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ACM Communications in Computer Algebra, Volume 49
Volume 49, Number 1, March 2015
- Albert Heinle, Viktor Levandovskyy:
The SDEval benchmarking toolkit. 1-9 - Efi Fogel
, Monique Teillaud:
The computational geometry algorithms library CGAL. 10-12
- Nuh Aydin:
Computer algebra challenges for constructing skew cyclic codes. 13 - Kadijeh Bagheri
, Mohammad-Reza Sadeghi:
A new non-associative cryptosystem based on NTOW public key cryptosystem and octonions algebra. 13 - Nabil Bennenni, Kenza Guenda, T. Aaron Gulliver:
Construction of codes for DNA computing by the greedy algorithm. 14 - Ahmed Cherchem, André Leroy:
Exponents of skew polynomials. 14 - Iuliana Ciocanea Teodorescu:
The module isomorphism problem for finite rings and related results. 14 - Steven T. Dougherty, Esengül Saltürk:
Codes over local rings of order 16 and their gray maps. 14 - Steven T. Dougherty, Esengül Saltürk
, Steve Szabo:
Codes over rings of order 16. 15 - Felice Manganiello:
Network coding via skew polynomials. 15 - Edgar Martínez-Moro, Alejandro Piñera-Nicolás, Ignacio F. Rúa:
Multivariable codes in principal ideal polynomial quotient rings. 15 - Edgar Martínez-Moro, Steve Szabo, Bahattin Yildiz:
Linear codes over Z4[x]/<x2-2x>: dual preserving maps and images as codes over Z4. 16
- Malihe Aliasgari, Mohammad-Reza Sadeghi, Daniel Panario:
A Johnson-type bound for group codes and lattices. 16 - Malihe Aliasgari, Daniel Panario, Mohammad-Reza Sadeghi:
Binomial ideal associated to a lattice and its label code. 16-17 - K. T. Arasu:
Stickelberger's congruences and perfect sequence constructions. 17 - Ankita Bakshi, Deeksha M. Arya
On a class of difference set pairs. 17 - Gregory V. Bard, Theodore McDonnough:
Plaintext recovery for one-time pads used twice. 17-18 - José Joaquín Bernal, Juan Jacobo Simón, Diana H. Bueno-Carreño:
A notion of multivariate BCH bounds and codes. 18 - Akshay Degwekar, Kenza Guenda, T. Aaron Gulliver:
Extending construction X for quantum error-correcting codes. 18 - Natalia Dück, Irene Marquez Corbella, Edgar Martínez-Moro:
The degree compatible Gröbner fan for linear codes. 18-19 - Mariana Durcheva:
Some applications of idempotent semirings in public key cryptography. 19 - Óscar García-Morchón, Ronald Rietman, Ludo Tolhuizen, Domingo Gómez, Jaime Gutierrez:
HIMMO: a collusion-resistant identity-based scheme for symmetric key generation. 19 - Manuel González Sarabia:
An overview on algebraic invariants and the main parameters of some parameterized codes. 19-20 - James Hufford:
Some results on finite fields. 20 - David Joyner:
Edge-weighted Cayley graphs, monotonicity and bent functions. 20-21 - Relinde P. M. J. Jurrius, Ruud Pellikaan:
The extended and generalized rank weight enumerator of a code. 21 - Irene Marquez Corbella, Ruud Pellikaan:
Error-correcting pairs: a new approach to code-based cryptography. 21 - Hamza Moufek, Kenza Guenda:
McEliece cryptosystem based on punctured convolutional codes and the pseudo-random generators. 21 - Bo Phillips, Jace Robinson:
Some new almost difference sets via finite fields. 21-22 - Emma Previato:
Evaluation codes and weierstrass semigroups. 22 - Ana Lucila Sandoval Orozco, Luis Javier García-Villalba, Mario Blaum:
Optimum shortened cyclic codes for multiple burst-error correction. 22-23
- Carlos E. Arreche:
Computing differential Galois groups of parameterized second-order linear differential equations. 23 - Moulay A. Barkatou:
A direct algorithm for computing k-simple forms of first-order linear differential systems. 23 - James Freitag:
Bounding the size of a finite differential algebraic variety. 23-24 - Xiao-Shan Gao:
Binomial difference ideal and toric difference variety. 24 - Florian Heiderich:
Towards a non-commutative picard-vessiot theory. 24 - Maximilian Jaroschek:
Radicals of ore polynomials. 24 - Gabriela Jeronimo:
Effective differential Lüroth theorem. 24-25 - Lourdes Juan:
On the integration of algebraic functions: computing the logarithmic part. 25 - Irina A. Kogan:
Differential algebra of invariants and invariant variational calculus. 25 - George Labahn:
Dynamical systems and scaling invariants. 25 - Markus Lange-Hegermann:
Counting solutions of differential equations. 25-26 - François Lemaire:
New development and application of integration of differential fractions. 26 - Omar León Sánchez:
Parametrized logarithmic equations and their Galois theory. 26 - Alexander B. Levin:
Generalized Gröbner bases and dimension polynomials of modules over some finitely generated noncommutative algebras. 26 - Suzy S. Maddah:
Formal solutions of completely integrable Pfaffian systems with normal crossings. 26-27 - Annette Maier:
Parameterized differential equations and patching. 27 - Alice Medvedev:
Dimensions of difference-algebraic groups. 27 - Sergey Paramonov:
Undecidability of the uniqueness testing problem for analytic solutions of PLDE with boundary conditions. 27 - Julien Roques:
Galois groups of difference equations on elliptic curves. 27-28 - Michael Wibmer:
A Jordan-Hölder theorem for difference algebraic groups. 28 - Guanli Huang, Meng Zhou:
On the termination of algorithm for computing relative Gröbner bases. 28
- Laurent Poinsot:
Differential (Lie) algebras from a functorial point of view. 28-29 - Sonia L. Rueda:
Differential elimination by differential specialization of Sylvester style matrices. 29 - Dahira Dali, Jugurta Mahrez:
Local stability of cubic differential systems. 29 - Emma Previato:
Differential algebraic aspect of orthogonal polynomials and modular forms. 29-30 - Suzy S. Maddah:
On the formal reduction of singularly-perturbed linear differential systems. 31 - Stéphane Launois:
Endomorphisms of quantum generalized Weyl algebras. 31 - William F. Keigher, V. Ravi Srinivasan:
Differential equations and Hurwitz series. 31 - George Labahn:
Rational invariants of finite abelian groups. 31-32 - Yang Zhang, Xiangui Zhao:
Gelfand-Kirillov dimension of differential difference algebras. 32 - Minvydas Ragulskis:
The generalized multiplicative operator of differentiation for the construction of analytic solitary solutions to nonlinear differential equations. 32 - Li Guo, William Y. Sit, Xing Gao, Shanghua Zheng:
Rota-Baxter type operators, rewriting systems and Gröbner-Shirshov bases. 33 - Mark Giesbrecht, Albert Heinle, Viktor Levandovskyy:
On factoring differential and difference operators in n variables. 33 - Christoph Koutschan, Erwin Suazo, Sergei K. Suslov:
Multi-parameter laser modes in paraxial optics. 33 - Alexander B. Levin:
Method of generalized characteristic sets and multivariate dimension polynomials of differential field extensions with a group action. 34
- David J. Jeffrey, Albert D. Rich, Junrui Hu:
RUBI and integration as term re-writing: integrals containing tangent. 34 - Clemens G. Raab:
Rewrite rules for nested integrals. 34 - Michel Beaudin, Frédéric Henri:
Piecewise functions and convolution integrals (part I, part II). 34 - Daniel Lichtblau:
The hazards of symbolic definite integration (a continuing saga). 35 - Gilbert Labelle:
Combinatorial integration (part I, part II). 35 - Robert H. C. Moir, Robert M. Corless
, David J. Jeffrey:
Unwinding paths on the Riemann sphere for continuous integrals of rational functions. 35
- Abstracts of recent doctoral dissertations in computer algebra. 36
Volume 49, Number 2, June 2015
- Richard J. Fateman:
Partitioning of algebraic subexpressions in computer algebra systems: an alternative to matching with an application to symbolic integration. 38-47
- Elena Varbanova:
CAS in the context of methodology of mathematics education. 48 - Michel Beaudin:
Same courses, new questions. 48 - Alfonsa García, Francisco García, Ángel Martín del Rey, Gerardo Rodríguez, Agustín de la Villa:
Using technology in mathematical courses: some possibilities. 49 - Patrice Geary Tiffany:
Effectively melding computer algebra systems into the calculus curriculum. 49-50 - Rosemary Carroll Farley:
Student undergraduate research projects in linear algebra using a computer algebra system. 50 - Andrew Toon:
Investigating complex data and dynamics via computer algebra. 50 - Michael Xue:
Prove inequalities by solving maximum/minimum problems using a computer algebra system. 50
- Juan Gerardo Alcázar, Carlos Hermoso, Georg Muntingh:
Symmetry detection of rational space curves. 51 - Yacine Bouzidi:
Computing separating linear forms for bivariate systems. 51-52 - Lubjana Beshaj, Tony Shaska
, C. Shor:
On Jacobians of curves with superelliptic components. 52 - Juan Gerardo Alcázar, Carlos Hermoso, Jorge Caravantes, Gema M. Diaz-Toca:
Iterative computation of the convex hull of a rational plane curve. 52 - Carlos D'Andrea:
The rees algebra of some monomial parametrizations. 52-53 - Mario Fioravanti, Laureano González-Vega, Jorge Caravantes:
Computing the topology of an arrangement of parametric or implicit algebraic curves in the Lagrange basis. 53 - Niels Lubbes:
Circles on surfaces. 53-54 - Marc Moreno Maza:
Doing algebraic geometry with the RegularChains library. 54 - Sonia L. Rueda, Juana Sendra, J. Rafael Sendra:
An approximate algorithm to parametrize algebraic curves. 54-55 - Tony Shaska
Genus 3 hyperelliptic curves with (2, 4, 4)-split Jacobians. 55 - Martin Weimann:
Computing gonal maps of algebraic curves. 55
- Martin Helmer
Algorithms to compute chern-schwartz-macpherson and segre classes and the euler characteristic. 56 - Evangelos A. Coutsias:
Bricard flexible octahedra and the canonical cyclohexane. 56 - Manfred Minimair
Collaborative computer algebra systems. 56-57 - Jonathan Tot:
Spinning double pendulum: equilibria and bifurcations. 57 - Robert H. Lewis, Béla Paláncz, Joseph L. Awange
Application of Dixon resultant to maximization of the likelihood function of Gaussian mixture distribution. 57
- Jaime Gutierrez:
Recovering zeroes of hyperelliptic curves over finite fields. 58 - Artur Elezi:
Quantum computing, error correcting quantum codes and algebraic curves. 58 - Lubjana Beshaj:
Heights on hyperelliptic and superelliptic curves. 58 - C. Shor:
On the q-Weierstrass weights of branch points of superelliptic curves. 58 - Barry M. Trager:
Good reduction of plane curves. 58 - Tony Shaska
Minimal models for superelliptic curves over their minimal field of definition. 58
- Tyler Kelly:
An algorithm for computing Picard ranks of certain K3 surfaces. 59 - Federico Galetto:
An algorithm for determining actions of semisimple Lie groups on free resolutions. 59 - Christopher Manon:
Horospherical contraction and Hamiltonian functions on an algebraic group. 59 - Jennifer Paulhus:
Decomposing Jacobian varieties. 59 - David Jensen:
Brill-Noether theory for metric graphs. 60 - Amy Ksir:
Automorphisms of tropical curves and Berkovich analytic curves and their skeletons. 60
- Gora Adj, Alfred Menezes, Thomaz Oliveira, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez:
Computing discrete logarithms using Joux's algorithm. 60 - Ambedkar Dukkipati, Nithish Pai, Maria Francis, Abhishek Dubey:
On Gröbner bases over rings and residue class polynomial rings with torsion. 60-61 - Christian Eder, Jean-Charles Faugère:
A survey on signature-based Gröbner basis computations. 61 - Jean-Charles Faugère, Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer, Jules Svartz:
Sparse Gröbner bases: algorithms and complexity. 61-62 - Martin R. Albrecht, Carlos Cid, Jean-Charles Faugère, Robert Fitzpatrick, Ludovic Perret:
Algebraic algorithms for LWE problems. 62 - John Perry:
The skeletons you find when you order your ideal's closet. 62-63 - Matthew Tamayo:
Algebraic full homomorphic encryption and resisting Gröbner basis cryptanalysis. 63 - Yao Sun, Dongdai Lin, Dingkang Wang:
On implementing signature-based Gröbner basis algorithms using linear algebraic routines from M4RI. 63-64
- Thierry N. Dana-Picard:
Review of "Pavel pech: selected topics in geometry with classical vs. computer proving by Pavel Pech", World Scientific 2007 ISBN-10: 981-270-942-8, ISBN-13: 978-981-270-942-4. 65-66
- Konstantin Ziegler:
Abstracts of recent doctoral dissertations in computer algebra. 67
Volume 49, Number 3, September 2015
- Matthew England
Report on the 40th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. 69
- Gérard Duchamp, Vincel Hoang Ngoc Minh, Quoc Hoan Ngô:
Harmonic sums and polylogarithms at negative multi-indices. 70-73 - Dongil Lee:
Standard monomials for the Weyl group F4. 74-76 - Alexey A. Kytmanov
, A. M. Kytmanov, Evgeniya K. Myshkina:
On finding residue integrals for a class of systems of non-algebraic equations. 77-79 - Takuya Hirata
, Kazuya Yamaguchi, Ichijo Hodaka
A symbolic equation modeler for electric circuits. 80-82 - Ryan McCleeary, Martin Brain, Aaron Stump:
A lazy approach to adaptive exact real arithmetic using floating-point operations. 83-86 - Luca De Feo
, Christophe Petit
, Michaël Quisquater:
Deterministic root finding in finite fields. 87-89 - Veronika Pillwein, Miriam Schussler:
An efficient procedure deciding positivity for a class of holonomic functions. 90-93 - Michael B. Monagan, Baris Tuncer:
Using sparse interpolation to solve multivariate diophantine equations. 94-97 - Waldemar Hebisch:
Integration in terms of exponential integrals and incomplete gamma functions. 98-100 - Massimo Caboara, Carla Mascia
On the Hilbert quasi-polynomials for non-standard graded rings. 101-104 - Takanori Yasuda, Xavier Dahan, Yun-Ju Huang, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Kouichi Sakurai:
A multivariate quadratic challenge toward post-quantum generation cryptography. 105-107
- Yue Liu:
Research on Gröbner basis of the defining ideal of polynomial ring in quaternionic variables. 108 - Yinghong Li:
Theories and algorithms for difference and differential Chow form. 108-109 - Jie Zhou:
The computations and applications based on comprehensive Groebner system. 109-110 - Wei Zhu:
The computations and applications based on comprehensive Groebner system. 110
Volume 49, Number 4, December 2015
- Erich L. Kaltofen:
Jenks prize 2015 award citation. 112 - John Abbott, Anna Maria Bigatti
What is new in CoCoALib and CoCoA-5? 113-116 - Van Chiên Bui, Gérard Duchamp, Vincel Hoang Ngoc Minh:
Computation tool for the q-deformed quasi-shuffle algebras and representations of structure of MZVs. 117-120 - Bruno Grenet
Lacunaryx: computing bounded-degree factors of lacunary polynomials. 121-124 - Achim Hornecker:
CloudMath: mathematical collaboration within the cloud. 125-126 - Yue Ren:
Computing tropical varieties over fields with valuation using classical standard basis techniques. 127-129 - Jan Verschelde, Xiangcheng Yu:
Polynomial homotopy continuation on GPUs. 130-133 - Ioannis Z. Emiris:
Research workshop on algebraic representations in computer-aided design for complex shapes. 134

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