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Applied Network Science, Volume 6
Volume 6, Number 1, December 2021
- Antoine Vendeville
, Benjamin Guedj
, Shi Zhou:
Forecasting elections results via the voter model with stubborn nodes. 1 - Satyaki Roy
, Ronojoy Dutta, Preetam Ghosh
Towards Dynamic lockdown strategies controlling pandemic spread under healthcare resource budget. 2 - Masaki Chujyo
, Yukio Hayashi
A loop enhancement strategy for network robustness. 3 - Rohan Patil, Raviraj Dave
, Harsh M. Patel, Viraj M. Shah, Deep Chakrabarti
, Udit Bhatia
Assessing the interplay between travel patterns and SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in realistic urban setting. 4 - Ruaridh A. Clark
, Malcolm Macdonald
Identification of effective spreaders in contact networks using dynamical influence. 5 - Tomer Lev, Erez Shmueli
State-based targeted vaccination. 6 - Maxime Lenormand
, Hervé Pella
, Hervé Capra
Animal daily mobility patterns analysis using resting event networks. 7 - Diego F. Leal
, Nicolas L. Harder:
Global dynamics of international migration systems across South-South, North-North, and North-South flows, 1990-2015. 8 - Rachit Agarwal
, Shikhar Barve, Sandeep Kumar Shukla:
Detecting malicious accounts in permissionless blockchains using temporal graph properties. 9 - Christopher Small
, Daniel J. Sousa:
Spatiotemporal evolution of COVID-19 infection and detection within night light networks: comparative analysis of USA and China. 10 - Inho Hong
, Alex Rutherford, Manuel Cebrián
Social mobilization and polarization can create volatility in COVID-19 pandemic control. 11 - John Bollenbacher, Diogo Pacheco, Pik-Mai Hui, Yong-Yeol Ahn, Alessandro Flammini, Filippo Menczer
On the challenges of predicting microscopic dynamics of online conversations. 12 - Dana K. Pasquale
, Irene A. Doherty, Peter A. Leone, Ann M. Dennis, Erika Samoff, Constance S. Jones, John Barnhart, William C. Miller:
Lost and found: applying network analysis to public health contact tracing for HIV. 13 - Chao Fan
, Sanghyeon Lee, Yang Yang, Bora Oztekin
, Qingchun Li
, Ali Mostafavi:
Effects of population co-location reduction on cross-county transmission risk of COVID-19 in the United States. 14 - Anne-Sophie Ruget
, Gianluigi Rossi
, P. Theo Pepler
, Gaël Beaunée, Christopher J. Banks
, Jessica A. Enright, Rowland R. Kao
Multi-species temporal network of livestock movements for disease spread. 15 - Sammy Khalife
, Jesse Read, Michalis Vazirgiannis:
Structure and influence in a global capital-ownership network. 16 - Martin Sterchi
, Cristina Sarasua, Rolf Grütter, Abraham Bernstein:
Outbreak detection for temporal contact data. 17 - Adina Gitomer, Pavel V. Oleinikov, Laura M. Baum, Erika Franklin Fowler
, Saray Shai:
Geographic impressions in Facebook political ads. 18 - Siddharth Arora
, Alexandra Brintrup
How does the position of firms in the supply chain affect their performance? An empirical study. 19 - Joshua Uyheng
, Kathleen M. Carley:
Characterizing network dynamics of online hate communities around the COVID-19 pandemic. 20 - Kate Barnes, Tiernon Riesenmy, Minh Duc Trinh, Eli Lleshi, Nóra Balogh, Roland Molontay
Dank or not? Analyzing and predicting the popularity of memes on Reddit. 21 - Kara Layne Johnson
, Jennifer L. Walsh, Yuri A. Amirkhanian, John J. Borkowski, Nicole Bohme Carnegie:
Using a novel genetic algorithm to assess peer influence on willingness to use pre-exposure prophylaxis in networks of Black men who have sex with men. 22 - Rory Humphries
, Kieran F. Mulchrone
, Jamie Tratalos, Simon J. More
, Philipp Hövel
A systematic framework of modelling epidemics on temporal networks. 23 - Peter Morales
, Rajmonda Sulo Caceres
, Tina Eliassi-Rad:
Selective network discovery via deep reinforcement learning on embedded spaces. 24 - Iacopo Pozzana
, Christos Ellinas, Georgios Kalogridis, Konstantinos Sakellariou:
Spreading of performance fluctuations on real-world project networks. 25 - Patrick Hoscheit
, Éric Anthony, Elisabeta Vergu:
Dynamic centrality measures for cattle trade networks. 26 - Adrià Plazas, Irene Malvestio
, Michele Starnini
, Albert Díaz-Guilera
Modeling partial lockdowns in multiplex networks using partition strategies. 27 - Timothy C. Matisziw
, Ashkan Gholamialam:
Optimizing facility siting for probabilistic collection and distribution of information in support of urban transportation. 28 - Claudio Durán
, Alessandro Muscoloni, Carlo Vittorio Cannistraci
Geometrical inspired pre-weighting enhances Markov clustering community detection in complex networks. 29 - Asma Azizi Boroojeni
, Zhuolin Qu
, Bryan L. Lewis
, James Mac Hyman:
Generating a heterosexual bipartite network embedded in social network. 30 - Pavlos Paraskevopoulos, Chiara Boldrini
, Andrea Passarella
, Marco Conti:
The academic wanderer: structure of collaboration network and relation with research performance. 31 - Dimitrios M. Vlachogiannis, Yanyan Xu, Ling Jin
, Marta C. González
Correlation networks of air particulate matter ($\hbox {PM}_{2.5}$): a comparative study. 32 - Jérôme G. M. Benoit
, Saif Eddin G. Jabari:
On equilibrium Metropolis simulations on self-organized urban street networks. 33 - Ashleigh C. Myall
, Robert L. Peach, Andrea Y. Weiße, Siddharth Mookerjee, Frances Davies, Alison H. Holmes, Mauricio Barahona
Network memory in the movement of hospital patients carrying antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. 34 - Carolina E. S. Mattsson
, Frank W. Takes
Trajectories through temporal networks. 35 - Carla Intal, Taha Yasseri
Dissent and rebellion in the House of Commons: a social network analysis of Brexit-related divisions in the 57th Parliament. 36 - Justin Loye, Leonardo Ermann
, Dima L. Shepelyansky
World impact of kernel European Union 9 countries from Google matrix analysis of the world trade network. 37 - John Fitzgerald
, Sanna Ojanperä
, Neave O'Clery:
Is academia becoming more localised? The growth of regional knowledge networks within international research collaboration. 38 - Anna Concas
, Lothar Reichel, Giuseppe Rodriguez
, Yunzi Zhang:
Chained graphs and some applications. 39 - Riccardo Dondi, Mohammad Mehdi Hosseinzadeh, Pietro H. Guzzi
A novel algorithm for finding top-k weighted overlapping densest connected subgraphs in dual networks. 40 - Aniello Lampo
, Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Sergio Gómez
, Albert Solé-Ribalta:
Emergence of spatial transitions in urban congestion dynamics. 41 - Xiaoye Ding, Shenyang Huang, Abby Leung, Reihaneh Rabbany
Incorporating dynamic flight network in SEIR to model mobility between populations. 42 - Ariel Salgado
, Weixin Li, Fahad Alhasoun, Inés Caridi, Marta C. González:
Street context of various demographic groups in their daily mobility. 43 - A. E. Schweikert, Guillaume F. L'Her, Mark Deinert:
Simple method for identifying interdependencies in service delivery in critical infrastructure networks. 44 - Onuttom Narayan, Iraj Saniee
An analytical solution to the multicommodity network flow problem with weighted random routing. 45 - Najmeh Sajedianfard
, Ebrahim Hadian, Ali Hussain Samadi, Zahra Dehghan Shabani, Somwrita Sarkar, Peter A. Robinson:
Quantitative analysis of trade networks: data and robustness. 46 - Natarajan Meghanathan
Neighborhood-based bridge node centrality tuple for complex network analysis. 47 - Takahiro Miura
, Kimitaka Asatani
, Ichiro Sakata
Large-scale analysis of delayed recognition using sleeping beauty and the prince. 48 - Helena Freire de Almeida
, Rui J. Lopes
, João M. Carrilho, Sara Eloy
Unfolding the dynamical structure of Lisbon's public space: space syntax and micromobility data. 49 - Armando Martins, Clara Grácio
, Claudia Teixeira, Irene Pimenta Rodrigues
, Juan-Luis García Zapata
, Lígia Ferreira:
Historia Augusta authorship: an approach based on Measurements of Complex Networks. 50 - Sergei P. Sidorov
, Sergei V. Mironov
, Alexey A. Grigoriev:
Friendship paradox in growth networks: analytical and empirical analysis. 51 - Mariko I. Ito
, Takaaki Ohnishi:
Co-occurrence network of TV advertisements revealing Japanese lifestyle. 52 - Anastasia A. Funkner
, Michil P. Egorov
, Sergey A. Fokin, Gennady M. Orlov
, Sergey V. Kovalchuk:
Citywide quality of health information system through text mining of electronic health records. 53 - Emre Sefer
Hi-C interaction graph analysis reveals the impact of histone modifications in chromatin shape. 54 - Giovanni Micale
, Giorgio Locicero, Alfredo Pulvirenti, Alfredo Ferro:
TemporalRI: subgraph isomorphism in temporal networks with multiple contacts. 55 - Matthew D. Nemesure, Thomas M. Schwedhelm
, Sofia Sacerdote, A. James O'Malley
, Luke R. Rozema, Erika L. Moen
A measure of local uniqueness to identify linchpins in a social network with node attributes. 56 - Renita Murimi
On the complexity of assimilation in urban communities. 57 - Amin Kaveh
, Matteo Magnani
, Christian Rohner:
Probabilistic network sparsification with ego betweenness. 58 - Jason Bassett
, Niccoló Pescetelli
, Alex Rutherford, Manuel Cebrián
Time-critical decentralised situational awareness in emergencies: an adversarial biosecurity scenario. 59 - Jingming Hu, Tuan Tran Chu, Seok-Hee Hong, Jialu Chen, Amyra Meidiana, Marnijati Torkel, Peter Eades, Kwan-Liu Ma:
BC tree-based spectral sampling for big complex network visualization. 60 - Alessia Galdeman
, Cheick Tidiane Ba
, Matteo Zignani
, Christian Quadri, Sabrina Gaito:
City consumption profile: a city perspective on the spending behavior of citizens. 61 - Donniell E. Fishkind
, Felix Parker, Hamilton Sawczuk, Lingyao Meng, Eric Bridgeford
, Avanti Athreya, Carey E. Priebe, Vince Lyzinski:
The phantom alignment strength conjecture: practical use of graph matching alignment strength to indicate a meaningful graph match. 62 - Diane Felmlee
, Cassie McMillan
, Roger M. Whitaker:
Dyads, triads, and tetrads: a multivariate simulation approach to uncovering network motifs in social graphs. 63 - Lucio La Cava
, Sergio Greco, Andrea Tagarelli
Understanding the growth of the Fediverse through the lens of Mastodon. 64 - Craig Robson
, Stuart L. Barr, Alistair C. Ford, Philip James
The structure and behaviour of hierarchical infrastructure networks. 65 - Darkhan Medeuov
, Camille Roth, Kseniia Puzyreva, Nikita Basov
Appraising discrepancies and similarities in semantic networks using concept-centered subnetworks. 66 - Jérôme Michaud
, Ilkka H. Mäkinen, Attila Szilva, Emil Frisk:
A spatial analysis of parliamentary elections in Sweden 1985-2018. 67 - Lucia Tajoli, Federico Airoldi, Carlo Piccardi
The network of international trade in services. 68 - Erik Braun
, Tamás Sebestyén, Tibor Kiss
The strength of domestic production networks: an economic application of the Finn cycling index. 69 - Jeremy Straughter
, Kathleen M. Carley:
Towards a network theory of regulatory burden. 70 - Yuki Yamagishi
, Kazumi Saito, Kazuro Hirahara, Naonori Ueda:
Spatio-temporal clustering of earthquakes based on distribution of magnitudes. 71 - Maksim Koptelov
, Albrecht Zimmermann, Bruno Crémilleux, Lina Fatima Soualmia
LPbyCD: a new scalable and interpretable approach for Link Prediction via Community Detection in bipartite networks. 72 - Péter Tamás Kovács, Marcell Nagy, Roland Molontay
Comparative analysis of box-covering algorithms for fractal networks. 73 - Miha Torkar
, Dunja Mladenic:
Characterizing financial markets from the event driven perspective. 74 - Yohei Shida, Hideki Takayasu, Shlomo Havlin, Misako Takayasu
Universal scaling of human flow remain unchanged during the COVID-19 pandemic. 75 - Letizia Milli
Opinion Dynamic Modeling of News Perception. 76 - Marcos S. Lyra, António Curado, Bruno Damásio
, Fernando Bação
, Flávio L. Pinheiro
Characterization of the firm-firm public procurement co-bidding network from the State of Ceará (Brazil) municipalities. 77 - Lisette Espín-Noboa
, Fariba Karimi, Bruno Ribeiro, Kristina Lerman, Claudia Wagner:
Explaining classification performance and bias via network structure and sampling technique. 78 - Elise Henry, Angelo Furno, Nour-Eddin El Faouzi:
REINFORCE: rapid augmentation of large-scale multi-modal transport networks for resilience enhancement. 79 - Hussain Hussain
, Tomislav Duricic, Elisabeth Lex, Denis Helic
, Roman Kern:
The interplay between communities and homophily in semi-supervised classification using graph neural networks. 80 - Andrea Ponti
, Antonio Candelieri, Ilaria Giordani, Francesco Archetti:
Probabilistic measures of edge criticality in graphs: a study in water distribution networks. 81 - Quang Nguyen
, Tuan V. Vu, Hanh-Duyen Dinh, Davide Cassi, Francesco Scotognella, Roberto Alfieri
, Michele Bellingeri:
Modularity affects the robustness of scale-free model and real-world social networks under betweenness and degree-based node attack. 82 - Luca de Benedictis
, Silvia Leoni
Inclusive universities: evidence from the Erasmus program. 83 - Simon Krukowski
, Tobias Hecking
Global and local community memberships for estimating spreading capability of nodes in social networks. 84 - József Dombi, Sakshi Dhama
Theory of preference modelling for communities in scale-free networks. 85 - Leonie Neuhäuser
, Felix I. Stamm
, Florian Lemmerich, Michael T. Schaub
, Markus Strohmaier
Simulating systematic bias in attributed social networks and its effect on rankings of minority nodes. 86 - Lorenzo Zangari, Roberto Interdonato, Antonio Caliò, Andrea Tagarelli
Graph convolutional and attention models for entity classification in multilayer networks. 87 - Zsolt Tibor Kosztyán
, Vivien Valéria Csányi, Zsuzsanna Banász, Ákos Jakobi, Ildikó Neumanné-Virág, András Telcs:
The role of higher education in spatial mobility. 88 - Qingchun Li
, Ali Mostafavi:
Local interactions and homophily effects in actor collaboration networks for urban resilience governance. 89 - Kai Bergermann
, Martin Stoll:
Orientations and matrix function-based centralities in multiplex network analysis of urban public transport. 90 - Alex D. Stivala
, Alessandro Lomi
Testing biological network motif significance with exponential random graph models. 91 - Issa Moussa Diop, Chantal Cherifi, Chérif Diallo, Hocine Cherifi
Revealing the component structure of the world air transportation network. 92 - Alex Zhao
, Kavin Kumaravel, Emanuele Massaro, Marta Gonzalez:
A network-based group testing strategy for colleges. 93 - Robert Harper
, Philip Tee
Balancing capacity and epidemic spread in the global airline network. 94 - Satyaki Roy
, Preetam Ghosh
Scalable and distributed strategies for socially distanced human mobility. 95 - Bojan Evkoski
, Nikola Ljubesic, Andraz Pelicon
, Igor Mozetic
, Petra Kralj Novak
Evolution of topics and hate speech in retweet network communities. 96 - Stefan Bloemheuvel, Jurgen van den Hoogen, Martin Atzmueller
A computational framework for modeling complex sensor network data using graph signal processing and graph neural networks in structural health monitoring. 97

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