IFIP TC3 Publications

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      OCCE 2021: Tampere, Finland

      OCCE 2020: Mumbai, India

      OCCE 2018: Linz, Austria

      SaITE 2010: Guimarães, Portugal

      Key Competencies in the Knowledge Society 2010: Brisbane, Australia

      part of IFIP World Congress 2010

      History of Computing and Education 2008: Milano, Italy

      part of IFIP World Congress 2008

      Learning to Live in the Knowledge Society 2008: Milano, Italy

      part of IFIP World Congress 2008

      History of Computing and Education 2006: Santiago, Chile

      part of IFIP World Congress 2006

      Education for the 21st Century 2006: Santiago, Chile

      part of IFIP World Congress 2006

      History of Computing in Education 2004: Toulouse, France

      part of IFIP World Congress 2004

      E-Training Practices for Professional Organisations 2003: Pori, Finland

      TelE-Learning 2002: Montréal, Québec, Canada

      part of IFIP World Congress 2002

      Teleteaching 1998: Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary

      part of IFIP World Congress 1998

      Teleteaching 1993: Trondheim, Norway