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International Semantic Web Conference 2005: Galway, Ireland
- Yolanda Gil, Enrico Motta, V. Richard Benjamins, Mark A. Musen:
The Semantic Web - ISWC 2005, 4th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2005, Galway, Ireland, November 6-10, 2005, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3729, Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-29754-5
Invited Paper
- Carole A. Goble:
Using the Semantic Web for e-Science: Inspiration, Incubation, Irritation. 1-3 - Alfred Z. Spector:
Semantic Acceleration Helping Realize the Semantic Web Vision or "The Practical Web". 4 - Daniel J. Weitzner:
Semantic Web Public Policy Challenges: Privacy, Provenance, Property and Personhood. 5
Research/Academic Track
- Yuan An, Alexander Borgida, John Mylopoulos:
Constructing Complex Semantic Mappings Between XML Data and Ontologies. 6-20 - Anastasia Analyti, Grigoris Antoniou, Carlos Viegas Damásio, Gerd Wagner:
Stable Model Theory for Extended RDF Ontologies. 21-36 - Anupriya Ankolekar, Massimo Paolucci, Katia P. Sycara:
Towards a Formal Verification of OWL-S Process Models. 37-51 - Tsz-Chiu Au, Ugur Kuter, Dana S. Nau:
Web Service Composition with Volatile Information. 52-66 - Paolo Avesani, Fausto Giunchiglia, Mikalai Yatskevich:
A Large Scale Taxonomy Mapping Evaluation. 67-81 - Jean-François Baget:
RDF Entailment as a Graph Homomorphism. 82-96 - Roberto Basili, Marco Cammisa, Emanuele Donati:
RitroveRAI: A Web Application for Semantic Indexing and Hyperlinking of Multimedia News. 97-111 - Abraham Bernstein, Esther Kaufmann, Anne Göhring, Christoph Kiefer:
Querying Ontologies: A Controlled English Interface for End-Users. 112-126 - Trevor D. Collins, Paul Mulholland, Zdenek Zdráhal:
Semantic Browsing of Digital Collections. 127-141 - Mathieu d'Aquin, Jean Lieber, Amedeo Napoli:
Decentralized Case-Based Reasoning for the Semantic Web. 142-155 - Li Ding, Rong Pan, Timothy W. Finin, Anupam Joshi, Yun Peng, Pranam Kolari:
Finding and Ranking Knowledge on the Semantic Web. 156-170 - John Domingue, Stefania Galizia, Liliana Cabral:
Choreography in IRS-III - Coping with Heterogeneous Interaction Patterns in Web Services. 171-185 - Marc Ehrig, Steffen Staab, York Sure:
Bootstrapping Ontology Alignment Methods with APFEL. 186-200 - Vadim Ermolayev, Natalya Keberle, Wolf-Ekkehard Matzke, Vladimir Vladimirov:
A Strategy for Automated Meaning Negotiation in Distributed Information Retrieval. 201-215 - Giorgos Flouris, Dimitris Plexousakis, Grigoris Antoniou:
On Applying the AGM Theory to DLs and OWL. 216-231 - Gerhard Friedrich, Kostyantyn M. Shchekotykhin:
A General Diagnosis Method for Ontologies. 232-246 - Fabien Gandon, Olivier Corby, Alain Giboin, Nicolas Gronnier, Cecile Guigard:
Graph-Based Inferences in a Semantic Web Server for the Cartography of Competencies in a Telecom Valley. 247-261 - Aldo Gangemi:
Ontology Design Patterns for Semantic Web Content. 262-276 - Raul Garcia-Castro, Asunción Gómez-Pérez:
Guidelines for Benchmarking the Performance of Ontology Management APIs. 277-292 - Stefania Ghita, Wolfgang Nejdl, Raluca Paiu:
Semantically Rich Recommendations in Social Networks for Sharing, Exchanging and Ranking Semantic Context. 293-307 - Mark Giereth:
On Partial Encryption of RDF-Graphs. 308-322 - Antoon Goderis, Ulrike Sattler, Phillip W. Lord, Carole A. Goble:
Seven Bottlenecks to Workflow Reuse and Repurposing. 323-337 - Yuanbo Guo, Jeff Heflin:
On Logical Consequence for Collections of OWL Documents. 338-352 - Peter Haase, Frank van Harmelen, Zhisheng Huang, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, York Sure:
A Framework for Handling Inconsistency in Changing Ontologies. 353-367 - Stijn Heymans, Davy Van Nieuwenborgh, Dirk Vermeir:
Preferential Reasoning on a Web of Trust. 368-382 - Pascal Hitzler, Denny Vrandecic:
Resolution-Based Approximate Reasoning for OWL DL. 383-397 - Zhisheng Huang, Heiner Stuckenschmidt:
Reasoning with Multi-version Ontologies: A Temporal Logic Approach. 398-412 - David Huynh, Stefano Mazzocchi, David R. Karger:
Piggy Bank: Experience the Semantic Web Inside Your Web Browser. 413-430 - Maciej Janik, Krys J. Kochut:
BRAHMS: A WorkBench RDF Store and High Performance Memory System for Semantic Association Discovery. 431-445 - Brian P. Kettler, James Starz, William Miller, Peter Haglich:
A Template-Based Markup Tool for Semantic Web Content. 446-460 - Vladimir Kolovski, Bijan Parsia, Yarden Katz, James A. Hendler:
Representing Web Service Policies in OWL-DL. 461-475 - Arun Kumar, Biplav Srivastava, Sumit Mittal:
Information Modeling for End to End Composition of Semantic Web Services. 476-490 - Alexander Löser, Christoph Tempich, Bastian Quilitz, Wolf-Tilo Balke, Steffen Staab, Wolfgang Nejdl:
Searching Dynamic Communities with Personal Indexes. 491-505 - Matoula Magiridou, S. Sahtouris, Vassilis Christophides, Manolis Koubarakis:
RUL: A Declarative Update Language for RDF. 506-521 - Peter Mika:
Ontologies Are Us: A Unified Model of Social Networks and Semantics. 522-536 - Prasenjit Mitra, Natasha F. Noy, Anuj R. Jaiswal:
OMEN: A Probabilistic Ontology Mapping Tool. 537-547 - Boris Motik:
On the Properties of Metamodeling in OWL. 548-562 - Rong Pan, Zhongli Ding, Yang Yu, Yun Peng:
A Bayesian Network Approach to Ontology Mapping. 563-577 - Peter Plessers, Olga De Troyer:
Ontology Change Detection Using a Version Log. 578-592 - Alexander Schutz, Paul Buitelaar:
RelExt: A Tool for Relation Extraction from Text in Ontology Extension. 593-606 - Giorgos Serfiotis, Ioanna Koffina, Vassilis Christophides, Val Tannen:
Containment and Minimization of RDF/S Query Patterns. 607-623 - Giorgos Stoilos, Giorgos B. Stamou, Stefanos D. Kollias:
A String Metric for Ontology Alignment. 624-637 - Valentina Tamma, Chris van Aart, Thierry Moyaux, Shamimabi Paurobally, Ben Lithgow Smith, Michael J. Wooldridge:
An Ontological Framework for Dynamic Coordination. 638-652 - Valentina Tamma, Ian Blacoe, Ben Lithgow Smith, Michael J. Wooldridge:
Introducing Autonomic Behaviour in Semantic Web Agents. 653-667 - Herman J. ter Horst:
Combining RDF and Part of OWL with Rules: Semantics, Decidability, Complexity. 668-684 - Yannis Theoharis, Vassilis Christophides, Gregory Karvounarakis:
Benchmarking Database Representations of RDF/S Stores. 685-701 - Kewei Tu, Miao Xiong, Lei Zhang, Haiping Zhu, Jie Zhang, Yong Yu:
Towards Imaging Large-Scale Ontologies for Quick Understanding and Analysis. 702-715 - Johanna Völker, Denny Vrandecic, York Sure:
Automatic Evaluation of Ontologies (AEON). 716-731 - Willem Robert van Hage, Sophia Katrenko, Guus Schreiber:
A Method to Combine Linguistic Ontology-Mapping Techniques. 732-744 - Hai Wang, Matthew Horridge, Alan L. Rector, Nick Drummond, Julian Seidenberg:
Debugging OWL-DL Ontologies: A Heuristic Approach. 745-757 - Sui-Yu Wang, Yuanbo Guo, Abir Qasem, Jeff Heflin:
Rapid Benchmarking for Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems. 758-772 - Jan Wielemaker, Guus Schreiber, Bob J. Wielinga:
Using Triples for Implementation: The Triple20 Ontology-Manipulation Tool. 773-785 - Katy Wolstencroft, Andy Brass, Ian Horrocks, Phillip W. Lord, Ulrike Sattler, Daniele Turi, Robert Stevens:
A Little Semantic Web Goes a Long Way in Biology. 786-800
Industrial Track
- Sylvia C. Wong, Simon Miles, Weijian Fang, Paul Groth, Luc Moreau:
Provenance-Based Validation of E-Science Experiments. 801-815 - Ross G. Ackland, Kerry L. Taylor, Laurent Lefort, Mark A. Cameron, Joel Rahman:
Semantic Service Integration for Water Resource Management. 816-828 - Harith Alani, Yannis Kalfoglou, Kieron O'Hara, Nigel Shadbolt:
Towards a Killer App for the Semantic Web. 829-843 - Dean Allemang, Irene Polikoff, Ralph Hodgson:
Enterprise Architecture Reference Modeling in OWL/RDF. 844-857 - Shishir Garg, Amit Goswami, Jérémy Huylebroeck, Senthil Jaganathan, Pramila Mullan:
MediaCaddy - Semantic Web Based On-Demand Content Navigation System for Entertainment. 858-871 - Luca Gilardoni, Christian Biasuzzi, Massimo Ferraro, Roberto Fonti, Piercarlo Slavazza:
LKMS - A Legal Knowledge Management System Exploiting Semantic Web Technologies. 872-886 - Vipul Kashyap, Alfredo Morales, Tonya Hongsermeier, Qi Li:
Definitions Management: A Semantics-Based Approach for Clinical Documentation in Healthcare Delivery. 887-901 - Takahiro Kawamura, Kouji Ueno, Shinichi Nagano, Tetsuo Hasegawa, Akihiko Ohsuga:
Ubiquitous Service Finder Discovery of Services Semantically Derived from Metadata in Ubiquitous Computing. 902-915 - Deepali Khushraj, Ora Lassila:
Ontological Approach to Generating Personalized User Interfaces for Web Services. 916-927 - Alain Léger, Lyndon J. B. Nixon, Pavel Shvaiko:
On Identifying Knowledge Processing Requirements. 928-943 - Christopher J. Matheus, Mieczyslaw M. Kokar, Kenneth Baclawski, Jerzy Letkowski:
An Application of Semantic Web Technologies to Situation Awareness. 944-958 - Takefumi Naganuma, Shoji Kurakake:
Task Knowledge Based Retrieval for Service Relevant to Mobile User's Activity. 959-973 - Martin J. O'Connor, Holger Knublauch, Samson W. Tu, Benjamin N. Grosof, Mike Dean, William E. Grosso, Mark A. Musen:
Supporting Rule System Interoperability on the Semantic Web with SWRL. 974-986 - Chris Preist, Javier Esplugas Cuadrado, Steven A. Battle, Stephan Grimm, Stuart K. Williams:
Automated Business-to-Business Integration of a Logistics Supply Chain Using Semantic Web Services Technology. 987-1001 - Luis Rodrigo, V. Richard Benjamins, Jesús Contreras, Diego Patón, D. Navarro, R. Salla, Mercedes Blázquez, P. Tena, I. Martos:
A Semantic Search Engine for the International Relation Sector. 1002-1015 - Leo Sauermann, Sven Schwarz:
Gnowsis Adapter Framework: Treating Structured Data Sources as Virtual RDF Graphs. 1016-1028 - Hans-Peter Schnurr, Jürgen Angele:
Do Not Use This Gear with a Switching Lever! Automotive Industry Experience with Semantic Guides. 1029-1040 - James Starz, Brian P. Kettler, Peter Haglich, Jason Losco, Gary Edwards, Mark Hoffman:
The Concept Object Web for Knowledge Management. 1041-1049
Semantic Web Challenge
- Fabian Abel, Robert Baumgartner, Adrian Brooks, Christian Enzi, Georg Gottlob, Nicola Henze, Marcus Herzog, Matthias Kriesell, Wolfgang Nejdl, Kai Tomaschewski:
The Personal Publication Reader. 1050-1053 - Zhiqiang Gao, Yuzhong Qu, Yuqing Zhai, Jianming Deng:
DynamicView: Distribution, Evolution and Visualization of Research Areas in Computer Science. 1054-1058 - Raúl Palma, Peter Haase:
Oyster - Sharing and Re-using Ontologies in a Peer-to-Peer Community. 1059-1062 - Arash Shaban-Nejad, Christopher J. O. Baker, Volker Haarslev, Greg Butler:
The FungalWeb Ontology: Semantic Web Challenges in Bioinformatics and Genomics. 1063-1066 - Benjamin Nowack:
CONFOTO: A Semantic Browsing and Annotation Service for Conference Photos. 1067-1070
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