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COMM 2016: Bucharest, Romania
- International Conference on Communications, COMM 2016, Bucharest, Romania, June 9-10, 2016. IEEE 2016, ISBN 978-1-4673-8197-0
- Adrian Popescu:
Dealing with QoE and power consumption in Video Distribution Networks. 3-8 - Paul Cotae
, Myong H. Kang, Alexander Velazquez
Multiple time series fisher periodicity test for the detection of the distributed new shrew attacks. 9-14 - Doru-Florin Chiper
A new VLSI algorithm for a high-throughput implementation of type IV DCT. 17-20 - Lucian Stanciu, Valentin Stanciu, Cristian Lucian Stanciu:
Grouped B-spline windows for the design of modulated filter banks. 21-24 - Cristian Lucian Stanciu, Cristian Anghel, Constantin Paleologu, Silviu Ciochina, Jacob Benesty
On the numerical properties of an optimized NLMS algorithm. 25-28 - Felix Albu
, Jianming Liu, Steven L. Grant:
A fast filtering block-sparse proportionate affine projection sign algorithm. 29-32 - Corina Nafornita
, James D. B. Nelson, Alexandru Isar
Performance analysis of SAR image denoising using scaling exponent estimator. 33-36 - Victoria Bobicev:
Text classification: The case of multiple labels. 39-42 - Bogdan Hanu, Adriana Vlad, Adrian Mitrea, Roxana Dragomir:
An analysis of common word digrams in different literary Romanian corpora. 43-46 - Horia-Niolai Teodorescu, Navanath Saharia
A semantic analyzer for detecting attitudes on SNs. 47-50 - Ioana-Alina Banica, Horia Cucu
, Andi Buzo
, Dragos Burileanu
, Corneliu Burileanu:
Automatic methods for infant cry classification. 51-54 - Dorel Aiordachioaie
, Anisia Luiza Culea-Florescu
On the fusion of the airborne ultrasonic images with adaptive computation of the weights. 57-60 - Serban-Vasile Carata, Victor-Emil Neagoe:
A Pulse-Coupled Neural Network approach for image segmentation and its pattern recognition application. 61-64 - Mihai-Sorin Badea, Constantin Vertan
, Corneliu Florea, Laura Florea, Silviu Badoiu:
Automatic burn area identification in color images. 65-68 - Catalina Neghina
, Marta Zamfir, Alina Sultana, Elena Ovreiu, Mihai Ciuc:
Automatic detection of hemangiomas using unsupervised segmentation of regions of interest. 69-72 - Laura Florea, Corneliu Florea, Mihai-Sorin Badea:
Recognizing surreal compositions in digitized paintings. 73-76 - Alexandru E. Susu, Valeriu Codreanu, Georgios Evangelidis, Lucian Petrica:
Efficient implementation of a video change detection algorithm. 77-82 - Mihai Lica Pura, Luciana Morogan
, Didier Buchs:
Generation of the path to counter-examples by backward state space traversal in symbolic model checking based on term rewriting. 85-88 - Alessandro Bay, Skjalg Lepsøy, Enrico Magli:
Stable limit cycles in recurrent neural networks. 89-92 - Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, Arnab Mitra
On the independence of cycles produced with uniform and heterogeneous ELCAs. 93-96 - Ionut Brandusoiu, Gavril Toderean, Horia Beleiu:
Methods for churn prediction in the pre-paid mobile telecommunications industry. 97-100 - Victor-Emil Neagoe, Catalina-Elena Neghina
Feature selection with Ant Colony Optimization and its applications for pattern recognition in space imagery. 101-104 - Radu Dogaru, Ioana Dogaru:
An efficient local receptive field feature extractor for handwriting recognition. 105-108 - Madalina-Varvara Moni, Marius-Gabriel Turcan, Leontin Tuta
, Ionut-Valentin Grecu, Gabriel Banciu:
The influence of the dielectric constant in dielectric resonator antennas. 111-114 - Marius-Gabriel Turcan, Madalina-Varvara Moni, Gabriel Banciu:
Studies of aperture-coupled rectangular dielectric resonator antenna arrays. 115-120 - Florin Enache, Florin Popescu, Daniel Deparateanu, Andrei Enache, Teofil Oroian:
Multi-criteria optimization of non-uniform linear antenna array using genetic algorithms. 121-124 - Daniel-Nicusor Deparateanu, Teofil-Cristian Oroian, Florin Enache:
Side lobes level reduction in planar array antenna using two-dimensional window functions. 125-128 - Leontin Tuta
, Ioan Nicolaescu:
An adaptive detection and beamforming algorithm for a variable number of signals. 129-132 - Aldo De Sabata
, Ladislau Matekovits
, Andrei-Marius Silaghi, Ildiko Peter:
Anizotropic dielectric devised by metamaterials-related technique. 133-136 - Sorin Zoican, Marius Vochin
Computing system and network architectures in high frequency trading financial applications. 139-144 - Valentin Stanciu, Lucian Stanciu, Mihnea Udrea:
Improving spectral detection for cognitive radio, using grouped B-Spline windows. 145-148 - Marius Vochin
, Eugen Borcoci, Serban Georgica Obreja, Jordi Mongay Batalla
, Daniel Négru:
Performance analysis of an adaptive media content streaming system. 149-152 - Sorin Zamfir, Titus Balan
, Florin Sandu
, C. Costache:
Solutions for deep packet inspection in industrial communications. 153-158 - Titus Balan
, Sorin Zamfir, Dan Robu, Florin Sandu
Contributions to content-based Software Defined Networks. 159-162 - Madalina Oproiu, Vlad Boldan, Ion Marghescu
Effects of using carrier aggregation with three component carriers in a mobile operator's network. 169-172 - Alexandru Stancu, Alexandru Vulpe
, George Suciu
, Eduard Popovici:
Comparison between several open source Network Configuration protocol Server implementations. 173-176 - Diana-Getuta Oancea, Mihai Lica Pura, Luciana Morogan
Using gamma formalism for model-based testing for the routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks. 177-180 - Victor Nicolae Petrescu, Petrica Ciotirnae
, Cristian Rincu, Alexandru Aloman, Mihai Nichita:
Performance evaluation of the integrated platforms using VoIP signaling protocols analysis. 181-184 - Elena-Iulia Dobre, Alexandru Martian
, Calin Vladeanu
USRP-based experimental platform for energy detection in cognitive radio systems. 185-188 - Ionel Petrut, Marius Otesteanu, Cornel Balint, Georgeta Budura:
On the uplink performance in LTE Heterogeneous Network. 191-194 - Robert Luca, Petrica Ciotirnae, Victor Greu:
Evaluation and improvement of WiMAX real throughput at application level using experimental study analysis and resulted optimization rules. 195-200 - Corneliu Eugen D. Sterian, Ion Banica:
Towards designing super Golden space-time trellis codes for high data rate mobile. 201-204 - Victor-Florin Crasmariu, Marius-Octavian Arvinte, Andrei Alexandru Enescu, Silviu Ciochina:
Block-Diagonalization applied in multi-user Massive MIMO. 205-208 - Ioana M. Marcu
, Carmen Voicu, Razvan Craciunescu, Simona Halunga:
LDPC performances in multi-carrier systems. 209-212 - Madalina Berceanu, Carmen Voicu, Simona Halunga:
Performance analysis of a large MIMO-CDMA system when image transmission is involved. 213-216 - Agota Antal, Vasile Bota:
On the performance of Hybrid-ARQ algorithms on Rayleigh-faded wireless channels. 217-222 - Vasile Bota, Mihály Varga:
On the BER and spectral efficiency performances of coded QAM configurations that map non-coded bits. 223-228 - Ionut-Valentin Grecu, Mircea Nicolaescu
Automatic propagation model tuning process in TETRA networks. 229-232 - Cristian Liviu Leca
, Ioan Nicolaescu, Cristian-Iulian Rîncu, Florin Popescu:
Determining optimum base stations configuration for TOA localization inside celullar networks. 233-236 - Alexandru-Valentin Vladuta
, Constantin Grumazescu, Ion Bica, Victor Valeriu Patriciu:
Energy considerations for data gathering protocol in wireless sensor networks using unmanned aerial vehicles. 237-240 - Eugeniu Semenciuc, Andra Pastrav
, Tudor Petru Palade
, Emanuel Puschita
Performance evaluation of a Cloud-based QoS support mechanism. 243-246 - Yang Guo, Yong Yao, Guohua Bai:
On enhancement of inter-activity for knowledge sharing in eHealth. 247-250 - Laurentiu A. Dumitru, Sergiu Eftimie, Marius Iulian Mihailescu, Stefania Loredana Nita
, Violeta Opris, Ciprian Racuciu:
A novel architecture for authenticating scalable resources in hybrid cloud. 251-254 - Dragos Ilie, Vishnubhotla Venkata Krishna Sai Datta:
On designing a cost-aware virtual CDN for the federated cloud. 255-260 - Stefan-Ciprian Arseni
, Maria Mitoi, Alexandru Vulpe
Pass-IoT: A platform for studying security, privacy and trust in IoT. 261-266 - Bogdan-Cosmin Chifor, Ion Bica, Victor-Valeriu Patriciu:
A Participatory Verification security scheme for the Internet of Things. 267-270 - Laura Vegh, Liviu Miclea:
Secure and efficient communication in cyber-physical systems through cryptography and complex event processing. 273-276 - Cosmin A. Contu, Eduard-Cristian Popovici, Octavian Fratu
, Madalina Georgiana Berceanu:
Security issues in most popular content management systems. 277-280 - Radu Lupu, Radu Alexandru Badea, Ion Cosmin Mihai:
Agent-based IDMEF alerting infrastructure for distributed intrusion detection and prevention systems: Design and validation. 281-284 - Daniel Gheorghica, Victor Croitoru:
A new framework for enhanced measurable cybersecurity in computer networks. 285-290 - Mihai Togan:
A FHE-based evaluation for searching on encrypted data. 291-296 - Maria Padurariu, Bogdan Rosca, Iustin-Alexandru Ivanciu
, Eduard Luchian, Andrei Bogdan Rus
, Virgil Dobrota
Automatic control of an OpenFlow-based network using Lua scripts and SPLAY. 299-302 - Octavian Catrina
Multi-Criteria server selection for over-the-top video streaming. 303-308 - Yong Yao, Adrian Popescu:
On energy consumption in mobile multimedia networks with OpenFlow switch. 309-312 - Radu Alexandru Badea, Serban Georgica Obreja:
Distributed analytics technique for monitoring data. 313-316 - Constantin Grumazescu, Valentin-Alexandru Vladuta
, Georgiana Subasu:
WSN solutions for communication challenges in military live simulation environments. 319-322 - Cristina Cica, Lucian Filipoaia:
On the next-generation of the broadband network for a sustainable development of border security systems. 323-326 - Jan Farlik
, Miroslav Kratky, Josef Casar:
Detectability and jamming of small UAVs by commercially available low-cost means. 327-330 - Marin Marinescu, Constantin-Ovidiu Ilie, Radu Vilau
, Octavian Alexa
, Daniela Voicu:
Malfunction detection using spectral analysis for automotive braking systems. 333-336 - Silviu-Andrei Lazar, Carmen-Elenea Stefan:
Future Vehicular networks: What control technologies? 337-340 - Radu-Ovidiu Darlosan, Ion Marghescu
, Constantin-Alexandru Lica:
Intra-car communications and diagnosis solutions. 341-346 - Constantin-Alexandru Lica, Radu-Ovidiu Darlosan:
Safety-critical applications for vehicular networks. 347-350 - Adrian Popa
, Nicolae Dumitru Alexandru, Radu Gabriel Bozomitu:
A 2-PPM CMOS modulator for IR-UWB signals. 353-356 - Florin-Marian Birleanu
, Bogdan-Adrian Enache
, Magdalena Alexandra:
First steps towards designing a compact language for the description of logic circuits. 357-360 - Sergiu Zaporojan
, Vitalie Secrieru, Valerian Dorogan, Vasile Moraru
Early estimation of gain/loss in quality in designing the embedded systems. 361-366 - Adrian Abunei, Ciprian-Romeo Comsa
, Ion Bogdan:
Implementation of a Cost-effective V2X hardware and software platform. 367-370 - Radu Dogaru, Ioana Dogaru:
A super fast vector support classifier using novelty detection and no synaptic tuning. 373-376 - Alexandru-Cosmin Grivei
, Anamaria Radoi
, Corina Vaduva, Mihai Datcu:
An Active-Learning approach to the query by example retrieval in remote sensing images. 377-380 - Radu-Mihai Coliban, Anamaria Radoi
, Mihai Ivanovici:
A color and multispectral fractal model for forest region identification in satellite images. 381-384 - Alexandru-Cosmin Grivei
, Ana-Maria Ghimes:
Modern considerations for data mining and big data. 385-390 - Andreea Griparis
, Daniela Faur
, Mihai Datcu:
A dimensionality reduction approach to support visual data mining: Co-ranking-based evaluation. 391-394 - Nicoleta Angelescu
, Henri George Coanda, Ion Caciula, Catalin Dragoi
, Felix Albu
SQL query optimization in Content Based Image Retrieval systems. 395-398 - Mohammed AbuTaha, Safwan El Assad, Ons Jallouli, Audrey Queudet, Olivier Déforges:
Design of a pseudo-chaotic number generator as a random number generator. 401-404 - Nabil Abdoun
, Safwan El Assad, Mohammed Abu Taha, Rima Assaf, Olivier Déforges, Mohamad Khalil
Secure Hash Algorithm based on Efficient Chaotic Neural Network. 405-410 - Adrian-Viorel Diaconu, Valeriu Ionescu
, Gabriel-Vasile Iana
, José Manuel López-Guede
A new bit-level permutation image encryption algorithm. 411-416 - Alexandru Vaduva, Adriana Vlad, Bogdan Badea:
Evaluating the performance of a test-method for statistical independence decision in the context of chaotic signals. 417-422 - Gabriela Mogos
Quantum random number generator vs. random number generator. 423-426 - Monica Fira, Liviu Goras
On compressed sensing for EEG signals - validation with P300 speller paradigm. 429-432 - Matteo Testa
, Enrico Magli:
Compressive classification based on autoregressive features. 433-438 - Paul Irofti
, Bogdan Dumitrescu:
Regularized algorithms for dictionary learning. 439-442 - Mihai-Alexandru Petrovici
, Cristian Damian
, Cristian Udrea, Florin Garoi
, Daniela Coltuc:
Single Pixel Camera with Compressive Sensing by non-uniform sampling. 443-448 - Otmar Loffeld, Alexander Seel, Miguel Heredia Conde
, Ling Wang:
Sparse CS reconstruction by nullspace based l1 minimizing Kalman filtering. 449-454 - Alexander Seel, Arman Davtyan, Ullrich Pietsch, Otmar Loffeld:
Norm-minimized scattering data from intensities. 455-460 - Alexandru-Mihai Crisan, Alexandru Martian, Remus Cacoveanu, Daniela Coltuc:
Evaluation of synchronization techniques for inter-satellite links. 463-468 - Adrian Florin Paun, Alexandru Rusu-Casandra:
Analysis of the performance of an acquisition algorithm for Galileo E1 signals. 469-472 - Andrei Anghel, Remus Cacoveanu, Anca Andreea Popescu, Adrian-Septimiu Moldovan:
Dual-band Bistatic SAR system with satellite emitter of opportunity and ground-based receiver. 473-476 - Madalin Frunzete, Anca Andreea Popescu:
Information channel theory for traffic control. 477-480 - Dragos Ioan Sacaleanu, Lucian Andrei Perisoara, Lucian Sucu, Rodica Stoian:
Practical implementation of a Wireless Sensor Network for a Virtual-MIMO transmission scenario. 481-484 - George Mihai, Angel Marian Aron, Valentin Haralambie, Annamaria Paljanos
A study of mobile phone SAR levels modification in different experimental configurations under 2G and 3G communication standards. 491-494 - V. Ghile, Alexandru Aloman, Razvan Bartusica, Valerica Bîndar, M. Popescu:
The influence of electromagnetic interference over satellite communication. 495-498 - Mumtaz Yilmaz, Damla Gurkan Kuntalp
, Akan Fidan:
Determination of spectrum utilization profiles for 30 MHz-3 GHz frequency band. 499-502 - Georgiana Rosu
, Nicusor Druta, Octavian Baltag:
The study of the microwave shielding properties of various screen configurations. 503-508 - Flaviu Pop, Calin Munteanu
, Adina Racasan
, Claudia Pacurar
, Silvan Prusu, George Mihai:
Evaluation of conducted disturbances from LED lamps according to EN 55015. 509-512 - Mircea Popescu
, Valerica Bîndar, Razvan Craciunescu, Octavian Fratu
Estimate of minimum attenuation level for a TEMPEST shielded enclosure. 513-518

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