International Conference on Nature of Computation and Communication (ICTCC)

Venue statistics

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    frequent authors

      9th ICTCC 2023: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

      8th ICTCC 2022: Vinh Long, Vietnam

      7th ICTCC 2021: Virtual Event

      9th ICCASA / 6th ICTCC 2020: Thai Nguyen, Vietnam

      8th ICCASA / 5th ICTCC 2019: My Tho City, Vietnam

      7th ICCASA / 4th ICTCC 2018: Viet Tri City, Vietnam

      6th ICCASA / 3rd ICTCC 2017: Tam Ky, Vietnam

      2nd ICTCC 2016: Rach Gia, Vietnam

      1st ICTCC 2014: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam