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IFSA 2003: Istanbul, Turkey
- Taner Bilgiç
, Bernard De Baets, Okyay Kaynak:
Fuzzy Sets and Systems - IFSA 2003, 10th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, June 30 - July 2, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2715, Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-40383-3
Invited Papers
- I. Burhan Türksen:
A Perspective on the Philosophical Grounding of Fuzzy Theories. 1-15 - János C. Fodor:
Binary Operations on Fuzzy Sets: Recent Advances. 16-29 - Marc Roubens:
Multiple Criteria Choice, Ranking, and Sorting in the Presence of Ordinal Data and Interactive Points of View. 30-38 - Hideo Tanaka:
Dual Interval Model and Its Application to Decision Making. 39-51 - Raghu Krishnapuram, Krishna Kummamuru:
Automatic Taxonomy Generation: Issues and Possibilities. 52-63
Mathematical Areas
- Hsuan-Shih Lee:
A Fuzziness Measure of Rough Sets. 64-70 - Radim Belohlávek:
Fuzzy Closure Operators Induced by Similarity. 71-78 - Emine Inelmen, Erol Inelmen, Ahmad Ibrahim:
A New Approach to Teaching Fuzzy Logic System Design. 79-86 - Susana Díaz, Bernard De Baets, Susana Montes:
On the Transitivity of Fuzzy Indifference Relations. 87-94 - Patrick Bosc, Daniel Rocacher:
About Zf, the Set of Fuzzy Relative Integers, and the Definition of Fuzzy Bags on Zf. 95-102 - George V. Meghabghab:
The Difference Between 2 Multidimensional Fuzzy Bags: A New Perspective on Comparing Successful and Unsuccessful User's Web Behavior. 103-110 - Didier Dubois, Henri Prade, Thomas A. Sudkamp:
A Discussion of Indices for the Evaluation of Fuzzy Associations in Relational Databases. 111-118 - Miguel Delgado, María J. Martín-Bautista, Daniel Sánchez
, María Amparo Vila Miranda:
On a Characterization of Fuzzy Bags. 119-126 - Ignacio J. Blanco, Daniel Sánchez
, José-María Serrano, María Amparo Vila Miranda:
A New Proposal of Aggregation Functions: The Linguistic Summary. 127-134 - Ingo Glöckner:
Fuzzy Quantifiers, Multiple Variable Binding and Branching Quantification. 135-142 - Gabriella Pasi, Ronald R. Yager:
Modeling the Concept of Fuzzy Majority. 143-150 - Félix Díaz-Hermida, Alberto Bugarín, Purificación Cariñena, Manuel Mucientes
, David E. Losada
, Senén Barro:
Modelling Fuzzy Quantified Statements under a Voting Model Interpretation of Fuzzy Sets. 151-158 - Mustafa Demirci:
Artihmetic of Fuzzy Quantities Based On Vague Arithmetic Operations. 159-166 - Paavo Kukkurainen:
Level-Sets as Decomposition of the Topological Space SpecA. 167-171 - Francesc Esteva, Lluís Godo
, Franco Montagna:
Axiomatization of Anz Residuated Fuzzy Logic Defined bz a Continuous T-norm. 172-179 - Rostislav Horcík, Petr Cintula:
Extension of Lukasiewicz Logic by Product Connective. 180-188 - Antonio Di Nola, Ada Lettieri:
Formulas of Lukasiewicz's Logic Represented by Hyperplanes. 189-194 - Iztok Lebar Bajec, Nikolaj Zimic, Miha Mraz:
Fuzzifying the Thoughts of Animats. 195-202 - Siegfried Gottwald, Vilém Novák, Irina Perfilieva:
Approximating Fuzzy Control Strategies via CRI. 203-210 - Saskia Janssens, Bernard De Baets, Hans E. De Meyer:
Inequalities in Fuzzy Probability Calculus. 211-218 - Van-Nam Huynh, Mina Ryoke, Yoshiteru Nakamori, Tu Bao Ho:
Fuzziness and Uncertainty within the Framework of Context Model. 219-228 - Tom De Muer, Dick Botteldooren
Uncertainty in Noise Mapping: Comparing a Probabilistic and a Fuzzy Set Approach. 229-236 - Przemyslaw Grzegorzewski
, Edyta Mrówka:
Trapezoidal Approximations of Fuzzy Numbers. 237-244
Methodological Areas
- Yuji Yoshida, Masami Yasuda, Jun-ichi Nakagami, Masami Kurano:
A Discrete-Time Portfolio Selection with Uncertainty of Stock Prices. 245-252 - Bart De Schuymer, Hans E. De Meyer, Bernard De Baets:
A Fuzzy Approach to Stochastic Dominance of Random Variables. 253-260 - Koen Maes, Bernard De Baets:
Extracting Strict Orders from Fuzzy Preference Relations. 261-268 - Susana Díaz, Bernard De Baets, Susana Montes:
T-Ferrers Relations versus T-biorders. 269-276 - Andy Verkeyn, Dick Botteldooren
, Bernard De Baets, Guy De Tré:
Sugeno Integrals for the Modelling of Noise Annoyance Aggregation. 277-284 - Ljudmila P. Todorova
On Separability of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. 285-292 - Rudolf Felix:
Calculating Limit Decisions in Factoring Using a Fuzzy Decision Model Based on Interactions between Goals. 293-302 - Hilde Vernieuwe, Olga Georgieva, Bernard De Baets, Valentijn R. N. Pauwels, Niko E. C. Verhoest:
Fuzzy Models of Rainfall-Discharge Dynamics. 303-310 - Gerardo Canfora, Luigi Troiano:
A Rule-Based Method to Aggregate Criteria with Different Relevance. 311-318 - Sylvie Galichet
, Didier Dubois, Henri Prade:
Imprecise Modelling Using Gradual Rules and Its Application to the Classification of Time Series. 319-327 - Abdelhamid Bouchachia, Witold Pedrycz:
A Semi-supervised Clutsering Algorithm for Data Exploration. 328-337 - Sofia Visa, Anca L. Ralescu:
A Comparative Study of Classifiers on a Real Data Set. 338-345 - Didier Dubois, Eyke Hüllermeier, Henri Prade:
A Note on Quality Measures for Fuzzy Asscociation Rules. 346-353 - Heiko Timm, Christian Döring, Rudolf Kruse:
Differentiated Treatment of Missing Values in Fuzzy Clustering. 354-361 - Shusaku Tsumoto:
Mining Multi-level Diagnostic Process Rules from Clinical Databases Using Rough Sets and Medical Diagnostic Model. 362-369 - James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron, Piotr Synak, Sheela Ramanna:
Rough Sets and Information Granulation. 370-377 - Shoji Hirano, Shusaku Tsumoto:
Indiscernibility-Based Clustering: Rough Clustering. 378-386 - Sadaaki Miyamoto, Kiyotaka Mizutani:
Fuzzy Multiset Space and c-Means Clustering Using Kernles with Applications to Information Retrieval. 387-395 - Dietrich Van der Weken, Mike Nachtegael, Etienne E. Kerre:
Using Similarity Measures for Histogram Comparison. 396-403 - Oscar Cordón
, Sergio Damas
, José Santamaría:
A CHC Evolutionary Algorithm for 3D Image Registration. 404-411 - Vasile Patrascu:
Color Image Enhancement Using the Support Fuzzification. 412-419 - Petros Maragos, Vassilis Tzouvaras
, Giorgos B. Stamou:
Lattice Fuzzy Signal Operators and Generalized Image Gradients. 420-427 - Hajime Nobuhara, Kaoru Hirota:
Non-uniform Coders Design for Motion Compression Method by Fuzzy Relational Equations. 428-435 - Ferdinando Di Martino, Vincenzo Loia, Salvatore Sessa:
A Method for Coding/Decoding Images by Using Fuzzy Relation Equations. 436-441
Application Areas
- Rodolfo E. Haber, José R. Alique, Angel Alique, Ramón Uribe-Etxebarria, Javier Hernández:
Embedded Fuzzy Control System in an Open Computerized Numerical Control; A Technology Transfer Case-Study. 442-449 - Anis Sakly, Mohamed Benrejeb:
Activation of Trapezoidal Fuzzy Subsets with Different Inference Methods. 450-457 - Cihan Karakuzu
, Sitki Öztürk
, Mustafa Türker:
Design and Simulation of a Fuzzy Substrate Feeding Controller for an Industrial Scale Fed-Batch Baker Yeast Fermentor. 458-465 - Najib Essounbouli, Abdelaziz Hamzaoui, Noureddine Manamanni:
Fuzzy Supervisor for Combining Sliding Mode Control and H infinitive Control. 466-473 - Dong Hwa Kim, Jin Ill Park:
Intelligent PID Control by Immune Algorithms Based Fuzzy Rule Auto-Tuning. 474-482 - Hossein S. Zadeh:
Implementation and Applications of a Constrained Multi-objective Optimization Method. 483-491 - Petr Husek, Renata Pytelková:
System Modelling Using Fuzzy Numbers. 492-499 - Aria Alasti, Hamid Bolandhemat, Navid Dadkhah Tehrani:
Fuzzy Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear MIMO Systems with Application to a 2DOF Twin Propeller. 500-507 - Mahdi Jalili-Kharaajoo, Hassan Ebrahimirad:
Improvement of Second Order Sliding-Mode Controller Applied to Position Control of Induction Motors Using Fuzzy Logic. 508-515 - Lucio Ippolito, Pierluigi Siano:
Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Application of Fuzzy Clustering for Designing a TSK-based Fuzzy Energy Flow Management Unit. 516-525 - Charles E. Kinney, Dean B. Edwards:
A Fuzzy Logic Vision and Control System Embedded with Human Knowledge for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation. 526-534 - Mohammad Molhim, Kudret Demirli:
Fuzzy Logic Based Dynamic Localization and Map Updating for Mobile Robots. 535-543 - Frank Hoffmann:
An OVerview on Soft Computing in Behavior Based Robotics. 544-551 - Rolly Intan, Masao Mukaidono:
Asymmetric Redundancy of Tuples in Fuzzy Relational Database. 552-559 - Lourenço P. C. Bandeira
, João Miguel da Costa Sousa, Uzay Kaymak
Fuzzy Clustering in Classification Using Weighted Features. 560-567 - Uzay Kaymak
Data and Cluster Weighting in Target Selection Based on Fuzzy Clustering. 568-575
Cross-Disciplinary Areas
- Plamen Angelov, Dimitar P. Filev:
On-line Design of Takagi-Sugeno Models. 576-584 - Rosangela Ballini, Fernando A. C. Gomide:
Gradient Projection Method and Equality Index in Recurrent Neural Fuzzy Network. 585-594 - Irina Ioannou, Nathalie Perrot, Gilles Mauris, Gilles Trystram:
Experimental Analysis of Sensory Measurement Imperfection Impact for a Cheese Ripening Fuzzy Model. 595-602 - Masoud Makrehchi, Otman A. Basir, Mohamed Kamel:
Generation of Fuzzy Membership Function Using Information Theory Measures and Genetic Algorithm. 603-610 - Oscar Cordón
, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, María Luque, Félix de Moya-Anegón, Carmen Zarco:
Analyzinig the Performance of a Multiobjective GA-P Algorithm for Learning Fuzzy Queries in a Machine Learning Environment. 611-619 - Pablo Carmona, Juan Luis Castro
, Jose Manuel Zurita:
Commutativity as Prior Knowledge in Fuzzy Modeling. 620-627 - Min-Soeng Kim, Chang-Hyun Kim, Ju-Jang Lee:
Evolutionary Optimization of Fuzzy Models with Asymmetric RBF Membership Functions Using Simplified Fitness Farrugia. 636-643 - Marek Z. Reformat:
A Fuzzy-Based Meta-model for Reasoning about Number of Software Defects. 644-651 - Gloria Bordogna, Paola Carrara, Sergio Chiesa, Stefano Spaccapietra:
A Dual Representation of Uncertain Dynamic Spatial Information. 652-659 - Fernando Berzal Galiano, Juan C. Cubero, Nicolás Marín
, Olga Pons:
Enabling Fuzzy Object Comparison in Modern Programming Platforms through Reflection. 660-667 - Jonathan Lee, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Tzung-Jie Chen, Ying-Yan Lin:
An XML-based Approach to Processing Imprecise Requirements. 668-676 - Eyke Hüllermeier:
Inducing Fuzzy Concepts through Extended Version Space Learning. 677-684 - Mazen El-Sayed, Daniel Pacholczyk:
A Symbolic Approximate Reasoning under Fuzziness. 685-693 - Didier Dubois, Allel HadjAli, Henri Prade:
Making Fuzzy Absoulute and Fuzzy Relative Orders of Magnitude Consistent. 694-701 - Henri Prade, Gilles Richard, Mathieu Serrurier:
Learning First Order Fuzzy Logic Rules. 702-709 - Masatoshi Sakawa, Kosuke Kato:
An Interactive Fuzzy Satisfying Method for Multiobjective Nonlinear Integer Programming Problems through Genetic Algorithms. 710-717 - S. Ilker Birbil, Orhan Feyzioglu:
A Global Optimization Method for Solving Fuzzy Relation Equations. 718-724 - Hideki Katagiri, Masatoshi Sakawa:
A Study on Fuzzy Random Linar Programming Problems Based on Possibility and Necessity Measures. 725-732

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