Conference on Business Informatics (CBI)

Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC) – Conference on Electronic Commerce Technology (CEC) – Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web/based Information Systems (WECWIS)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      26th CBI 2024: Vienna, Austria

      25th CBI 2023: Prague, Czech Republic

      24th CBI 2022: Amsterdam, Netherlands

      23rd CBI 2021: Bolzano, Italy

      22nd CBI 2020: Antwerp, Belgium

      21st CBI 2019: Moscow, Russia

      20th CBI 2018: Vienna, Austria

      19th CBI 2017: Thessaloniki, Greece

      18th CBI 2016: Paris, France

      17th CBI 2015: Lisbon, Portugal

      16th CBI 2014: Geneva, Switzerland

      15th CBI 2013: Vienna, Austria

      14th CEC 2012: Hangzhou, China

      13th CEC 2011: Luxembourg

      12th CEC 2010: Shanghai, China

      11th CEC 2009: Vienna, Austria

      10th CEC / 5th EEE 2008: Washington, DC, USA

      9th CEC / 4th EEE 2007: Tokyo, Japan

      8th CEC / 3rd EEE 2006: Palo Alto, California, USA

      7th CEC 2005: Munich, Germany

      6th CEC 2004: San Diego, California, USA

      5th CEC 2003: Newport Beach, California, USA

      4th WECWIS 2002: Newport Beach, California, USA

      3rd WECWIS 2001: San Jose, California, USa

      2nd WECWIS 2000: Milpitas, CA, USA

      WECWIS 2000 Home Page

      1st WECWIS 1999: Santa Clara, CA, USA