18th UKSim 2016: Cambridge, UK

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Plenary Abstracts

Track 1: A. Neural Networks

Track 2: B. Fuzzy Systems

Track 5: E. Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning

Track 6: F. Bioinformatics and Bioengineering

Track 8: H. Data and Semantic Mining

Track 9: I. Games, VR and Visualization

Track 10: J. Emergent Technologies

Track 11: K. Intelligent Systems and Applications

Track 13: M. Systems Intelligence and Intelligence Systems

Track 14: N. Control of Intelligent Systems and Control Intelligence

Track 16: P. Robotics, Cybernetics, Engineering, Manufacturing and Control

Track 19: S. Image, Speech and Signal Processing

Track 20: T. Industry, Business, Management, Human Factors and Social Issues

Track 21: U. Energy, Power, Transport, Logistics, Harbour, Shipping and Marine Simulation

Track 23: W. Internet Modelling, Semantic Web and Ontologies

Track 24: X. Mobile/Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Mobicast, Sensor Placement, Target Tracking

Track 25: Y. Performance Engineering of Computer & Communication Systems

Track 26: Z. Circuits, Sensors and Devices

Track 27: CA. Computer Art