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The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 23
Volume 23, Number 1, 2016
- Jürgen Herzog, Ahad Rahimi
Bi-Cohen-Macaulay graphs. 1 - Josef Florian, L'ubomíra Dvoráková
On Periodicity of Generalized Pseudostandard Words. 1 - Konrad Pióro:
Posets of Finite Functions. 1 - Victor Y. Wang:
Simultaneous Core Partitions: Parameterizations and Sums. 1 - Andrew Timothy Wilson
An Extension of MacMahon's Equidistribution Theorem to Ordered Multiset Partitions. 1 - Bo Li, Benjamin Lowenstein, Mohamed Omar:
Low Degree Nullstellensatz Certificates for 3-Colorability. 1 - Tomoki Nakamigawa:
Expansions of a Chord Diagram and Alternating Permutations. 1 - Xiang-Ke Chang, Xing-Biao Hu, Hongchuan Lei, Yeong-Nan Yeh:
Combinatorial Proofs of Addition Formulas. 1 - Lon H. Mitchell, Lynne Yengulalp:
Sphere Representations, Stacked Polytopes, and the Colin de Verdière Number of a Graph. 1 - Jehan A. Al-bar, Ahmad N. Al-kenani
, Najat M. Muthana, Cheryl E. Praeger
, Pablo Spiga:
Finite Edge-Transitive Oriented Graphs of Valency Four: a Global Approach. 1 - Olivier Bodini, Antoine Genitrini, Frédéric Peschanski:
A Quantitative Study of Pure Parallel Processes. 1 - Michael Krivelevich:
The Phase Transition in Site Percolation on Pseudo-Random Graphs. 1 - Rishi Nath, James A. Sellers:
A Combinatorial Proof of a Relationship Between Maximal $(2k-1, 2k+1)$-Cores and $(2k-1, 2k, 2k+1)$-Cores. 1 - Edita Mácajová, André Raspaud, Martin Skoviera:
The Chromatic Number of a Signed Graph. 1 - Soojin Cho, Stephanie van Willigenburg:
Chromatic Bases for Symmetric Functions. 1 - Andrew Treglown, Yi Zhao:
A Note on Perfect Matchings in Uniform Hypergraphs. 1 - Joseph Helfer
, Daniel T. Wise
A Note on Maxima in Random Walks. 1 - Elena A. Petrova
Avoiding Letter Patterns in Ternary Square-Free Words. 1 - Pascal Ochem:
Doubled Patterns are 3-Avoidable. 1 - Rafael S. González D'León:
A Note on the γ-Coefficients of the Tree Eulerian Polynomial. 1 - Boris G. Pittel:
Another Proof of the Harer-Zagier Formula. 1 - Codrut Grosu:
A New Lower Bound for the Towers of Hanoi Problem. 1 - Yuval Filmus:
An Orthogonal Basis for Functions over a Slice of the Boolean Hypercube. 1 - Joe Sawada, Aaron Williams, Dennis Wong:
Generalizing the Classic Greedy and Necklace Constructions of de Bruijn Sequences and Universal Cycles. 1 - Luke Schaeffer, Jeffrey O. Shallit:
Closed, Palindromic, Rich, Privileged, Trapezoidal, and Balanced Words in Automatic Sequences. 1 - James G. Oxley, Charles Semple, Geoff Whittle:
Determining a Binary Matroid from its Small Circuits. 1 - Weerachai Neeranartvong, Jonathan Novak, Nat Sothanaphan:
A Curved Brunn Minkowski Inequality for the Symmetric Group. 1 - Timothy Budd:
The Peeling Process of Infinite Boltzmann Planar Maps. 1 - Amir Daneshgar, Mohsen Hejrati, Meysam Madani:
On Cylindrical Graph Construction and its Applications. 1 - Jérémie Chalopin, Louis Esperet, Zhentao Li, Patrice Ossona de Mendez:
Restricted Frame Graphs and a Conjecture of Scott. 1 - Robert Cori, Yvan Le Borgne:
On Computation of Baker and Norine's Rank on Complete Graphs. 1 - Supalak Sumalroj
, Chalermpong Worawannotai:
The Nonexistence of a Distance-Regular Graph with Intersection Array {22, 16, 5;1, 2, 20}. 1 - Darij Grinberg, Tom Roby:
Iterative Properties of Birational Rowmotion I: Generalities and Skeletal Posets. 1 - Luke Morgan
, Tomasz Popiel
Generalised Polygons Admitting a Point-Primitive Almost Simple Group of Suzuki or Ree Type. 1 - Marilena Barnabei, Flavio Bonetti, Sergi Elizalde
, Matteo Silimbani:
Two Descent Statistics over 321-Avoiding Centrosymmetric Involutions. 1 - James D. Currie, Philip Lafrance:
Avoidability Index for Binary Patterns with Reversal. 1 - Michel Lavrauw, Corrado Zanella:
Subspaces Intersecting Each Element of a Regulus in One Point, André-Bruck-Bose Representation and Clubs. 1 - Anna Borowiec, Wojciech Mlotkowski:
New Eulerian Numbers of Type $D$. 1 - Azer Akhmedov:
Cayley Graphs with an Infinite Heesch Number. 1 - Christian Gaetz, Michelle Mastrianni, Rebecca Patrias, Hailee Peck, Colleen Robichaux, David Schwein, Ka Yu Tam:
K-Knuth Equivalence for Increasing Tableaux. 1 - Jiang Zhou, Zhongyu Wang, Changjiang Bu:
On the Resistance Matrix of a Graph. 1 - Daniel J. Harvey, David R. Wood:
Average Degree Conditions Forcing a Minor. 1 - Paul Drube:
Inversions of Semistandard Young Tableaux. 1 - Christopher N. Swanson
, Bill Correll Jr., Randy W. Ho:
Enumeration of Parallelograms in Permutation Matrices for Improved Bounds on the Density of Costas Arrays. 1 - Mark Dukes, Chris D. White:
Web Matrices: Structural Properties and Generating Combinatorial Identities. 1 - Gabriel Coutinho:
Spectrally Extremal Vertices, Strong Cospectrality, and State Transfer. 1 - Per Alexandersson
Polynomials Defined by Tableaux and Linear Recurrences. 1 - Peter J. Cameron, Ntah Ahn Dang, Søren Riis:
Guessing Games on Triangle-Free Graphs. 1 - Matthias Hamann
, Florian Lehner
, Julian Pott:
Extending Cycles Locally to Hamilton Cycles. 1 - Guillem Perarnau, Oriol Serra:
Correlation Among Runners and Some Results on the Lonely Runner Conjecture. 1 - Thomas A. McCourt:
Growth Rates of Groups associated with Face 2-Coloured Triangulations and Directed Eulerian Digraphs on the Sphere. 1 - Agnieszka Görlich, Andrzej Zak
On Erdős-Sós Conjecture for Trees of Large Size. 1 - Andrei L. Kanunnikov, Ekaterina A. Vassilieva:
On the Matchings-Jack Conjecture for Jack Connection Coefficients Indexed by Two Single Part Partitions. 1 - Sarah Behrens, Catherine Erbes, Michael Santana, Derrek Yager, Elyse Yeager:
Graphs with Induced-Saturation Number Zero. 1 - Guo-Niu Han, Matthieu Josuat-Vergès:
Flag Statistics from the Ehrhart $h^∗$-Polynomial of Multi-Hypersimplices. 1 - Kira V. Adaricheva, James B. Nation:
A Class of Infinite Convex Geometries. 1 - Kévin Perrot, Van Trung Pham:
Chip-Firing Game and a Partial Tutte Polynomial for Eulerian Digraphs. 1 - Eugenijus Manstavicius, Robertas Petuchovas:
Local Probabilities for Random Permutations Without Long Cycles. 1 - Luis H. Gallardo:
New Duality Operator for Complex Circulant Matrices and a Conjecture of Ryser. 1 - Cristina Dalfó
, Clemens Huemer, Julián Salas:
The Degree/Diameter Problem in Maximal Planar Bipartite graphs. 1
Volume 23, Number 2, 2016
- Darryn E. Bryant
, Andrea C. Burgess, Peter Danziger:
Decompositions of Complete Graphs into Bipartite 2-Regular Subgraphs. 2 - Tri Lai:
Enumeration of Hybrid Domino-Lozenge Tilings II: Quasi-Octagonal Regions. 2 - Nacho López
, Josep M. Miret:
On Mixed Almost Moore Graphs of Diameter Two. 2 - Michelle Bodnar, Brendon Rhoades:
Cyclic Sieving and Rational Catalan Theory. 2 - Jan De Beule, Tamás Héger, Tamás Szonyi, Geertrui Van de Voorde:
Blocking and Double Blocking Sets in Finite Planes. 2 - Jonas Hägglund:
On Snarks that are far from being 3-Edge Colorable. 2 - Samuel Clearman, Matthew Hyatt, Brittany Shelton
, Mark A. Skandera
Evaluations of Hecke Algebra Traces at Kazhdan-Lusztig Basis Elements. 2 - Alexander Pott, Kai-Uwe Schmidt, Yue Zhou:
Pairs of Quadratic Forms over Finite Fields. 2 - Torsten Hoge, Gerhard Röhrle:
Nice Reflection Arrangements. 2 - Christopher Coscia, Jonathan DeWitt:
Locally Convex Words and Permutations. 2 - Dennis Clemens
, Julia Ehrenmüller:
An Improved Bound on the Sizes of Matchings Guaranteeing a Rainbow Matching. 2 - Yuefeng Yang, Benjian Lv, Kaishun Wang:
Weakly Distance-Regular Digraphs of Valency Three, I. 2 - Dieter Mitsche, Xavier Pérez-Giménez, Pawel Pralat
The Bondage Number of Random Graphs. 2 - Shi-Mei Ma, Yeong-Nan Yeh:
The Peak Statistics on Simsun Permutations. 2 - Jessica De Silva, Theodore Molla, Florian Pfender
, Troy Retter, Michael Tait:
Increasing Paths in Edge-Ordered Graphs: The Hypercube and Random Graph. 2 - Guoli Ding, Chanun Lewchalermvongs, John Maharry:
Graphs with no $\bar P_7$-Minor. 2 - János Csányi, Péter Hajnal, Gábor V. Nagy:
On the Staircases of Gyárfás. 2 - Eric Swartz
Locally 3-Arc-Transitive Regular Covers of Complete Bipartite Graphs. 2 - Francesc Aguiló, Miguel Angel Fiol, Sonia Pérez:
Abelian Cayley Digraphs with Asymptotically Large Order for Any Given Degree. 2 - Emma Cohen, Dhruv Mubayi, Peter Ralli, Prasad Tetali:
Inverse Expander Mixing for Hypergraphs. 2 - Matthew Farrell, Lionel Levine:
Multi-Eulerian Tours of Directed Graphs. 2 - Jing Chen, Binzhou Xia
On Isomorphisms of Vertex-transitive Graphs. 2 - Jaromy Kuhl, Michael W. Schroeder
Completing Partial Latin Squares with One Nonempty Row, Column, and Symbol. 2 - David E. Speyer:
Variations on a theme of Kasteleyn, with Application to the Totally Nonnegative Grassmannian. 2 - Laura Escobar
Brick Manifolds and Toric Varieties of Brick Polytopes. 2 - Nandini Nilakantan, Samir Shukla:
Neighborhood Complexes of Some Exponential Graphs. 2 - Teng Fang, Xin Gui Fang, Binzhou Xia
, Sanming Zhou:
A Family of Symmetric Graphs with Complete Quotients. 2 - Philippe D'Arco, Valentina Lacivita
, Sami Mustapha:
Combinatorics Meets Potential Theory. 2 - Xinmin Hou
, Yu Qiu, Boyuan Liu:
Extremal Graph for Intersecting Odd Cycles. 2 - Eliza Jackowska, Joanna Polcyn
, Andrzej Rucinski
Turán Numbers for 3-Uniform Linear Paths of Length 3. 2 - Jakub Przybylo:
On Decomposing Graphs of Large Minimum Degree into Locally Irregular Subgraphs. 2 - Michal Pilipczuk, Szymon Torunczyk:
On Ultralimits of Sparse Graph Classes. 2 - Reinhard Diestel:
A Simple Existence Criterion for Normal Spanning Trees. 2 - Youngja Park, Sangwook Kim:
Chung-Feller Property of Schröder Objects. 2 - Anurag Bishnoi, Bart De Bruyn:
A New Near Octagon and the Suzuki Tower. 2 - Olivier Bernardi
, Alejandro H. Morales:
Some Probabilistic Trees with Algebraic Roots. 2 - Saieed Akbari
, Mikio Kano, Sanaz Zare:
0-Sum and 1-Sum Flows in Regular Graphs. 2 - Maria Monks Gillespie
A Combinatorial Approach to the $q, t$-Symmetry Relation in Macdonald Polynomials. 2 - Iván D. Castrillón, Roberto Cruz
, Enrique Reyes:
On Well-Covered, Vertex Decomposable and Cohen-Macaulay Graphs. 2 - Charles Brittenham, Andrew T. Carroll, T. Kyle Petersen
, Connor Thomas:
Unimodality via Alternating Gamma Vectors. 2 - James D. Currie:
A Ternary Square-free Sequence Avoiding Factors Equivalent to $abcacba$. 2 - M. Amin Bahmanian
, Mike Newman:
Embedding Factorizations for 3-Uniform Hypergraphs II: $r$-Factorizations into $s$-Factorizations. 2 - Taylor Short:
On Some Conjectures Concerning Critical Independent Sets of a Graph. 2 - Panupong Vichitkunakorn:
Solutions to the T-Systems with Principal Coefficients. 2 - Ali Z. Abdi, Nader H. Bshouty:
Lower Bounds for Cover-Free Families. 2 - Patrick Bennett
, Andrzej Dudek, Alan M. Frieze, Laars Helenius:
Weak and Strong Versions of the 1-2-3 Conjecture for Uniform Hypergraphs. 2 - Greg Muller:
The Existence of a Maximal Green Sequence is not Invariant under Quiver Mutation. 2 - Oliver Cooley
, Mihyun Kang, Christoph Koch:
Threshold and Hitting Time for High-Order Connectedness in Random Hypergraphs. 2 - Michael Albert, Vít Jelínek:
Unsplittable Classes of Separable Permutations. 2 - Daniel W. Cranston, Landon Rabern:
Painting Squares in $\Delta^2-1$ Shades. 2 - Zhi Qiao, Shao-Fei Du, Jack H. Koolen:
2-Walk-Regular Dihedrants from Group-Divisible Designs. 2 - Jaroslav Nesetril, Patrice Ossona de Mendez:
Modeling Limits in Hereditary Classes: Reduction and Application to Trees. 2 - István Tomon:
Decompositions of the Boolean Lattice into Rank-symmetric Chains. 2 - Jakub Przybylo:
Distant Set Distinguishing Total Colourings of Graphs. 2 - Deepak Bal, Patrick Bennett
, Andrzej Dudek, Pawel Pralat
The Total Acquisition Number of Random Graphs. 2
Volume 23, Number 3, 2016
- Wuyang Sun, Heping Zhang:
4-Factor-Criticality of Vertex-Transitive Graphs. 3 - Matthew Brennan:
Ramsey Numbers of Trees Versus Odd Cycles. 3 - Lech Duraj, Grzegorz Gutowski
, Jakub Kozik:
Chip Games and Paintability. 3 - Fan Chung:
A Generalized Alon-Boppana Bound and Weak Ramanujan Graphs. 3 - Forest Tong:
Generalizing the Divisibility Property of Rectangle Domino Tilings. 3 - Sandie Han, Ariane M. Masuda
, Satyanand Singh, Johann Thiel:
Orphans in Forests of Linear Fractional Transformations. 3 - Joshua Erde
, Mark Walters:
An $n$-in-a-row Type Game. 3 - Federico Ardila, Federico Castillo, José Alejandro Samper:
The Topology of the External Activity Complex of a Matroid. 3 - Florent Foucaud, Michael A. Henning:
Locating-Total Dominating Sets in Twin-Free Graphs: a Conjecture. 3 - István Estélyi, Tomaz Pisanski:
Which Haar graphs are Cayley graphs? 3 - Pandelis Dodos, Vassilis Kanellopoulos, Thodoris Karageorgos:
Szemerédi's Regularity Lemma via Martingales. 3 - Henk Don:
The Černý Conjecture and 1-Contracting Automata. 3 - Seth Shelley-Abrahamson, Suhas Vijaykumar:
Higher Bruhat Orders in Type B. 3 - Pavel Galashin, Darij Grinberg, Gaku Liu:
Refined Dual Stable Grothendieck Polynomials and Generalized Bender-Knuth Involutions. 3 - Zhicong Lin:
Proof of Gessel's $\gamma$-Positivity Conjecture. 3 - Hao Chen:
Even More Infinite Ball Packings from Lorentzian Root Systems. 3 - Vladimir M. Blinovsky, Catherine S. Greenhill:
Asymptotic Enumeration of Sparse Uniform Linear Hypergraphs with Given Degrees. 3 - David R. Wood:
Cliques in Graphs Excluding a Complete Graph Minor. 3 - Gaku Liu:
Mixed Volumes of Hypersimplices. 3 - Dumitru I. Stamate:
On the Cohen-Macaulay Property for Quadratic Tangent Cones. 3 - Ligang Jin, Ying-li Kang, Eckhard Steffen:
Face-Degree Bounds for Planar Critical Graphs. 3 - Anton Dochtermann:
Face Rings of Cycles, Associahedra, and Standard Young Tableaux. 3 - Jonad Pulaj, Annie Raymond
, Dirk Oliver Theis:
New Conjectures for Union-Closed Families. 3 - Lili Mu, Yi Wang:
A Generalization of Sperner's Theorem on Compressed Ideals. 3 - Jonad Pulaj, Annie Raymond, Dirk Oliver Theis:
New Conjectures for Union-Closed Families. P3.23 - Petteri Kaski, Jukka Kohonen, Thomas Westerbäck:
Fast Möbius Inversion in Semimodular Lattices and ER-labelable Posets. 3 - Urban Larsson, Richard J. Nowakowski, João Pedro Neto, Carlos Pereira dos Santos:
Guaranteed Scoring Games. 3 - Kaushik Majumder:
A New Construction of Non-Extendable Intersecting Families of Sets. 3 - Pei Yu, Yusheng Li:
All Ramsey Numbers for Brooms in Graphs. 3 - Edita Mácajová, Martin Skoviera:
Characteristic Flows on Signed Graphs and Short Circuit Covers. 3 - Guillaume Chapuy, Wenjie Fang:
Generating Functions of Bipartite Maps on Orientable Surfaces. 3 - Melody Bruce, Michael Dougherty
, Max Hlavacek, Ryo Kudo, Ian Nicolas:
A Decomposition of Parking Functions by Undesired Spaces. 3 - Victoria de Quehen, Hamed Hatami:
On the Additive Bases Problem in Finite Fields. 3 - Jin-Xin Zhou
, Yan-Quan Feng:
Cubic Non-Cayley Vertex-Transitive Bi-Cayley Graphs over a Regular $p$-Group. 3 - Thierry Lévy:
The Number of Prefixes of Minimal Factorisations of a Cycle. 3 - Daniel Condon, Samuel Coskey, Luke Serafin, Cody Stockdale
On Generalizations of Separating and Splitting Families. 3 - Landon Rabern:
A Better Lower Bound on Average Degree of 4-List-Critical Graphs. 3 - Daniel K. Du, Qing-Hu Hou, Rong-Hua Wang:
Infinite Orders and Non-D-finite Property of 3-Dimensional Lattice Walks. 3 - Jacques Verstraëte, Dhruv Mubayi:
Counting Trees in Graphs. 3 - András Gyárfás, Jeno Lehel:
Red-Blue Clique Partitions and (1-1)-Transversals. 3 - Nichole L. Schimanski, John S. Caughman IV
Cycle Structures of Orthomorphisms Extending Partial Orthomorphisms of Boolean Groups. 3 - Rong Chen, Zifei Gao:
Representations of Bicircular Lift Matroids. 3 - Victor Falgas-Ravry
, Klas Markström:
Random Subcube Intersection Graphs I: Cliques and Covering. 3 - Lily Li Liu, Ya-Nan Li:
Recurrence Relations for the Linear Transformation Preserving the Strong q-Log-Convexity. 3 - Daniel W. Cranston, Landon Rabern:
Planar Graphs have Independence Ratio at least 3/13. 3 - Ben Lund:
An Improved Bound on (A+A)/(A+A). 3 - Jinhua He, Louis A. Valentin, Xiaoyan Yin, Gexin Yu:
Extremal Permutations in Routing Cycles. 3 - Oleg V. Borodin, Anna O. Ivanova
Every Triangulated 3-Polytope of Minimum Degree 4 has a 4-Path of Weight at Most 27. 3 - Korneel Debaene:
Dimensions of the Irreducible Representations of the Symmetric and Alternating Group. 3 - Michael A. Henning, Anders Yeo
Transversals in 4-Uniform Hypergraphs. 3 - Álvaro Martínez-Pérez:
Chordality Properties and Hyperbolicity on Graphs. 3 - David M. Einstein, Miriam Farber, Emily Gunawan
, Michael Joseph, Matthew Macauley, James Propp, Simon Rubinstein-Salzedo:
Noncrossing Partitions, Toggles, and Homomesies. 3 - Gábor N. Sárközy:
On the Multi-Colored Ramsey Numbers of Paths and Even Cycles. 3 - Marién Abreu, Tomás Kaiser, Domenico Labbate, Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
Treelike Snarks. 3 - Tatiana Baginová Jajcayová, Slobodan Filipovski, Robert Jajcay:
Improved Lower Bounds for the Orders of Even Girth Cages. 3 - Guizhi Qin, Sherry H. F. Yan:
Cycles in the Graph of Overlapping Permutations Avoiding Barred Patterns. 3
Volume 23, Number 4, 2016
- Robert Brijder, Lorenzo Traldi:
Isotropic Matroids I: Multimatroids and Neighborhoods. 4 - Robert Brijder, Lorenzo Traldi:
Isotropic Matroids II: Circle Graphs. 4 - Amin Coja-Oghlan, Nor Jaafari:
On the Potts Antiferromagnet on Random Graphs. 4 - Louis Esperet
, Daniel Gonçalves
, Arnaud Labourel:
Coloring Non-Crossing Strings. 4 - Luis B. Morales:
Packing Polynomials on Multidimensional Integer Sectors. 4 - Justyna Banaszak:
On Matchings in Stochastic Kronecker Graphs. 4 - Darryn E. Bryant
On Almost-Regular Edge Colourings of Hypergraphs. 4 - Colin Defant:
Upper Bounds for Stern's Diatomic Sequence and Related Sequences. 4 - Joshua E. Ducey, Jonathan Gerhard, Noah Watson:
The Smith and Critical Groups of the Square Rook's Graph and its Complement. 4 - Paolo D'Arco, Navid Nasr Esfahani, Douglas R. Stinson:
All or Nothing at All. 4 - Mihai Ciucu:
A Short Conceptual Proof of Narayana's Path-Counting Formula. 4 - Andrzej Rucinski
, Andrzej Zak
Upper Bounds on the Minimum Size of Hamilton Saturated Hypergraphs. 4 - Angela Aguglia, Luca Giuzzi:
Intersections of the Hermitian Surface with Irreducible Quadrics in Even Characteristic. 4 - Sabine Beil:
Triangular Fully Packed Loop Configurations of Excess 2. 4 - Jamshid Moori, B. D. Rodrigues:
Some Self-Orthogonal Codes Related to Higman's Geometry. 4 - Micha Sharir, Adam Sheffer, Noam Solomon:
Incidences with Curves in ℝd. 4 - Michal Debski, Urszula Pastwa, Krzysztof Wesek:
Grasshopper Avoidance of Patterns. 4 - Eshita Mazumdar, Sneh Bala Sinha
Modification of Griffiths' Result for Even Integers. 4 - Sarah Holliday, Jennifer Vandenbussche, Erik E. Westlund:
Every Graph G is Hall Δ(G)-Extendible. 4 - Jun Ma, Shi-Mei Ma, Yeong-Nan Yeh, Xu Zhu:
The Cycle Descent Statistic on Permutations. 4 - David Wood, Guangjun Xu, Sanming Zhou
Hadwiger's Conjecture for 3-Arc Graphs. 4 - Philippe Duchon, Romaric Duvignau
Preserving the Number of Cycles of Length k in a Growing Uniform Permutation. 4 - Derek Kitson, Bernd Schulze:
Symmetric Isostatic Frameworks with ℓ1 or ℓ∞ Distance Constraints. 4 - Peter J. Dukes
, Esther R. Lamken, Alan C. H. Ling:
Resolvable Group Divisible Designs with Large Groups. 4 - Bruce W. Westbury
Invariant Tensors and the Cyclic Sieving Phenomenon. 4 - Pawel Hitczenko
, Amanda Lohss:
Corners in Tree-Like Tableaux. 4 - Kristóf Bérczi, Attila Bernáth, Máté Vizer:
A Note on $\mathtt{V}$-free 2-matchings. 4 - Samuel Hetterich, Olaf Parczyk, Yury Person:
On Universal Hypergraphs. 4 - Ameera Chowdhury:
Inclusion Matrices and the MDS Conjecture. 4 - Rebecca Patrias:
Antipode Formulas for some Combinatorial Hopf Algebras. 4 - Nathann Cohen, William Lochet:
Equitable Orientations of Sparse Uniform Hypergraphs. 4 - Matthew Fayers:
(s, t)-Cores: a Weighted Version of Armstrong's Conjecture. 4 - Qiongqiong Pan, Jiang Zeng:
On Total Positivity of Catalan-Stieltjes Matrices. 4 - Bostjan Bresar, Csilla Bujtás, Tanja Gologranc, Sandi Klavzar, Gasper Kosmrlj, Balázs Patkós, Zsolt Tuza, Máté Vizer:
Dominating Sequences in Grid-Like and Toroidal Graphs. 4 - Olivier Bernardi
, Caroline J. Klivans:
Directed Rooted Forests in Higher Dimension. 4 - Neal Madras, Lerna Pehlivan
Large Deviations for Permutations Avoiding Monotone Patterns. 4 - Joy Morris:
The CI Problem for Infinite Groups. 4 - Oren Dean, Michael Krivelevich:
Client-Waiter Games on Complete and Random Graphs. 4 - Bernardo M. Ábrego, Silvia Fernández-Merchant
, Daniel J. Katz, Levon Kolesnikov:
On the Number of Similar Instances of a Pattern in a Finite Set. 4 - Adam Gagol, Gwenaël Joret, Jakub Kozik, Piotr Micek:
Pathwidth and Nonrepetitive List Coloring. 4 - John W. Lawson:
Cluster Automorphisms and the Marked Exchange Graphs of Skew-Symmetrizable Cluster Algebras. 4 - Stéphane Bessy, Pascal Ochem, Dieter Rautenbach:
Exponential Domination in Subcubic Graphs. 4 - Soichi Okada:
Pieri Rules for Classical Groups and Equinumeration between Generalized Oscillating Tableaux and Semistandard Tableaux. 4 - Samuel Braunfeld
The Lattice of Definable Equivalence Relations in Homogeneous $n$-Dimensional Permutation Structures. 4 - Peter Borg:
A Sharp Bound for the Product of Weights of Cross-Intersecting Families. 4 - András Gyárfás, Gábor N. Sárközy:
Induced Colorful Trees and Paths in Large Chromatic Graphs. 4

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