23rd PIMRC 2012: Sydney, Australia

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International Workshop on Internet-of-Things Communications and Networking

Second Workshop on Network Coding in Wireless Relay Networks

International WDN Workshop on Cooperative and Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

PIMRC 2012 - Track 2: MAC and Cross-Layer Design

Cognitive and cooperative MAC I

Radio resource management and allocation I

QoS provisioning in MAC

Cross-layer design

Radio resource management and allocation II

MAC for mesh, ad hoc, relay, and sensor networks I

Wireless MAC protocols

Radio resource management and allocation III

Radio resource management and allocation IV

Cognitive and cooperative MAC II

Radio resource management and allocation V

MAC for mesh, ad hoc, relay, and sensor networks II

Performance analysis

PIMRC 2012 - Track 3: Mobile and Wireless Networks

Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks I


Wireless Sensor and Mesh Networks

Network Coding

Energy Efficient Design

Cooperative Communications I

Heterogeneous Networks

Cognitive Radio and Networks I


Cooperative Communications II

Analysis, Simulation and Performance Evaluation I


Cellular Networks I

Cellular Networks II

Cognitive Radio and Networks II

Wireless Networks I

Analysis, Simulation and Performance Evaluation II


Cooperative Communications III


Cross Layer Design

Wireless Networks II

Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks II

PIMRC 2012 - Track 1: PHY and Fundamentals

Cooperative techniques for UWB cognitive radio

NINO Signal Processing I

MIMO Interference alignment

Channel modeling and estimation

Ultra-wideband and cognitive radio I

Wireless networks

Antennas, propagation and channel modelling

Cooperative communications I

Cooperative communications II

MIMO Signal Processing II

Channel Coding

Modulation and coding for MIMO

Modulation and Coding

WLAN and WPAN systems

Antennas and propagation for MIMO channels

Channel estimation and prediction

Ultra-wideband and cognitive radio II

Ultra-wideband MIMO Cognitive Radio

MIMO Signal Processing III

Cooperative communications III


Cooperative MIMO

Modulation and Detection

Transceiver design and Implementation

PIMRC 2012 - Track 4: Services, Applications, and Business

Location aware services

Emerging applications

Mobile networks & services