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6. RSKT 2011: Banff, Canada
- Jingtao Yao, Sheela Ramanna, Guoyin Wang
, Zbigniew Suraj
Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology - 6th International Conference, RSKT 2011, Banff, Canada, October 9-12, 2011. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6954, Springer 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-24424-7
Keynote Papers
- Jerzy W. Grzymala-Busse:
Mining Incomplete Data - A Rough Set Approach. 1-7 - Jiye Liang
Uncertainty and Feature Selection in Rough Set Theory. 8-15 - Witold Pedrycz:
Towards Designing Human Centric Systems: A New View at System Modeling with Granular Membership Grades. 16 - James F. Peters:
Sufficiently Near Sets of Neighbourhoods. 17-24
Invited Tutorial
- Sarjerao Nimse, Pawan Lingras:
History of Set Theory and Its Extensions in the Context of Soft Computing. 25
Attribute Reduction and Feature Selection
- Eduard Bartl, Hana Rezanková
, Lukas Sobisek
Comparison of Classical Dimensionality Reduction Methods with Novel Approach Based on Formal Concept Analysis. 26-35 - Jerzy Blaszczynski
, Roman Slowinski
, Robert Susmaga:
Rule-Based Estimation of Attribute Relevance. 36-44 - Andrzej Janusz
, Sebastian Stawicki:
Applications of Approximate Reducts to the Feature Selection Problem. 45-50 - Tong-Jun Li, Ying-Xue Wu, Xiao-Ping Yang:
Dependence and Algebraic Structure of Formal Contexts. 51-56 - Fan Min
, William Zhu:
Optimal Sub-Reducts with Test Cost Constraint. 57-62 - Yuhua Qian, Chao Li, Jiye Liang
An Efficient Fuzzy-Rough Attribute Reduction Approach. 63-70 - Mingwen Shao, Li Guo, Lan Li:
A Novel Attribute Reduction Approach Based on the Object Oriented Concept Lattice. 71-80 - Dominik Slezak, Sebastian Widz
Rough-Set-Inspired Feature Subset Selection, Classifier Construction, and Rule Aggregation. 81-88 - Mariusz Wrzesien, Wieslaw Paja
, Krzysztof Pancerz
A Constructive Feature Induction Mechanism Founded on Evolutionary Strategies with Fitness Functions Generated on the Basis of Decision Trees. 89-94 - Feifei Xu, Weiguo Pan, Lai Wei, Haizhou Du:
An Efficient Fuzzy Rough Approach for Feature Selection. 95-100 - Yiyu Yao, Rong Fu:
Partitions, Coverings, Reducts and Rule Learning in Rough Set Theory. 101-109 - Lin Zhou, Feng Jiang
A Rough Set Approach to Feature Selection Based on Relative Decision Entropy. 110-119
Generalized Rough Set Models
- Xinwei Zheng, Jianhua Dai:
A Variable Precision Covering Generalized Rough Set Model. 120-125 - Salvatore Greco
, Benedetto Matarazzo, Roman Slowinski
Dominance-Based Rough Set Approach on Pairwise Comparison Tables to Decision Involving Multiple Decision Makers. 126-135 - Jerzy W. Grzymala-Busse:
Generalized Parameterized Approximations. 136-145 - Shiping Wang, William Zhu, Fan Min
Transversal and Function Matroidal Structures of Covering-Based Rough Sets. 146-155 - Wei-Zhi Wu, Yu-Fang Yang, You-Hong Xu:
Some Fuzzy Topologies Induced by Rough Fuzzy Sets. 156-165 - Junbo Zhang
, Tianrui Li
, Yan Yang, Lei Wang:
Neighborhood Rough Sets Based Matrix Approach for Calculation of the Approximations. 166-171
Machine Learning with Rough and Hybrid Techniques
- Shuang An, Qinghua Hu, Daren Yu:
Case-Based Classifiers with Fuzzy Rough Sets. 172-177 - Abdulaziz Alkhalid, Igor Chikalov, Mikhail Moshkov
Comparison of Greedy Algorithms for α-Decision Tree Construction. 178-186 - Abdulaziz Alkhalid, Igor Chikalov, Mikhail Moshkov
Constructing an Optimal Decision Tree for FAST Corner Point Detection. 187-194 - P. S. V. S. Sai Prasad
, K. Hima Bindu
, C. Raghavendra Rao:
Incremental Learning in AttributeNets with Dynamic Reduct and IQuickReduct. 195-200 - Masahiro Inuiguchi, Masahiko Tsuji, Yoshifumi Kusunoki
, Masayo Tsurumi:
LEM2-Based Rule Induction from Data Tables with Imprecise Evaluations. 201-207 - Fan Li, Qihe Liu:
An Extension to Rough c-Means Clustering. 208-216 - Tonny Rutayisire, Yan Yang, Chao Lin, Jinyuan Zhang:
A Modified Cop-Kmeans Algorithm Based on Sequenced Cannot-Link Set. 217-225 - Hiroshi Sakai, Michinori Nakata, Dominik Slezak:
A NIS-Apriori Based Rule Generator in Prolog and Its Functionality for Table Data. 226-231 - Roman Siminski, Agnieszka Nowak-Brzezinska
, Tomasz Jach, Tomasz Xieski
Towards a Practical Approach to Discover Internal Dependencies in Rule-Based Knowledge Bases. 232-237 - Zbigniew Suraj
, Piotr Grochowalski, Lukasz Lew:
Discovering Patterns of Collaboration in Rough Set Research: Statistical and Graph-Theoretical Approach. 238-247
Knowledge Technology
- Hidenao Abe
, Shusaku Tsumoto:
Comparing a Clustering Density Criteria of Temporal Patterns of Terms Obtained by Different Feature Sets. 248-257 - Radim Belohlávek, Lucie Urbanova, Vilém Vychodil:
Similarity of Query Results in Similarity-Based Databases. 258-267 - Praveen Ganghishetti, Rajeev Wankar
, Rafah M. Almuttairi, C. Raghavendra Rao:
Rough Set Based Quality of Service Design for Service Provisioning in Clouds. 268-273 - Lijian He, Houkuan Huang, Xingye Dong:
GTrust: A Distributed Trust Model in Multi-Agent Systems Based on Grey System Theory. 274-279 - Masahiro Inuiguchi, Tatsuya Higuchi, Masayo Tsurumi:
Linear Necessity Measures and Their Applications to Possibilistic Linear Programming. 280-289 - Ryszard Janicki, Yun Zhai:
Remarks on Pairwise Comparison Numerical and Non-numerical Rankings. 290-300 - Huaiyu Wan
, Youfang Lin
, Caiyan Jia, Houkuan Huang:
Community-Based Relational Markov Networks in Complex Networks. 301-310
Intelligent Systems and Applications
- Luis Henrique Almeida, Plácido Rogério Pinheiro, Adriano Bessa Albuquerque:
Applying Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to Global Software Development with Scrum Project Planning. 311-320 - Rafal Deja
Accuracy Evaluation of the System of Type 1 Diabetes Prediction. 321-326 - Yong Du, Qinghua Hu, Peijun Ma, Xiaohong Su:
Driver Status Recognition by Neighborhood Covering Rules. 327-336 - Abdolreza Hatamlou
, Salwani Abdullah, Hossein Nezamabadi-pour
Application of Gravitational Search Algorithm on Data Clustering. 337-346 - Wenjing Li, Jia Qiu, Zhaocong Wu, Zhiyong Lin, Shaoning Li:
Application of Rough Sets in GIS Generalization. 347-353 - Shuang Liu, Lijun Sun, Yurong Guo, Jialin Gao, Lei Liu:
Application of Rough Set Theory for Evaluating Polysaccharides Extraction. 354-359 - Umadevi Maramreddy, Arun Agarwal
, C. Raghavendra Rao:
Identification of Print Technology Based on Homogeneous Regions of Image. 360-365 - Krzysztof Pancerz
, Arkadiusz Lewicki, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
, Jerzy Gomula:
Ant Based Clustering of MMPI Data - An Experimental Study. 366-375 - Hamid Parvin
, Behrouz Minaei-Bidgoli
, Hosein Alizadeh:
Detection of Cancer Patients Using an Innovative Method for Learning at Imbalanced Datasets. 376-381 - Shusaku Tsumoto, Shoji Hirano:
Information Reuse in Hospital Information Systems: A Similarity-Oriented Data Mining Approach. 382-387 - Omar S. Soliman, Aboul Ella Hassanien
, Neveen I. Ghali, Nashwa El-Bendary
, Ruhul A. Sarker
A Model-Based Decision Support Tool Using Fuzzy Optimization for Climate Change. 388-393 - Marcin S. Szczuka
, Andrzej Janusz
, Kamil Herba:
Clustering of Rough Set Related Documents with Use of Knowledge from DBpedia. 394-403 - Marcin Szelag
, Salvatore Greco
, Jerzy Blaszczynski
, Roman Slowinski
Case-Based Reasoning Using Dominance-Based Decision Rules. 404-413 - Zbigniew Suraj
, Piotr Grochowalski:
RoSetOn: The Open Project for Ontology of Rough Sets and Related Fields. 414-419 - Jyoti Y. Yadav
, Vilas S. Kharat, Ashok Deshpande:
Fuzzy Description of Air Quality: A Case Study. 420-427 - Yong Yang, Kan Tian, Zhengrong Chen:
A Robust Face Recognition Method Based on AdaBoost, EHMM and Sample Perturbation. 428-433 - Xiaodong Yue, Duoqian Miao, Yufei Chen, Hongzhong Chen:
Roughness Approach to Color Image Segmentation through Smoothing Local Difference. 434-439 - Lei Zhou:
On Local Inclusion Degree of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. 440-446
Special Session: Decision-Theoretic Rough Set Model
- Joseph P. Herbert, Jingtao Yao:
Analysis of Data-Driven Parameters in Game-Theoretic Rough Sets. 447-456 - Xiuyi Jia, Weiwei Li, Lin Shang, Jiajun Chen:
An Optimization Viewpoint of Decision-Theoretic Rough Set Model. 457-465 - Huaxiong Li, Xianzhong Zhou, Jiabao Zhao, Dun Liu:
Attribute Reduction in Decision-Theoretic Rough Set Model: A Further Investigation. 466-475 - Dun Liu, Tianrui Li
, Decui Liang:
A New Discriminant Analysis Approach under Decision-Theoretic Rough Sets. 476-485 - Mikhail Moshkov
, Beata Zielosko
Construction of α-Decision Trees for Tables with Many-Valued Decisions. 486-494 - Xiao-Ping Yang, Haiguang Song, Tong-Jun Li:
Decision Making in Incomplete Information System Based on Decision-Theoretic Rough Sets. 495-503 - Hong Yu, Zhanguo Liu, Guoyin Wang
Automatically Determining the Number of Clusters Using Decision-Theoretic Rough Set. 504-513 - Bing Zhou:
A New Formulation of Multi-category Decision-Theoretic Rough Sets. 514-522
Special Session: Near Sets
- Christopher J. Henry, Sheela Ramanna:
Parallel Computation in Finding Near Neighbourhoods. 523-532 - James F. Peters, Maciej Borkowski:
ε-Near Collections. 533-542 - Leszek Puzio, James F. Peters:
Nearness of Subtly Different Digital Images. 543-552 - Lidong Wang, Xiaodong Liu, Xiaojuan Tian:
A Generalization of Near Set Model. 553-558 - Marcin Wolski:
Gauges, Pregauges and Completions: Some Theoretical Aspects of Near and Rough Set Approaches to Data. 559-568
Special Session: Quotient Space Theory
- Fu-gui He, Yanping Zhang, Jie Chen, Ling Zhang:
Path Queries on Massive Graphs Based on Multi-granular Graph Partitioning. 569-578 - Lei Wu, Longshu Li:
A Minimal Test Suite Generation Method Based on Quotient Space Theory. 579-584 - Chao Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Xiao-pei Wu:
Audio Signal Blind Deconvolution Based on the Quotient Space Hierarchical Theory. 585-590 - Ling Zhang, Yanping Zhang, Shu Zhao:
The Optimal Approximation of Fuzzy Tolerance Relation. 591-599
Special Session: Rough Sets in Process Mining
- Weibin Deng
, Guoyin Wang
, Shuangxia Yang, Feng Hu:
A New Method for Inconsistent Multicriteria Classification. 600-609 - Wojciech Froelich
, Alicja Wakulicz-Deja:
Probabilistic Similarity-Based Reduct. 610-615 - Alicja Wakulicz-Deja, Agnieszka Nowak-Brzezinska
, Tomasz Jach:
Inference Processes in Decision Support Systems with Incomplete Knowledge. 616-625 - Zbigniew Suraj
, Krzysztof Pancerz
Synthesis of Synchronized Concurrent Systems Specified by Information Systems. 626-635 - Alicja Wakulicz-Deja, Agnieszka Nowak-Brzezinska
, Tomasz Xieski
Efficiency of Complex Data Clustering. 636-641
Workshop: Advances in Granular Computing 2011
- Piotr Artiemjew
The Extraction Method of DNA Microarray Features Based on Experimental A Statistics. 642-648 - Guang Chen, Ning Zhong:
Granular Structures in Graphs. 649-658 - Avatharam Ganivada, Shubhra Sankar Ray, Sankar K. Pal:
Fuzzy Rough Granular Self Organizing Map. 659-668 - Shen-Ming Gu, Wei-Zhi Wu:
Knowledge Acquisition in Inconsistent Multi-scale Decision Systems. 669-678 - Liping Jing, Jian Yu:
Text Clustering Based on Granular Computing and Wikipedia. 679-688 - He Lin, Yao Zhou:
Rough Relations, Neighborhood Relations, and Granular Computing. 689-695 - Pawan Lingras, Parag Bhalchandra
, Satish Mekewad
, Ravindra Rathod, Santosh Khamitkar:
Comparing Clustering Schemes at Two Levels of Granularity for Mobile Call Mining. 696-705 - Aibao Luo, Xiuyi Jia, Lin Shang, Yang Gao, Yubin Yang:
Granular-Based Partial Periodic Pattern Discovery over Time Series Data. 706-711 - Andrzej Skowron
, Jaroslaw Stepaniuk
Approximations of Functions: Toward Rough Granular Calculus. 712-721 - Shiping Wang, William Zhu, Fan Min
Bipartite Graphs and Coverings. 722-727 - Ling Wei, Qiang Li:
Covering-Based Reduction of Object-Oriented Concept Lattices. 728-733 - Yiyu Yao, Jigang Luo:
Top-Down Progressive Computing. 734-742 - Jian Yu, Liping Jing:
Least Absolute Deviation Cut. 743-752 - Zehua Zhang, Duoqian Miao, Jin Qian:
Hierarchical Qualitative Inference Model with Substructures. 753-762 - Igor Chikalov, Beata Zielosko
Decision Rules for Decision Tables with Many-Valued Decisions. 763-768

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