The Practice of Enterprise Modeling (PoEM)

Venue statistics

records by year

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    frequent authors

      PoEM 2024: Stockholm, Sweden

      PoEM 2023: Vienna, Austria

      PoEM 2022: London, UK

      PoEM 2021: Riga, Latvia

      PoEM 2020: Riga, Latvia

      PoEM 2019: Luxembourg

      PoEM 2018: Vienna, Austria

      PoEM 2017: Leuven, Belgium

      PoEM 2016: Skövde, Sweden

      PoEM 2015: Valencia, Spain

      PoEM 2014: Manchester, UK

      PoEM 2013: Riga, Latvia

      PoEM 2012: Rostock, Germany

      PoEM 2011: Oslo, Norway

      ME 2011: Paris, France

      PoEM 2010: Delft, The Netherlands

      PoEM 2009: Stockholm, Sweden

      PoEM 2008: Stockholm, Sweden

      Situational Method Engineering 2007: Geneva, Switzerland

      Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context 2002: Kanazawa, Japan

      Organizational Semiotics 2001: Montréal, Québec, Canada


      Organizational Semiotics Home Page

      Information Systems in the WWW Environment 1998: Beijing, China

      Methods and Associated Tools for the Information Systems Life Cycle 1994: Maastricht, The Netherlands

      Information System Development Process 1993: Como, Italy