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ITW 2012: Lausanne, Switzerland
- 2012 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 3-7, 2012. IEEE 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-0224-1
- Amit Sahai:
An information-theoretic protocol compiler. 1-4 - Victoria Kostina
, Sergio Verdú:
To code or not to code: Revisited. 5-9 - Yuval Kochman, Arya Mazumdar, Yury Polyanskiy:
Results on combinatorial joint source-channel coding. 10-14 - Yuval Kochman, Gregory W. Wornell
On uncoded transmission and blocklength. 15-19 - Najeeb ul Hassan, Ali Emre Pusane, Michael Lentmaier, Gerhard P. Fettweis, Daniel J. Costello Jr.:
Reduced complexity window decoding schedules for coupled LDPC codes. 20-24 - Arvind Yedla, Yung-Yih Jian, Phong S. Nguyen, Henry D. Pfister
A simple proof of threshold saturation for coupled vector recursions. 25-29 - Koji Tazoe, Kenta Kasai, Kohichi Sakaniwa:
Efficient termination of spatially-coupled codes. 30-34 - Grégory Demay, Ueli Maurer:
Common randomness amplification: A constructive view. 35-39 - Sachin Kadloor, Negar Kiyavash, Parv Venkitasubramaniam:
Scheduling with privacy constraints. 40-44 - Kumar Viswanatha, Emrah Akyol
, Kenneth Rose:
A new achievable region for Gaussian multiple descriptions based on subset typicality. 45-49 - Pål Anders Floor, Anna N. Kim, Tor A. Ramstad, Ilangko Balasingham:
On transmission of multiple Gaussian sources over a Gaussian MAC using a VQLC mapping. 50-54 - Roy Timo, Tobias J. Oechtering
, Michèle A. Wigger:
Source coding with conditionally less noisy side information. 55-59 - Ilan Shomorony, Amir Salman Avestimehr:
On the role of deterministic models in K × K × K wireless networks. 60-64 - Emmanuel Abbe, Shao-Lun Huang, Emre Telatar:
Proof of the outage probability conjecture for MISO channels. 65-69 - Michael Langberg, Michelle Effros:
Source coding for dependent sources. 70-74 - Ignacio Cascudo
, Ronald Cramer, Chaoping Xing
The arithmetic codex. 75-79 - Yuval Ishai:
The complexity of information theoretic secure computation. 80 - Ilya Mironov
Differential privacy as a protocol constraint. 81-83 - Oner Orhan, Deniz Gündüz
, Elza Erkip
Throughput maximization for an energy harvesting communication system with processing cost. 84-88 - Omur Ozel, Ersen Ekrem, Sennur Ulukus:
Gaussian wiretap channel with a batteryless energy harvesting transmitter. 89-93 - Kaya Tutuncuoglu, Aylin Yener:
The energy harvesting multiple access channel with energy storage losses. 94-98 - Manoj Prabhakaran, Vinod M. Prabhakaran:
On secure multiparty sampling for more than two parties. 99-103 - Salil P. Vadhan, Colin Jia Zheng:
Characterizing pseudoentropy. 104-108 - Yevgeniy Dodis, Yu Yu:
Overcoming weak expectations. 109-113 - David Sutter
, Joseph M. Renes
, Frédéric Dupuis, Renato Renner:
Achieving the capacity of any DMC using only polar codes. 114-118 - Vera Miloslavskaya
, Peter Trifonov:
Design of binary polar codes with arbitrary kernel. 119-123 - Yanfei Yan, Cong Ling:
A Construction of lattices from polar codes. 124-128 - Kumar Viswanatha, Emrah Akyol
, Tejaswi Nanjundaswamy, Kenneth Rose:
On common information and the encoding of sources that are not successively refinable. 129-133 - Annina Bracher, Amos Lapidoth, Yossef Steinberg
On feedback, cribbing, and causal state-information on the multiple-access channel. 134-138 - Omur Ozel, Ersen Ekrem, Sennur Ulukus:
Gaussian wiretap channel with an amplitude constraint. 139-143 - Jinfeng Du
, Ming Xiao, Mikael Skoglund, Shlomo Shamai
Short-message noisy network coding with partial source cooperation. 144-147 - Arash Behboodi, Pablo Piantanida:
On the asymptotic spectrum of the error probability of composite networks. 148-152 - Mattias Andersson, Ashish Khisti, Mikael Skoglund:
Secret-key agreement over a non-coherent block-fading MIMO wiretap channel. 153-157 - Madhu Sudan:
Communication amid uncertainty. 158-161 - Chiranjib Choudhuri, Urbashi Mitra:
On Witsenhausen's counterexample: The asymptotic vector case. 162-166 - Behzad Ahmadi, Osvaldo Simeone
On channels with action-dependent states. 167-171 - Kristen Ann Woyach, Kate Harrison, Gireeja Ranade, Anant Sahai:
Comments on unknown channels. 172-176 - Shun Watanabe
, Yasutada Oohama:
Privacy amplification theorem for bounded storage eavesdropper. 177-181 - Jia Wang, Jun Chen:
On vector Gaussian multiterminal source coding. 182-186 - Ilan Shomorony, Amir Salman Avestimehr, Himanshu Asnani, Tsachy Weissman:
Worst-case source for distributed compression with quadratic distortion. 187-191 - Andrew Steele, Susanne Pumplün
, Frédérique E. Oggier:
MIDO space-time codes from associative and nonassociative cyclic algebras. 192-196 - Masoud Alipour, Omid Etesami, Ghid Maatouk, Amin Shokrollahi:
Irregular product codes. 197-201 - David G. M. Mitchell, Roxana Smarandache, Daniel J. Costello Jr.:
Constructing good QC-LDPC codes by pre-lifting protographs. 202-206 - Vaneet Aggarwal
, Melissa Duarte, Ashutosh Sabharwal, N. K. Shankaranarayanan:
Full- or half-duplex? A capacity analysis with bounded radio resources. 207-211 - Emre Atsan, Raymond Knopp, Suhas N. Diggavi, Christina Fragouli:
Towards integrating Quantize-Map-Forward relaying into LTE. 212-216 - Daniela Tuninetti
An outer bound for the memoryless two-user interference channel with general cooperation. 217-221 - Zheng Wang, Cong Ling:
Derandomized sampling algorithm for lattice decoding. 222-226 - Stefano Rini, Ernest Kurniawan, Andrea J. Goldsmith:
Combining superposition coding and binning achieves capacity for the Gaussian cognitive interference channel. 227-231 - Xi Liu, Osvaldo Simeone
, Elza Erkip
Lossy computing of correlated sources with fractional sampling. 232-236 - Glenn J. Bradford
, J. Nicholas Laneman:
Error exponents for block Markov superposition encoding with varying decoding latency. 237-241 - Seok-Hwan Park, Osvaldo Simeone
, Onur Sahin, Shlomo Shamai
Robust distributed compression for cloud radio access networks. 242-246 - Aman Bhatia, Aravind R. Iyengar, Paul H. Siegel:
Multilevel 2-cell t-write codes. 247-251 - Anxiao Jiang, Yue Li, Jehoshua Bruck
Bit-fixing codes for multi-level cells. 252-256 - Carl H. Heymann, Hendrik C. Ferreira
, Jos H. Weber:
A DC-free multi-mode run-length limited coding scheme. 257-261 - Tarik Kaced, Andrei E. Romashchenko
On the non-robustness of essentially conditional information inequalities. 262-266 - Satyajit Thakor
, Alex J. Grant
, Terence Chan
Compact representation of polymatroid axioms for random variables with conditional independencies. 267-271 - Qi Chen, Raymond W. Yeung:
Characterizing the entropy function region via extreme rays. 272-276 - Inaki Estella Aguerri, Deniz Gündüz
Capacity of a class of relay channels with state. 277-281 - Ben-Yue Chang, Dariush Divsalar, Lara Dolecek:
Non-binary protograph-based LDPC codes for short block-lengths. 282-286 - Michael J. Neely:
Asynchronous control for coupled Markov decision systems. 287-291 - Amin Karbasi, Morteza Zadimoghaddam:
Sequential group testing with graph constraints. 292-296 - Panu Luosto, Ciprian Doru Giurcaneanu
, Petri Kontkanen:
Construction of irregular histograms by penalized maximum likelihood: A comparative study. 297-301 - Eiichi Sakurai, Kenji Yamanishi
Comparison of dynamic model selection with infinite HMM for statistical model change detection. 302-306 - Annina Bracher, Graeme Pope, Christoph Studer:
Coherence-based probabilistic recovery guarantees for sparsely corrupted signals. 307-311 - Emrah Akyol
, Kumar Viswanatha, Kenneth Rose:
On random binning versus conditional codebook methods in multiple descriptions coding. 312-316 - Badri N. Vellambi
Multi-terminal source coding: Zero-rate encoders cannot enlarge the rate region. 317-321 - Ingmar Land
, Claudio Weidmann, Badri N. Vellambi
Characterizing the rate region of the coded side-information problem. 322-326 - Iryna Andriyanova, Denise Maurice, Jean-Pierre Tillich:
Spatially coupled quantum LDPC codes. 327-331 - Li Chen:
Iterative soft-decision decoding of Hermitian codes. 332-336 - François Simon:
From channel codes to computation codes. 337-341 - Gerhard Kramer
Networks with in-block memory. 342-346 - Leonidas Georgiadis, Georgios S. Paschos
, Leandros Tassiulas, Lavy Libman:
Stability and capacity through evacuation times. 347-351 - Chih-Chun Wang:
Capacity region of two symmetric nearby erasure channels with channel state feedback. 352-356 - Leonid Geller, David Burshtein:
Bounds on the belief propagation threshold of non-binary LDPC codes. 357-361 - Mehdi Molkaraie, Hans-Andrea Loeliger:
Extending monte carlo methods to factor graphs with negative and complex factors. 362-366 - Xishuo Liu, Stark C. Draper
, Benjamin Recht:
Suppressing pseudocodewords by penalizing the objective of LP decoding. 367-371 - Shirin Saeedi Bidokhti, Vinod M. Prabhakaran, Suhas N. Diggavi:
On multicasting nested message sets over combination networks. 372-376 - Bobbie Chern, Ayfer Özgür
Achieving the capacity of the N-relay Gaussian diamond network within logn bits. 377-380 - Ayan Sengupta, I-Hsiang Wang, Christina Fragouli:
Optimizing Quantize-Map-and-Forward relaying for Gaussian diamond networks. 381-385 - Camilo G. Taborda
, Fernando Pérez-Cruz
Derivative of the relative entropy over the poisson and Binomial channel. 386-390 - Mohammad Naghshvar, Michèle A. Wigger, Tara Javidi
Optimal reliability over a class of binary-input channels with feedback. 391-395 - Ralf R. Müller, Bruhtesfa E. Godana, Mohammad Ali Sedaghat, Johannes B. Huber:
On channel capacity of communication via antenna arrays with receiver noise matching. 396-400 - Shun Watanabe
Expurgation exponent of leaked information in privacy amplification for binary sources. 401-405 - Amin Gohari
, Mohammad Hossein Yassaee, Mohammad Reza Aref:
Secure channel simulation. 406-410 - Mohammad Farzad Pourbabaee, Mohammad Javad Emadi, Arash Gholami Davoodi, Mohammad Reza Aref:
Lattice coding for multiple access channels with common message and additive interference. 412-416 - María Constanza Estela, Laura Luzzi, Cong Ling, Jean-Claude Belfiore:
Analysis of lattice codes for the many-to-one interference channel. 417-421 - Nicola di Pietro
, Joseph Jean Boutros, Gilles Zémor
, Loïc Brunel:
Integer low-density lattices based on construction A. 422-426 - Bobbie Chern, Idoia Ochoa
, Alexandros Manolakos, Albert No, Kartik Venkat, Tsachy Weissman:
Reference based genome compression. 427-431 - Jean-Camille Birget, Desmond S. Lun, Anthony Wirth
, Dawei Hong:
A theoretical approach to gene network identification. 432-436 - Arash Einolghozati, Mohsen Sardari, Faramarz Fekri
Molecular communication between two populations of bacteria. 437-441 - Ramy H. Gohary, Halim Yanikomeroglu
Grassmannian signalling achieves the ergodic high SNR capacity of the non-coherent MIMO relay channel within an SNR-independent gap. 442-446 - Frederic Knabe, Omar Mohamed, Carolin Huppert:
Achievable sum-rates in Gaussian multiple-access channels with MIMO-AF-relay and direct links. 447-451 - Yu Yu, Xiangxue Li, Haifeng Qian:
Two-source extractors for leaky sources. 452-456 - Anatoly Khina
, Or Ordentlich, Uri Erez, Yuval Kochman, Gregory W. Wornell
Decode-and-forward for the Gaussian relay channel via standard AWGN coding and decoding. 457-461 - Alexandre J. Pierrot
, Matthieu R. Bloch:
LDPC-based coded cooperative jamming codes. 462-466 - Somayeh Salimi, Mikael Skoglund:
Secret key agreement using correlated sources over the generalized multiple access channel. 467-471 - Milad Sefidgaran, Aslan Tchamkerten:
On function computation over a cascade network. 472-476 - Tsung-Yi Chen, Dariush Divsalar, Richard D. Wesel:
Chernoff bounds for analysis of rate-compatible sphere-packing with numerous transmissions. 477-481 - Suvarup Saha, Randall A. Berry
The combinatorial structure of linear deterministic interference channels. 482-486 - David Declercq, Erbao Li, Bane Vasic, Shiva Kumar Planjery:
Approaching maximum likelihood decoding of finite length LDPC codes via FAID diversity. 487-491 - Pablo M. Olmos, Fernando Pérez-Cruz
, Luis Salamanca, Juan José Murillo-Fuentes
Finite-length performance of spatially-coupled LDPC codes under TEP decoding. 492-496 - Ankit Singh Rawat
, Sriram Vishwanath:
On locality in distributed storage systems. 497-501 - Shenghao Yang:
Superposition coding for linear operator channels over finite fields. 502-506 - Naveen Goela, Changho Suh
, Michael Gastpar:
Network coding with computation alignment. 507-511 - Mladen Kovacevic
, Ivan Stanojevic
, Vojin Senk:
On the hardness of entropy minimization and related problems. 512-516 - Payam Delgosha, Amin Aminzadeh Gohari:
Information theoretic cutting of a cake. 517-521 - Steffen Schober, Ahmed Mansour:
On the estimation of entropy for unknown support size. 522-526 - Pulkit Grover
Fundamental limits on power consumption for lossless signal reconstruction. 527-531 - Maria Cláudia Ferrari de Castro, Bartolomeu F. Uchôa Filho
, Tiago T. V. Vinhoza
, Mario de Noronha-Neto, João Barros
Improved joint turbo decoding and physical-layer network coding. 532-536 - Peter Trifonov:
On the additive complexity of the cyclotomic FFT algorithm. 537-541 - Igal Sason:
On the entropy of sums of Bernoulli random variables via the Chen-Stein method. 542-546 - Wojciech Kotlowski, Peter Grünwald:
Sequential normalized maximum likelihood in log-loss prediction. 547-551 - Behzad Ahmadi, Osvaldo Simeone
, Chiranjib Choudhuri, Urbashi Mitra:
On cascade source coding with a side information "vending machine". 552-556 - Hiroki Kanazawa, Kenji Yamanishi
An MDL-based change-detection algorithm with its applications to learning piecewise stationary memoryless sources. 557-561 - Bernhard C. Geiger
, Gernot Kubin:
Relative information loss in the PCA. 562-566 - Amin Movahed, Ashkan Panahi
, Giuseppe Durisi
A robust RFPI-based 1-bit compressive sensing reconstruction algorithm. 567-571 - Wei Yang, Giuseppe Durisi
, Tobias Koch
, Yury Polyanskiy:
Diversity versus channel knowledge at finite block-length. 572-576 - Sheng Yang, Mari Kobayashi, David Gesbert
, Xinping Yi:
Degrees of freedom of MISO broadcast channel with perfect delayed and imperfect current CSIT. 577-581 - Ligong Wang, Gregory W. Wornell
Refined analysis of the Poisson channel in the high-photon-efficiency regime. 582-586 - Shahriar Etemadi Tajbakhsh, Parastoo Sadeghi
Coded cooperative data exchange for multiple unicasts. 587-591 - Petar Popovski
, Osvaldo Simeone
Two-way communication with energy exchange. 592-596 - Shirish Karande:
Retargeting LT codes using XORs at the relay. 597-601 - Stefano Rini:
An extension to the chain graph representation of an achievable scheme. 602-606 - Jun Muramatsu
, Shigeki Miyake:
Uniform random number generation by using sparse matrix. 607-611 - François Simon:
Recurrent AMS one-sided channels. 612-616 - Igor Bjelakovic, Holger Boche, Jochen Sommerfeld:
Strong secrecy in arbitrarily varying wiretap channels. 617-621 - Willie K. Harrison
, Steven W. McLaughlin:
Equivocations for the simple substitution cipher with erasure-prone ciphertext. 622-626 - Lifeng Lai, Siu-Wai Ho
Simultaneously generating multiple keys and multi-commodity flow in networks. 627-631 - Samar Agnihotri, Sidharth Jaggi, Minghua Chen
Analog network coding in general SNR regime: Performance of network simplification. 632-636 - Lu Gan, Kezhi Li, Cong Ling:
Golay meets Hadamard: Golay-paired Hadamard matrices for fast compressed sensing. 637-641 - Vincent Gripon, Michael G. Rabbat, Vitaly Skachek, Warren J. Gross:
Compressing multisets using tries. 642-646 - Mikko Vehkaperä
, Yoshiyuki Kabashima, Saikat Chatterjee, Erik Aurell, Mikael Skoglund, Lars K. Rasmussen:
Analysis of sparse representations using bi-orthogonal dictionaries. 647-651 - Md. Zahurul I. Sarkar, Tharmalingam Ratnarajah:
Aspect of security in the cognitive relay assisted interference channels. 652-656 - Hamid G. Bafghi, Babak Seyfe, Mahtab Mirmohseni, Mohammad Reza Aref:
On the achievable rate region of a new Gaussian wiretap channel with side information. 657-661 - Fuchun Lin, Frédérique E. Oggier:
Gaussian wiretap lattice codes from binary self-dual codes. 662-666 - Mohsen Rezaee, Maxime Guillaud
Limited feedback for interference alignment in the K-user MIMO Interference Channel. 667-671 - Henning Maier, Rudolf Mathar:
Uniform and non-uniform delay-rate tradeoffs in partial ergodic interference alignment. 672-676 - Mostafa Monemizadeh, Ghosheh Abed Hodtani
Achievable rate regions for compound multiple access channel with channel state information. 677-681 - Arash Amini, Ulugbek Kamilov, Michael Unser
The analog formulation of sparsity implies infinite divisibility and rules out Bernoulli-Gaussian priors. 682-686

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