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17th SoMeT 2018: Granada, Spain
- Hamido Fujita, Enrique Herrera-Viedma:
New Trends in Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference SoMeT_18, Granada, Spain, 26-28 September 2018. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 303, IOS Press 2018, ISBN 978-1-61499-899-0
Chapter 1. Intelligent Software Systems Design, and Application
- Iman Musleh, Samer Zain, Mamoun Nawahdah, Norsaremah Salleh:
Automatic Generation of Android SQLite Database Components. 3-16 - Inmaculada Ayala, Mercedes Amor, José Miguel Horcas, Lidia Fuentes:
Model Driven Evolution of an Agent-Based Home Energy Management System. 17-30 - Ruben Heradio, David Fernández-Amorós, Carlos Cerrada, Francisco Javier Cabrerizo, Enrique Herrera-Viedma:
Integration of Economic Models for Software Product Lines by Means of a Common Lexicon. 31-47 - Miki Ueno:
Four-Scene Comic Story Dataset for Softwares on Creative Process. 48-56 - Taku Hasegawa, Naoki Mori, Keinosuke Matsumoto:
Genetic Programming with Multi-Layered Population Structure for Software Evolution. 57-70 - José Portillo-Portillo, Blas Hernandez-Sanabria, Héctor Pérez-Meana, Gabriel Sanchez-Perez, Karina Toscano-Medina, Jesus Olivares-Mercado, Mariko Nakano-Miyatake, Luis Carlos Castro-Madrid, Victor Sanchez-Silva:
Change Detection for Video Sequences Based on Incremental Subspace Learning. 71-84
Chapter 2. Medical Informatics and Bioinformatics, Software Methods and Application for Biomedicine and Bioinformatics
- Raquel Ureña, Alvaro Gonzalez-Alvarez, Francisco Chiclana, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, José Antonio Moral-Muñoz:
Intelligent m-Health App to Evaluate the Elderly Physical Condition. 87-100 - Jan Kubícek, Marek Penhaker, Martin Augustynek, Martin Cerný, David Oczka:
Biomedical Image Data Segmentation with Using of Clustering Driven by Genetic Algorithms. 101-107 - Antonio Arista-Jalife, Alejandra Sanchez, Mariko Nakano, Henrik Tünnermann, Héctor Pérez-Meana, Hayaru Shouno:
Deep Learning Employed in the Recognition of the Vector that Spreads Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika Viruses. 108-120 - Silvia Marconi, Mario Ledda, Alberto Maria Bersani, Ivan Giorgio, Antonella Lisi, Enrico Bersani, Daniele Andreucci, Igino Genuini, Domenico M. Pisanelli, Claudio De Lazzari:
Multidisciplinary Approach to Myocardial Regeneration: In Vitro and In Silico Studies of Stem Cells Behaviour. 121-134 - Jan Kubícek, Radovan Hudak, Juraj Timkovic, Marek Penhaker, Martin Augustynek, Martin Cerný, David Oczka:
Analysis and Dynamical Modelling of Retinal Lesions with Using of Time Deformable Segmentation Model. 135-142 - Hazila Timan, Nazri Kama, Rasimah Che Mohd Yusoff, Ali Selamat:
Social Media for Medical and Health Information: Malaysian Medical Tourism Hospital. 143-156 - Wan Nur Hidayah Ibrahim, Ali Selamat, Ondrej Krejcar, Junaid Ahsenali Chaudhry:
Recent Advances on Fog Health - A Systematic Literature Review. 157-170
Chapter 3. Software Systems Security and Techniques
- Kevin Rangel-Espinoza, Clara Cruz-Ramos, Mariko Nakano, Rogelio Reyes-Reyes, Héctor Pérez-Meana:
Removable Visible Watermarking System for Video Sequences. 173-186 - Jaouhar Fattahi, Mario Couture, Mohamed Mejri:
SinCRY: A Preventive Defense Tool for Detecting Vulnerabilities in Java Applications Integrating Cryptographic Modules. 187-200 - Rahma Meddeb, Bayrem Triki, Farah Jemili, Ouajdi Korbaa:
An Effective IDS Against Routing Attacks on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. 201-214 - Sani Suleiman Isah, Ali Selamat, Roliana Ibrahim, Syahid Anuar:
Granular Computing Approach to Cybersecurity Problem. 215-225 - Sana Benzarti, Bayrem Triki, Ouajdi Korbaa:
Privacy Preservation and Drone Authentication Using ID-Based Signcryption. 226-239 - Syahid Anuar, Noor Azurati Ahmad, Shamsul Sahibuddin, Aswami Ariffin, Afifah Saupi, Nazri Ahmad Zamani, Yasmin Jeffry, Firham Efendy:
Modeling Malware Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network. 240-248
Chapter 4. Intelligent Decision Support Systems
- Mats Danielson, Love Ekenberg:
Space-Time Trade-Off in Decision Analysis Software. 251-258 - Shuang Li, Issei Komatsu, Keizo Yamada, Masanori Takagi, Jun Sasaki:
Personal Tour Planning System (PTPS) for Use in Urban and Rural Areas. 259-270 - Fabio Sartori, Riccardo Melen, Samuele Redaelli:
A Multilayer Intelligent System Architecture and Its Application to a Music Recommendation System. 271-284 - Jesús Serrano-Guerrero, Antonio Gabriel López-Herrera, Pablo Jimenez, José Angel Olivas, Enrique Herrera-Viedma:
Fuzzy Methodology for Recommendation Based on Sentiment Analysis and Content Tools. 285-298 - Ramón Alberto Carrasco, Laura N. Forero, Santiago X. López, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Carlos Porcel:
Using the AHP Model to Improve the Measurement of Satisfaction in the ICT Sector. 299-311 - Maria José del Moral, Juan Miguel Tapia García, Francisco Chiclana, Enrique Herrera-Viedma:
Comparing Two Approaches for Consensus Computation in Group Decision Making Problems. 312-320 - Masurah Mohamad, Ali Selamat:
A Two-Tier Hybrid Parameterization Framework for Effective Data Classification. 321-331 - Shereen S. Sadiq, Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez, Habibollah Haron:
Mathematical Model of Master Production Schedule for Kalak Refinery Plant. 332-344
Chapter 5. Recommender System and Intelligent Software Systems
- Julio Herce-Zelaya, Carlos Porcel, Álvaro Tejeda-Lorente, Juan Bernabé-Moreno, Enrique Herrera-Viedma:
Using Information Extracted from Microblogs in Order to Palliate the Cold Start Problem in Recommender Systems. 347-360 - Daniel Urda, José M. Jerez, Ignacio J. Turias:
Data Dimension and Structure Effects in Predictive Performance of Deep Neural Networks. 361-372 - Álvaro Tejeda-Lorente, Juan Bernabé-Moreno, Julio Herce-Zelaya, Carlos Porcel, Enrique Herrera-Viedma:
Adapting Recommender Systems to the New Data Privacy Regulations. 373-385 - Laura García-Hernández, Lorenzo Salas-Morera, Henri Pierreval, Antonio Arauzo-Azofra:
Handling Qualitative Aspects in Unequal Area Facility Layout Problem: A Novel Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model. 386-394 - José Ricardo López-Robles, Jose Ramon Otegi-Olaso, Nadia Karina Gamboa-Rosales, Hamurabi Gamboa-Rosales, Manuel J. Cobo:
60 Years of Business Intelligence: A Bibliometric Review from 1958 to 2017. 395-408 - Muhammad Arif Mohamad, Habibollah Haron, Haswadi Hasan:
Feature Vector-Based Artificial Neural Network Classification Model for Handwritten Character Recognition. 409-422
Chapter 6. Artificial Intelligence Techniques on Software Engineering
- Kotaro Ambai, Hamido Fujita:
MNDO: Multivariate Normal Distribution Based Over-Sampling for Binary Classification. 425-438 - Mohamed Hosni, Ali Idri:
Software Development Effort Estimation Using Feature Selection Techniques. 439-452 - Aldo Hernandez-Suarez, Gabriel Sanchez-Perez, Karina Toscano-Medina, Rocio Toscano-Medina, Victor Martinez-Hernandez, Jesus Olivares-Mercado, Héctor Pérez-Meana, Victor Sanchez:
Can Twitter API Be Bypassed? A New Methodology for Collecting Chronological Information Without Restrictions. 453-462 - Sigeru Omatu:
Odor Classification of Human Body by Neural Networks. 463-473 - Mert Ozkaya:
Architectural Languages' Connector Support for Modeling Various Component Interactions: A Review. 474-489
Chapter 7. Ontologies Based Knowledge-Based Systems
- Juan Antonio Morente-Molinera, Gang Kou, Rubén González Crespo, Juan Manuel Corchado, Enrique Herrera-Viedma:
Managing Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making Environments with High Number of Alternatives Using Fuzzy Ontologies. 493-506 - Domenico M. Pisanelli, Claudio De Lazzari, Igino Genuini:
An Ontology of Mechanical Circulatory Assist Devices Aimed at the Realization of a Decision Support System. 507-514 - Natalia Olegovna Garanina, Vladimir Zubin, Tatiana V. Lyakh, Sergei Gorlatch:
An Ontology of Specification Patterns for Verification of Concurrent Systems. 515-528 - Yury A. Zagorulko, Galina Zagorulko, Olesya Borovikova:
Pattern-Based Methodology for Building the Ontologies of Scientific Subject Domains. 529-542
Chapter 8. Software Tools Methods and Agile Software
- Anusuyah Subbarao, Mohd Naz'ri Mahrin:
Identification of Coordination Strategies and Indicators for Global Software Development Projects: Interview Outcome. 545-558 - Yordan Terziev, Volker Gruhn:
Context Sampling Strategies for Generating Linked Data Graph Embeddings. 559-570 - Takumi Sato, Toshihiro Endo, Alexander Vazhenin, Rentaro Yoshioka:
GUI-Based Component Integration Tool for the BBCoM System. 571-581 - Stefan Gries, Ole Meyer, Julius Ollesch, Florian Wessling, Marc Hesenius, Volker Gruhn:
Developing a Cyber-Physical Autonomous and Distributed Intersection Management - A Software Engineer's Experience Report. 582-595 - Nguyen Ngoc Tuan, Huynh Quyet Thang:
Risk Management in Agile Software Project Iteration Scheduling Using Bayesian Networks. 596-606 - Andreas Fuchs, Vincent von Hof, Matthias Neugebauer:
Leveraging Distributed Unit Test Case Execution for Java for Improving the Testing Process. 607-620
Chapter 9. Formal Techniques for System Software and Quality Assessment
- Igor V. Kotenko, Igor Saenko, Sergey Ageev:
Hierarchical Fuzzy Situational Networks for Online Decision Support in Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems. 623-636 - Hoang-Nhat Do, Duc-Man Nguyen, Huynh Quyet Thang, Nhu-Hang Ha:
One2Explore - Graph Builder for Exploratory Testing from a Novel Approach. 637-649 - Marshima Mohd Rosli:
Evaluation of Dataset Metamodel for Describing the Structure of Datasets. 650-663 - Imen Marsit, Mohamed Nazih Omri, Ji Meng Loh, Ali Mili:
Impact of Mutation Operators on the Ratio of Equivalent Mutants. 664-677 - Ayse Buharali Olcaysoy, Göksel Biricik, Ziya Cihan Taysi, Oya Kalipsiz:
A Study on Forecasting the Success of Software Projects. 678-687 - Fadoua Fellir, Khalid Nafil, Ali Idri, Lawrence Chung:
A Web Tool for Improving Case-Based Reasoning Model for Software Effort Estimation. 688-701
Chapter 10. Social Learning Software and Sentiment Analysis
- Julia Hermann, Volker Gruhn:
M-Learning to Support Project-Oriented Higher Education in Software Engineering. 705-712 - Xiomarah Maria Guzmán de Núñez, Edward Rolando Núñez-Valdéz, Jordán Pascual Espada, Rubén González Crespo, Vicente García-Díaz:
A Proposal for Sentiment Analysis on Twitter for Tourism-Based Applications. 713-722 - Nurulhuda Zainuddin, Ali Selamat, Roliana Ibrahim:
Evaluating Aspect-Based Sentiment Classification on Twitter Hate Speech Using Neural Networks and Word Embedding Features. 723-734 - Juan Bernabé-Moreno, Álvaro Tejeda-Lorente, Julio Herce-Zelaya, Carlos Porcel, Enrique Herrera-Viedma:
An Embeddings Based Fuzzy Linguistics Supported Model to Measure the Contextual Bias in Sentiment Polarity. 735-748 - Toshitaka Hayashi, Hamido Fujita:
Sentence-Level Sentiment Analysis Using Feature Vectors from Word Embeddings. 749-758 - Ahmad Alaqsam, Ali Selamat, Rose Alinda Alias, Nor Hidayati Zakaria, Fatimah Puteh, Lim Kok Cheng, Mohammad Nazir Ahmad:
Using Augmented Virtual Reality to Improve English Language Learning. 759-770
Chapter 11. Empirical Studies on Knowledge Modelling and Textual Analysis
- Xiaozhou Li, Zheying Zhang, Kostas Stefanidis:
Mobile App Evolution Analysis Based on User Reviews. 773-786 - Chenguang Li, Hao Cheng, Yanghua Xiao, Chenhao Xie, Haiyun Jiang, Suo Feng:
Timeline: A Chinese Event Extraction and Exploration System. 787-800 - Yuan Liu, Xing Wu, Yike Guo, Shaorong Xie, Huayan Pu, Yan Peng:
The Multiple Unmanned Surface Vehicles Cooperative Defense Based on PM-PSO and GA-PSO in the Sophisticated Sea Environment. 801-809 - Xuedan Liu, Yinglin Wang:
Experiment and Comparision on Classification of Chinese Car Reviews. 810-821
Chapter 12. Knowledge Science and Intelligent Computing
- Hien D. Nguyen, Nhon V. Do, Vuong T. Pham:
Rela-Ops Model: A Method for Knowledge Representation and Application. 825-838 - Arturas Kaklauskas, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Ieva Ubarte, Laura Tupenaite, Dainius Raupys, Agne Strikaite, Mark Seniut:
Video Neuro-Advertising Method for Housing. 839-857 - Anna Maria Di Sciullo:
Knowledge of Language and Knowledge Science. 858-869 - ThanhThuong T. Huynh, Nhon V. Do, TruongAn N. Pham, NgocHan T. Tran:
A Semantic Document Retrieval System with Semantic Search Technique Based on Knowledge Base and Graph Representation. 870-882 - Binh T. Nguyen, Duy M. H. Nguyen, Lam Si Tung Ho, Vu C. Dinh:
OASIS: An Active Framework for Set Inversion. 883-895 - Lim Kok Cheng, Ali Selamat, Mohd Hazli Mohamed Zabil, Md. Hafiz Selamat, Rose Alinda Alias, Fatimah Puteh, Farhan Mohamed, Ondrej Krejcar, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Hamido Fujita:
Feasibility Comparison of HAC Algorithm on Usability Performance and Self-Reported Metric Features for MAR Learning. 896-910 - Muhammad Ehsan ul Haq, Ali Selamat, Masitah Ghazali, Khamarrul Azahari Razak, Ondrej Krejcar:
Crowdsourcing Challenges in Disaster Management: A Systematic Literature Review. 911-924 - Nhon V. Do, Hien D. Nguyen, Thanh T. Mai:
Intelligent Educational Software in Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory. 925-938
Chapter 13. Cognitive Systems and Neural Analytics
- Alexander Paulsen, Anis Yazidi, Boning Feng, Xinming Ou:
A Population-Based Incremental Learning Approach to Network Hardening. 941-953 - Alejandro Galán-Mercant, José Antonio Moral-Muñoz, Andrés Ortiz, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Maria Teresa Tomas:
Predicting Physical Activity and Functional Fitness Levels Through Inertial Signals and EMD-Based Features in Older Adults. 954-966 - Laura Fiorini, Francesco Semeraro, Gianmaria Mancioppi, Stefano Betti, Luca Santarelli, Filippo Cavallo:
Physiological Sensor System for the Detection of Human Moods Towards Internet of Robotic Things Applications. 967-980 - Giovanni Paragliola, Antonio Coronato:
A Deep Gait Classification Approach for an Early Recognition of Huntington Diseases. 981-991 - Joana Jorgji, Bruno Golosio, Angelo Cangelosi, Giovanni Luca Masala:
Annabell, a Cognitive System Able to Learn Different Languages. 992-1003 - Marco A. Palomino, Quentin Ribac, Giovanni Luca Masala:
The Nature of Twitter Trending Topics - Analysing Intrinsic Factors Associated with the Twitter Ecosystem. 1004-1017 - U. Raghavendra, Anjan Gudigar, Tejaswi N. Rao, Hamido Fujita, U. Rajendra Acharya:
Automated Detection of Lung Nodules Using HOG Technique with Chest X-Ray Images. 1018-1026
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