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IPAC 2015: Batna, Algeria
- IPAC '15: International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing, Security and Advanced Communication, Batna, Algeria, November, 2015. ACM 2015, ISBN 978-1-4503-3458-7
- Mohammad Hammoudeh:
Applying Wireless Sensor Networks to Solve Real-world Problems. 1:1 - Homero Toral-Cruz:
Quality of Service Parameters Modeling of Voice over IP Traffic: An Overview. 2:1 - Djallel Eddine Boubiche
Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks: Challenges and Application Areas. 3:1 - Andrés Iglesias
, Akemi Gálvez
, Carlos Loucera
A Simulated Annealing Approach for Data Fitting with Bézier Surfaces. 4:1-4:6 - Oussama Noui
, Lemnouar Noui
A Robust Watermarking Scheme for Ownership Protection and Deadlock Prevention. 5:1-5:5 - Sad-Houari Nawal, Noria Taghezout:
An agent based approach for security integration in Business Rules Management System. 6:1-6:5 - Fadi Wedyan, Shirin Al-Manai, Wajeeha Al-Ajlouni:
Toward An Empirical Study to investigate the size-defect Relationship Using ISBSG Repository. 7:1-7:5 - Lynda Kacha, Saliha Oukid-Khouas, Nadjia Benblidia
Data security and privacy in E-health Cloud: Comparative study. 8:1-8:6 - Meriem Laifa, Samir Akrouf
, Ramdane Maamri:
Online Social Trust: an Overview. 9:1-9:6 - Muhammad Al-Qurishi, Mabrook Al-Rakhami
, Majed A. AlRubaian, Atif Alamri:
A Framework of Knowledge Management as a Service over Cloud Computing Platform. 10:1-10:4 - Abdelfetah Saadi, Mourad Oussalah, Abderazzak Henni, Djamel Bennouar
Handling the Dynamic Reconfiguration of Software Architectures using Intelligent Agents. 11:1-11:5 - Abdelkader Guezzi, Abderrahmane Lakas
, Ahmed Korichi
A New Approach to Manage and Disseminate Data in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks. 12:1-12:4 - Djeddi Abdelhakim, Djilali Idoughi:
A user centered ubiquitous government design framework. 13:1-13:5 - Freha Mezzoudj, Mourad Loukam, Abdelkader Benyettou
On an Empirical Study of Smoothing Techniques for a Tiny Language Model. 14:1-14:5 - Mohamed Kechar
, Safia Nait Bahloul
An Access Control System Architecture for XML Data Warehouse Using XACML. 15:1-15:6 - Sahraoui Kharroubi, Youcef Dahmani, Omar Nouali:
Improvement of Collaborative Filtering Systems through Resource Description Framework. 16:1-16:5 - Hadjila Fethallah, Merzoug Mohammed, Amine Belabed:
Semantic Web service Discovery Based on Fuzzy Dominated Scores. 17:1-17:6 - Natarajan Meghanathan
Node Lifetime - Network Lifetime Tradeoff for Data Gathering Trees in Wireless Sensor Networks. 18:1-18:5 - Lamia Gaouar, Abdelkrim Benamar, Fethi Tarik Bendimerad:
Model Driven Approaches to Cross Platform Mobile Development. 19:1-19:5 - Yasser Yahiaoui
, Ahmed Lehireche, Djelloul Bouchiha
A proposed reasoning Algorithm using DLs in vectorial form. 20:1-20:10 - Aouatef Chaib, Imane Boussebough
, Allaoua Chaoui
Multi-agent system in ambient environment for assistance of elderly sick peoples. 21:1-21:5 - Mahfoud Hamidia, Adil Bakri, Abderrahmane Amrouche:
Improving Network Echo Cancellation in VoIP Using Packet Loss Concealment. 22:1-22:5 - Faten A. Khalifa, Noura A. Semary, Hatem M. El-Sayed, Mohiy M. Hadhoud:
A Comparison of Local Detectors and Descriptors for Multi-Object Applications. 23:1-23:5 - Wassila Guebli, Abdelkader Belkhir
Providing Services in an Intelligent Environment Conflict Management in Smart Home. 24:1-24:5 - Bouchra Boulkroun, Fouzia Benchikha, Chahinez Bachtarzi:
Data Sources Integration Using Viewpoint-Based Approach. 25:1-25:6 - Salah Bougueroua, Bachir Boucheham
GLI-Color: Gradual Locality Integration of Color features for image retrieval. 26:1-26:5 - Taleb Tariq, Mejdi Kaddour:
A Novel Cluster Head Selection Method based on HAC Algorithm for Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network. 27:1-27:6 - Kambiz Ghazinour, Mehdi Ghayoumi
A Dynamic Trust Model Enforcing Security Policies. 28:1-28:5 - Yasser Moussa Berghout, Hammadi Bennoui:
Introduction to distributed probability propagation nets. 29:1-29:4 - Moufida Aouachria
, Abdessamed Réda Ghomari
, Rachid Seghir
Towards a Repository for the Reuse of Business Process Models from a Requirements Analysis Perspective. 30:1-30:5 - Sarra Khemliche, Mohamed Chaouki Babahenini, Naima Bahi, Abd El Mouméne Zerari:
Well-Virtual Point Light for improving real time global illumination. 31:1-31:5 - Samia Bouteldja, Assia Kourgli
Retrieval of High Resolution Satellite Images Based on Steerable Pyramids. 32:1-32:5 - Djazia Hamdan, Amine Chikh:
The summary linguistic and medical database. 33:1-33:5 - Houssem Mansouri, Nadjib Badache, Makhlouf Aliouat
, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan:
A Non-Blocking Coordinated Checkpointing Algorithm for Message-Passing Systems. 34:1-34:5 - Mourad Amad
, Djamil Aïssani
, Ahmed Meddahi, Nouria Madi, Razika Bouiche:
A Priority Based Lookup Model for VoIP Applications in Unstructured P2P Networks. 35:1-35:5 - Mehdi Sliem, Nabila Salmi, Malika Ioualalen
Achieving Scalability of Self-optimizing Multi-tier Systems Performance Prediction. 36:1-36:5 - Ouassila Hoceini, Said Talbi, Rachida Aoudjit:
A New trust management scheme with Energy Efficiency in wireless Sensor networks (NEES). 37:1-37:5 - Meriem Laifa, Samir Akrouf
, Ramdane Maamri
An Overview of Forgiveness in The Digital Environment. 38:1-38:5 - Yassine Himeur
, Abdelkrim Boukabou
, Abdelkader Senouci:
Powerline communication performance using FFT/DWT/WPT-based OFDM systems and chaotic interleaving. 39:1-39:6 - Mohamed Belaoued
, Smaine Mazouzi:
Towards an Automatic Method for API Association Extraction for PE-Malware Categorization. 40:1-40:4 - Khadhir Bekki, Hafida Belbachir, Wafaa Kasri:
A K-BPEL Semantics. 41:1-41:5 - Mansour Bounab Abdelhalim, Saïda Latreche
Reflectometry Characterization of an installed optical fiber in Algeria: comparison with the G652 recommendations of the ITU-T. 42:1-42:4 - Lyazid Toumi
, Abdelouahab Moussaoui, Ahmet Ugur:
EMeD-Part: An Efficient Methodology for Horizontal Partitioning in Data Warehouses. 43:1-43:7 - Samah Benmerbi, Kamal Amroun
, Abdelkamel Tari:
Novel method for dynamic web service selection and composition using hypergraph decomposition. 44:1-44:6 - Azizi Abdallah
, Elkourd Kaouther:
A Hybrid Active Contour without Re-initialization. 45:1-45:6 - Ilyas Bambrik
, Fedoua Didi:
A Load Management Algorithm For Wireless Mesh Networks. 46:1-46:6 - Samira Chebbout, Hayet Farida Merouani
A Novel Saliency Detection Model based on Self Organizing Tree Algorithm. 47:1-47:6 - Billel Kenidra, Mohamed Benmohammed:
A data-clustering approach based on artificial ant colonies with control of emergence combined with K-Means approach. 48:1-48:5 - Khaled Almakadmeh
, Fatima Abu-Zitoon:
A Generic Model-Based Methodology of Testing Techniques to Obtain High Quality Software. 49:1-49:6 - Mohamed Lichouri
, Amar Djeradi, Rachida Djeradi:
A new Automatic approach for Understanding the Spontaneous Utterance in Human-Machine Dialogue based on Automatic Text Categorization. 50:1-50:5 - Ahlem Melouah
, Soumaya Layachi:
A Novel Automatic Seed Placement Approach for Region Growing segmentation in Mammograms. 51:1-51:5 - Khaled Almakadmeh
, Ghadeer Al Qahmouss:
A Comprehensive Survey of System Dependability for Real Time Embedded Software. 52:1-52:7 - Shatha Al Qudah, Kenza Meridji, Khalid T. Al-Sarayreh
A Comprehensive Survey of Software Development Cost Estimation Studies. 53:1-53:5 - Selim Hemissi, Magdy Shayboub A. Mahmoud:
A robust soft margin SVM classifier based on spectral/spatial fusion: enhancement of urban classification in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 54:1-54:6 - Wassila Guendouzi, Abdelmadjid Boukra:
A Hybrid Intrusion Detection Approach Using Ant Colony System and Simulated Annealing (ACS-SA). 55:1-55:5 - Benamar Bouougada, Djelloul Bouchiha
, Mimoun Malki
A Framework for Reengineering Web applications into Linked Data based on MDA. 56:1-56:5 - Khalid T. Al-Sarayreh
, Asma Labadi, Kenza Meridji:
A Generic Method for Identifying Maintainability Requirements Using ISO Standards. 57:1-57:6 - Samira Boualleg, Khalida Ghanem, Brahim Haraoubia:
Estimation of STBC-MIMO Radio Channel at 2.4 GHz in Underground Mine Gallery. 58:1-58:5 - Khaled M. Khalil, Mohamed Hassan Abdel Aziz
, Taymour T. Nazmy, Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem:
Machine Learning Algorithms for Multi-Agent Systems. 59:1-59:5 - Hani Bani-Salameh
, Nadera Aljawabrah
Towards a Comprehensive Survey of the Requirements Elicitation Process Improvements. 60:1-60:6 - Ahmad Al-Elaimat, Abdel-Rahman Al-Ghuwairi:
Procedural Assessment Process of Software Quality Models Using Agility. 61:1-61:5 - Sihem Souiki, Mourad Hadjila
, Mohammed Feham:
Clustering Combined with Bio Inspired Routing in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. 62:1-62:6 - Hani Bani-Salameh
, Somia Abu Fakher:
E-Learning Critical Success Factors Model: Empirical Investigation. 63:1-63:6 - Mohammad Aloran, Hazem Eid, Khalid T. Al-Sarayreh
A High Quality Software after Maintenance Depend on Effectiveness measures. 64:1-64:5 - Hanan Al-Zawahreh, Khaled Almakadmeh
Procedural Model of Requirements Elicitation Techniques. 65:1-65:6 - Nasredine Cheniki, Abdelkader Belkhir
, Yacine Atif
Supporting Multilingual Semantic Web Services Discovery by Consuming Data from DBpedia Knowledge Base. 66:1-66:6 - Amin Belhocine, Fedoua Didi:
Analysing QoS in WIFI-UMTS interworking systems. 67:1-67:5 - Sireen Kamal Najjar, Khalid T. Al-Sarayreh
Capability Maturity Model of Software Requirements Process and Integration (SRPCMMI). 68:1-68:5 - Farouk Meddah, Lynda Dib:
E-Bug: New Bug Path-planning algorithm for autonomous robot in unknown environment. 69:1-69:8 - Aissam Belghiat
, Allaoua Chaoui
A TGG Approach for Bidirectional Automatic Mapping between UML and pi-calculus. 70:1-70:3 - Mohamed Skander Daas
, Salim Chikhi
, Mohamed Batouche
Bacterial foraging optimization with double role of reproduction and step adaptation. 71:1-71:5 - Mohammed Omari, Warda Hadj Fateh:
Hybrid Hierarchical Clustering Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks based on Ant Colony Algorithm and MR-LEACH. 72:1-72:6 - Abdelmalek Boudries, Mourad Amad
, Makhlouf Aliouat
Replacement of a failing node by using a two-phase method. 73:1-73:5 - Khaled Necibi, Hamza Frihia, Halima Bahi
On The Use of Decision Trees for Arabic Pronunciation Assessment. 74:1-74:6 - Mohamed Amine Laamari, Nadjet Kamel
A Multi-objective Binary Bat Algorithm. 75:1-75:5 - Bara'a Qadoumi, Baha'a Al-Shurufat:
Towards Evaluation Method of Usability Engineering for Web Application Sites Using 3D Approach. 76:1-76:5 - Mohamed Amine Guerroudji
, Zohra Ameur:
New approaches for Contrast enhancement of calcifications in mammography using morphological enhancement. 77:1-77:5 - Nesrine Lahiani, Djamal Bennouar
A Model Driven Approach to Derive e-Learning Applications in Software Product Line. 78:1-78:6 - Zakaria Abd El Moiz Dahi
, Mezioud Chaker, Amer Draa
Deterministically-Adaptive Genetic Algorithm To Solve Binary Communication Problems: Application On The Error Correcting Code Problem. 79:1-79:5 - Jyotsna Chanda, B. Annappa
An Improved Web Page Recommendation System Using Partitioning and Web Usage Mining. 80:1-80:6 - Houssem-Eddine Benseddik, Hicham Hadj-Abdelkader, Brahim Cherki, Oualid Djekoune
Binary Feature Descriptor for Omnidirectional Images Processing. 81:1-81:6 - Leila Mechtri, Fatiha Djemili Tolba, Salim Ghanemi, Damien Magoni
An IDS-based Self-healing Approach for MANET Survival. 82:1-82:5 - Bahia Yahya-Zoubir, Maouia Bentlemsan, Et-Tahir Zemouri
, Karim Ferroudji:
Adaptive Time Window for EEG-based Motor Imagery Classification. 83:1-83:6 - Karim Ferroudji, Bahia Yahya-Zoubir, Maouia Bentlemsan, Et-Tahir Zemouri
Features Selection Using Differential Evolution in Motor-Imagery Based Brain Machine Interface. 84:1-84:6 - Manel Chenait, Bahia Zebbane, Sihem Filali, Ibtissem Belhocine, Chafika Benzaid
, Nadjib Badache:
A Low-Complex Coverage Eligibility Algorithm For Wireless Sensor Networks. 85:1-85:5 - Mohamed Sobhy, Safia Abbas
, Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem:
Knowledge Discovery for Banking Risk Management. 86:1-86:6 - Sofiane Mounine Hemam
, Ouassila Hioual:
Load balancing by requests redistribution In failure nodes context. 87:1-87:5 - Ouassila Hioual, Sofiane Mounine Hemam
Cost Minimization and Load Balancing Issues to Compose Web Services in a Multi Cloud Environment. 88:1-88:3 - Bochra Brahma, Allaoua Refoufi:
Ontology Matching Algorithms. 89:1-89:5 - Haneen Hani, Rajaa Abu-Wandi:
DISSERO Mobile Application for AUTISTIC Children's. 90:1-90:6 - Abadi Wassila, Mohamed Fezari
, Rachid Hamdi:
Bag of Visualwords and Chi-Squared Kernel Support Vector Machine: A Way to Improve Hand Gesture Recognition. 91:1-91:5 - Sara Boutamina, Ramdane Maamri:
A survey on context-aware workflow systems. 92:1-92:6 - Wided Oueslati, Hazar Hamdi, Jalel Akaichi:
A mobile hospital trajectory data warehouse modeling and querying to detect the breast cancer disease. 93:1-93:5 - Lina A. Hasan, Khalid T. Al-Sarayreh:
An Integrated Measurement Model for Evaluating Usability Attributes. 94:1-94:6 - Ruba Alzyoudi, Khaled Almakadmeh, Hutaf Natoureah:
A Probability Algorithm for Requirement Selection In Component-Based Software Development. 95:1-95:6

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