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ICFNDS 2022: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Future Networks & Distributed Systems, ICFNDS 2022, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 15 December 2022. ACM 2022, ISBN 978-1-4503-9905-0
- Murodjon Sultanov
, Gayrat Ishankhodjayev
Development of Intelligent Information Decision Support Systems. 1-7 - Bakhtiyor Dushaboevich Khajiev
, Bekzod Erkinovich Mamarakhimov
, Tokhir Boymurod ugli Shomurodov
Theoretical and Methodological Basis of Studying the Factors affecting Economic growth in the Digital Economy. 8-15 - Oybek Eshbayev
, Shirin Rakhimova
, Sanjar M. Mirzaliev
, Nasiba Mulladjanova
, Nargiza Alimxodjaeva
, Dilafruz Akhmedova
, Barno Akbarova
A systematic mapping study of effective regulations and policies against digital monopolies: visualizing the recent status of anti-monopoly research areas in the digital economy. 16-22 - Abdulfatto Ibroximjon ugli Ibrokhimov
, Murodil Erkinjon Ugli Madaliev
, Rabim Alikulovich Fayziev
, Akmal Ahadovich Mirzoev
Numerical simulation of Separate Flow around a heated square cylinder. 23-26 - Zafar Mamatqulovich Malikov
, Rabim Alikulovich Fayziev
, Dilshod Primqulovich Navruzov
, Bekzod Zafar ugli Malikov
Simulation of swirling flows based on modified two-fluid turbulence Model. 27-32 - Gulnora Kalandarovna Abdurakhmanova
, Olim Tashtemirovich Astanakulov
, Sanjar Bakhodirovich Goyipnazarov
, Aziza Bakhramovna Irmatova
Tourism 4.0: Opportunities for Applying Industry 4.0 Technologies in Tourism. 33-38 - Munira Azlarova
Impact of technology-supported marketing strategies on food security and provision: : Evidence from Uzbekistan's confectionery industry. 39-45 - Nodira Bakhodirovna Abdusalomova
, Mukaddas Shuhrat qizi Ergasheva
, Dildora Jahongir qizi Khaydarova
The Role of Insurance Companies in the National Economy Digitalization. 46-50 - Nigora Tulkunovna Talipova
, Luiza Sayfullovna Makhmutkhodjaeva
, Lola Normuminovna Khazratkulova
Evolution of Innovative Development of Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 51-59 - Nasrulla Tashmuratovich Tilabov
Prospects for the Use of Digital Technologies in Securing Tax Revenues. 60-65 - Olim Tashtemirovich Astanakulov
, Gulnora Kalandarovna Abdurakhmanova
, Muhammad Eid Balbaa
, Sanjar Bakhodirovich Goyipnazarov
Ensuring the smooth Operation of Physical Technology Companies in Distributed Environments. 66-73 - Sirojiddin Abrorov
, Abdulloh Ahmadjonov
Prospects for the Development of the fund Market through Islamic Securities in the Digital Economy. 74-80 - Mansur Pulatovich Eshov
, Dilafruz Sabitxanovna Nasirkhodjaeva
Conditions and Factors of forming a Digital Economy in Uzbekistan. 81-86 - Mostefa Kara
, Abdelkader Laouid
, Ahcène Bounceur
, Omar Aldabbas
Arabic Opinion Mining Using Machine Learning Techniques: Algerian Dialect as a Case of Study. 87-92 - Muyassarzoda Fayzieva
A Methodology for Assessing the Effectiveness of the Introduction of Digital Technologies in Commercial Banks of Uzbekistan. 93-98 - Gavkhar Karimovna Sultanova
, Rano Abdullaevna Djuraeva
, Suriya Telmanovna Turaeva
The Impact of the Digital Economy on renewable Energy Consumption and Generation: Evidence from European Union Countries. 99-109 - Elena Zarova
, Bobir Tursunov
Methodology for Assessing the Financial Security of Enterprises in the Post-Pandemic period of Digital Economy. 110-115 - Nargiza Alimkhodjaeva
A systematic mapping study of using artificial intelligence and data analysis in digital marketing: Revealing the state of the art. 116-120 - Sanjar Eshmatov
Consumer Behavior Research in Food Brand formation in the Digital Economy. 121-129 - Marina Sagatovna Abdurashidova
, Muhammad Eid Balbaa
Digital Transformation of the Industrial Sector: The Case of Uzbekistan Economy. 130-136 - Muhammad Eid Balbaa
, Mansur Pulatovich Eshov, Nilufar Ismailova
The Impacts of Russian Ukrainian War on the Global Economy in the frame of digital banking networks and cyber attacks. 137-146 - Andrey Aleksandrovich Rodionov
, Rabim Alikulovich Fayziev
, Georgiy Andreevich Jakupov
The Introduction of Artificial Intelligence in Statistical and Economic Research. 147-151 - Charos Nosirova
Marketing and production activities of textile companies? Blockchain technology study. 152-158 - Jamshid Sharafetdinovich Tukhtabaev
, Oksana Viktorovna Bondarskaya
, Gulshan Maxmudovna Abdulxayeva
, Dildor Arifovna Sabirova
, Rushana Rashidovna Mamarayimova
, Zuhra Baxtiyor kizi Ibroximova
, Feruza Mahmudovna Isroilova
, Dostonbek Dilmurod ug'li Kurolboyev
Socio-Economic Necessity and Prospects for the Introduction of the Digital Economy. 159-166 - Narboy Karimov
, Feruza Nabieva
, Bekhruzbek Mustafoev
Current Tendencies of E-Commerce Development in Uzbekistan: Benchmarking Analysis with Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. 167-177 - Maftuna Kamilova
, Feruza Nabieva
, Bekhruzbek Mustafoev
Impact of the Pandemic on FinTech Adoption by Developing Countries. 178-181 - Sanjar M. Mirzaliev
, Sarvar Yusupov
, Temur Turgunboev
, Abdurauf Kholikov
, Jamshid Inoyatkhodjaev
Justification of the Synergy of Innovative Intelligent transport Systems in Local conditions. 182-193 - Gulnoza Rashidovna Kuziyeva
, Dilbar Olimovna Rakhmatullaeva
, Kamola Azimovna Abdukadoriva
, Malika Ruzimovna Babajanova
, Xulkar Olimjonovna Botirova
, Anora Nusratovna Kaxorova
Analysis of digital economy performance and economic growth nexus: case of Uzbekistan. 194-201 - Kalandar Abdurakhmanov
, Aziz Zikriyoev
, Dildor Shadibekova
, Dilmurod Khojamkulov
, Madina Raimjanova
Limits and challenges of human resource technological talents in AI age. 202-209 - Dinora Alisherovna Baratova
Using the Experience of Implementing Life Insurance in Developed Countries under the Development of the Digital Economy. 210-216 - Nozima Khairullaevna Shoakhmedova
, Dilbar Mirabidovna Yusupova
Methods of determining Fake Content using Artificial Intelligence. 217-222 - Ubaydullo Gafurov
, Abatbay Otebaevich Juzbaev, Nodir Gafurovich Akbarov
Improving the mechanism for financing activities of small businesses in digital economy: in case of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. 223-230 - Bekmukhammad Omonovich Tursunov
The Role of Digitalized Trade Relationships in Increasing Competitiveness. 231-237 - Abdujabbar Abidov
Diagnostics of the State and Recovery of Real Time Systems Performance. 238-241 - Sayyora Qulmatova
, Botirjon Karimov
, Munis Abdullayev
, Shirin Karimova
Crop production under Different climatic conditions by Analyzing Agricultural Data using Multiple linear Regression, Winter Holt, and Artificial Intelligence. 242-252 - Shoh-Jakhon Khamdamov
, Anvar Saidmakhmudovich Usmanov
, Ogiloy Abdulazizova
, Fakhriddin Isaev
, Nodirbek Kholbaev
, Samariddin Makhmudov
, Sabina Kholbaeva
Econometric Modeling of Central Bank Refinancing rate in Uzbekistan. 253-257 - Maftuna Amanova
Do R&d and Digitalization Affect Shadow Economy in Uzbekistan? 258-264 - Amal Alghamdi
, Areej Alshutayri
, Basma Alharbi
Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Arabic Dialect Identification. 265-272 - Bekzod Tokhirovich Mukhsinov
, Shaxnoza Djasurovna Ergashxodjayeva
Application of analytical hierarchy process model in selecting an appropriate digital marketing communication technology: A case study of a textile company. 273-278 - Saidnumon Mansurov
, Kalandar Abdurakhmanov
, Bakhtiyor Anvarovich Islamov
, Nodira Zokirova
The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Labour Economics: using Migration from CIS Countries to Russian Federation as an Example. 279-284 - Bakhtiyor Anvarovich Islamov
, Munisa Turdibaeva
, Asomiddin Yusupov
Methodological Issues of Econometric estimating Export gravity Models. 285-291 - Alisher Kobilov
, Odiljon Rikhsimboev
, Muzaffarjon Abdulakhatov
, Sherzod Rajabov
Artificial Intelligence as a technological Innovation for Economic Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 292-297 - Jamshid Sharafetdinovich Tukhtabaev
, Nurali Holmatovich Bekmurodov
, Asqarjon Nishonovich Samadov
, Nargiza Nosirova
, Kholida Bekpulatovna Saidrasulova
, Gulmira Nuraliyevna Ismagulova
, Dilafruz Farxotovna Mirzaxmedova
, Feruza Mahmudovna Isroilova
, Umida Sohibjonovna Djuraeva
Econometric Modeling and Forecasting of the Increase in the Export potential of Small Businesses and Private Enterprises in the Republic of Uzbekistan. 298-310 - Aseel Alfaidi
, Abdullah Alshahrani
, Maha Aljohani
Artificial Intelligence-based Speech Signal for COVID-19 Diagnostics. 311-317 - Maksud Obitovich Kurolov
A systematic mapping study of using digital marketing technologies in health care: the state of the art of digital healthcare marketing. 318-323 - Bakhtiyor Anvarovich Islamov
, Sitora Abdumurod qizi Primova
, Nilufar Sobitdjanovna Ismailova
Panel Data Analysis: Digitalization of transport and Economic growth in Central Asian Countries. 324-327 - Bakhtiyor Anvarovich Islamov
, Zulaykho Kadirova
, Sulkhiya Gazieva
Digitization Measures in the regulation of Labor Migration Processes in Uzbekistan. 328-337 - Sarah AlMuraytib
, Linah Alqurashi
, Samia Snoussi
Blockchain-based solutions for Cloud Computing Security: A Survey. 338-342 - Boburjon Vafoev
, Hamdam Homidov
, Lazizbek Ablazov
Econometric Modeling of Panel Data collected based on Drone Technologies. 343-354 - Khusniddin Fakhriddinovich Uktamov
Improving the method of Assessing the Level of Economic Security of Industrial Enterprises under the Transformation of the Digital Economy. 355-363 - Zarnigor Akhmadalieva
, Zulfizar Akhmadalieva
Impact of Digitalization on Firms' productivity. 364-369 - Mukhabbat Fayziyevna Khakimova
, Mexribonu Sheraliyevna Kayumova
Factors that Increase the Effectiveness of Hybrid Teaching in a Digital Educational Environment. 370-375 - Nafosat Sharopova
Linking the potentials of customer behavior focused digital marketing technologies and entrepreneurship growth: Developing an analytical hierarchy process framework of business growth supported by digital marketing technologies. 376-380 - Bakhitbay Embergenov
, Piratdin Allayarov
, Kutbiddin Azam
, Umida Juraeva
, Saodat Sharipova
, Kishibay Kudiyarov
, Rakhat Tleubergenov
Analyzing the Impact of Trade Openness on inflation: a Time Series Study for Uzbekistan. 381-386 - Maftuna Narzullaeva
, Feruza Nabieva
, Maftuna Samieva
A Data Analytics Approach for Assessing the Role of Chain Supermarkets in the Economy. 387-394 - Zufar Ashurov
, Igor Butikov
Digital Transformation of Real Estate Market: towards Creating a National Model of Multiple Listing Service in Uzbekistan. 395-398 - Shokhrukh Yusupov
, Shukhrat Boymuradov
, Dilnoza Bobamuratova
, Maftuna Shukhratova
, Islomjon Marupov
, Dilshoda Turdikulovna Akramova
, Turdikul Akramovich Bobomuratov
, Shohjakhon Khamdamov
, Akmal Kholmuratov
, Dildora Abdusalimovna Muradova
Diagnostic Aspects of Zygomatico-orbital Complex fractures with the Use of Modern Digital Technologies. 399-403 - Nosir Makhmudov
, Nuriddin Avazov
Investigating the impact of investment and ICT on real income growth: The case of Hungary. 404-407 - Khilola Maratovna Daminova
, Rustam Zhumanazarovich Matmurodov
, Dilshoda Turdikulovna Akramova
, Gulhayo Khamdamova
, Gulizahro Turayeva
, Madina Kamilovna Abdullayeva
, Bobur Batirovich Valiyev
, Zokir Rustamovich Sodiqov
, Anvar Aidjonovich Hudoyorov
, Nasrulla Tashmuratovich Tilabov
Evaluation of prodromal stage biomarkers in Parkinson's disease and their Role in disease Progression Use of Modern Digital Technologies. 408-411 - Andrey Aleksandrovich Rodionov
, Rabim Alikulovich Fayziev
, Saidakhror Saidakhmedovich Gulyamov
Experience in using Big Data Technology for Digitalization of Information. 412-415 - Shakhnoza Kiyomiddinovna Muftaydinova
, Vladimir Dmitrievich Chuprynin
, Leonid Zakievich Fayzullin
, Natalia Aleksandrovna Buralkina
, Ziyoda Abrorovna Muminova
, Alexandra Vyacheslavovna Asaturova
, Shohjakhon Khamdamov
, Suxrobiddin Ismoilovich Abdullayev
Expression of the tyrosine Kinase receptor (Epha1) in the Eutopic and ectopic endometrium of patients with Deep Infiltrative Endometriosis Use of Modern Digital Technologies. 416-421 - Kerimberdi Abdullaevich Igamberdiyev
Optimization and Mathematical Modeling of Financial Information Systems in the Digital Economy. 422-428 - Manal Alshahrani
, Souad Mekni
Comparison between Different Techniques to Predict Municipal Water Consumption in Jeddah. 429-434 - Jamshid Sharafetdinovich Tukhtabaev
, Nurali Holmatovich Bekmurodov
, Bakhodirjon Tursunbayevich Baykhonov
, Gulshan Maxmudovna Abdulxayeva
, Sitora Baxtiyarovna Khujaxonova
, Shakhnoza Togaevna Buronova
, Nafisa Odiljonovna Turaeva
Analysis of Investments in fixed Capital in the Context of the Development of Digital Economy in the Republic of Uzbekistan. 435-440 - Alisher Ismailov
Ways to Ensure Sustainable growth of Commercial banks' loans in the period of Digitalization. 441-450 - Muxlisa Jumayeva
Influence of Digital Economy on female Entrepreneurship: Exploratory Study on Uzbekistan. 451-458 - Nozima Gulamuddinovna Zufarova
, Aziz Zikriyoev
, Sanjar M. Mirzaliev
, Bakhodir Umarov
, Nurbek M. Turayev
, Nigina Rakhmonova
Moving Average of IT Expert Salary from the Internet Access Perspective: Case of Enrolled Students at University. 459-467 - Akhmetjon Atajanovich Mamatov
, Mamajan Ahmadjonovich Mamatov
Econometric Forecasts of the Impact of High and Medium-Tech industries on Economic growth in Uzbekistan. 468-476 - Akhmetjon Atajanovich Mamatov
, Gayrat Ibragimovich Berdiyev
, Mamajan Ahmadjonovich Mamatov
The Level of Economic Security of Kashkadarya Region and the Methodology of its Assessment. 477-483 - Aktam Usmanovich Burkhanov
, Bobir Tursunov
, Khusniddin Uktamov
, Bunyod Usmonov
Econometric Analysis of Factors affecting Economic stability of Chemical Industry Enterprises in Digital Era: in Case of Uzbekistan. 484-490 - Bobir Tursunov
Financial Security in Small Business in period of Digital Economy: in Case of Uzbekistan. 491-498 - Rakhmatilla Rahmonovich Tojiev
Challenges in implementing financial technologies in to the Uzbekistan's financial system. 499-503 - Odiljon Rixsimbayev
, Sulkhiya Gazieva
, Mukhabbat Toshmurodova
, Gavkhar Khidirova
, Narzillo Rustamov
Strengthen Digitalization Technologies on Regulation of Labor Migrant Workers Abroad. 504-510 - A. Omar Adil Deheyab
, Mohammed Hasan Alwan
, Islam khalid Abdul Rezzaqe
, Omar Abdulkareem Mahmood
, Yousif I. Hammadi
, Ali Noori Kareem
, Maha Ibrahim
An Overview of Challenges in Medical Image Processing. 511-516 - Dilshodjon Alidjonovich Rakhmonov
, Fazliddin Ishquvvatovich Choriev
The Role of the Digital Economy in Ensuring the Financial stability of State Owned-Enterprises. 517-520 - Jamshid Sharafetdinovich Tukhtabaev
, Sherzod Ermatovich Yuldashev
, Zafar Khasanovich Abdullaev
, Ulugbek Raxmatullayevich Kubaev
, Abdulaxad Nematovich Raximov
, Maksudjon Khusanov:
Econometric Assessment of Prospects of Ensuring Food Safety in Uzbekistan. 521-527 - Tulkin Babakulov
, Ilkhom Alimardonov
, Akram Ishnazarov
Modern Problems of monetary Policy in the Digital Era. 528-535 - Sayyora Qulmatova
, Botirjon Karimov
, Dilmurod Azimov
Data Analysis and Forecasting in Agricultural Enterprises. 536-541 - Janibek Kazievish Saukhanov
, Sabit Nietalievich Gabbarov
, Kuvonchbek Rakhimberdiev
, Dilbar Khojabayeva
Development of indicators for Forecasting the number and Composition of Livestock based on multivariate Econometric Models in the Digital Economy. 542-547 - Bobir Ortikmirzaevich Tursunov
, Khusniddin Fakhriddinovich Uktamov
, Adolat Tukhtamuratova
Ways to Ensure Food Security in the Development of a Digital Economy. 548-555 - Gulizahro Turayeva
, Gayrat Ibragimovich Berdiyev
, Dostonbek Eshpulatov
, Dilafruz Alimova
, Akhadbek Odilbekov
, Durdona Davletova
, Shohjakhon Khamdamov
, Alisher Burxanov
Opportunities to Use Financial Services - "1 C Program". 556-561 - Janibek Kazievish Saukhanov
, Sabit Nietalievich Gabbarov
, Rashid Nietalievich Jaksibaev
, Zoya Kalekeva
Modeling and Creating Software for the Optimal Management of pasture Resources in the Context of the Digital Economy. 562-567 - Kuvonchbek Rakhimberdiev
, Akram Ishnazarov
, Oydinoy Khayitova
, Otabek K. Abdullayev
, Timur Jorabekov
Methods and Algorithms for the formation of Distance Education Systems based on Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Technologies in the Digital Economy. 568-574 - Latofat Sadullayevna Karimova
Changes in Methods for Managing Intellectual Property under the Influence of Digitalization. 575-580 - Gulirano Farruh qizi Abdumalikova
Demographic changes affecting the female dividend in the Digital Economy. 581-584 - Mukhabbatkhon Makhmud qizi Mirzakarimova
Development of a Multimedia Distance Learning Platform for the System of "Barkamol Avlod" children's Schools. 585-591 - Kuvonchbek Rakhimberdiev
, Akram Ishnazarov
, Piratdin Allayarov
, Fayzulla Ollamberganov
, Rahman Kamalov
, Madina Matyakubova
Prospects for the Use of Neural Network Models in the Prevention of Possible Network Attacks on Modern Banking Information Systems based on Blockchain Technology in the Context of the Digital Economy. 592-599 - Gulnora Jamalova
, Farida Aymatova
, Sayidolim Ikromov
The state-of-the-art applications of artificial intelligence in distance education: a systematic mapping study. 600-606 - Shaxnoza Djasurovna Ergashxodjayeva
, Laylo Abdukhalilova
, Diyora Usmonova
, Maksud Obitovich Kurolov
What is the current state of integrating digital marketing into entrepreneurship: : a systematic mapping study. 607-611 - Oybek Eshbayev
, Shahodat Rakhimova
, Nargiza Samandarova
, Rano Yuldosheva
, Feruzakhon Yunusova
, Dilnozakhon Shermukhamedova
, Sanjar M. Mirzaliev
A systemic mapping study of Mobile Assisted Language Learning methods and practices: a qualitative literature review. 612-615 - Sara Holm
, Mohammad Hammoudeh
A Comparative Analysis of IoT Protocols for Resource Constraint Devices and Networks. 616-625 - Bahodir Zaripov
, Dilnoza Zaripova
, Nurshod Akhmedov
, Sanjar M. Mirzaliev
The Importance and Role of Using a Smart Method in Teaching the "Scientific Education" Module to Students of Higher Education Institutions in an Information Environment. 626-630 - Farag Azzedin
, Ibraheem Alhejri
A Layered Taxonomy of Internet of Things Attacks. 631-636 - Ahmed Khedr
, Magdi El Bannany
, Sakeena Kanakkayil
, Maqsudjon Yuldashev
Application of boruta feature selection in enhancing financial distress prediction performance of hybrid MLP_GA. 637-640 - Ali A. Sallal
, Maksudjan Yuldashev
, Maha Ibrahim
, Jazira Yergash qizi Buranova
Enhancement optical Properties of Carboxymethyl Cellulose Biopolymer Composite films doped with Chromium chloride. 641-644 - Murooj Amer Taha
, Wijdan Mahood Khudhair
, Ahmed Mahmood Khudhur
, Omar Abdulkareem Mahmood
, Yousif I. Hammadi
, Riyam Shihab Ahmed Al-husseinawi
, Ahmed Aziz
Emerging Threat of Deep Fake: How to identify and Prevent IT. 645-651 - Ali A. Sallal
, Haneen M. Hassan
, Maha Ibrahim
Improving optical Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) and Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) as Polymer blend films (CMC-PVA). 652-656 - Hamza Ngadi
, Ahcène Bounceur
, Mohammad Hammoudeh
, Samir Ouchani
, Madani Bezoui
, Reinhardt Euler
, Abdelkader Laouid
From Simulation to Digital Twins, the Case of Internet of Things Research and Tools. 657-666 - Alexey Kovtunenko
, Azat Bilyalov
, Liaisan Bakirova
, Nikita Topolskii
, Grigory Voronkov
, Elizaveta P. Grakhova
, Ruslan V. Kutluyarov
Methods to increase the Raman spectroscopy efficiency in multimodal diagnostic systems. 667-671 - Ansaf Abdulnagimov
, Ekaterina Lopukhova
, Gleb Alektorov
, Nail Klyavlin
Intellectual lidar-based object classification for V2V communication technology implementation. 672-678 - Valeria Pisarkova
, Ekaterina Lopukhova
, Alfiya Yamileva
, Alexey Kovtunenko
, Grigory Voronkov
, Elizaveta P. Grakhova
, Ruslan V. Kutluyarov
, Azat Bilyalov
Machine learning methods for medical diagnostics based on a multimodal approach: a brief review. 679-683 - Aziza Alisherovna Usmanova
The Impact of Financial Development and unemployment on poverty rate in the Context of Digital Economy in Uzbekistan. 684-689 - Nouran Nassibi
, Heba Fasihuddin
, Lobna Hsairi
A Proposed Demand Forecasting Model by Using Machine Learning for Food Industry. 690-694 - Abd A. Hussein
, Kilan M. Hussein
, Dhafer T. Shihab
, Omar Abdulkareem Mahmood
, Ahmed Aziz
, Maha Ibrahim
Energy Harvesting in CWSNs via Optimal Transmission Ranges with Guarantee Delivered for Network's Data. 695-700 - Abdelrahman Abuarqoub
, Ahmad AlZu'bi
, Mohammad Hammoudeh
, Arslan Ahmad
, Bassam Al-Shargabi
A Survey on Vehicular Ad hoc Networks Security Attacks and Countermeasures. 701-707 - Jamshid Sharafetdinovich Tukhtabaev
, Tatyana Anatolyevna Bondarskaya
, Sherzod Abdukodirovich Tursunov
, Nazokat Israilovna Akramova
, Barchinoy Ilxomovna Khidirova
, Nafisa Odiljonovna Turaeva
, Mokhinabonu Khayrullaevna Abdullaeva
The Development of the Digital Economy as a factor in Increasing the Consumer Basket of the Population (on the Example of the Tambov Region). 708-716 - Jamshid Sharafetdinovich Tukhtabaev
, Oksana Viktorovna Bondarskaya
, Aziza Abdusalomovna Goziyeva
, Abror Komilovich Sharipov
, Khudayberdi Pulatov
, Maftuna Ermatova
, Zebo Karamatovna Saydalimova
Econometric Analysis of Evaluation of Investment Projects Implemented in the Northern regions of Uzbekistan. 717-722

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