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NTMS 2012: Istanbul, Turkey
- Albert Levi, Mohamad Badra, Matteo Cesana, Mona Ghassemian, Özgür Gürbüz, Nafaâ Jabeur, Marek Klonowski, Antonio Maña, Susana Sargento, Sherali Zeadally:
5th International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, Istanbul, Turkey, NTMS 2012, May 7-10, 2012. IEEE 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-0229-6 - Yosra Ben Saied, Alexis Olivereau, Maryline Laurent
A Distributed Approach for Secure M2M Communications. 1-7 - Ebenezer Paintsil:
A Model for Privacy and Security Risks Analysis. 1-8 - Imen Jemili
, Nader Chaabouni, Abdelfettah Belghith
, Mohamed Mosbah
A Multipath Layered Cluster Based Routing for Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Arnab Raha
, Mrinal Kanti Naskar, Arpita Chakraborty, Omar Alfandi
, Dieter Hogrefe:
A Novel Indirect Trust Based Link State Routing Scheme Using a Robust Route Trust Method for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Mikhail Zolotukhin, Timo Hämäläinen
, Andrey Garnaev:
A Relay Deployment Mechanism for One Scenario of Cost-Effective Coverage Extension in IEEE 802.16j Networks. 1-6 - Spiros Louvros
, Athanasios C. Iossifides
, Konstantinos Aggelis, Agamemnon Baltagiannis, George Economou:
A Semi-Analytical Macroscopic MAC Layer Model for LTE Uplink. 1-5 - Sabrina Merkel, Sanaz Mostaghim
, Hartmut Schmeck
A Study of Mobility in Ad Hoc Networks and Its Effects on a Hop Count Based Distance Estimation. 1-5 - Mohammad Reza Faghani, Ashraf Matrawy, Chung-Horng Lung:
A Study of Trojan Propagation in Online Social Networks. 1-5 - Ali Hamlili:
A Topology-Based Approach to the Predictive Analysis of Intelligent Transportation Systems Dynamics. 1-5 - Hiroaki Higaki:
ABLA: Angle-Based Location Advertisement for Location-Based Ad-Hoc Routing Protocols. 1-5 - Christophe Betoule, Thomas Bonald, Remi Clavier, Dario Rossi, Giuseppe Rossini, Gilles Thouénon:
Adaptive Probabilistic Flooding for Multipath Routing. 1-6 - Leila Ben Saad, Bernard Tourancheau:
Address Allocation Scheme to Improve Lifetime of IPv6 Cluster-Based WSNs. 1-5 - Gurkan Tuna, Kayhan Gulez:
Aided Navigation Techniques for Indoor and Outdoor Unmanned Vehicles. 1-4 - Magnus Skjegstad, Frank T. Johnsen, Jørgen Nordmoen:
An Emulated Test Framework for Service Discovery and MANET Research Based on ns-3. 1-5 - Anas Showk, Shadi Traboulsi, Attila Bilgic:
An Energy Efficient Multi-Core Modem Architecture for LTE Mobile Terminals. 1-6 - Amar Siad:
Anonymous Identity-Based Encryption with Distributed Private-Key Generator and Searchable Encryption. 1-8 - Nicolas Sklavos
, Paris Kitsos
Architectural Optimizations & Hardware Implementations of WLANs Encryption Standard. 1-5 - El-Sayed M. El-Alfy
Automatic Identification Based on Hand Geometry and Probabilistic Neural Networks. 1-5 - Erkay Savas, Cemal Yilmaz
Cache Attacks: An Information and Complexity Theoretic Approach. 1-7 - Bogdan Pavkovic
, Won-Joo Hwang, Fabrice Theoleyre
Cluster-Directed Acyclic Graph Formation for IEEE 802.15.4 in Multihop Topologies. 1-6 - Nuray At, Jean-Luc Beuchat
, Ismail San
Compact Implementation of Threefish and Skein on FPGA. 1-5 - Jiva N. Bagale, John P. T. Moore, Antonio D. Kheirkhahzadeh, Peter Komisarczuk:
Comparison of Messaging Protocols for Emerging Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Mohammad Hassan Hajiesmaili, Ali Sehati, Ahmad Khonsari
Content-Aware Rate Control for Video Transmission with Buffer Constraints in Multipath Networks. 1-5 - Marcel Heupel, Lars Fischer, Dogan Kesdogan, Mohamed Bourimi
, Simon Scerri, Fabian Hermann, Rafael Giménez:
Context-Aware, Trust-Based Access Control for the di.me Userware. 1-6 - William G. Cassidy, Nabih Jaber, Kemal E. Tepe:
Cross Layer MAC and PHY Architecture for Collision Correction of DSRC Safety Messages. 1-5 - Ghalib A. Shah, Özgür B. Akan:
CSMA-Based Bandwidth Estimation for Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Karim Habak
, Moustafa Youssef
, Khaled A. Harras:
DBAS: A Deployable Bandwidth Aggregation System. 1-6 - Daniel Philip Venmani, Djamal Zeghlache
, Yvon Gourhant:
Demystifying Link Congestion in 4G-LTE Backhaul Using OpenFlow. 1-8 - Sebastian Unger, Stefan Pfeiffer, Dirk Timmermann
Dethroning Transport Layer Security in the Embedded World. 1-5 - Dongho Kwak, Hyeonmok Ko, Cheeha Kim:
Distributed Medium Access Scheduling for Wireless LANs. 1-5 - Peter Langendörfer
, Krzysztof Piotrowski
, Manuel Díaz
, Bartolomé Rubio
Distributed Shared Memory as an Approach for Integrating WSNs and Cloud Computing. 1-6 - Tansu Alpcan
Dynamic Incentives for Risk Management. 1-5 - Zibouda Aliouat
, Makhlouf Aliouat
Effective Energy Management in Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Mohamed Lehsaini
, Mohammed Feham, Hervé Guyennet:
Efficient Cluster-Based Fault-Tolerant Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Davut Incebacak, Kemal Bicakci
, Bülent Tavli
Energy Cost of Mitigating Physical Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Anya Apavatjrut:
Energy Efficient Optimization and Route Recovery for Gradient Broadcast Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-4 - Tafzeel ur Rehman Ahsin, Slimane Ben Slimane:
Energy Efficient Resource Allocation and Deployment Strategies for Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Syed Amjad Ali
, Cüneyt Sevgi:
Energy Load Balancing for Fixed Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Asmaa Seyam, Fahed Hasan Awad
, Eyad Salah Taqieddin:
Energy-Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Using the Virtual Field Force. 1-5 - Konstantin Mikhaylov
, Jouni Tervonen
Evaluation of Power Efficiency for Digital Serial Interfaces of Microcontrollers. 1-5 - Okoli Adaobi, Ejiro Igbesoko, Mona Ghassemian:
Evaluation of Security Problems and Intrusion Detection Systems for Routing Attacks in Wireless Self-Organised Networks. 1-5 - Ndeye Amy Dieng, Claude Chaudet
, Maurice Charbit, Laurent Toutain, Tayeb Ben Meriem:
Experiments on the RSSI as a Range Estimator for Indoor Localization. 1-5 - Nikos Fotiou, Giannis F. Marias, George C. Polyzos
Fighting Phishing the Information-Centric Way. 1-5 - Luca Pino, George Spanoudakis:
Finding Secure Compositions of Software Services: Towards a Pattern Based Approach. 1-5 - John P. T. Moore, Jiva N. Bagale, Antonio D. Kheirkhahzadeh, Peter Komisarczuk:
Fingerprinting Seismic Activity across an Internet of Things. 1-6 - Zayneb Trabelsi Ayoub
, Sofiane Ouni
, Farouk Kamoun
Global versus Local Re-Association Approach to Extend the Lifetime of Large-Scale IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Konstantinos V. Katsaros, George Xylomenos
, George C. Polyzos:
GlobeTraff: A Traffic Workload Generator for the Performance Evaluation of Future Internet Architectures. 1-5 - Takumi Kanaya, Akihito Hiromori
, Hirozumi Yamaguchi
, Teruo Higashino:
HumanS: A Human Mobility Sensing Simulator. 1-4 - Ramachandra Budihal, Hirisave S. Jamadagni:
Implementation and Benchmarking of CUSUM Algorithm for Spectrum Sensing under Low SNR Regimes on ANRC Cognitive Radio Testbed. 1-6 - Olivier Heen, Christoph Neumann, Luis A. Montalvo
, Serge Defrance:
Improving the Resistance to Side-Channel Attacks on Cloud Storage Services. 1-5 - Nafaâ Jabeur
, Sherali Zeadally, Sergey Maydebura:
Improving Trust and Privacy Models in Social Networks. 1-5 - Maicon Stihler, Altair Olivo Santin
, Arlindo L. Marcon Jr., Joni da Silva Fraga:
Integral Federated Identity Management for Cloud Computing. 1-5 - Vesa P. Hytönen, Aleksandr Puchko, Thomas Höhne, Thomas Chapman:
Introduction of Multiflow for HSDPA. 1-5 - Kanwalinderjit Kaur Gagneja
, Kendall E. Nygard:
Key Management Scheme for Routing in Clustered Heterogeneous Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Markus Kerper, Christian Wewetzer, Andreas Sasse, Martin Mauve:
Learning Traffic Light Phase Schedules from Velocity Profiles in the Cloud. 1-5 - Magnus Skjegstad, Frank T. Johnsen, Trude Hafsøe Bloebaum, Torleiv Maseng:
Mist: A Reliable and Delay-Tolerant Publish/Subscribe Solution for Dynamic Networks. 1-8 - Gurkan Tuna, Kayhan Gulez, Tarik Veli Mumcu
, Vehbi C. Gungor:
Mobile Robot Aided Self-Deploying Wireless Sensor Networks for Radiation Leak Detection. 1-5 - Borislava Gajic, Jesús Palenzuela, Janne Riihijärvi, Petri Mähönen:
Mobility-Aware Topology Manager for Publish-Subscribe Networks. 1-5 - Kuzman Katkalov, Nina Moebius, Kurt Stenzel, Marian Borek, Wolfgang Reif
Model-Driven Testing of Security Protocols with SecureMDD. 1-5 - Hasan T. Karaoglu, Mehmet Burak Akgun
, Mehmet Hadi Günes, Murat Yuksel:
Multi Path Considerations for Anonymized Routing: Challenges and Opportunities. 1-5 - Emna Trigui, Moez Esseghir, Leïla Merghem-Boulahia:
Multi-Agent Systems Negotiation Approach for Handoff in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-5 - Tassos Dimitriou, Antonis Michalas
Multi-Party Trust Computation in Decentralized Environments. 1-5 - Yi Jun He, Tat Wing Chim, Lucas Chi Kwong Hui, Siu-Ming Yiu:
Non-Transferable Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme. 1-4 - Qizhi Tian, Sorin A. Huss:
On Clock Frequency Effects in Side Channel Attacks of Symmetric Block Ciphers. 1-5 - Mouna Abdelmoumen, Imen Arfaoui, Mounir Frikha, Tijani Chahed:
On the Performance of MANETs under Different Mobility Patterns and Routing Protocols and Its Improvement Based on Fixed Relay Nodes. 1-5 - Tauseef Jamal
, Paulo Mendes
, André Zúquete
Opportunistic Relay Selection for Wireless Cooperative Network. 1-4 - Johannes Braun, Johannes Buchmann:
Perfect Confidentiality Network: A Solution for Information Theoretically Secure Key Agreement. 1-5 - Thomas Potsch, Koojana Kuladinithi, Markus Becker, Peter Trenkamp, Carmelita Görg:
Performance Evaluation of CoAP Using RPL and LPL in TinyOS. 1-5 - M. G. Samantha Sriyananda, Jyrki Joutsensalo, Timo Hämäläinen
Performance of OFDM with Blind Interference Suppression Schemes. 1-6 - Aleksandr Puchko, Mikhail Zolotukhin, Vesa P. Hytönen, Thomas Höhne, Thomas Chapman:
Phase Adjustment in HS-SFN for HSDPA. 1-5 - Jari Kellokoski, Joonas Koskinen, Timo Hämäläinen
Power Consumption Analysis of the Always-Best-Connected User Equipment. 1-5 - Sandra Frei, Woldemar F. Fuhrmann, Andreas Rinkel, Bogdan V. Ghita
Prospects for WLAN in the Evolved Packet Core Environment. 1-5 - Raja Naeem Akram, Konstantinos Markantonakis, Keith Mayes:
Pseudorandom Number Generation in Smart Cards: An Implementation, Performance and Randomness Analysis. 1-7 - Jari Kellokoski, Joonas Koskinen, Timo Hämäläinen
Real-Life Performance Analysis of Always-Best-Connected Network. 1-5 - M. Sarper Gokturk, Özgür Gürbüz, Elza Erkip
RECOMAC: A Cross-Layer Cooperative Network Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1-7 - Carsten Rudolph
, Andreas Fuchs:
Redefining Security Engineering. 1-6 - Sari Haj Hussein:
Refining a Quantitative Information Flow Metric. 1-7 - Seyed Mostafa Rezvani, Seyed Hamid Safavi, Ramezan Ali Sadegh Zadeh
, Afrooz Haghbin
, Reyhaneh Davarpanah:
Relay Power Minimization Approach Based on General-Rank Beamforming for Multi-Antenna Relaying Schemes. 1-5 - Telesphore Tiendrebeogo, Daouda Ahmat, Damien Magoni
Reliable and Scalable Distributed Hash Tables Harnessing Hyperbolic Coordinates. 1-6 - Andre Marques Poersch, Daniel F. Macedo
, José Marcos S. Nogueira
Resource Location for Opportunistic Networks. 1-5 - Anil Kumar Chorppath, Tansu Alpcan
Risk Management for IT Security: When Theory Meets Practice. 1-5 - Georgios V. Lioudakis
, Angelos-Christos G. Anadiotis, Aziz S. Mousas, Charalampos Z. Patrikakis
, Dimitra I. Kaklamani, Iakovos S. Venieris:
Routing in Content-Centric Networks: From Names to Concepts. 1-5 - Dania Abed Rabbou, Abderrahmen Mtibaa, Khaled A. Harras:
SCOUT: Social Context-Aware Ubiquitous System. 1-6 - Gianmarco Baldini, Valentin Rakovic
, Vladimir Atanasovski
, Liljana Gavrilovska:
Security Aspects of Policy Controlled Cognitive Radio. 1-5 - Khaled Hamouid, Kamel Adi:
Self-Certified Based Trust Establishment Scheme in Ad-Hoc Networks. 1-7 - Julian P. Murphy, Máire O'Neill, Frank P. Burns, Alexandre V. Bystrov
, Alexandre Yakovlev
, Basel Halak
Self-Timed Physically Unclonable Functions. 1-5 - Sauro Longhi
, Davide Marzioni, Emanuele Alidori, Gianluca Di Buo, Mariorosario Prist
, Massimo Grisostomi, Matteo Pirro:
Solid Waste Management Architecture Using Wireless Sensor Network Technology. 1-5 - Huiming Anna Yu, Jonathan Rann, Justin Zhan:
SUCH: A Cloud Computing Management Tool. 1-4 - Cagatay Sonmez, Sinan Isik, Mehmet Yunus Donmez, Özlem Durmaz Incel
, Cem Ersoy
SUIT: A Cross Layer Image Transport Protocol with Fuzzy Logic Based Congestion Control for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Zafar Kazmi, Toni Felguera, Jorge Aguila Vila, Mario Maawad Marcos:
TASAM - Towards the Smart Devices App-Stores Applications Security Management Related Best Practices. 1-5 - Kheira Dari Bekara, Maryline Laurent
, Than Ha Nguyen:
Technical Enforcement of European Privacy Legislation: An Access Control Approach. 1-7 - Anthony Busson, Bijan Jabbari, Alireza Babaei, Véronique Vèque:
Throughput Limits in Spectrum Sensing Cognitive Radio Networks Using Point Processes. 1-8 - Asma Amraoui
, Fatima Zohra Benidriss, Badr Benmammar
, Francine Krief, Fethi Tarik Bendimerad:
Toward Cognitive Radio Resource Management Based on Multi-Agent Systems for Improvement of Real-Time Application Performance. 1-4 - Nabil Sahli
, Nafaâ Jabeur
, Ijaz Muhammad Khan, Mohamad Badra:
Towards a Generic Framework for Wireless Sensor Network Multi-Criteria Routing. 1-6 - Bahia Zebbane, Manel Chenait, Nadjib Badache:
Towards an Energy-Efficient Algorithm Based Sleep-Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-4 - Volkmar Lotz, Samuel Paul Kaluvuri, Francesco Di Cerbo, Antonino Sabetta:
Towards Security Certification Schemas for the Internet of Services. 1-5 - Hajer Al Housani, Hadi Otrok
, Rabeb Mizouni
, Jean-Marc Robert, Azzam Mourad
Towards Smart Anti-Malwares for Battery-Powered Devices. 1-4 - Zoya Dyka
, Peter Langendörfer
, Frank Vater, Steffen Peter:
Towards Strong Security in Embedded and Pervasive Systems: Energy and Area Optimized Serial Polynomial Multipliers in GF(2k). 1-6 - Nabih Jaber, William G. Cassidy, Esam Abdel-Raheem, Kemal E. Tepe:
Vehicular Broadcast Messaging Reliability Enhancement Protocol for Emergency Vehicle Communications. 1-4 - Said El Brak, Mohammed Bouhorma
, Anouar Abdelhakim Boudhir:
VoIP over VANETs (VoVAN): A QoS Measurements Analysis of Inter-Vehicular Voice Communication in Urban Scenario. 1-6 - Dimitrios Zorbas, Tahiry Razafindralambo
Wireless Sensor Network Redeployment under the Target Coverage Constraint. 1-5

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