International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      Venue Information

      • access: some or all publications openly available
      • predecessor: International Joint Workshops on Computational Creativity (IJWCC)
      • has part: Workshop on the Role of Embodiment in the Perception of Human and Artificial Creativity (TREPHAC)

      16th ICCC 2025: Campinas, Brazil

      15th ICCC 2024: Jönköping, Sweden

      14th ICCC 2023: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

      13th ICCC 2022: Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

      12th ICCC 2021: Mexico City, Mexico (Virtual)

      11th ICCC 2020: Coimbra, Portugal

      10th ICCC 2019: Charlotte, NC, USA

      9th ICCC 2018: Salamanca, Spain

      8th ICCC 2017: Atlanta, GA, USA

      7th ICCC 2016: Paris, France

      6th ICCC 2015: Park City, Utah, USA

      5th ICCC 2014: Ljubljana, Slovenia

      4th ICCC 2013: Sidney, Australia

      3rd ICCC 2012: Dublin, Ireland

      2nd ICCC 2011: Mexico City, Mexico

      1st ICCC 2010: Lisbon, Portugal