Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration (WBIR)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      11th WBIR 2024: Marrakesh, Morocco

      10th WBIR 2022: Munich, Germany

      9th WBIR 2020: Portorož, Slovenia

      8th WBIR 2018: Leiden, The Netherlands

      7th WBIR@CVPR 2016: Las Vegas, NV, USA

      6th WBIR 2014: London, UK

      5th WBIR 2012: Nashville, TN, USA

      4th WBIR 2010: Lübeck, Germany

      3rd WBIR 2006: Utrecht, The Netherlands

      2nd WBIR 2003: Philadelphia, PA, USA

      1sr WBIR 1999: Bled, Slovenia