, John Omotani:
Hermes-3: Multi-component plasma simulations with BOUT++. 108991 - Cheonho Bae, Yifei Jin, Bo Lyu, Jia Fu, Fudi Wang, Hongming Zhang:
TransROTA: A code for solving collisionality-extended Braginskii's closure formalism for toroidally-rotating plasmas with nonlinear successive overrelaxation. 108992 - Joaquin L. Herraiz, Alejandro López-Montes, Andreu Badal:
MCGPU-PET: An open-source real-time Monte Carlo PET simulator. 109008 - Leandro Benatto, Omar Mesquita, Lucimara S. Roman, Rodrigo B. Capaz, Graziâni Candiotto, Marlus Koehler:
PLQ-sim: A computational tool for simulating photoluminescence quenching dynamics in organic donor/acceptor blends. 109015 - Weijie Hua:
MCNOX: A code for computing and interpreting ultrafast nonlinear X-ray spectra of molecules at the multiconfigurational level. 109016 - Jose M. Rodriguez Borbon, Xian Wang, Adrián Pérez Diéguez, Khaled Z. Ibrahim, Bryan M. Wong:
TRAVOLTA: GPU acceleration and algorithmic improvements for constructing quantum optimal control fields in photo-excited systems. 109017 - Nayana G. Bhat, S. Balaji:
Modeling and simulation of Lac-Operon using reaction-diffusion master equation on heterogeneous parallel platforms. 109018 - N. Janssens, J. Meyers:
Parallel-in-time multiple shooting for optimal control problems governed by the Navier-Stokes equations. 109019 - Yinan Shu, Linyao Zhang, Donald G. Truhlar:
ANT 2023: A program for adiabatic and nonadiabatic trajectories. 109021 - Niklas Kühl, Hendrik Fischer, Michael Hinze, Thomas Rung:
An incremental singular value decomposition approach for large-scale spatially parallel & distributed but temporally serial data - applied to technical flows. 109022 - Tao Jiang, Yu-Hang Liu, Qiang Li, Jin-Lian Ren, Deng-Shan Wang:
An accelerated novel meshless coupled algorithm for Non-local nonlinear behavior in 2D/3D space-fractional GPEs. 109023 - Tapan K. Mankodi, Omid Ejtehadi, Tushar Chourushi, Amin Rahimi, Rho Shin Myong:
nccrFOAM suite: Nonlinear coupled constitutive relation solver in the OpenFOAM framework for rarefied and microscale gas flows with vibrational non-equilibrium. 109024 - Feng Pan, Lianrong Dai, Jerry P. Draayer:
Elementary coupling coefficients for the Wigner supermultiplet symmetry. 109025 - Viacheslav Mykhailenko, Martin Nguyen, Michal Solanik, Ján Genci, Yuriy Kolesnyk, Pavol Bobik:
SDE method for cosmic rays modulation in the heliosphere statistical error and solution uniqueness. 109026 - Liangliang Shang, Yang Zhang:
EasyScan_HEP: A tool for connecting programs to scan the parameter space of physics models. 109027 - Carlos-Antonio Cruz-López, Gilberto Espinosa-Paredes:
Analytical solution of the fractional neutron point kinetic equations using the Mittag-Leffler function. 109028 - Shuhei Kudo, Yusaku Yamamoto, Takeo Hoshi:
A fast and efficient computation method for reflective diffraction simulations. 109029 - Debo Yang, Hailing Xiong:
Code for the cluster dichotomy model. 109030 - Tristan Kenneweg, Stefan Müller, Tobias Brixner, Walter Pfeiffer:
QDT - A Matlab toolbox for the simulation of coupled quantum systems and coherent multidimensional spectroscopy. 109031 - Aitor Calvo-Fernández, Maria Blanco-Rey, Asier Eiguren:
The PointGroupNRG code for numerical renormalization group calculations with discrete point-group symmetries. 109032 - Vicent J. Borràs, Pedro Fernández-Milán, Luca Argenti, Jesús González-Vázquez, Fernando Martín:
Photoionization cross sections and photoelectron angular distributions of molecules with XCHEM-2.0. 109033 - Igor A. Ostanin, Vasileios Angelidakis, Timo Plath, Sahar Pourandi, Anthony R. Thornton, Thomas Weinhart:
Rigid clumps in the MercuryDPM particle dynamics code. 109034 - Sergio Sevillano Muñoz, Edmund J. Copeland, Peter Millington, Michael Spannowsky:
FeynMG: A FeynRules extension for scalar-tensor theories of gravity. 109035 - Sebastiano Aiello, Albert Akhriev, Sergio Alves Garre, Zineb Aly, A. Ambrosone, Fabrizio Ameli, Michel André, E. Androutsou, Marco Anghinolfi, Mancia Anguita, L. Aphecetche, M. Ardid, S. Ardid, H. Atmani, Julien Aublin, Christos Bagatelas, L. Bailly-Salins, Z. Bardacová, Bruny Baret, S. Basegmez du Pree, Y. Becherini, M. Bendahman, F. Benfenati, M. Benhassi, D. M. Benoit, E. Berbee, V. Bertin, Vincent van Beveren, S. Biagi, M. Boettcher, J. Boumaaza, M. Bouta, M. Bouwhuis, C. Bozza, R. M. Bozza, H. Brânzas, F. Bretaudeau, R. Bruijn, J. Brunner, R. Bruno, E. Buis, R. Buompane, J. Busto, B. Caiffi, David Calvo, S. Campion, A. Capone, F. Carenini, V. Carretero, T. Cartraud, P. Castaldi, V. Cecchini, S. Celli, L. Cerisy, M. Chabab, M. Chadolias, A. Chen, S. Cherubini, T. Chiarusi, M. Circella, R. Cocimano, J. A. B. Coelho, A. Coleiro, R. Coniglione, P. Coyle, A. Creusot, A. Cruz, G. Cuttone, R. Dallier, Y. Darras, A. De Benedittis, B. De Martino, V. Decoene, R. Del Burgo, L. S. Di Mauro, I. Di Palma, Antonio F. Díaz, D. Diego-Tortosa, C. Distefano, A. Domi, C. Donzaud, D. Dornic, M. Dörr, E. Drakopoulou, D. Drouhin, R. Dvornický, T. Eberl, E. Eckerová, A. Eddymaoui, T. van Eeden, M. Eff, D. van Eijk, I. El Bojaddaini, S. El Hedri, A. Enzenhöfer, G. Ferrara, M. D. Filipovic, F. Filippini, L. A. Fusco, O. Gabella, J. Gabriel, S. Gagliardini, T. Gal, J. García Méndez, A. Garcia Soto, C. Gatius Oliver, N. Geißelbrecht, H. Ghaddari, L. Gialanella, B. K. Gibson, E. Giorgio, A. Girardi, I. Goos, D. Goupilliere, Sara Rebecca Gozzini, R. Gracia, K. Graf, C. Guidi, B. Guillon, M. Gutiérrez, H. van Haren, A. Heijboer, A. Hekalo, L. Hennig, J. J. Hernández-Rey, F. Huang, W. Idrissi Ibnsalih, Giulia Illuminati, C. W. James, P. Jansweijer, M. de Jong, P. de Jong, B. J. Jung, P. Kalaczynski, O. Kalekin, U. F. Katz, N. R. Khan Chowdhury, A. Khatun, G. Kistauri, C. Kopper, A. Kouchner, V. Kulikovskiy, R. Kvatadze, M. Labalme, Robert Lahmann, G. Larosa, C. Lastoria, A. Lazo, S. Le Stum, G. Lehaut, E. Leonora, N. Lessing, G. Levi, M. Lindsey Clark, Fabio Longhitano, J. Majumdar, L. Malerba, F. Mamedov, J. Manczak, A. Manfreda, M. Marconi, A. Margiotta, A. Marinelli, C. Markou, L. Martin, J. A. Martínez-Mora, F. Marzaioli, M. Mastrodicasa, S. Mastroianni, S. Miccichè, Gennaro Miele, P. Migliozzi, E. Migneco, S. Minutoli, M. L. Mitsou, C. M. Mollo, L. Morales-Gallegos, C. Morley-Wong, A. Mosbrugger, A. Moussa, I. Mozun Mateo, R. Muller, M. R. Musone, M. Musumeci, L. Nauta, S. Navas, A. Nayerhoda, C. A. Nicolau, B. Nkosi, B. Ó Fearraigh, V. Oliviero, A. Orlando, E. Oukacha, J. Palacios González, G. Papalashvili, E. J. Pastor Gomez, A. M. Paun, G. E. Pavalas, S. Peña Martínez, M. Perrin-Terrin, J. Perronnel, V. Pestel, R. Pestes, P. Piattelli, C. Poirè, V. Popa, T. Pradier, S. Pulvirenti, G. Quéméner, C. Quiroz, U. Rahaman, N. Randazzo, S. Razzaque, I. C. Rea, Diego Real, S. Reck, Giorgio Riccobene, J. Robinson, A. Romanov, A. Saina, Francisco Salesa Greus, D. F. E. Samtleben, Agustín Sánchez Losa, M. Sanguineti, C. Santonastaso, D. Santonocito, P. Sapienza, Y. Scarpetta, J. Schnabel, M. F. Schneider, J. Schumann, H. M. Schutte, J. Seneca, B. Setter, I. Sgura, R. Shanidze, Y. Shitov, F. Simkovic, A. Simonelli, A. Sinopoulou, M. V. Smirnov, Bernardino Spisso, Maurizio Spurio, D. Stavropoulos, I. Stekl, M. Taiuti, Y. Tayalati, H. Tedjditi, H. Thiersen, I. Tosta e Melo, B. Trocme, S. Tsagkli, V. Tsourapis, E. Tzamariudaki, A. Vacheret, V. Valsecchi, V. Van Elewyck, G. Vannoye, G. Vasileiadis, F. Vazquez de Sola, C. Verilhac, A. Veutro, S. Viola, D. Vivolo, H. Warnhofer, Jörn Wilms, E. de Wolf, H. Yepes-Ramirez, G. Zarpapis, S. Zavatarelli, A. Zegarelli, D. Zito, Juan de Dios Zornoza, Juan Zúñiga, Natalia Zywucka:
Embedded software of the KM3NeT central logic board. 109036 - Dandan Chen, Jingyuan Hu, Shaoxiong Yang, Xiao He, Yang Li, Shuai Ren, He Bai, Jue Wang:
A massively parallel spatially resolved stochastic cluster dynamics method for simulations of irradiated materials. 109037 - Pasquale Claudio Africa, Ivan Fumagalli, Michele Bucelli, Alberto Zingaro, Marco Fedele, Luca Dede', Alfio Quarteroni:
lifex-cfd: An open-source computational fluid dynamics solver for cardiovascular applications. 109039 - Jianqing Li, Junxiang Yang:
Local volume-conservation-improved diffuse interface model for simulation of Rayleigh-Plateau fluid instability. 109050 - Ajay Bati, Spencer H. Bryngelson:
RoseNNa: A performant, portable library for neural network inference with application to computational fluid dynamics. 109052 - Sumant R. Morab, Atul Sharma, Janani Srree Murallidharan:
Fully finite volume method on a curvilinear grid-based arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian approach for computational fluid flexible-structure interaction. 109054 - N. T. Hunt-Smith, W. Melnitchouk, F. Ringer, Nobuo Sato, A. W. Thomas, M. J. White:
Accelerating Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling with diffusion models. 109059 - Florian Allmann-Rahn, Simon Lautenbach, M. Deisenhofer, Rainer Grauer:
The muphyII code: Multiphysics plasma simulation on large HPC systems. 109064 - M. Dosta, D. Andre, Vasileios Angelidakis, Robert Alexander Caulk, M. A. Celigueta, Bruno Chareyre, J.-F. Dietiker, Jeremie Girardot, N. Govender, C. Hubert, R. Kobylka, A. F. Moura, V. Skorych, D. K. Weatherley, Thomas Weinhart:
Comparing open-source DEM frameworks for simulations of common bulk processes. 109066
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