SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI)

Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      37th SIBGRAPI 2024: Manaus, Brazil

      36th SIBGRAPI 2023: Rio Grande, RS, Brazil

      35th SIBGRAPI 2022: Natal, Brazil

      34th SIBGRAPI 2021: Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

      33rd SIBGRAPI 2020: Recife/Porto de Galinhas, Brazil

      32nd SIBGRAPI 2019: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

      31st SIBGRAPI 2018: Paraná, Brazil

      30th SIBGRAPI 2017: Niterói, Brazil

      29th SIBGRAPI 2016: Sao Paulo, Brazil

      28th SIBGRAPI 2015: Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

      27th SIBGRAPI 2014: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

      26th SIBGRAPI 2013: Arequipa, Peru

      25th SIBGRAPI 2012: Ouro Preto, Brazil

      24th SIBGRAPI 2011: Alagoas, Brazil

      23rd SIBGRAPI 2010: Gramado, Brazil

      22nd SIBGRAPI 2009: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

      21st SIBGRAPI 2008: Campo Grande, Brazil

      20th SIBGRAPI 2007: Belo Horizonte, Brazil

      19th SIBGRAPI 2006: Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

      18th SIBGRAPI 2005: Natal, RN, Brazil

      17th SIBGRAPI 2004: Curitiba, PR, Brazil

      16th SIBGRAPI 2003: São Carlos, Brazil

      15th SIBGRAPI 2002: Fortaleza-CE, Brazil

      14th SIBGRAPI 2001: Florianopolis, Brazil

      13th SIBGRAPI 2000: Gramado (RS), Brazil

      12th SIBGRAPI 1999: Campinas, Brazil

      11th SIBGRAPI 1998: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil