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The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 16
Volume 16, Number 1, 2009
- Bart De Bruyn:
On a Class of Hyperplanes of the Symplectic and Hermitian Dual Polar Spaces. - Robert Morris:
Minimal Percolating Sets in Bootstrap Percolation. - Mariusz Meszka:
k-Cycle Free One-Factorizations of Complete Graphs. - Guy Wolfovitz:
Lower Bounds for the Size of Random Maximal H-Free Graphs. - Marko Boben, Stefko Miklavic, Primoz Potocnik:
Consistent Cycles in 1/2-Arc-Transitive Graphs. - Chris J. Bates, David M. Bundy, Sarah Hart, Peter Rowley
A Note on Commuting Graphs for Symmetric Groups. - Yair Caro, Douglas B. West:
Repetition Number of Graphs. - Andrew R. A. McGrae, Michele Zito:
The Block Connectivity of Random Trees. - Yuri Yoshida, Tatsuya Maruta:
Ternary Linear Codes and Quadrics. - Craig Lennon:
On the Locality of the Prüfer Code. - Anupam Prakash, Reto Spöhel, Henning Thomas:
Balanced Online Ramsey Games in Random Graphs. - Paul Zinn-Justin:
Littlewood-Richardson Coefficients and Integrable Tilings. - A. I. Molev:
Comultiplication Rules for the Double Schur Functions and Cauchy Identities. - Thotsaporn "Aek" Thanatipanonda:
On the Monochromatic Schur Triples Type Problem. - Emil R. Vaughan:
The Complexity of Constructing Gerechte Designs. - Bart De Bruyn:
An Alternative Definition of the Notion Valuation in the Theory of Near Polygons. - Edward Dobson, Joy Morris:
Automorphism Groups of Wreath Product Digraphs. - Hendrik Van Maldeghem:
Semiaffine Spaces. - Maria Monks:
Reconstructing Permutations from Cycle Minors. - Peter Horák, Alexander Rosa:
On a Problem of Marco Buratti. - Samuel K. Hsiao:
A Semigroup Approach to Wreath-Product Extensions of Solomon's Descent Algebras. - Steven B. Gillispie, Branko Grünbaum:
The {4, 5} Isogonal Sponges on the Cubic Lattice. - Nathaniel Thiem, Vidya Venkateswaran:
Restricting Supercharacters of the Finite Group of Unipotent Uppertriangular Matrices. - Thierry Gensane:
Generation of Optimal Packings from Optimal Packings. - Alexander L. Churchill:
Restrictions and Generalizations on Comma-Free Codes. - Norbert Seifter
, Vladimir Ivanovich Trofimov:
Reachability Relations and the Structure of Transitive Digraphs. - Jennifer Vandenbussche, Douglas B. West:
Independence Number of 2-Factor-Plus-Triangles Graphs. - Dan Hefetz, Sebastian U. Stich:
On Two Problems Regarding the Hamiltonian Cycle Game. - Robert W. Chen, Alan Zame, Burton Rosenberg:
On the First Occurrence of Strings. - Iwao Sato:
Bartholdi Zeta Functions of Fractal Graphs. - Clara E. Brasseur, Ryan E. Grady
, Stratos Prassidis:
Coverings, Laplacians, and Heat Kernels of Directed Graphs. - Niklas Eriksen, Ragnar Freij, Johan Wästlund:
Enumeration of Derangements with Descents in Prescribed Positions. - Vladimir Nikiforov:
Spectral Saturation: Inverting the Spectral Turán Theorem. - Jie Yan, Chengmin Wang:
The Existence of FGDRP(3, gu)'s. - Peter Allen, Vadim V. Lozin, Michaël Rao:
Clique-Width and the Speed of Hereditary Properties. - Michael Goff:
Optimal Betti Numbers of Forest Ideals. - William Y. C. Chen, Jing Qin, Christian M. Reidys, Doron Zeilberger:
Efficient Counting and Asymptotics of k-Noncrossing Tangled Diagrams. - Rafael Ayala, Luis M. Fernández, José Antonio Vilches:
Discrete Morse Inequalities on Infinite Graphs. - Courtney R. Gibbons
, Joshua D. Laison:
Fixing Numbers of Graphs and Groups. - Agelos Georgakopoulos:
Topological Circles and Euler Tours in Locally Finite Graphs. - Jessica Striker:
The Alternating Sign Matrix Polytope. - Steve Kirkland:
Near Threshold Graphs. - Dan Singer:
A Graph-Theoretic Method for Choosing a Spanning Set for a Finite-Dimensional Vector Space, with Applications to the Grossman-Larson-Wright Module and the Jacobian Conjecture. - Pu Gao, Nicholas C. Wormald:
Rate of Convergence of the Short Cycle Distribution in Random Regular Graphs Generated by Pegging. - Michael O. Albertson, Daniel W. Cranston, Jacob Fox:
Crossings, Colorings, and Cliques. - Geoffrey R. Grimmett, Svante Janson:
Random Even Graphs. - Cristina Dalfó, Miguel Angel Fiol, Ernest Garriga:
On k-Walk-Regular Graphs. - Aisling Kenny:
Geometrically Constructed Bases for Homology of Non-Crossing Partition Lattices. - Aslak Bakke Buan, Hermund André Torkildsen:
The Number of Elements in the Mutation Class of a Quiver of Type Dn. - Augustine O. Munagi:
Labeled Factorization of Integers. - Shinya Fujita, Atsushi Kaneko, Ingo Schiermeyer, Kazuhiro Suzuki:
A Rainbow k-Matching in the Complete Graph with r Colors. - Feng-Gen Lin, Lian-zhu Zhang:
Pfaffian Orientation and Enumeration of Perfect Matchings for some Cartesian Products of Graphs. - Gary L. Ebert, Giuseppe Marino, Olga Polverino, Rocco Trombetti:
Semifields in Class F4(a). - Matthew Alpert, Elie Feder, Heiko Harborth:
The Maximum of the Maximum Rectilinear Crossing Numbers of d-Regular Graphs of Order n. - Kenji Kashiwabara:
Scheduling Partial Round Robin Tournaments Subject to Home Away Pattern Sets. - Thomas Stoll, Jiang Zeng:
On the Total Weight of Weighted Matchings of Segment Graphs. - Kyle Pula:
Products of All Elements in a Loop and a Framework for Non-Associative Analogues of the Hall-Paige Conjecture. - Vít Jelínek, Toufik Mansour
Wilf-Equivalence on k-ary Words, Compositions, and Parking Functions. - Michael Giudici, Sarah Hart:
Small Maximal Sum-Free Sets. - Robin Pemantle, Herbert S. Wilf:
Counting Nondecreasing Integer Sequences that Lie Below a Barrier. - Chai Wah Wu:
Multipartite Separability of Laplacian Matrices of Graphs. - William Y. C. Chen, Oliver X. Q. Gao, Peter L. Guo:
Hook Length Formulas for Trees by Han's Expansion. - Arun Sharma:
Enumerating Permutations that Avoid Three Term Arithmetic Progressions. - Steven D. Noble
Evaluating a Weighted Graph Polynomial for Graphs of Bounded Tree-Width. - Tsz Lung Chan, Wai Shun Cheung, Tuen Wai Ng:
Graceful Tree Conjecture for Infinite Trees. - María Isabel Bueno Cachadina, Susana Furtado, N. Sherer:
Maximum Exponent of Boolean Circulant Matrices with Constant Number of Nonzero Entries in their Generating Vector. - Markus Kuba, Alois Panholzer, Helmut Prodinger:
Lattice Paths, Sampling Without Replacement, and Limiting Distributions. - Satoshi Murai:
Face Vectors of Two-Dimensional Buchsbaum Complexes. - Martin Grüttmüller, Sven Hartmann, Thomas Kalinowski, Uwe Leck, Ian T. Roberts:
Maximal Flat Antichains of Minimum Weight. - Luc Lapointe, Yvan Le Borgne, Philippe Nadeau:
A Normalization Formula for the Jack Polynomials in Superspace and an Identity on Partitions. - Daniel Král', Douglas B. West:
Chromatic Number for a Generalization of Cartesian Product Graphs. - L. Bruce Richmond, Jeffrey O. Shallit:
Counting Abelian Squares. - Pedro Pablo Pérez Velasco, Juan de Lara:
A Reformulation of Matrix Graph Grammars with Boolean Complexes. - Kerri Morgan, Graham Farr:
Certificates of Factorisation for Chromatic Polynomials. - Kerri Morgan, Graham Farr:
Certificates of Factorisation for a Class of Triangle-Free Graphs. - Claude Laflamme, Karen Seyffarth:
Distinguishing Chromatic Numbers of Bipartite Graphs. - Uwe Schauz:
Mr. Paint and Mrs. Correct. - Alexander V. Gnedin, Grigori Olshanski
A q-Analogue of de Finetti's Theorem. - Dömötör Pálvölgyi:
Combinatorial Necklace Splitting. - Yanqing Chen, Ligong Wang:
The Laplacian Spread of Tricyclic Graphs. - Cheng Yeaw Ku, Kok Bin Wong:
Maximum Multiplicity of a Root of the Matching Polynomial of a Tree and Minimum Path Cover. - Jeremy L. Martin, Jennifer D. Wagner:
Updown Numbers and the Initial Monomials of the Slope Variety. - Marc Cámara, Josep Fàbrega
, Miguel Angel Fiol, Ernest Garriga:
Some Families of Orthogonal Polynomials of a Discrete Variable and their Applications to Graphs and Codes. - Yaim Cooper:
Properties Determined by the Ihara Zeta Function of a Graph. - Zemin Jin, Xueliang Li:
Anti-Ramsey Numbers for Graphs with Independent Cycles. - Ben Young:
Squishing Dimers on the Hexagon Lattice. - Catarina P. Avelino, Altino F. Santos:
Spherical f-Tilings by Scalene Triangles and Isosceles Trapezoids III. - Karen L. Collins, Mark Hovey, Ann N. Trenk:
Bounds on the Distinguishing Chromatic Number. - Thomas Kalinowski:
A Dual of the Rectangle-Segmentation Problem for Binary Matrices. - Ralph H. Buchholz, Warwick de Launey:
An Edge-Minimization Problem for Regular Polygons. - Jill R. Faudree, Ralph J. Faudree, Ronald J. Gould, Michael S. Jacobson:
Saturation Numbers for Trees. - Rupert G. Wood, Douglas R. Woodall:
Defective Choosability of Graphs without Small Minors. - Stephan G. Wagner:
Almost All Trees have an Even Number of Independent Sets. - Manfred Walter:
Some Results on Chromatic Polynomials of Hypergraphs. - Charmaine Sia:
Hurwitz Equivalence in Tuples of Dihedral Groups, Dicyclic Groups, and Semidihedral Groups. - Jiangmin Pan:
Locally Primitive Normal Cayley Graphs of Metacyclic Groups. - Pingzhi Yuan:
Subsequence Sums of Zero-sum-free Sequences. - G. Dupont:
Positivity in Coefficient-Free Rank Two Cluster Algebras. - Michael Lugo:
Profiles of Permutations. - Van H. Vu, Philip Matchett Wood:
The Inverse Erdös-Heilbronn Problem. - Adam M. Goyt, David Mathisen:
Permutation Statistics and q-Fibonacci Numbers. - Spyros Angelopoulos, Benjamin Doerr, Anna Huber, Konstantinos Panagiotou:
Tight Bounds for Quasirandom Rumor Spreading. - Sergio Caracciolo, Alan D. Sokal, Andrea Sportiello:
Noncommutative determinants, Cauchy-Binet formulae, and Capelli-type identities I. Generalizations of the Capelli and Turnbull identities. - Torleiv Kløve:
Generating Functions for the Number of Permutations with Limited Displacement. - André E. Kézdy
, Hunter S. Snevily, Susan C. White:
Generalized Schur Numbers for x1 + x2 + c = 3x3. - Mike J. Grannell, Terry S. Griggs, Martin Knor:
On Biembeddings of Latin Squares. - Vladimir Nikiforov:
Degree Powers in Graphs with a Forbidden Even Cycle. - Edward A. Bender, E. Rodney Canfield:
Locally Restricted Compositions II. General Restrictions and Infinite Matrices. - Ryan R. Martin, Yi Zhao:
Tiling Tripartite Graphs with 3-Colorable Graphs. - Farzin Barekat, Stephanie van Willigenburg:
Composition of Transpositions and Equality of Ribbon Schur Q-Functions. - John T. Hall, Jeffrey Liese, Jeffrey B. Remmel:
q-Counting Descent Pairs with Prescribed Tops and Bottoms. - Richard W. Kenyon, David B. Wilson:
Combinatorics of Tripartite Boundary Connections for Trees and Dimers. - Daniel W. Cranston, Gexin Yu:
A New Lower Bound on the Density of Vertex Identifying Codes for the Infinite Hexagonal Grid. - Hongtao Zhao:
Another Product Construction for Large Sets of Resolvable Directed Triple Systems. - Michael Plantholt, Shailesh K. Tipnis:
Vertex-Oriented Hamilton Cycles in Directed Graphs. - Refik Keskin, Bahar Demirtürk:
On Suborbital Graphs for the Normalizer of Γ0(N). - Reza Akhtar, Megan Boggess, Tiffany Jackson-Henderson, Isidora Jiménez, Rachel Karpman
, Amanda Kinzel, Dan Pritikin:
On the Unitary Cayley Graph of a Finite Ring. - Jin-Xin Zhou
Tetravalent Non-Normal Cayley Graphs of Order 4p. - Ron Aharoni, Eli Berger:
Rainbow Matchings in r-Partite r-Graphs. - Amir Rahnamai Barghi, Ilia Ponomarenko:
Non-Isomorphic Graphs with Cospectral Symmetric Powers. - Pascal Berthomé, Raul Cordovil, David Forge, Véronique Ventos, Thomas Zaslavsky:
An Elementary Chromatic Reduction for Gain Graphs and Special Hyperplane Arrangements. - Alireza Abdollahi, Ebrahim Vatandoost:
Which Cayley Graphs are Integral? - László Babai
, Barry Guiduli:
Spectral Extrema for Graphs: The Zarankiewicz Problem. - David Cariolaro, Hung-Lin Fu:
The Excessive [3]-Index of All Graphs. - Mireille Bousquet-Mélou, James Propp, Julian West:
Perfect Matchings for the Three-Term Gale-Robinson Sequences. - Frank Ruskey
, Jennifer Woodcock:
Counting Fixed-Height Tatami Tilings. - Xuding Zhu:
On-Line List Colouring of Graphs. - Natasha Rozhkovskaya:
Symmetric Functions for the Generating Matrix of the Yangian of gln(C). - Abraham Isgur, David Reiss, Stephen M. Tanny:
Trees and Meta-Fibonacci Sequences. - Elizabeth Perez Reilly, Edward R. Scheinerman:
Random Threshold Graphs. - Pradipta Mitra:
Entrywise Bounds for Eigenvectors of Random Graphs. - Iwao Sato:
A New Determinant Expression of the Zeta Function for a Hypergraph. - Wolfgang Haas, Immanuel Halupczok, Jan-Christoph Schlage-Puchta:
Lower Bounds for q-ary Codes with Large Covering Radius. - Ebrahim Ghorbani, Jack H. Koolen, Jae Young Yang:
Bounds for the Hückel Energy of a Graph. - Benjamin R. Smith:
Some Gregarious Cycle Decompositions of Complete Equipartite Graphs. - Michael H. Albert, M. D. Atkinson, Vincent Vatter:
Counting 1324, 4231-Avoiding Permutations. - Bart De Bruyn:
The Valuations of the Near Polygon Gn. - Amin Coja-Oghlan, André Lanka:
The Spectral Gap of Random Graphs with Given Expected Degrees. - Jason E. Fulman:
Mixing Time for a Random Walk on Rooted Trees. - Philippe Di Francesco, Rinat Kedem
Positivity of the T-System Cluster Algebra. - Yury J. Ionin:
Isosceles Sets. - Boris Bukh:
Set Families with a Forbidden Subposet. - D. Armstrong, Christian Krattenthaler:
Euler Characteristic of the Truncated Order Complex of Generalized Noncrossing Partitions. - Agelos Georgakopoulos, Philipp Sprüssel:
Geodetic Topological Cycles in Locally Finite Graphs. - Adrien Boussicault, Valentin Féray:
Application of graph combinatorics to rational identities of type A. - Nathaniel Thiem, C. Ryan Vinroot:
Gelfand-Graev Characters of the Finite Unitary Groups. - W. B. Vasantha, R. S. Selvaraj:
Multi-Covering Radius for Rank Metric Codes. - Kenzi Akiyama, Masayuki Ogawa, Chihiro Suetake:
On STD6[18, 3]'s and STD7[21, 3]'s Admitting a Semiregular Automorphism Group of Order 9. - Edward Dobson, István Kovács:
Automorphism groups of Cayley digraphs of Zp3.
- Xiaodong Xu, Stanislaw P. Radziszowski:
An Improvement to Mathon's Cyclotomic Ramsey Colorings. - Richard A. Brualdi, Kathleen Kiernan:
Landau's and Rado's Theorems and Partial Tournaments. - Choongbum Lee:
On the Size of Minimal Unsatisfiable Formulas. - Alexander E. Patkowski:
On Some Partitions Related to Q(√2). - Leonid Gurvits:
A Short Proof, Based on Mixed Volumes, of Liggett's Theorem on the Convolution of Ultra-Logconcave Sequences. - Bünyamin Demir, Ali Deniz
, Sahin Koçak:
Stability of Graphs. - Joel Brewster Lewis:
Alternating, Pattern-Avoiding Permutations. - Balázs Patkós:
Traces of Uniform Families of Sets. - Omran Kouba:
A Duality Based Proof of the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz. - Kyung-Won Hwang, Naeem N. Sheikh, Stephen G. Hartke:
A Note on Divisibility of the Number of Matchings of a Family of Graphs. - Asaf Shapira, Raphael Yuster:
Multigraphs (Only) Satisfy a Weak Triangle Removal Lemma. - Jacob Steinhardt:
On Coloring the Odd-Distance Graph. - Frédéric Vanhove:
The Maximum Size of a Partial Spread in H(4n+1, q2) is q2n+1+1. - Ido Ben-Eliezer, Michael Krivelevich:
Perfectly Balanced Partitions of Smoothed Graphs. - Andrzej Pezarski, Michal Zmarz:
Non-Repetitive 3-Coloring of Subdivided Graphs. - David Ellis:
Note on Generating All Subsets of a Finite Set with Disjoint Unions. - Rudy X. J. Liu:
Set Systems with Restricted t-wise Intersections Modulo Prime Powers. - Po-Shen Loh
A Note on Embedding Hypertrees. - Veselin Jungic, Tomás Kaiser, Daniel Král':
A Note on Edge-Colourings Avoiding Rainbow K4 and Monochromatic Km. - Andries E. Brouwer, Edward Spence:
Cospectral Graphs on 12 Vertices. - Tsoy-Wo Ma:
Higher Chain Formula proved by Combinatorics. - Ernesto Vallejo:
A Stability Property for Coefficients in Kronecker Products of Complex Sn Characters. - Jacob Fox, Benny Sudakov:
Paths and Stability Number in Digraphs. - H. N. Ramaswamy, C. R. Veena:
On the Energy of Unitary Cayley Graphs. - Torsten Sander:
Sudoku Graphs are Integral. - Tom Bohman
, Ron Holzman, Venkatesh Natarajan:
Maximum Independent Sets in Certain Powers of Odd Cycles. - Xia Zhou, David M. Bradley, Tianxin Cai:
Depth Reduction of a Class of Witten Zeta Functions. - Tom Rackham:
A Note on K-Δ+1-Free Precolouring with Δ Colours. - Filippo Cesi:
Cayley Graphs on the Symmetric Group Generated by Initial Reversals have Unit Spectral Gap. - Agnieszka Görlich, Andrzej Zak:
A Note on Packing Graphs Without Cycles of Length up to Five. - Michael S. Payne:
Unit Distance Graphs with Ambiguous Chromatic Number. - Bryan L. Shader
, Wasin So:
Skew Spectra of Oriented Graphs. - Rui Yang, Xinmin Hou
, Ning Li, Wei Zhong:
A Note on the Distance-Balanced Property of Generalized Petersen Graphs. - Dhruv Mubayi, Sundar Vishwanathan:
Bipartite Coverings and the Chromatic Number.
Volume 16, Number 2, 2009
- Alexander Berglund:
Shellability and the Strong gcd-Condition. - Anton Dochtermann, Alexander Engström:
Algebraic Properties of Edge Ideals via Combinatorial Topology. - Uwe Nagel, Victor Reiner:
Betti Numbers of Monomial Ideals and Shifted Skew Shapes. - Henrik Eriksson, Kimmo Eriksson
Conjugacy of Coxeter Elements. - Jakob Jonsson:
Hard Squares with Negative Activity on Cylinders with Odd Circumference. - Sven Herrmann, Anders Nedergaard Jensen, Michael Joswig, Bernd Sturmfels:
How to Draw Tropical Planes. - Steven Klee:
The Fundamental Group of Balanced Simplicial Complexes and Posets. - Eran Nevo:
Remarks on Missing Faces and Generalized Lower Bounds on Face Numbers. - Richard P. Stanley:
Promotion and Evacuation. - Alexander Woo
Permutations with Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomial Pid, w(q)=1+qh. - Péter Csorba:
Subdivision Yields Alexander Duality on Independence Complexes. - Martin von Gagern, Jürgen Richter-Gebert
Hyperbolization of Euclidean Ornaments. - Frank H. Lutz, Thom Sulanke, Ed Swartz:
f-Vectors of 3-Manifolds. - László Lovász, Alexander Schrijver:
Semidefinite Functions on Categories. - William Y. C. Chen, Robert L. Tang, Alina F. Y. Zhao:
Derangement Polynomials and Excedances of Type B. - Pavle V. M. Blagojevic, Günter M. Ziegler:
Tetrahedra on Deformed and Integral Group Cohomology. - Russ Woodroofe
Cubical Convex Ear Decompositions. - Sara C. Billey, Stephen A. Mitchell:
Affine Partitions and Affine Grassmannians. - Adriano M. Garsia, A. Goupil:
Character Polynomials, their q-Analogs and the Kronecker Product. - Jean-Christophe Novelli, Jean-Yves Thibon:
Superization and (q, t)-Specialization in Combinatorial Hopf Algebras. - Sergey Kitaev, Jeffrey Liese, Jeffrey B. Remmel, Bruce E. Sagan:
Rationality, Irrationality, and Wilf Equivalence in Generalized Factor Order. - Torsten Ekedahl:
Shellability of a Poset of Polygonal Subdivisions.

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