International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z (ABZ)

International Conference of B and Z Users (ZB) – International Z User Meeting (ZUM) – Z User Workshop

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      10th ABZ 2024: Bergamo, Italy

      9th ABZ 2023: Nancy, France

      8th ABZ 2021: Ulm, Germany

      7th ABZ 2020: Ulm, Germany

      6th ABZ 2018: Southampton, UK

      5th ABZ 2016: Linz, Austria

      4th ABZ 2014: Toulouse, France

      3rd ABZ 2012: Pisa, Italy

      2nd ABZ 2010: Orford, QC, Canada

      1st ABZ 2008: London, UK

      17th ZUM 2007: Auckland, New Zealand

      16th ZUM 2006: Columbia, MD, USA

      4th ZB 2005: University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

      3rd ZB 2003: Turku, Finland

      2nd ZB 2002: Grenoble, France

      1st ZB 2000: York, UK

      11th ZUM 1998: Berlin, Germany

      10th ZUM 1997: Reading, UK

      9th ZUM 1995: Limerick, Ireland

      8th Z User Workshop 1994: Cambridge, UK

      7th Z User Workshop 1992: London, UK

      6th Z User Workshop 1991: York, UK

      5th Z User Workshop 1990: Oxford, UK

      4th Z User Workshop 1989: Oxford, UK