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WCNC 2019: Marrakesh, Morocco - Workshops
- 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshop, WCNC Workshops 2019, Marrakech, Morocco, April 15-18, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-0922-0
- Nan Qi, Nikolaos I. Miridakis, Theodoros A. Tsiftsis, Rugui Yao:
On the Fundamental Queue Analysis for Relay-assisted Two-stage Communication Networks. 1-6 - Moawiah Alhulayil
, Miguel López-Benítez
Dynamic Contention Window Methods for Improved Coexistence Between LTE and Wi-Fi in Unlicensed Bands. 1-6 - Shangbin Wu, Xiaoqing Zhang
A Low-Complexity Antenna-La-Aware Spatial Covariance Matrix Estimation Method. 1-6 - Galymzhan Nauryzbayev
, Mohamed Abdallah
, Khaled M. Rabie:
On the Reliability of Decode-and-Forward Two-Relay Diversity-enabled NOMA Networks. 1-6 - Hope Mauwa, Antoine B. Bagula, Emmanuel Tuyishimire:
An Optimal Spectrum Allocation Strategy for Dynamic Spectrum Markets. 1-8 - Umair Mohammad, Sameh Sorour:
Adaptive Task Allocation for Mobile Edge Learning. 1-6 - Xianxin Song, Xiaoqi Qin, Yunzheng Tao, Baoling Liu, Ping Zhang:
Age Based Task Scheduling and Computation Offloading in Mobile-Edge Computing Systems. 1-6 - Tianyu Yang, Yao Zhu
, Yulin Hu
, Rudolf Mathar:
Energy Minimization of Delay-Constrained Offloading in Vehicular Edge Computing Networks. 1-6 - Jorge Visca, Matias Richart, Javier Baliosian:
Stochastic Models for Opportunistic Networks. 1-6 - Anca Delia Jurcut
, Jinyong Chen, Anshuman Kalla
, Madhusanka Liyanage
, John Murphy:
A Novel Authentication Mechanism for Mobile Satellite Communication Systems. 1-7 - Alex The Phuong Nguyen, Raphaël Le Bidan
, Frédéric Guilloud:
Superimposed Frame Synchronization Optimization for Finite Blocklength Regime. 1-6 - Lilian Noronha Nassif:
Conspiracy communication reconstitution from distributed instant messages timeline. 1-6 - Katsuo Yunoki, Hiroyuki Shinbo:
Backhaul Bandwidth Consideration for Workload Placement in Hierarchical Edge Cloud Architecture. 1-6 - Mohamed Hossam Hegazy, Amr A. El-Sherif, Tamer A. ElBatt:
Network Coded Cooperation Receiver with Analog XOR Mapping for Enhanced BER. 1-6 - Yousef AlNagar, Sameh Hosny, Amr A. El-Sherif:
Proactive Caching for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks Using The City Model. 1-7 - Hong Wang, Ying Wang, Ruijin Sun, Shan Guo, Honglin Li:
Joint Video Caching and User Association With Mobile Edge Computing. 1-6 - Yating Gao, Ningbo Zhang, Jianming Cheng, Guixia Kang:
An Opportunistic Cooperative Packet Transmission Scheme in Wireless Multi-hop Networks. 1-6 - Wei Wu, Danpu Liu:
Hybrid Processing for Multi-user Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems via Matrix Decomposition. 1-6 - Bansi Gajera, Dhaval K. Patel
, Brijesh Soni, Miguel López-Benítez
Experimental Performance Evaluation of Improved Energy Detection under Noise Uncertainty in Low SNR Regime. 1-6 - Junwei Zang
, Vahid Towhidlou, Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei
Collision Avoidance in V2X Communication Networks. 1-6 - Ebrahim Bedeer
, Halim Yanikomeroglu
, Mohamed Hossam Ahmed:
Low-Complexity Detection of M-ary PSK Faster-than-Nyquist Signaling. 1-5 - Kotha Venugopalachary
, Deepak Mishra
, Ravikant Saini, Vijaykumar Chakka:
Secrecy-Aware Jointly Optimal Transmit Power Budget Sharing and Trusted DF Relay Placement. 1-6 - Teodora Sechkova, Enrico Barberis, Michele Paolino:
Cloud & Edge Trusted Virtualized Infrastructure Manager (VIM) - Security and Trust in OpenStack. 1-6 - Abada Abderrahmane, Guettaf Adnane
, Challal Yacine
, Garri Khireddine:
Android Malware Detection Based on System Calls Analysis and CNN Classification. 1-6 - Marco Araújo
, Love Ekenberg
, João Confraria:
Risk assessment in 5G infrastructure deployment: an aid tool for estimating spectrum auction prices. 1-6 - Fenyu Jiang, Yan Sun, Chris Phillips:
Cache Migration Protocol for Information-Centric Networks. 1-6 - Javed Akhtar
, Ketan Rajawat:
Quality-of-Service Constrained User and Antenna Selection in Downlink Massive-MIMO Systems. 1-6 - Yangan Mo, Mengqi Wang, Tingting Zhang, Qinyu Zhang
Intelligent Offloading Strategies For High Throughput Traffic Intersection Coordination. 1-6 - Jiakang Xu, Mary Ann Weitnauer:
Practical models for interference cancellation residual error in transmission-only networks. 1-5 - Nurul Huda Mahmood, Daniela Laselva, David Palacios, Mustafa Emara, Miltiades C. Filippou, Dong Min Kim, Isabel de la Bandera:
Multi-Channel Access Solutions for 5G New Radio. 1-6 - Zhengwei Lyu, Ying Wang:
Learning-Based Demand-Aware Communication Computing and Caching in Vehicular Networks. 1-6 - Alaa Gohar, Farida Shafik, Frank Dürr, Kurt Rothermel, Amr El Mougy:
Privacy-Preservation Mechanisms for Smart Energy Metering Devices Based on Differential Privacy. 1-6 - Lingfeng Wang, Jianqiao Chen, Xiaoli Yang
, Nan Ma, Ping Zhang:
A 3D Ellipsoid Model for Isotropic and Non-Isotropic Scatterers Co-existing Massive MIMO Channels. 1-6 - Amir Ghasemi, Chaitanya Parekh, Paul Guinand:
Spectrum Sensing for Modulated Radio Signals Using Deep Temporal Convolutional Networks. 1-5 - Gia Khanh Tran, Makoto Nakamura, Hiroaki Nishiuchi, Kei Sakaguchi, Ricardo Santos, Konstantin Koslowski:
Outdoor Experiment of mmWave Meshed Backhaul for Realtime Edge Content Delivery. 1-6 - Yiding Yu, Soung Chang Liew, Taotao Wang:
Carrier-Sense Multiple Access for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Using Deep Reinforcement Learning. 1-7 - Rafhael M. de Amorim, István Z. Kovács, Jeroen Wigard, Troels B. Sørensen, Preben E. Mogensen:
Forecasting Spectrum Demand for UAVs Served by Dedicated Allocation in Cellular Networks. 1-6 - Daniel Zucchetto, Andrea Munari, Andrea Zanella
On the Optimal Rate of Ad Hoc ALOHA Networks. 1-6 - Jianmei Dai, Danpu Liu:
An MEC-Enabled Wireless VR Transmission System with View Synthesis-based Caching. 1-7 - Guosen Yue, Bohan Zhang, Xiao-Feng Qi, Leonard J. Cimini Jr.:
Generalized JSDM with Enhanced Interference Management for Massive MIMO Systems. 1-7 - Mohammed Reda Bekkar, Cyrille Siclet, Laurent Ros, Benoit Miscopein, Serge Bories:
On the use of semidefinite relaxation for uplink phase-only hybrid beamforming with blockers. 1-6 - Muhammad Arif, Olli Liinamaa, Ijaz Ahmad
, Ari Pouttu, Mika Ylianttila:
On the Demonstration and Evaluation of Service-Based Slices in 5G Test Network using NFV. 1-6 - Archana Rajakaruna, Ahsan Manzoor
, Pawani Porambage, Madhusanka Liyanage
, Mika Ylianttila, Andrei V. Gurtov
Enabling End-to-End Secure Connectivity for Low-Power IoT Devices with UAVs. 1-6 - Lei Gao, Yanzhao Hou, Xiaofeng Tao, Min Zhu:
A Graph-Based Resource Sharing and Admission Control for Vehicular Networks. 1-6 - Ebtesam Almazrouei, Gabriele Gianini, Nawaf I. Almoosa, Ernesto Damiani:
A Deep Learning Approach to Radio Signal Denoising. 1-8 - Martin Danneberg, Roberto Bomfin, Shahab Ehsanfar, Ahmad Nimr, Zhitao Lin, Marwa Chafii
, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Online Wireless Lab Testbed. 1-5 - Fatemeh Asghari Azhiri, Reza Abdolee, Behzad Mozaffari Tazehkand
Effect of Mutual Coupling on the Performance of STCM-MIMO Systems. 1-5 - Dick Carrillo Melgarejo
, Gustavo Fraidenraich
, Luiz Quirino
, Alvaro Medeiros, Pedro H. J. Nardelli:
Performance of Multi-carrier Technology over VHF Channels for Rural Area Applications. 1-6 - Yassine Hmamouche
, Mustapha Benjillali, Samir Saoudi
Stochastic Analysis of UDNs With Resource Capacity and User Scheduling. 1-8 - Georgios Gardikis, António J. Morgado
, Shahid Mumtaz, Jara Suarez de Puga, Carlos Enrique Palau
, Charalampos Skiadasn, Harilaos Koumaras, Michail-Alexandros Kourtis
, Nikolaos Papadakis, Andreas Perentos, Marios Fotiou, Alexandros Phinikarides
, Michael Georgiades
, Luc Ottavj, Mamoutou Diarra, Thierry Masson:
The 5GENESIS testing facility as an enabler for integrated satellite/terrestrial 5G experimentation. 1-6 - Diane Duchemin, Jean-Marie Gorce, Claire Goursaud:
Low complexity Detector for massive uplink random access with NOMA in IoT LPWA networks. 1-6 - Muhammad Ali Jamshed, Osama Amjad, Fabien Héliot, Tim W. C. Brown:
EMF-reduction Uplink Resource Allocation Scheme for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems. 1-5 - Ghazanfar Ali Safdar, Masood Ur Rehman
Point Controlled Energy Efficient Medium Access in WLANs for Low Latency Communications. 1-5 - Honglin Li, Ying Wang, Ruijin Sun, Shan Guo, Hong Wang:
Delay-Based Congestion Control for Multipath TCP in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Tariro Mukute
, Michael Pauls, Joyce B. Mwangama
, Thomas Magedanz:
Design and Implementation of Multi-Cloud VNFs Deployment Utilizing Lightweight LXC Virtualization. 1-5 - Hirofumi Nakajo, Yuya Aoki, Keita Katagiri, Takeo Fujii:
High Density Spectrum Sharing Method among Micro Operators considering Spectrum Database. 1-5 - Daisuke Kitayama, Arne Simonsson, Peter Ökvist, Daisuke Kurita, Minoru Inomata, Kiichi Tateishi, Atsushi Harada, Tetsuro Imai, Yoshihisa Kishiyama, Shoji Itoh, Hideshi Murai:
5G Radio Access Experiments on Distributed MIMO Deployment for Straightly Traveling Mobile Station with Beamforming in 28-GHz Frequency Band. 1-6 - Ye Wang, Weixia Zou:
Hybrid Digital and Analog Precoding Algorithm for Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems. 1-6 - Miltiades C. Filippou, Dario Sabella, Vincenzo Riccobene:
Flexible MEC service consumption through edge host zoning in 5G networks. 1-6 - Aloizio P. Silva, Monchai Bunyakitanon, Raquel Frizera Vassallo
, Reza Nejabati, Dimitra Simeonidou:
An Open 5G NFV Platform for Smart City Applications Using Network Softwarization. 1-8 - Michael S. Mollel
, Metin Öztürk
, Michael Kisangiri, Shubi Felix Kaijage
, Oluwakayode Onireti, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Qammer H. Abbasi
Handover Management in Dense Networks with Coverage Prediction from Sparse Networks. 1-6 - Raouia Masmoudi Ghodhbane
A Relevant Energy-Efficient Metric in OFDM for Opportunistic Users. 1-6 - Roberto Bomfin, Marwa Chafii
, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Low-Complexity Iterative Receiver for Orthogonal Chirp Division Multiplexing. 1-6 - Tiia Ojanperä, Matti Kutila, Pasi Pyykönen, Johan Scholliers
, Timo Sukuvaara, Kari Mäenpää, Oiva Huuskonen:
Development and Piloting of Novel 5G-Enabled Road Safety Services. 1-6 - Giovanni Rigazzi, Jani-Pekka Kainulainen, Charles Turyagyenda, Alain Mourad, Jaehyun Ahn:
An Edge and Fog Computing Platform for Effective Deployment of 360 Video Applications. 1-6 - Nurul Huda Mahmood
, Ali Karimi, Gilberto Berardinelli
, Klaus I. Pedersen, Daniela Laselva:
On the Resource Utilization of Multi-Connectivity Transmission for URLLC Services in 5G New Radio. 1-6 - Ibrahim Yildirim
, Ertugrul Basar
, Ibrahim Altunbas
Fractional Media-Based Modulation with Golden Angle Modulation. 1-5 - Junsheng Wang, Yawen Chen, Zhaoming Lu, Xiangming Wen, Zifan Wang:
A Low-complexity Beam Searching Method for Fast Handover in MmWave Vehicular Networks. 1-6 - Mohamed-Ali Adjif, Oussama Habachi
, Jean-Pierre Cances:
Joint Channel Selection and Power Control for NOMA: A Multi-Armed Bandit Approach. 1-6 - Bruno Serra, Luis Gomes
, Zita A. Vale
Lightweight Architecture for IoT Devices with Context-aware Autonomous Control. 1-6 - Lei Xia, Ming Zhao, Zhigang Tian:
5G Service Based Core Network Design. 1-6 - Jules Courjault, Baptiste Vrigneau, Olivier Berder:
Fast performance evaluation of LoRa communications over Rayleigh fading channels. 1-5 - Hiroki Iwata, Kenta Umebayashi
, Ahmed Al-Tahmeesschi, Miguel López-Benítez
, Janne J. Lehtomäki:
Time and Frequency Varying Noise Floor Estimation for Spectrum Usage Measurement. 1-6 - Semih Yagli
, Alex Dytso
, H. Vincent Poor, Shlomo Shamai Shitz
Some Aspects of Totally Positive Kernels Useful in Information Theory. 1-6 - Rémi Bonnefoi
, Lilian Besson, Julio Manco-Vásquez, Christophe Moy:
Upper-Confidence Bound for Channel Selection in LPWA Networks with Retransmissions. 1-7 - Xue Zhou, Zhuo Sun, Hengmiao Wu, Qianqian Wu:
Embeddable Convolutional layer-based Filter for Wireless Signal Detection. 1-6 - Navuday Sharma
, Muhammad Mahtab Alam, Yannick Le Moullec
, Hassan Malik, Mehdi Bennis
, Sven Pärand:
Dynamic Radio Frame Configuration by Exploiting Uplink Control Channel for URLLC. 1-6 - Hirofumi Tsuda:
Moment-Based Bound on Peak-to-Average Power Ratio and Reduction with Unitary Matrix. 1-6 - Jahan Hassan
, Ayub Bokani
, Salil S. Kanhere
Recharging of Flying Base Stations using Airborne RF Energy Sources. 1-6 - Malcolm Egan:
On Capacity Sensitivity in Additive Vector Symmetric α-Stable Noise Channels. 1-6 - Yousef AlNagar, Sameh Hosny, Amr A. El-Sherif:
Towards Mobility-Aware Proactive Caching for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks. 1-6 - Mattia Merluzzi, Paolo Di Lorenzo, Sergio Barbarossa, Valerio Frascolla:
Joint Resource Allocation for Latency-Constrained Dynamic Computation Offloading with MEC. 1-6 - Antonio Virdis, Giovanni Nardini, Giovanni Stea
A Framework for MEC-enabled Platooning. 1-6 - Li-Hsing Yen, Chi-Han Chang, Yi Chia Chen:
Profit Maximization by Forming Federations of Geo-Distributed MEC Platforms. 1-6 - Syed Awais Wahab Shah
, Mohammad Galal Khafagy
, Tamer Khattab
, Mazen Omar Hasna, Khalid Abualsaud:
ICIC-Enabled Association and Channel Selection for UAV-BSs Based on User Locations and Demands. 1-7 - Toni Levanen
, Zexian Li, Jukka Talvitie
, Markku Renfors
, Mikko Valkama
Filtered OFDM Based URLLC in 5G New Radio: Principles and Performance. 1-7 - Meghna Khaturia, Jaspreet Singh, Akshay Patil, Sarbani Banerjee Belur, Abhay Karandikar, Prasanna Chaporkar, Tejashri Ghadge:
Towards Frugal 5G: A Case Study of Palghar Test-bed in India. 1-6 - Meghna Khaturia, Kumar Appaiah
, Abhay Karandikar:
On Efficient Wireless Backhaul Planning for the "Frugal 5G" Network. 1-6 - Muhammad Sohaib Amjad, Falko Dressler:
Performance Insights on IEEE 802.11a/g Compliant Software-based In-Band Full Duplex Relay Systems. 1-7

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