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31. ICPP Workshops 2002: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- 31st International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPP 2002 Workshops), 20-23 August 2002, Vancouver, BC, Canada. IEEE Computer Society 2002, ISBN 0-7695-1680-7
Workshop on Trusted Computer Paradigms (WTCP)
- Mohamed Eltoweissy, Ashraf Wadaa:
Message from the Co-Chairs. 3-4 - Kristopher Daley
, Ryan Larson, Jerald Dawkins:
A Structural Framework for Modeling Multi-Stage Network Attacks. 5-10 - Kasun De Zoysa
, Sead Muftic:
Bi-directional Web Document Protection System for Serious E-commerce Applications. 11-16 - Oskar Scheikl, Jonathan Lane, Robert Boyer, Mohamed Eltoweissy:
Multi-level Secure Multicast: The Rethinking of Secure Locks. 17-24 - J. Archer Harris:
OPA: A One-Time Password System. 25-29 - Ravi Mukkamala, Srikanth Balusani:
Active Certificates: A New Paradigm in Digital Certificate Management. 30-40
Workshop on Ad Hoc Networks (IWAHN)
- Y. Yoon:
Message from the Chair. 41-44
Media Access and Power Control Techniques
- Daqing Yang, Gouri Nair, Balaji Sivaramakrishnan, Harishkumar Jayakumar, Arunabha Sen:
Round Robin with Look Ahead: A New Scheduling Algorithm for Bluetoot. 45-50 - Sang-Hun Chung, Hyunsoo Yoon, Jung Wan Cho:
A Fast Handoff Scheme For IP over Bluetooth. 51-55 - Seung-Jong Park
, Raghupathy Sivakumar:
Quantitative Analysis of Transmission Power Control in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks. 56-63 - Anders Lindgren, Olov Schelén:
Infrastructured Ad Hoc Networks. 64-72
Ad Hoc Routing Protocols
- Seungjoon Lee, Bohyung Han, Minho Shin:
Robust Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 73-78 - Mesut Günes
, Udo Sorges, Imed Bouazizi:
ARA - The Ant-Colony Based Routing Algorithm for MANETs. 79-85 - Dinesh Dharmaraju, Ayan Roy Chowdhury, Pedram Hovareshti
, John S. Baras:
INORA - A Unified Signaling and Routing Mechanism for QoS Support in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. 86-93 - Linda Briesemeister, Günter Hommel:
Localized Group Membership Service for Ad Hoc Networks. 94-102
Analysis of Ad Hoc Networks
- Hui Li, Dan Yu:
A Statistical Study of Neighbor Node Properties in Ad Hoc Network. 103-108 - Venugopalan Ramasubramanian, Daniel Mossé:
Statistical Analysis of Connectivity in Unidirectional Ad Hoc Networks. 109-115 - Geunhwi Lim, Kwangwook Shin, Seunghak Lee, Hyunsoo Yoon, Joong Soo Ma:
Link Stability and Route Lifetime in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks. 116-123 - Sonia Furman, Jay Martin, Rajive L. Bagrodia:
A Comparative Study on the Effects of Spatial Diversity in Ad Hoc Networks Using On-Demand Routing Protocols. 124-134
Applications for Ad Hoc Networks
- Vikas Kawadia, Yongguang Zhang, Binita Gupta:
System Services for Implementing Ad-Hoc Routing Protocols. 135-142 - Mark D. Yarvis, W. Steven Conner, Lakshman Krishnamurthy, Jasmeet Chhabra, Brent Elliott, Alan M. Mainwaring:
Real-World Experiences with an Interactive Ad Hoc Sensor Network. 143-151 - Siddhartha K. Goel, Manish Singh, Dongyan Xu, Baochun Li:
Efficient Peer-to-Peer Data Dissemination in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. 152-158 - Kwangwook Shin, Seunghak Lee, Geunhwi Lim, Hyunsoo Yoon, Joong Soo Ma:
Grapes: Topology-Based Hierarchical Virtual Network for Peer-to-Peer Lookup Services. 159-166
Workshop on Optical Networks (WON)
- Hyeong-Ah Choi, Xin Yuan:
Message from the Co-Chairs. 167-170
Protection and Restoration
- David W. Griffith, SuKyoung Lee:
Dynamic Expansion of M : N Protection Groups in GMPLS Optical Networks. 171-176 - SuKyoung Lee, Chul Kim, David W. Griffith:
Hierarchical Restoration Scheme for Multiple Failures in GMPLS Networks. 177-182 - Lu Ruan, Haibo Luo:
A Fast Lightpath Restoration Method Using Two Backup Paths in WDM Networks. 183-192
Routing and Wavelength Assignment
- Murari Sridharan, R. Srinivasan, Arun K. Somani:
On Improving Partial Information Routing With Segmented Path Protection. 193-198 - Weifa Liang
, Xiaojun Shen:
Finding Multiple Routing Paths in Wide-Area WDM Networks. 199-206 - Jun Zhou, Xin Yuan:
A Study of Dynamic Routing and Wavelength Assignment with Imprecise Network State Information. 207-216
Network Survivability
- Sava Stanic, Suresh Subramaniam
, Hongsik Choi, Gokhan Sahin
, Hyeong-Ah Choi:
On Monitoring Transparent Optical Networks. 217-223 - Hwajung Lee, Hongsik Choi, Suresh Subramaniam
, Hyeong-Ah Choi:
Preserving Survivability During Logical Topology Reconfiguration in WDM Ring Networks. 224-232
Workshop on High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing with Applications (HPSECA)
- Laurence Tianruo Yang, Yi Pan:
Message from the Chairs. 233-234 - Tatiana Tabirca
, Sabin Tabirca
, Len Freeman, Laurence Tianruo Yang:
A Static Workload Balance Scheduling Algorithm. 235-239 - Wenjun Li, Laurence Tianruo Yang:
An Improved Parallel Pre-Symmetrized Iterative Algorithm on a Kind of Nonsymmetric Linear Systems. 240-245 - Antoine Bourgeade, Boniface Nkonga:
Dynamic Load Balancing Computation of Pulses Propagating in a Nonlinear Medium. 246-253 - Lawrence E. Garey:
A Parallel Numerical Algorithm For Two Point Boundary - Value FIDEs Using A Projection Method. 254-261 - Lars Lundberg:
Distributed High Performance Large Integer Arithmetic. 262-269 - Sangback Ma, Ho-Jong Jang, Eunbae Kong:
Comparisons of Parallel Preconditioners for the Computation of Interior Eigenvalues by a CG-Type Method on a Parallel Computer. 270-273 - Brian J. Henz, Dale R. Shires, Ram V. Mohan:
A Composite Manufacturing Process Simulation Environment (COMPOSE) Utilizing Parallel Processing and Object-Oriented Techniques. 274-281 - Nayda G. Santiago, Diane T. Rover, Domingo Rodríguez:
A Statistical Approach for the Analysis of the Relation Between Low-Level Performance Information, the Code, and the Environment. 282-289 - JinHo Ahn, Sung-Gi Min, Chong-Sun Hwang:
Partially Decentralized Passive Replication Protocol for Deterministic Servers. 290-297 - Yi Pan, Cos S. Ierotheou, Majeed M. Hayat:
Parallel Implementation of the Recurrence Method for Computing the Power-Spectral Density of Thin Avalanche Photodiodes. 298-305 - Ruppa K. Thulasiram, Dmitri A. Bondarenko:
Performance Evaluation of Parallel Algorithms for Pricing Multidimensional. 306-313 - Mario Donato Marino, Luiz A. G. Aleixo, Toshi Ichi Tachibana:
An Evaluation of the Speedup of a Preliminary Distributed MPI-Implementation for Groundwater Simulation Dispersion System. 314-319 - Honghai Zeng, Jianping Zhu:
An Efficient Parallel ADI Algorithm for Solving 3-D Convection Diffusion Equations with Neumann Boundary Conditions. 320-326 - Thuan D. Cao, John F. Hall, Robert A. van de Geijn
Parallel Cholesky Factorization of a Block Tridiagonal Matrix. 327-335 - Xiaolin Li, Sivapriya Ramanathan, Manish Parashar:
Hierarchical Partitioning Techniques for Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement (SAMR) Applications. 336-343 - Vipin Chaudhary
, William L. Hase
, Hai Jiang, L. Sun, Darshan Thaker:
Experiments with Parallelizing a Tribology Application. 344-351 - Venu K. Murthy, E. V. Krishnamurthy:
Scalable Performance in Workstation Cluster: Influence of a Programming Paradigm. 352-359 - Venu K. Murthy, E. V. Krishnamurthy:
Software Pattern Design for Cluster Computing. 360-367 - Michael K. P. Ng, King Fung Ho, Vincent K. W. Cheng, Christopher D. Beling, Chat Ming Woo:
Parallel Image Processing Algorithms For Coincidence Doppler Broadening Spectra. 368-374 - Gurdip Singh:
Specifying Synchronization in Distributed Shared Memory Programs. 375-382 - Shin'ichirou Saeki, Subhash Bhalla
, Masaki Hasegawa:
Parallel Generation of Base Relation Snapshots for Materialized View Maintenance in Data Warehouse Environment. 383-390 - Marta Parada, María J. Martín
, Ramon Doallo:
High Performance Air Pollution Simulation Using OpenMP. 391-397 - Li-Jen Mao, Sheau-Dong Lang:
Parallel Algorithms for the Degree-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem Using Nearest-Neighbor Chains and the Heap-Traversal Technique. 398-404 - Minyi Guo, Weng-Long Chang, Yi Pan:
Optimization Techniques for Parallel Codes of Irregular Scientific Computations. 405-413 - Laurent Manyri, Andrei Doncescu, Gilles Roux, Boutaib Dahhou:
Parallel Differential Algorithms for Fermentation Process. 414-418 - Viviane Thomé, Daniela Vianna, Roberto Costa, Alexandre Plastino, Otton T. da Silveira Filho:
Exploring Load Balancing in a Scientific SPMD Parallel Application. 419-428
Workshop on Distributed Computing Architectures for Digital Libraries (DCAL)
- Johan Bollen, Michael L. Nelson:
Distributed Computing Architectures for Digital Libraries Workshop. 429-430 - Donna Bergmark:
Using High Performance Systems to Build Collections for a Digital Library. 431-438 - Francis Heylighen
, Johan Bollen:
Hebbian Algorithms for a Digital Library Recommendation System. 439-446 - Patty Kostkova
, Jane Mani-Saada, Julius R. Weinberg
Distributed Search in National electronic Library for Health . 447-454 - Xiaoming Liu, Kurt Maly, Mohammad Zubair:
Enhanced Kepler Framework for Self-Archiving . 455-461 - Benjamin Ahlborn
, Wolfgang Nejdl
, Wolf Siberski:
OAI-P2P: A Peer-to-Peer Network for Open Archives. 462-468 - Herbert Van de Sompel
, Donna Bergmark:
A Distributed Registry for OpenURL Metadata Schemas with an OAI-PMH Conformant Central Repository. 469-472 - Micah Beck, Terry Moore:
Toward a Scalable Architecture for Logistical Management of Active Content. 473-479 - Somasekhar Vemulapalli, Mahantesh Halappanavar, Ravi Mukkamala:
Security in Distributed Digital Libraries: Issues and Challenges . 480-486 - Johan Bollen, Michael L. Nelson:
Adaptive Networks of Smart Objects. 487-494
Workshop on Scheduling and Resource Management for Cluster Computing (SRMCC)
- P. Sadayappan:
Message from the Chair. 495-498 - Manish Arora, Sajal K. Das
, Rupak Biswas:
A De-Centralized Scheduling and Load Balancing Algorithm for Heterogeneous Grid Environments. 499-505 - Ali Saman Tosun, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu:
Optimal Parallel I/O Using Replication. 506-513 - Srividya Srinivasan, Rajkumar Kettimuthu, Vijay Subramani, P. Sadayappan:
Characterization of Backfilling Strategies for Parallel Job Scheduling. 514-522 - Hai Jin, Ligang He, Zongfen Han:
Optimal Dispatching and Scheduling for Both Periodic and Aperiodic Jobs in Cluster. 523-530 - Tae-Young Choe, Chan-Ik Park:
A Task Duplication Based Scheduling Algorithm with Optimality Condition in Heterogeneous Systems. 531-536 - Qinghua Ye, Limin Xiao, Dan Meng, Wen Gao, Yi Liang, Ying Jiang:
AppManager: A Powerful Service-Based Application Management System for Clusters. 537-546
Workshop on Compile/Run Time Techniques for Parallel Computing (CRTPC)
- Vipin Chaudhary, P. Sadayappan:
Message from the Co-Chairs. 547-550 - Chun-Yuan Lin, Yeh-Ching Chung, Jen-Shiuh Liu:
Data Distribution Schemes of Sparse Arrays on Distributed Memory Multicomputers. 551-558 - Maria Athanasaki, Aristidis Sotiropoulos, Georgios Tsoukalas, Nectarios Koziris:
A Pipelined Execution of Tiled Nested Loops on SMPs with Computation and Communication Overlapping. 559-567 - Jaume Abella
, Antonio González
, Josep Llosa
, Xavier Vera:
Near-Optimal Loop Tiling by Means of Cache Miss Equations and Genetic Algorithms. 568-580 - Hai Jiang, Vipin Chaudhary
MigThread: Thread Migration in DSM Systems. 581-588 - Kasidit Chanchio, Xian-He Sun:
SNOW: Software Systems for Process Migration in High-Performance, Heterogeneous Distributed Environments. 589-596 - Matthias Korch, Thomas Rauber:
Evaluation of Task Pools for the Implementation of Parallel Irregular Algorithms. 597-606 - Min-Hsuan Fan, Chua-Huang Huang, Yeh-Ching Chung:
A Programming Methodology for Designing Block Recursive Algorithms on Various Computer Networks. 607-614 - Ching-Hsien Hsu:
Optimization of Sparse Matrix Redistribution on Multicomputers. 615-622 - Gwan-Hwan Hwang:
An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Communication Sets for Data Parallel Programs with Block-Cyclic Distribution. 623-632

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