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22nd ICONIP 2015: Istanbul, Turkey
- Sabri Arik, Tingwen Huang, Weng Kin Lai, Qingshan Liu:
Neural Information Processing - 22nd International Conference, ICONIP 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, November 9-12, 2015, Proceedings, Part IV. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9492, Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-26560-5 - Abdulrahman Altahhan:
Deep Feature-Action Processing with Mixture of Updates. 1-10 - Lei Zhao, Qinghua Hu, Yucan Zhou:
Heterogeneous Features Integration via Semi-supervised Multi-modal Deep Networks. 11-19 - Feng Liu, Bingquan Liu, Chengjie Sun, Ming Liu, Xiaolong Wang:
Multimodal Deep Belief Network Based Link Prediction and User Comment Generation. 20-28 - Erik Barrow, Chrisina Jayne, Mark Eastwood:
Deep Dropout Artificial Neural Networks for Recognising Digits and Characters in Natural Images. 29-37 - Alaa M. Al-kaysi, Ahmed Al-Ani, Tjeerd W. Boonstra:
A Multichannel Deep Belief Network for the Classification of EEG Data. 38-45 - Charissa Ann Ronao, Sung-Bae Cho:
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Activity Recognition with Smartphone Sensors. 46-53 - Jun-Su Kang, Amitash Ojha, Minho Lee:
Concentration Monitoring with High Accuracy but Low Cost EEG Device. 54-60 - Yong-Qi Zhang, Wei-Long Zheng, Bao-Liang Lu:
Transfer Components Between Subjects for EEG-based Driving Fatigue Detection. 61-68 - Trung Duy Pham, Dat Tran, Wanli Ma:
A Proposed Blind DWT-SVD Watermarking Scheme for EEG Data. 69-76 - Wajid Mumtaz, Aamir Saeed Malik, Syed Saad Azhar Ali, Mohd Azhar Mohd Yasin:
A Study to Investigate Different EEG Reference Choices in Diagnosing Major Depressive Disorder. 77-86 - Sherif Haggag, Shady M. K. Mohamed, Omar Haggag, Saeid Nahavandi:
Prosthetic Motor Imaginary Task Classification Based on EEG Quality Assessment Features. 87-94 - Trung Duy Pham, Dat Tran, Wanli Ma, Nga Thuy Tran:
Enhancing Performance of EEG-based Emotion Recognition Systems Using Feature Smoothing. 95-102 - Keith Douglas Stuart, Maciej Majewski:
Intelligent Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis Using Artificial Neural Networks. 103-110 - Haishuai Wang, Peng Zhang, Jia Wu, Shirui Pan:
Mining Top-k Minimal Redundancy Frequent Patterns over Uncertain Databases. 111-119 - Zakariyah Shoroye, Waheeb Yaqub, Azhar Ahmed Mohammed, Zeyar Aung, Davor Svetinovic:
Exploring Social Contagion in Open-Source Communities by Mining Software Repositories. 120-127 - Esmaeel Eftekharian, Seyed Amin Khatami, Abbas Khosravi, Saeid Nahavandi:
Data Mining Analysis of an Urban Tunnel Pressure Drop Based on CFD Data. 128-135 - Jing Xu, Xiao-Jiao Mao, Wen-Yang Lu, Qi-Hai Zhu, Ning Li, Yu-Bin Yang:
MapReduce-based Parallelized Approximation of Frequent Itemsets Mining in Uncertain Data. 136-144 - Md. Mamunur Rashid, Iqbal Gondal, Joarder Kamruzzaman:
A MapReduce Based Technique for Mining Behavioral Patterns from Sensor Data. 145-153 - Ahmed Al-Ani, Ganesh R. Naik, Hussein A. Abbass:
A Methodology for Synthesizing Interdependent Multichannel EEG Data with a Comparison Among Three Blind Source Separation Techniques. 154-161 - Salahiddin Altahat, Girija Chetty, Dat Tran, Wanli Ma:
Analysing the Robust EEG Channel Set for Person Authentication. 162-173 - László Szilágyi, László Lefkovits, Barna Iantovics, David Iclanzan, Balázs Benyó:
Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation in Multispectral MRI Volumetric Records. 174-181 - Mair Muteeb Javaid, Muhammad Abdullah Yousaf, Quratulain Zahid Sheikh, Mian M. Awais, Sameera Saleem, Maryam Khalid:
Real-Time EEG-based Human Emotion Recognition. 182-190 - Maryam Gholami Doborjeh, Nikola K. Kasabov:
Dynamic 3D Clustering of Spatio-Temporal Brain Data in the NeuCube Spiking Neural Network Architecture on a Case Study of fMRI Data. 191-198 - Junhua Li, Indu P. Prasad, Justin Dauwels, Nitish V. Thakor, Hasan Al-Nashash:
Vigilance Differentiation from EEG Complexity Attributes. 199-206 - Weihua Ou, Gai Li, Shujian Yu, Gang Xie, Fujia Ren, Yuanyan Tang:
Robust Discriminative Nonnegative Patch Alignment for Occluded Face Recognition. 207-215 - Ya Su, Mengyao Wang:
Single-Image Expression Invariant Face Recognition Based on Sparse Representation. 216-223 - Yang Cao, Bao-Liang Lu:
Intensity-Depth Face Alignment Using Cascade Shape Regression. 224-231 - Niall McCarroll, Ammar Belatreche, Jim Harkin, Yuhua Li:
Bio-Inspired Hybrid Framework for Multi-view Face Detection. 232-239 - Amin Jalali, Gil-Jin Jang, Jun-Su Kang, Minho Lee:
Convolutional Neural Networks Considering Robustness Improvement and Its Application to Face Recognition. 240-245 - Jiawen Huang, Chun Yuan:
Weighted-PCANet for Face Recognition. 246-254 - Kaneharu Nishino, Mary Inaba:
Feature Extraction Based on Generating Bayesian Network. 255-262 - David Iclanzan, László Szilágyi:
Neural Population Coding of Stimulus Features. 263-270 - Yongming Li, Jin Yan, Pin Wang, Yang Lv, Mingguo Qiu, Xuan He:
Classification of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Multiple Anatomical Structures' Asymmetric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Feature Selection. 280-289 - Mohammed Tuffaha, Tamer Shanableh, Khaled Assaleh:
Novel Feature Extraction and Classification Technique for Sensor-Based Continuous Arabic Sign Language Recognition. 290-299 - Khalid Benabdeslem, Mohammed M. Al-Hindawi, Raywat Makkhongkaew:
Weighting Based Approach for Semi-supervised Feature Selection. 300-307 - Masafumi Uemura, Haruna Matsushita, Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar:
Path Planning with Slime Molds: A Biology-Inspired Approach. 308-315 - Jonghong Kim, Seonggyu Kim, Minho Lee:
Convolutional Neural Network with Biologically Inspired ON/OFF ReLU. 316-323 - Imali T. Hettiarachchi, Asim Bhatti, Paul A. Adlard, Saeid Nahavandi:
Multivariate Autoregressive-based Neuronal Network Flow Analysis for In-vitro Recorded Bursts. 324-331 - Md. Hedayetul Islam Shovon, Nanda Nandagopal, Ramasamy Vijayalakshmi, Jia Tina Du, Bernadine Cocks:
Cognitive Load Driven Directed Information Flow in Functional Brain Networks. 332-340 - Raheel Zafar, Aamir Saeed Malik, Hafeez Ullah Amin, Nidal S. Kamel, Sarat C. Dass:
Discrimination of Brain States Using Wavelet and Power Spectral Density. 341-347 - Linda Main, John Thornton:
A Cortically-Inspired Model for Bioacoustics Recognition. 348-355 - Munira Al-Ageili, Malek Mouhoub:
Ontology-based Information Extraction for Residential Land Use Suitability: A Case Study of the City of Regina, Canada. 356-366 - Ehab Hassan, Davide Buscaldi, Aldo Gangemi:
Correlating Open Rating Systems and Event Extraction from Text. 367-375 - Nobuaki Furutani, Jun Kitazono, Seiichi Ozawa, Tao Ban, Junji Nakazato, Jumpei Shimamura:
Adaptive DDoS-Event Detection from Big Darknet Traffic Data. 376-383 - Hasini Yatawatte, Anuja T. Dharmaratne:
Content Based Video Retrieval for Obscene Adult Content Detection. 384-392 - Yong-Joong Kim, Yonghyun Kim, Bong-Nam Kang, Daijin Kim:
Combined Document/Business Card Detector for Proactive Document-Based Services on the Smartphone. 393-402 - Estelle Xin Ying Kee, Jer Lang Hong:
A Heuristic Data Mining Framework Towards Dynamic Data of Social Media. 403-409 - Yu Zhao, Yu Qiao, Jie Yang, Nikola K. Kasabov:
Abnormal Activity Detection Using Spatio-Temporal Feature and Laplacian Sparse Representation. 410-418 - Keisuke Kameyama, Trung Nguyen Bao Phan, Miharu Aizawa:
Noise-Robust Iris Authentication Using Local Higher-Order Moment Kernels. 419-427 - Vasily I. Mironov, Sergey Lobov, Innokentiy Kastalskiy, Victor B. Kazantsev:
Myoelectric Control System of Lower Limb Exoskeleton for Re-training Motion Deficiencies. 428-435 - Hayat Al-Dmour, Ahmed Al-Ani:
A Medical Image Steganography Method Based on Integer Wavelet Transform and Overlapping Edge Detection. 436-444 - Shijie Geng, Shaoyong Jia, Yu Qiao, Jie Yang, Zhenhong Jia:
Combining CNN and MIL to Assist Hotspot Segmentation in Bone Scintigraphy. 445-452 - Manel Fourati, Anis Jedidi, Faïez Gargouri:
Topic and Thematic Description for Movies Documents. 453-462 - Dan Popescu, Loretta Ichim, Traian Caramihale:
Texture Based Method for Automated Detection, Localization and Evaluation of the Exudates in Retinal Images. 463-472 - Wang Zhang, Haoyuan Lu, Shangdi Sun, Xiaodong Gu:
A Graph Community and Bag of Categorized Visual Words Based Image Retrieval. 473-480 - Wei Wu, Guanglai Gao:
Nearest Neighbor with Multi-feature Metric for Image Annotation. 481-488 - Selcuk Sevgen, Emel Arslan, Ruya Samli:
Number Recognition of Sudoku Grid Image with Artificial Neural Networks. 489-496 - Burak Özeroglu, Ediz Saykol:
Counting Human Actions in Video During Physical Exercise. 497-504 - Faten Chaabane, Maha Charfeddine, William Puech, Chokri Ben Amar:
Towards a Blind MAP-Based Traitor Tracing Scheme for Hierarchical Fingerprints. 505-512 - Liangdong Li, Nikola K. Kasabov, Jie Yang, Lixiu Yao, Zhenghong Jia:
Poisson Image Denoising Based on BLS-GSM Method. 513-522 - Ke Yang, Yong Dou, Shaohe Lv, Fei Zhang:
Exploring Relative Motion Features for Gait Recognition with Kinect. 523-530 - Ramasamy Vijayalakshmi, D. (Nanda) Nandagopal, M. Thilaga, Bernie Cocks:
Characterisation of Cognitive Activity Using Minimum Connected Component. 531-539 - Yasemin Poyraz Kocak, Selcuk Sevgen:
Real-Time People Counting Application by Using GPU Programming. 540-547 - Burhan Khan, Julie Gaburro, Samer Hanoun, Jean-Bernard Duchemin, Saeid Nahavandi, Asim Bhatti:
Activity and Flight Trajectory Monitoring of Mosquito Colonies for Automated Behaviour Analysis. 548-555 - Md. Nazrul Islam, Chu Kiong Loo:
Facial Emotion Profiling Based on Emotion Specific Feature Model. 556-565 - Wanchen Sui, Xinxiao Wu, Yang Feng, Wei Liang, Yunde Jia:
Heterogeneous Discriminant Analysis for Cross-View Action Recognition. 566-573 - Demiyan V. Smirnov, Rajani Muraleedharan, Ravi Prakash Ramachandran:
A Comparison of Facial Features and Fusion Methods for Emotion Recognition. 574-582 - Ali Braytee, Asif Qumer Gill, Paul J. Kennedy, Farookh Khadeer Hussain:
A Review and Comparison of Service E-Contract Architecture Metamodels. 583-595 - Mohammad Dahman Alshehri, Farookh Khadeer Hussain:
A Comparative Analysis of Scalable and Context-Aware Trust Management Approaches for Internet of Things. 596-605 - László Barna Iantovics, László Szilágyi, Camelia-Mihaela Pintea:
Societal Intelligence - A New Perspective for Highly Intelligent Systems. 606-614 - Joana Cósta, Catarina Silva, Mário Antunes, Bernardete Ribeiro:
DOTS: Drift Oriented Tool System. 615-623 - Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Dan Radulescu:
Approximately Similarity Measurement of Web Sites. 624-630 - Octavia-Maria Sulea, Liviu P. Dinu, Alexandra Peste:
Using NLP Specific Tools for Non-NLP Specific Tasks. A Web Security Application. 631-638 - Walayat Hussain, Farookh Khadeer Hussain, Omar Khadeer Hussain:
Towards Soft Computing Approaches for Formulating Viable Service Level Agreements in Cloud. 639-646 - Xiaolei Zhang, Yong Han, DongSheng Hao, Zhihan Lv:
ARPPS: Augmented Reality Pipeline Prospect System. 647-656 - Jihad Zahir, Abderrahim El Qadi, Ladjel Bellatreche:
Identifying SQL Queries Similarity Using SVM. 657-666 - Abbas Shahzadeh, Abbas Khosravi, Saeid Nahavandi:
Improving the Quality of Load Forecasts Using Smart Meter Data. 667-674 - Alexander D. Rast, Alan B. Stokes, Sergio Davies, Samantha V. Adams, Himanshu Akolkar, David R. Lester, Chiara Bartolozzi, Angelo Cangelosi, Steve B. Furber:
Transport-Independent Protocols for Universal AER Communications. 675-684 - Houyem Heni, Faïez Gargouri:
A Methodological Approach for Big Data Security: Application for NoSQL Data Stores. 685-692
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