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Image Processing 2000: San Diego, CA, USA
- Kenneth M. Hanson:
Medical Imaging 2000: Image Processing, San Diego, CA, United States, 12-18 February 2000. SPIE Proceedings 3979, SPIE 2000, ISBN 9780819435965
Computer-Aided Diagnosis
- Matthew A. Kupinski, Mark A. Anastasio, Maryellen Lissak Giger:
Multiobjective genetic optimization of diagnostic classifiers used in the computerized detection of mass lesions in mammography. - Georgia D. Tourassi
, Carey E. Floyd Jr., Joseph Y. Lo:
Use of a constraint satisfaction neural network for breast cancer diagnosis and dynamic scenarios simulation. - Naga R. Mudigonda, Rangaraj M. Rangayyan
, J. E. Leo Desautels:
Segmentation and classification of mammographic masses. - Robert Paul Velthuizen, Deepak Gangadharan:
Mammographic mass classification: initial results. - Walker H. Land, Timothy D. Masters, Joseph Y. Lo:
Application of a GRNN oracle to the intelligent combination of several breast cancer benign/malignant predictive paradigms. - Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masahiko Kusumoto, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Kiyoshi Mori, Hiroyuki Nishiyama, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko, Noriyuki Moriyama:
Tracking interval changes of pulmonary nodules using a sequence of three-dimensional thoracic images. - Hiroyuki Yoshida, Kunio Doi:
Computerized detection of pulmonary nodules in chest radiographs: reduction of false positives based on symmetry between left and right lungs. - Samuel G. Armato, Maryellen Lissak Giger, Heber MacMahon:
Analysis of a three-dimensional lung nodule detection method for thoracic CT scans. - Rainer Stotzka:
Hybrid neural network and statistical classification algorithms in computer-assisted diagnosis. - Sarah A. Barman, Bunyarit Uyyanonvara, James Frederick Boyce, Giorgia Sanguinetti, Emma J. Hollick, William R. Meacock, David J. Spalton, Andrew P. Paplinski:
Automatic quantification of posterior capsule opacification. - Dag Wormanns, Martin Fiebich, Christian Wietholt, Stefan Diederich, Walter Heindel:
Automatic detection of pulmonary nodules at spiral CT: first clinical experience with a computer-aided diagnosis system. - Yue Joseph Wang, Zuyi Wang, Lan Luo, Shih-Chung Benedict Lo, Matthew T. Freedman:
Computer-based decision support system: visual mapping of featured database in computer-aided diagnosis. - Zhimin Huo, Maryellen Lissak Giger:
Incorporation of clinical data into a computerized method for the assessment of mammographic breast lesions. - Joseph Y. Lo, Walker H. Land, Clayton T. Morrison:
Evolutionary programming technique for reducing complexity of artifical neural networks for breast cancer diagnosis.
- Sunanda Mitra, Sujit Joshi:
Generalized nonconvex optimization for medical image segmentation. - L. Rodney Long, George R. Thoma:
Segmentation and image navigation in digitized spine x rays. - Punam K. Saha, Jayaram K. Udupa:
New optimum thresholding method using region homogeneity and class uncertainty. - Vikram Chalana, Michael Sannella, David R. Haynor:
General-purpose software tool for serial segmentation of stacked images. - Matthew S. Brown, Waldo C. Feng, Theodore R. Hall, Michael F. McNitt-Gray, Bernard M. Churchill:
Knowledge-based segmentation of pediatric kidneys in CT for measuring parenchymal volume. - László G. Nyúl, Alexandre Xavier Falcão, Jayaram K. Udupa:
Fuzzy-connected 3D image segmentation at interactive speeds. - Steven C. Mitchell, Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt, Rob J. van der Geest, Jorrit A. Schaap, Johan H. C. Reiber, Milan Sonka
Segmentation of cardiac MR images: an active appearance model approach. - Marcel P. Jackowski, Ardeshir Goshtasby, Martin Satter:
Representing 3D regions with rational Gaussian surfaces. - Luc Soler, Herve Delingette, Grégoire Malandain, Johan Montagnat, Nicholas Ayache, Jean-Marie Clement, Christophe Koehl, Olivier Dourthe, Didier Mutter, Jacques Marescaux:
Fully automatic anatomical, pathological, and functional segmentation from CT scans for hepatic surgery. - Yu Sun, Dantong Yu, Raj S. Acharya, Roger S. Gaborski:
Knowledge-based method for fully automatic contour detection in radiographs. - Djamel Brahmi, Camille Serruys, Nathalie Cassoux, Alain Giron, Raoul Triller, Phuc Lehoang
, Bernard Fertil:
Extraction of features from medical images using a modular neural network approach that relies on learning by sample. - Ivo Wolf
, Gerald-P. Glombitza, Rosalyn De Simone, Hans-Peter Meinzer:
Automatic segmentation of heart cavities in multidimensional ultrasound images. - Gloria Bueno, Olivier Musse, Fabrice Heitz, Jean-Paul Armspach:
3D watershed-based segmentation of internal structures within MR brain images. - Frank Vogelsang, Michael Kohnen, Hansgerd Schneider, Frank Weiler, Markus W. Kilbinger, Berthold B. Wein, Rolf W. Günther:
Skeletal maturity determination from hand radiograph by model-based analysis. - Gudrun Wagenknecht, Hans-Jürgen Kaiser, Thorsten Obladen, Osama Sabri, Udalrich Büll:
Individual 3D region-of-interest atlas of the human brain: neural-network-based tissue classification with automatic training point extraction. - Gudrun Wagenknecht, Hans-Jürgen Kaiser, Osama Sabri, Udalrich Büll:
Individual 3D region-of-interest atlas of the human brain: knowledge-based class image analysis for extraction of anatomical objects.
- Piotr J. Slomka, Jonathan Mandel, Aaron Fenster, Dónal B. Downey:
Automated 3D registration of magnetic resonance angiography, 3D power doppler, and 3D B-mode ultrasound images of carotid bifurcation. - Matthew J. Clarkson
, Daniel Rueckert, Derek L. G. Hill, David John Hawkes:
Multiple 2D video/3D medical image registration algorithm. - Jay B. West, J. Michael Fitzpatrick:
Point-based rigid registration: clinical validation of theory. - Li-Yueh Hsu, Murray H. Loew:
Evaluation of the accuracy of an edge-based approach for multimodality brain image registration. - Perry E. Radau, Piotr J. Slomka, Per Julin, Leif Svensson, Lars-Olof Wahlund:
Automated segmentation and registration technique for HMPAO-SPECT imaging of Alzheimer's patients. - David LaRose, John Bayouth, Takeo Kanade:
Transgraph: interactive intensity-based 2D/3D registration of x-ray and CT data. - Jeannette L. Herring, Benoit M. Dawant:
Automatic vertebral identification using surface-based registration. - Guo-Qing Wei, Jian Zhong Qian, Eric Chen, John C. Engdahl:
Variable-length correlation method for the correction of body motions and heart creep in the SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging. - Alev Kutan Erdi, Yu Chi Hu, Chen-Shou Chui:
Using mutual information (MI) for automated 3D registration in the pelvis and thorax region for radiotherapy treatment planning. - Matthew S. Baker, Harald Busse, Martin Vogt:
Automatic registration and segmentation algorithm for multiple electrophoresis images.
Deformable Registration
- Daniel Rueckert, Matthew J. Clarkson
, Derek L. G. Hill, David John Hawkes:
Non-rigid registration using higher-order mutual information. - Colin Studholme, R. Todd Constable, James S. Duncan:
Phantom-based investigation of nonrigid registration constraints in mapping fMRI to anatomical MRI. - Olivier Musse, Fabrice Heitz, Jean-Paul Armspach:
3D deformable image matching: a hierarchical approach over nested subspaces. - Daniel C. Alexander
, Carlo Pierpaoli, Peter J. Basser, James C. Gee:
Techniques for spatial normalization of diffusion tensor images. - Graeme P. Penney, John A. Little, Jürgen Weese, Derek L. G. Hill, David John Hawkes:
Deforming a preoperative volume to better represent the intraoperative scene.
Spiral and Cone-Beam CT
- Marc Kachelriess, Stefan Schaller, Willi A. Kalender:
Advanced single-slice rebinning in cone-beam spiral CT: theoretical considerations and medical applications. - Kwok C. Tam:
Exact local regions-of-interest reconstruction in spiral cone-beam filtered-backprojection CT: theory. - Guenter Lauritsch, Kwok C. Tam, Katia Sourbelle, Stefan Schaller:
Exact local regions-of-interest reconstruction in spiral cone-beam filtered-backprojection CT: numerical implementation and first image results. - Jiang Hsieh:
Two-pass algorithm for cone-beam reconstruction. - Herbert Bruder, Marc Kachelriess, Stefan Schaller, Thomas Mertelmeier:
Performance of approximate cone-beam reconstruction in multislice computed tomography.
- Elijah E. W. Van Houten, Keith D. Paulsen, Michael I. Miga, Francis E. Kennedy, John B. Weaver:
Subzone-based nonlinear inversion scheme for viscoelastic tissue properties. - Gregory S. Cunningham
, Andre Lehovich:
4D reconstructions from low-count SPECT data using deformable models with smooth interior intensity variations. - Andreas H. Hielscher, Sebastian Bartel:
Overcoming ill-posedness in optical tomography. - Jonathan S. Maltz:
Multiresolution constrained least-squares algorithm for direct estimation of time activity curves from dynamic ECT projection data. - William J. Dallas:
Truncated projection computer tomography closed-form reconstruction algorithm stability. - Robert J. Rader, Steven J. Phillips, Paul S. LaFollette:
3D reconstruction of a human heart fascicle using SurfDriver. - Claudia Mayntz, Til Aach, Dietmar Kunz, Jan-Michael Frahm:
Motion blur in fluoroscopy: effects, identification, and restoration. - Klaus D. Tönnies, Luca Remonda, Regina Pohle:
Shape-based enhancement of vascular structures in digital subtraction angiography images using local covariance information. - Stephanie L. Ellenberger, Andre Verweij, Jurrien P. de Knecht:
Three-dimensional position determination of catheters for the purpose of brachytherapy. - Mohammad-Reza Siadat, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh:
Partial volume estimation: an improvement for eigenimage method.
Shape and Scale
- Alexander Hagemann, Karl Rohr, H. Siegfried Stiehl:
Biomechanically based simulation of brain deformations for intraoperative image correction: coupling of elastic and fluid models. - Tim Kam Lee, M. Stella Atkins:
New approach to measure border irregularity for melanocytic lesions. - Karl Krissian, Régis Vaillant:
Automatic and accurate measurement of a cross-sectional area of vessels in 3D x-ray angiography images. - Hans J. Johnson, Gary E. Christensen, Jeffrey L. Marsh, Michael W. Vannier:
Validation of probabilistic anatomical shape atlases. - Bijan Timsari, Richard M. Leahy:
Optimization method for creating semi-isometric flat maps of the cerebral cortex. - Michael Kohnen, Frank Vogelsang, Berthold B. Wein, Markus W. Kilbinger, Rolf W. Günther, Frank Weiler, Jörg Bredno, Jörg Dahmen:
Knowledge-based automated feature extraction to categorize secondary digitized radiographs. - Alexei Manso Corrêa Machado, James C. Gee, Mario F. M. Campos:
Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis in morphometry. - Dongqing Chen, Bin Li, Zhengrong Liang, Ming Wan, Arie E. Kaufman, Mark R. Wax:
Tree-branch-searching multiresolution approach to skeletonization for virtual endoscopy. - Punam K. Saha, Jayaram K. Udupa:
Scale-based filtering of medical images. - David W. Shattuck, Richard M. Leahy:
Topologically constrained cortical surfaces from MRI.
Image Processing
- Deming Wang, Stephen E. Rose, Jonathan B. Chalk, David M. Doddrell, James Semple:
Improved version of white matter method for correction of nonuniform intensity in MR images: application to the quantification of rates of brain atrophy in Alzheimer's disease and normal aging. - C. Wayne Brown:
Building a medical image processing algorithm verification database. - Alan H. Baydush, Carey E. Floyd Jr.:
Improved image quality with Bayesian image processing in digital mammography. - Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh, Donald J. Peck, David O. Hearshen, Renee R. Lajiness-O'Neill:
Optimal linear filter for fMRI analysis.
Poster Session I: Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Segmentation
- M. Stella Atkins, Mark S. Drew, Zinovi Tauber:
Towards automatic segmentation of MS lesions in PD/T2 MR images. - Thierry Donadey, Camille Serruys, Alain Giron, Georges Aitken, Jean-Pierre Vignali, Raoul Triller, Bernard Fertil:
Boundary detection of black skin tumors using an adaptive radial-based approach. - Jorge U. Garcia, Leopoldo Gonzalez-Santos, Rafael Favila, Rafael Rojas, Fernando A. Barrios
Three-dimensional MRI segmentation based on back-propagation neural network with robust supervised training. - Bram van Ginneken
, Bart M. ter Haar Romeny
Automatic delineation of ribs in frontal chest radiographs. - Shaun S. Gleason, Hamed Sari-Sarraf, Michael J. Paulus, Dabney K. Johnson, Mongi A. Abidi:
Automatic screening of polycystic kidney disease in x-ray CT images of laboratory mice. - Lubomir M. Hadjiiski, Heang-Ping Chan, Berkman Sahiner, Nicholas Petrick, Mark A. Helvie, Sophie Paquerault, Chuan Zhou:
Interval change analysis in temporal pairs of mammograms using a local affine transformation. - Shoji Hirano, Yutaka Hata, Nobuyuki Matsui, Yoshiro Ando, Makato Ishikawa:
Segmentation of the fractured foot CT image: a fuzzy-rule-based approach. - Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masahiko Kusumoto, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Kiyoshi Mori, Hiroyuki Nishiyama, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko, Noriyuki Moriyama:
Quantitative analysis of internal texture for classification of pulmonary nodules in three-dimensional thoracic images. - Sérgio Koodi Kinoshita, Paulo M. Azevedo-Marques
, Annie France Frère, Heitor R. C. Marana, Ricardo José Ferrari
, Roberto Rodrigues Pereira:
Comparative of shape and texture features in classifications of breast masses in digitized mammograms. - Sunyoung Ko, Jaeyoun Yi
, Jungeun Lim, Jong Beom Ra:
Efficient segmentation algorithm for 3D medical image data using a region-growing-based tracking technique. - Syoji Kobashi, Yutaka Hata, Yasuhiro Tokimoto, Makato Ishikawa:
Fuzzy rule-based image segmentation in dynamic MR images of the liver. - Matthew F. Y. Kwan, Kie Chung Cheung, Ian R. Gibson:
Automatic boundary extraction and rectification of bony tissue in CT images using artificial intelligence techniques. - Tsui-Ying Law, PhengAnn Heng:
Automated extraction of bronchus from 3D CT images of lung based on genetic algorithm and 3D region growing. - Sven Loncaric, Domagoj Kovacevic, Erich Sorantin:
Semi-automatic active contour approach to segmentation of computed tomography volumes. - John Andrew Lynch, Souhil Zaim, Jenny Zhao, Alexander Stork, Charles G. Peterfy, Harry K. Genant:
Cartilage segmentation of 3D MRI scans of the osteoarthritic knee combining user knowledge and active contours. - Zoran Majcenic, Sven Loncaric:
Algorithm for spatio-temporal heart segmentation. - Yoshitaka Masutani, Heber MacMahon, Kunio Doi:
Computer-assisted detection of pulmonary embolism. - Andrew P. Paplinski, James Frederick Boyce, Sarah A. Barman:
Improvements in interpretation of posterior capsular opacification (PCO) images. - Alan I. Penn, Scott F. Thompson, Mitchell D. Schnall, Murray H. Loew, Lizann Bolinger:
Fractal discrimination of MRI breast masses using multiple segmentations. - Nicholas Petrick, Heang-Ping Chan, Berkman Sahiner, Mark A. Helvie, Sophie Paquerault:
Evaluation of an automated computer-aided diagnosis system for the detection of masses on prior mammograms. - Mohamed Sammouda, Rachid Sammouda, Noboru Niki, Kiyoshi Mukai:
Diagnosis of liver cancer based on the analysis of pathological liver color images. - Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh, Siamak Pourabdollah-Nezhad, Farshid Rafiee Rad:
Texture feature extraction methods for microcalcification classification in mammograms. - Clay D. Spence, Lucas C. Parra, Paul Sajda:
Mammographic mass detection with a hierarchical image probability (HIP) model. - Hotaka Takizawa, Gentaro Fukano, Shinji Yamamoto, Tohru Matsumoto, Yukio Tateno, Takeshi Iinuma, Mitsuomi Matsumoto:
Recognition of lung nodules from x-ray CT images considering 3D structure of objects and uncertainty of recognition. - Paul Taylor
, Eugenio Alberdi, Richard Lee, John Fox, Margarita Sordo, Andrew Todd-Pokropek:
CADMIUM II: combining image processing and symbolic reasoning for computer-aided diagnosis. - Jayaram K. Udupa, László G. Nyúl, Yulin Ge, Robert I. Grossman:
Multiprotocol MR image segmentation in multiple sclerosis: experience with over 1000 studies. - Yuji Ukai, Noboru Niki, Hitoshi Satoh, Kenji Eguchi, Kiyoshi Mori, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Masahiro Kaneko, Noriyuki Moriyama:
Computer-aided diagnosis system for lung cancer based on retrospective helical CT image. - Frank Vogelsang, Michael Kohnen, Jens Mahlke, Frank Weiler, Markus W. Kilbinger, Berthold B. Wein, Rolf W. Günther:
Model-based analysis of chest radiographs. - Sebastian von Klinski, Claus Derz, David Weese, Thomas Tolxdorff:
Model-based image processing using snakes and mutual information. - Gudrun Wagenknecht, Hans-Jürgen Kaiser, Osama Sabri, Udalrich Büll:
Automatic segmentation of brain hemispheres by midplane detection in class images. - Gudrun Wagenknecht, Hans-Jürgen Kaiser, Thorsten Obladen, Osama Sabri, Udalrich Büll:
Simulation of 3D MRI brain images for quantitative evaluation of image segmentation algorithms. - Susan Wegner, Helmut Oswald, Eckart Fleck:
New strategy for the determination of the watershed transformation. - Kelvin Woods, Maxine A. McClain, Yue Joseph Wang, Matthew T. Freedman:
Patient site model supported change detection. - Nathaniel Wyckoff, Michael F. McNitt-Gray, Jonathan G. Goldin, Robert D. Suh, James W. Sayre, Denise R. Aberle:
Classification of solitary pulmonary nodules (SPNs) imaged on high-resolution CT using contrast enhancement and three-dimensional quantitative image features. - Guofang Xiao, J. Michael Brady, J. Alison Noble, Yongyue Zhang:
Contrast enhancement and segmentation of ultrasound images: a statistical method. - Yongyue Zhang, J. Michael Brady, Stephen M. Smith:
Hidden Markov random field model for segmentation of brain MR image. - Yang Zheng, Lihua Li, Maria Kallergi, Wei Qian, Robert A. Clark:
Improved method for automatic identification of lung regions in chest radiographs.
Poster Session II: Image Processing, Reconstruction, Registration, Shape, and Scale
- Thomas Netsch, Peter Rösch, Jürgen Weese, Arianne van Muiswinkel, Paul Desmedt:
Grey-value-based 3D registration of functional MRI time-series: comparison of interpolation order and similarity measure. - Amir H. Assadi, Hamid Eghbalnia, Miroslav Backonja, Ronald T. Wakai, Paul Rutecki, Victor Haughton:
Bayesian analysis of multimodal data and brain imaging. - Roustem Baissalov, George A. Sandison, Bryan J. Donnelly, John C. Saliken, Ken Muldrew, John C. Rewcastle:
Suppression of high-density artifacts in x-ray CT images using temporal digital subtraction with application to cryotherapy. - Jörg Bredno, Thomas Martin Lehmann, Klaus Spitzer:
General finite element model for segmentation in 2, 3, and 4 dimensions. - Jörg Bredno, Thomas Martin Lehmann, Klaus Spitzer:
Automatic parameter setting for balloon models. - Eric N. Brown
, Jon J. Camp, Sanjay V. Patel, Jay W. McLaren, William M. Bourne, Richard A. Robb:
Automated stromal nerve rejection in corneal confocal images in vivo. - Elodie F. Calais, Franck Marzani, Louis Legrand, Alain Jacquemard:
New trends towards a marker-free system for gait analysis. - Fang Chen, Stephen E. Rose, Stephen J. Wilson, Martin Veidt, Cameron J. Bennett, David M. Doddrell:
Analysis of myocardial motion using generalized spline models and tagged magnetic resonance images. - Jyh-Cheng Chen, Ren-Shyan Liu, Kao-Yin Tu, Henry Horng-Shing Lu, Tai-Been Chen
, Kuo Liang Chou:
Iterative image reconstruction with random correction for PET studies. - Robert A. Close, Craig K. Abbey, James Stuart Whiting:
Layer decomposition of coronary angiograms. - Lijun Ding, Thisath C. Kularatna, Ardeshir Goshtasby, Martin Satter:
Volumetric image registration by template matching. - Ahmed S. Fahmy, Bassel S. Tawfik, Yasser M. Kadah:
Dynamic imaging reconstruction using linear associative memories. - Amir Ghanei, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh, Michael A. Jacobs:
Boundary-based warping of brain MR images. - George K. Gregoriou, Benjamin M. W. Tsui:
Artifacts in transmission computed tomography (TCT) reconstructed images with truncated projection data: is better sampling the answer? - Paul F. Hemler, Richard L. Webber, Fredrick H. Fahey:
Modeling and error identification on three-dimensional tomosynthetic reconstructions. - Jens Martin, Jens Hiltner, Madjid Fathi, Bernd Reusch, Jörg Stattaus, Thomas Hackländer:
System for renal movement elimination and renal diagnosis supported by vague knowledge. - Jens Hiltner, Madjid Fathi, Bernd Reusch:
New model for medical image analysis based on computational intelligence. - David Richard Holmes, Richard A. Robb:
Quantitative image analysis of histological sections of coronary arteries. - Stephen L. Keeling, Rudolf Stollberger:
Nonlinear anisotropic diffusion filters for wide range edge sharpening. - Alexander D. Klose, Andreas H. Hielscher, Jürgen Beuthan:
Quasi-Newton methods in iterative image reconstruction schemes for optical tomography. - Qiang Li, Shigehiko Katsuragawa, Kunio Doi:
Temporal subtraction technique for detection of interval changes on digital chest radiographs by using an elastic matching technique. - Jan-Ray Liao:
Platform-independent image reconstruction for spiral magnetic resonance imaging. - Bostjan Likar, J. B. Antoine Maintz, Max A. Viergever, Franjo Pernus:
Correction of intensity variations by entropy minimization. - Shyhliang A. Lou, Yu Fan:
Automatic evaluation of breast density for full-field digital mammography. - Max Mignotte, Jean Meunier:
Blind deconvolution of human brain SPECT images using a distribution mixture estimation. - Faaiza Mahmoud, Anthony Ton, Joakim Crafoord, Elissa L. Kramer, Gerald Q. Maguire Jr.
, Marilyn E. Noz, Michael P. Zeleznik:
Comparison of three methods for registration of abdominal/pelvic volume data sets from functional-anatomic scans. - Rainer Pielot, Michael Scholz, Klaus Obermayer, Eckart D. Gundelfinger, Andreas Hess:
Point-based warping with optimized weighting factors of displacement vectors. - Sven Prevrhal, Yebin Jiang, Jenny Zhao, Harry K. Genant:
Three-dimensional assessment of bone turnover using computed microtomography and laser-scanning confocal microscopy. - Amar Raheja, Atam P. Dhawan:
Evaluation of various wavelet bases for use in wavelet-based multiresolution expectation maximization image reconstruction algorithm for PET. - Kawal S. Rhode, Tryphon Lambrou, David John Hawkes, George Hamilton, Alexander M. Seifalian:
Validation of an optical flow algorithm to measure blood flow waveforms in arteries using dynamic digital x-ray images. - Alfredo O. Rodríguez, Peter Mansfield:
Wavelet enhancement method to visualise heart blood flow. - Wilfred L. Rosenbaum, M. Stella Atkins, Gordon E. Sarty:
Classification and performance of denoising algorithms for low signal-to-noise ratio magnetic resonance images. - Michael Schmauder, Steffen Zeiler, C. M. Gross, Juergen Waigand, Reinhold Orglmeister:
Automated 3D-stent localization from intravascular ultrasound image sequences. - Anindya Sen, Michael D. Silver, Satoru Oishi:
Automated detection of small spherical pellets with gradient filtering on digitized XRII images. - Michael D. Silver, Anindya Sen, Satoru Oishi:
Determination and correction of the wobble of a C-arm gantry. - Triona O'Doherty, Andrew Shearer, Wilhelm J. M. van der Putten, Phillip Abbott:
Image deconvolution as an aid to feature identification: a clinical trial. - Jan Sijbers, Bart Vanrumste
, Gert Van Hoey, Paul Boon, Marleen Verhoye
, Annemarie van der Linden
, Dirk Van Dyck:
Automatic detection of EEG electrode markers on 3D MR data. - Jan Sijbers, Ive Michiels, Johan Van Audekerke
, Marleen Verhoye
, Annemarie van der Linden
, Dirk Van Dyck:
Automatic EEG signal restoration during simultaneous EEG/MR acquisitions. - Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh, Lisa Scarpace, Donald J. Peck:
Feature space analysis: effects of MRI protocols. - Jean-Philippe Thiran, Torsten Butz:
Fast nonrigid registration and model-based segmentation of 3D images using mutual information. - Juerg Tschirren, Ronald M. Lauer, Milan Sonka
Determination of the envelope function (maximum velocity curve) in Doppler ultrasound flow velocity diagrams. - Pouya Valizadeh, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh:
Clustering-guided deformable model for MRI segmentation. - Stefaan Vandenberghe, Yves D'Asseler, Michel Koole, Luc Bouwens, Rik Van de Walle, Ignace Lemahieu, Rudi A. Dierckx:
Iterative list mode reconstruction for coincidence data of gamma camera. - Yizhou Wang, Sim Heng Ong, Ashraf Ali Kassim, Kelvin Weng Chiong Foong:
Three-dimensional contour edge detection algorithm. - Rafael Wiemker, Sabine Dippel, Martin Stahl, Thomas Blaffert, Udo Mahlmeister:
Automated recognition of the collimation field in digital radiography images by maximization of the Laplace area integral. - Shuyu Yang, Gilberto Zamora, Mark P. Wilson, Sunanda Mitra:
Efficient lossless coding model for medical images by applying integer-to-integer wavelet transform to segmented images. - SunKook Yoo, Ge Wang, Jay T. Rubinstein, Michael W. Vannier:
Three-dimensional geometric modeling of the cochlea. - Susan S. Young, Hsien-Che Lee:
Automatic location of cylindrical bones in digital projection radiographs using eigenvector analysis. - Daphne N. Yu, Chenyang Xu, Maryam E. Rettmann, Dzung L. Pham, Jerry L. Prince:
Quantitative validation of a deformable cortical surface model. - Vladimir Zagrodsky, Raj Shekhar, J. Fredrick Cornhill:
Mutual information-based registration of cardiac ultrasound volumes. - Chuan Zhou, Heang-Ping Chan, Nicholas Petrick, Berkman Sahiner, Mark A. Helvie, Marilyn A. Roubidoux, Lubomir M. Hadjiiski, Mitchell M. Goodsitt:
Computerized image analysis: estimation of breast density on mammograms. - Reza Aghaeizadeh Zoroofi, Kazuhiro Homma, Yoshinobu Sato, Shinichi Tamura, Hiroaki Naito:
Technique for reduction of MRI 3D affine motion artifacts.
Computer-Aided Diagnosis
- Robert M. Haralick:
Validating image-processing algorithms. - James C. Gee:
Performance evaluation of medical image processing algorithms. - Visvanathan Ramesh, Marie-Pierre Jolly, Michael Greiffenhagen:
Performance characterization of image and video analysis systems at Siemens Corporate Research.

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