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14th PerCom Workshops 2016: Sydney, Australia
- 2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2016, Sydney, Australia, March 14-18, 2016. IEEE Computer Society 2016, ISBN 978-1-5090-1941-0
- Qi Han, Seng W. Loke:
PerCom PhD forum 2016: Eightieth annual PhD forum on pervasive computing and communications, 2016 - Welcome and committees: Welcome message from the PhD forum chairs. 1-2 - Flora D. Salim, Stephan Sigg, Chenren Xu:
CoSDEO 2016: Contact-free ambient sensing - Welcome and committees: Welcome message from the CoSDEO 2016 workshop co-chairs. 1-2 - Guohao Lan
, Weitao Xu
, Sara Khalifa, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu
Transportation mode detection using kinetic energy harvesting wearables. 1-4 - Takeshi Takahashi
, Daisuke Miyamoto, Koji Nakao:
Toward automated vulnerability monitoring using open information and standardized tools. 1-4 - Yang Chen, Yuxi Yang, Jiyao Hu, Chenfan Zhuang:
Measurement and analysis of tips in foursquare. 1-4 - Neeraj Kumar, Consuelo Lopez, Clara Marques Caldeira, Swanand Pethe, Bixia Si, Alfred Kobsa:
CalNag: Effortless multiuser calorie tracking. 1-4 - Izanoordina Ahmad, Neil W. Bergmann
, Raja Jurdak
, Branislav Kusy:
Towards probabilistic localization using airborne mobile anchors. 1-4 - Joseph Korpela, Takuya Maekawa, Julien Eberle, Dipanjan Chakraborty, Karl Aberer:
Tree-structured classifier for acceleration-based activity and gesture recognition on smartwatches. 1-4 - Huynh Nguyen Loc, Archan Misra
, Youngki Lee:
LightSense: Exploiting smart bulbs for practical multimodal localization. 1-4 - Wenjie Ruan
, Quan Z. Sheng
, Lina Yao, Lei Yang, Tao Gu:
HOI-Loc: Towards unobstructive human localization with probabilistic multi-sensor fusion. 1-4 - Daisuke Nakai, Takuya Maekawa, Yasuo Namioka:
Towards unsupervised measurement of assembly work cycle time by using wearable sensor. 1-4 - Eisa Zarepour
, Mohammadreza Hosseini, Salil S. Kanhere
, Arcot Sowmya:
A context-based privacy preserving framework for wearable visual lifeloggers. 1-4 - Girish Revadigar, Chitra Javali, Weitao Xu
, Wen Hu
, Sanjay Jha
Secure key generation and distribution protocol for wearable devices. 1-4 - Krittin Intharawijitr, Katsuyoshi Iida
, Hiroyuki Koga:
Analysis of fog model considering computing and communication latency in 5G cellular networks. 1-4 - Daisuke Miyamoto, Ryo Nakamura, Takeshi Takahashi, Yuji Sekiya
Offloading smartphone firewalling using OpenFlow-capable wireless access points. 1-4 - Brent Lagesse
, Cody Burkard, Julio Perez:
Securing pervasive systems against adversarial machine learning. 1-4 - Jennifer Simonjan
, Bernhard Rinner:
Autonomous, lightweight calibration of visual sensor networks with dense coverage. 1-4 - Akira Masuda, Takuya Maekawa, Yasuo Namioka:
Preliminary investigation of unconstrained person identification for tabletops using soft biometrics. 1-4 - Yusuke Ito, Hiroyuki Koga, Katsuyoshi Iida
A bandwidth reallocation scheme to improve fairness and link utilization in data center networks. 1-4 - Eun-Jeong Shin, Dhrubajyoti Ghosh, Apoorva Gupta, Gurinder Pal Singh, Navneet Joshi, Alfred Kobsa:
Message of interest: A framework of location-aware messaging for an indoor environment. 1-4 - Prateek Jain, Sanket Subhash Khanwalkar, Rohit Malhotra, Ajey Dheenrajappa, Gaurav Gupta, Alfred Kobsa:
uBeacon: Configuration based Beacon tracking. 1-4 - Arjun Bhadra, Jamie Brown, Han Ke, Calvin Liu, Eun-Jeong Shin, Xikui Wang, Alfred Kobsa:
ABC3D - Using an augmented reality mobile game to enhance literacy in early childhood. 1-4 - Arata Miyamoto, Valerio Panzica La Manna, V. Michael Bove Jr.:
Live objects: A system for infrastructure-less location-based services. 1-3 - Fangzhou Jiang, Kanchana Thilakarathna
, Sirine Mrabet, Mohamed Ali Kâafar
uDrop: Pushing drop-box to the edge of mobile network. 1-3 - Shan Jiang
, Junbin Liang, Jiannong Cao
, Rui Liu
An ensemble-level programming model with real-time support for multi-robot systems. 1-3 - Wenjie Ruan
, Quan Z. Sheng
, Lina Yao, Nguyen Khoi Tran
, Yu Chieh Yang:
PreventDark: Automatically detecting and preventing problematic use of smartphones in darkness. 1-3 - Jack Bandy
, Jonathan Knighten, Jamie Payton:
Demonstrating HighFiveLive: A mobile application for recognizing symbolic gestures. 1-3 - Asangi Jayatilaka
, Yang Su, Damith Chinthana Ranasinghe:
HoTAAL: Home of social things meet ambient assisted living. 1-3 - Joe Geigel, Peizhao Hu, Ashita Khetan, Minseok Kwon, Susan Lakin, Veronica Lin, Robert McCartney, Stephen Petoniak, Matthew Tidridge, Katie Verrant:
PULSE: An infrastructure for collection of audience heartbeats for music visualization. 1-3 - Jin Zhang, Bo Wei, Wen Hu
, Salil S. Kanhere
, Ariel Tan:
Human identification using WiFi signal. 1-2 - Sugang Li, Ashwin Ashok, Yanyong Zhang, Chenren Xu, Janne Lindqvist, Marco Gruteser:
Demo of Headbanger: Authenticating smart wearable devices using unique head movement patterns. 1-3 - Chitra Javali, Girish Revadigar, Daniel Pletea, Sanjay Jha
Demo abstract: Location fingerprint evidence and authorisation using WiFi channel characteristics. 1-3 - Junghyo Lee, Ayan Banerjee
, Sandeep K. S. Gupta:
MT-diet demo: Demonstration of automated smartphone based diet assessment system. 1-3 - Michael Stein, Roland Kluge, Dario Mirizzi, Stefan Wilk, Andy Schürr, Max Mühlhäuser:
Transitions on multiple layers for scalable, energy-efficient and robust wireless video streaming. 1-3 - Colin Aygalinc, Eva Gerbert-Gaillard, Philippe Lalanda, Catherine Hamon:
Service-oriented context for pervasive applications. 1-2 - Izanoordina Ahmad:
Localization of wireless sensor networks using a mobile beacon. 1-3 - Milan Jain
Data driven feedback for optimized and efficient usage of decentralized air conditioners. 1-3 - Amin Sadri:
Mining changes in mobility patterns from smartphone data. 1-3 - Jiyong Han:
Chaining the secret: Lightweight authentication for security in pervasive computing. 1-3 - Wenjie Ruan
Unobtrusive human localization and activity recognition for supporting independent living of the elderly. 1-3 - Mingyang Zhong:
Collaborative streaming of on demand videos for mobile devices. 1-2 - Archan Misra
Crowdsourcing: A building block for smart cities. 1-2 - Winwin Loon Haw Lim, Joe Tuck Wai Lum, Ian Jer Wei Yeo, Sye Loong Keoh
A crowd-assisted real-time public transport information service: No more endless wait. 1-6 - Zahra Navidi Kashani, Nicole Ronald, Stephan Winter:
Comparing demand responsive and conventional public transport in a low demand context. 1-6 - Masoomeh Zameni, Masud Moshtaghi, Christopher Leckie
Efficient query processing on road traffic network. 1-6 - Adil A. Sheikh, Ahmed Lbath, Ehsan Ullah Warriach, Shahbaz A. Awan, Sheikh Nasir Saeed, Emad A. Felemban
A software platform for smart data-driven intelligent transport applications. 1-6 - Iman Avazpour, John C. Grundy
, Liming Zhu
V for variety: Lessons learned from complex smart cities data harmonization and integration. 1-6 - Sajal K. Das
Cyber-physical-social convergence in smart living: Challenges and opportunities. 1 - Junying Chen, Sutharshan Rajasegarar
, Christopher Leckie
, André F. Gygax
Pedestrian behaviour analysis using the microsoft kinect. 1-6 - Koosha Sadeghi, Ayan Banerjee
, Javad Sohankar, Sandeep K. S. Gupta:
SafeDrive: An autonomous driver safety application in aware cities. 1-6 - Thorsten Schulz, Frank Golatowski
, Dirk Timmermann
Secure privacy preserving information beacons for public transportation systems. 1-6 - Edward Wang, Richard Chow:
What can i do here? IoT service discovery in smart cities. 1-6 - Amir Taherkordi, Frank Eliassen:
Scalable modeling of cloud-based IoT services for smart cities. 1-6 - Salil S. Kanhere:
Carrots and sticks - Incentives that make mobile crowdsensing work (CASPer 2016 Keynote Paper). 1 - Hideki Mori, Masaki Ito, Kaoru Sezaki:
Configuration-free propagation system for early fire alerts. 1-6 - Anubrata Das, Neeratyoy Mallik, Somprakash Bandyopadhyay, Sipra Das Bit
, Jayanta Basak
Interactive information crowdsourcing for disaster management using SMS and Twitter: A research prototype. 1-6 - Jonathan Fürst, Kaifei Chen, Randy H. Katz, Philippe Bonnet
Crowd-sourced BMS point matching and metadata maintenance with Babel. 1-6 - Luciano Baresi
, Sam Guinea, Danilo Filgueira Mendonça:
A3Droid: A framework for developing distributed crowdsensing. 1-6 - Takuma Oide, Toru Abe, Takuo Suganuma:
A broker-less participatory sensing scheme by user matching mechanism based on market price approach. 1-6 - Anders Lehmann, Allan Gross:
Using crowd sensed data as input to congestion model. 1-6 - Tim Hultman, Abdeldjalil Boudjadar, Mikael Asplund:
Connectivity-optimal shortest paths using crowdsourced data. 1-6 - Claudio Bettini:
On the impact of activity recognition in monitoring cognitive decline. 1 - Yogesh Jagadeesan, Peizhao Hu, Carlos R. Rivero
PLOMaR: An ontology framework for context modeling and reasoning on crowd-sensing platform. 1-6 - Colin Aygalinc, Eva Gerbert-Gaillard, Germán Vega
, Philippe Lalanda, Stéphanie Chollet:
A model-based approach to context management in pervasive platforms. 1-6 - Bjorn Tegelund, Heesuk Son, Dongman Lee:
A task-oriented service personalization scheme for smart environments using reinforcement learning. 1-6 - Andreas Jahn, Klaus David:
Improved activity recognition by using grouped activities. 1-5 - Sara Khalifa, Guohao Lan
, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu
A Bayesian framework for energy-neutral activity monitoring with self-powered wearable sensors. 1-6 - Moustafa Youssef
CoSDEO 2016 Keynote: A decade later - Challenges: Device-free passive localization for wireless environments. 1-2 - Henry Zhong
, Salil S. Kanhere
, Chun Tung Chou
QuickFind: Fast and contact-free object detection using a depth sensor. 1-6 - Duc Viet Le, Jacob W. Kamminga, Hans Scholten, Paul J. M. Havinga:
Nondeterministic sound source localization with smartphones in crowdsensing. 1-7 - Irvan Bastian Arief Ang
, Flora Dilys Salim
, Margaret Hamilton
Human occupancy recognition with multivariate ambient sensors. 1-6 - Hüseyin Yigitler
, Riku Jäntti
Experimental accuracy assessment of radio tomographic imaging methods. 1-6 - Xiao Zhang, Jie Wang, Qinghua Gao, Xiaorui Ma, Hongyu Wang:
Device-free wireless localization and activity recognition with deep learning. 1-5 - Muneeba Raja, Stephan Sigg
Applicability of RF-based methods for emotion recognition: A survey. 1-6 - Seng W. Loke:
Keynote: Crowd-powered mobile computing: Mobility meets collective computing. 1 - Hien To, Mohammad Asghari, Dingxiong Deng, Cyrus Shahabi:
SCAWG: A toolbox for generating synthetic workload for spatial crowdsourcing. 1-6 - Hazleen Aris
, Marina Md. Din:
Crowdsourcing evolution: Towards a taxonomy of crowdsourcing initiatives. 1-6 - Richard O. Sinnott
, Weijia Chen:
Estimating crowd sizes through social media. 1-6 - Sanjay Jha:
A changing landscape: Securing the Internet of Things (IoT): Keynote talk. 1 - Heesuk Son, Dongman Lee:
An intelligent SDP discovery scheme using knowledge-based adaptive probing. 1-6 - Keyi Zhang, Alan Marchiori:
Natural language search of sensor data. 1-6 - James Edwards, Taylor Cassidy, Geeth de Mel, Thomas F. La Porta:
Integrating quality of information with pragmatic assistance. 1-7 - Maria Ines Robles
, Domenico D'Ambrosio, Jaime Jimenez Bolonio, Miika Komu:
Device group management in constrained networks. 1-6 - Anees Al-Najjar, Siamak Layeghy
, Marius Portmann
Pushing SDN to the end-host, network load balancing using OpenFlow. 1-6 - Philippe Lalanda, Stéphanie Chollet, Catherine Hamon:
Linked models@runtime to ease the administration of pervasive applications. 1-6 - Jae Seong Jang, Young Lak Kim, Jin Hyo Park:
A study on the optimization of the uplink period using machine learning in the future IoT network. 1-3 - Andreea Ancuta Corici, Ronald Steinke, Thomas Magedanz, Louis Coetzee, Dawid Oosthuizen, Buhle Mkhize, Marisa Catalan
, Jacint Castells Fontelles, Josep Paradells, Ranjan Shrestha, Daniel Nehls, Björn Riemer:
Towards programmable and scalable IoT infrastructures for smart cities. 1-6 - Xiaoping Toh, Hwee-Xian Tan, Huiguang Liang, Hwee Pink Tan:
Elderly medication adherence monitoring with the Internet of Things. 1-6 - Yukitoshi Kashimoto, Aryan Firouzian, Zeeshan Asghar
, Goshiro Yamamoto, Petri Pulli:
Twinkle megane: Near-eye LED indicators on glasses in tele-guidance for elderly. 1-6 - Alvin C. Valera
, Hwee Pink Tan
, Liming Bai:
Improving the sensitivity of unobtrusive inactivity detection in sensor-enabled homes for the elderly. 1-6 - Jorge Adorno
, Yueng DeLaHoz, Miguel A. Labrador:
Smartphone-based floor detection in unstructured and structured environments. 1-6 - Nicholas Brent Burns, Peter Sassaman, Kathryn Daniel, Manfred Huber, Gergely V. Záruba:
PESTO: Data integration for visualization and device control in the SmartCare project. 1-6 - Na Liu
, Sandeep Purao
, Hwee Pink Tan
Value-inspired service design in elderly home-monitoring systems. 1-6 - Daniele Riboni, Gabriele Civitarese
, Claudio Bettini
Analysis of long-term abnormal behaviors for early detection of cognitive decline. 1-6 - Kiyoaki Komai, Manato Fujimoto, Yutaka Arakawa
, Hirohiko Suwa
, Yukitoshi Kashimoto, Keiichi Yasumoto
Beacon-based multi-person activity monitoring system for day care center. 1-6 - Björn A. Johnsson, Boris Magnusson:
Supporting collaborative healthcare using PalCom - The itACiH system. 1-6 - Okan Turkes, Hans Scholten, Paul J. M. Havinga:
Friend-to-friend short message service with opportunistic Wi-Fi beacons. 1-6 - Shahnawaz Alam
, Keshaw Dewangan, Arijit Sinharay, Avik Ghose:
A generic sensing and processing framework for smartphones for heterogeneous sensing. 1-6 - Allen Guishi Wang:
Battery energy storage system: The key of future smart grid. 1 - Emil Holmegaard, Aslak Johansen
, Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard
Towards a metadata discovery, maintenance and validation process to support applications that improve the energy performance of buildings. 1-6 - Junsung Lim, Heesuk Son, Byoungheon Shin, Dongman Lee:
CASPRE: A context-aware standby power reduction scheme for household appliances. 1-6 - Fisayo Caleb Sangogboye
, Kenan Imamovic, Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard
Improving occupancy presence prediction via multi-label classification. 1-6 - Bernard Mans
Information propagation speed in large scale mobile and intermittently connected networks. 1 - Edgar Marko Trono, Manato Fujimoto, Hirohiko Suwa
, Yutaka Arakawa
, Mineo Takai, Keiichi Yasumoto
Disaster area mapping using spatially-distributed computing nodes across a DTN. 1-6 - Yuya Matsuno, Masaki Ito, Kaoru Sezaki:
Impact of time-varying population density on location privacy preservation level. 1-6 - Fatjon Seraj
, Paul J. M. Havinga, Nirvana Meratnia:
SpinSafe: An unsupervised smartphone-based wheelchair path monitoring system. 1-6 - Takuya Sakamoto, Kazuaki Nimura:
Dynamic connection management between Web apps and peripheral devices by Web driver. 1-6 - Okan Turkes, Hans Scholten, Paul J. M. Havinga:
Opportunistic beacon networks: Information dissemination via wireless network identifiers. 1-6 - Baris Yamansavascilar
, M. Amaç Güvensan:
Activity Recognition on Smartphones: Efficient Sampling Rates and Window Sizes. 1-6 - Anes Yessembayev, Dilip Sarkar:
Secure data aggregation algorithms for sensor networks in the presence of collusion attacks. 1-6 - Christopher Huth
, Paul Duplys, Tim Güneysu
Secure software update and IP protection for untrusted devices in the Internet of Things via physically unclonable functions. 1-6 - Priyanka Bagade, Ayan Banerjee
, Sandeep K. S. Gupta:
Rapid evidence-based development of mobile medical IoT apps. 1-6 - Sharad Mehrotra, Alfred Kobsa, Nalini Venkatasubramanian, Siva Raj Rajagopalan:
TIPPERS: A privacy cognizant IoT environment. 1-6 - Lingjuan Lyu, Yee Wei Law
, Sarah M. Erfani, Christopher Leckie
, Marimuthu Palaniswami
An improved scheme for privacy-preserving collaborative anomaly detection. 1-6 - Tham Nguyen
, Doan Hoang, Aruna Seneviratne
Challenge-response trust assessment model for personal space IoT. 1-6 - Aleksandr Ometov
, Pavel Masek, Lukas Malina, Roman Florea, Jiri Hosek
, Sergey Andreev
, Jan Hajny, Jussi Niutanen
, Yevgeni Koucheryavy
Feasibility characterization of cryptographic primitives for constrained (wearable) IoT devices. 1-6 - Yansong Gao, Gefei Li, Hua Ma, Said F. Al-Sarawi, Omid Kavehei
, Derek Abbott, Damith Chinthana Ranasinghe:
Obfuscated challenge-response: A secure lightweight authentication mechanism for PUF-based pervasive devices. 1-6 - Kartik Palani, Emily Holt
, Sean W. Smith:
Invisible and forgotten: Zero-day blooms in the IoT. 1-6 - Sajal K. Das:
Smart sensing and analytics for cognitive health care. 1 - Sougata Sen
, Kiran K. Rachuri, Abhishek Mukherji, Archan Misra
Did you take a break today? Detecting playing foosball using your smartwatch. 1-6 - Alexandros Zenonos, Aftab Khan
, Georgios Kalogridis, Stefanos Vatsikas, Tim Lewis, Mahesh Sooriyabandara:
HealthyOffice: Mood recognition at work using smartphones and wearable sensors. 1-6 - Lu Bai
, Christos Efstratiou, Chee Siang Ang:
weSport: Utilising wrist-band sensing to detect player activities in basketball games. 1-6 - Vu H. Tran, Kenny T. W. Choo
, Youngki Lee, Richard C. Davis, Archan Misra
MAGI: Enabling multi-device gestural applications. 1-6 - Sourav Bhattacharya, Nicholas D. Lane:
From smart to deep: Robust activity recognition on smartwatches using deep learning. 1-6 - Jagmohan Chauhan, Suranga Seneviratne, Mohamed Ali Kâafar
, Anirban Mahanti, Aruna Seneviratne:
Characterization of early smartwatch apps. 1-6 - Alex Mariakakis
, Vijay Srinivasan, Kiran Rachuri, Abhishek Mukherji:
WatchUDrive: Differentiating drivers and passengers using smartwatches. 1-4 - Luca Arduser, Pascal Bissig, Philipp Brandes, Roger Wattenhofer:
Recognizing text using motion data from a smartwatch. 1-6

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