Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks with Applications (LSFA)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      17th LSFA 2022: Belo Horizonte, Brazil [hybrid]

      16th LSFA 2021: Buenos Aires, Argentina [virtual]

      15th LSFA 2020 Bahia, Brazil [virtual]

      14th LSFA 2019: Natal, Brazil

      13th LSFA 2018: Fortaleza, Brazil

      12th LSFA 2017: Brasília, Brazil

      11th LSFA 2016: Porto, Portugal

      10th LSFA 2015: Natal, Brazil

      9th LSFA 2014: Brasília, Brazil

      LSFA 2014 Home Page

      8th LSFA 2013: São Paulo, Brazil

      5th LSFA 2010: Natal, Brazil

      4th LSFA 2009: Brasília, Brazil

      3rd LSFA 2008: Salvador, Brazil

      2nd LSFA 2007: Ouro Preto, Brazil

      a service of  Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics