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25th ICCCN 2016: Waikoloa, HI, USA
- 25th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks, ICCCN 2016, Waikoloa, HI, USA, August 1-4, 2016. IEEE 2016, ISBN 978-1-5090-2279-3
- Tuan Le, Haik Kalantarian, Mario Gerla:
A Buffer Management Strategy Based on Power-Law Distributed Contacts in Delay Tolerant Networks. 1-8 - James Griffioen, Tilman Wolf, Kenneth L. Calvert:
A Coin-Operated Software-Defined Exchange. 1-8 - Yuming Ge, Bo Deng, Yi Sun, Libo Tang, Dajiang Sheng, Yantao Zhao, Gaogang Xie, Kavé Salamatian
A Comprehensive Investigation of User Privacy Leakage to Android Applications. 1-6 - En-Hau Yeh, Phone Lin
, Yi-Bing Lin, Chia-Peng Lee:
A Connection-Driven Mechanism for Energy Saving of Small-Cell Networks. 1-8 - Swetank Kumar Saha
, Viral Vijay Vira, Anuj Garg, Dimitrios Koutsonikolas:
A Feasibility Study of 60 GHz Indoor WLANs. 1-9 - Xinyu Yang, Xialei Zhang, Jie Lin, Wei Yu
, Peng Zhao:
A Gaussian-Mixture Model Based Detection Scheme against Data Integrity Attacks in the Smart Grid. 1-9 - Wen Qi, Jin Wang, Hermine Hovhannisyan, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Junda Zhu:
A Generic Mitigation Framework against Cross-VM Covert Channels. 1-10 - Zhenquan Qin, Yingxiao Sun, Liang Sun, Lei Shu
, Lei Wang, Wenzhe Zhang, Bingxian Lu
A Joint Duty Cycle and Network Coding MAC Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Junggab Son, Donghyun Kim, Rahman Mitchel Tashakkori, Alade O. Tokuta, Heekuck Oh:
A New Mobile Online Social Network Based Location Sharing with Enhanced Privacy Protection. 1-9 - Shengjie Xu
, Yi Qian, Rose Qingyang Hu:
A Secure Data Learning Scheme in Big Data Applications. 1-9 - Bei Liu, Wei Wang, Donghyun Kim, Yingshu Li
, Sung-Sik Kwon:
A Simpler Constant Factor Approximation for the k-Connected m-Domination Set Problem in Unit Disk Graph. 1-8 - Jinwei Liu, Haiying Shen, Xiang Zhang:
A Survey of Mobile Crowdsensing Techniques: A Critical Component for the Internet of Things. 1-6 - Jianjun Wen, Zeeshan Ansar
, Waltenegus Dargie
A System Architecture for Managing Complex Experiments in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Xuan Feng, Qiang Li
, Qi Han, Hongsong Zhu, Yan Liu, Jie Cui, Limin Sun:
Active Profiling of Physical Devices at Internet Scale. 1-9 - Zhaoguo Wang, Chenglong Li, Yi Guan, Yibo Xue, Yingfei Dong:
ActivityHijacker: Hijacking the Android Activity Component for Sensitive Data. 1-9 - Reshma Kotamsetty, Manimaran Govindarasu:
Adaptive Latency-Aware Query Processing on Encrypted Data for the Internet of Things. 1-7 - Siobahn C. Day
, James Brown, Zachery Thomas, India Gregory, Lowell Bass, Gerry V. Dozier:
Adversarial Authorship, AuthorWebs, and Entropy-Based Evolutionary Clustering. 1-6 - Yigal Bejerano, Varun Gupta, Craig Gutterman, Gil Zussman:
AMuSe: Adaptive Multicast Services to Very Large Groups - Project Overview. 1-9 - James Brown, Mohd Anwar, Gerry V. Dozier:
An Evolutionary General Regression Neural Network Classifier for Intrusion Detection. 1-5 - Salem Sati, Christopher Probst, Kalman Graffi
Analysis of Buffer Management Policies for Opportunistic Networks. 1-8 - Briana Arrington, LiEsa Barnett, Rahmira Rufus, Albert C. Esterline:
Behavioral Modeling Intrusion Detection System (BMIDS) Using Internet of Things (IoT) Behavior-Based Anomaly Detection via Immunity-Inspired Algorithms. 1-6 - Chowdhury Sayeed Hyder, Thomas D. Jeitschko
, Li Xiao:
Bid and Time Strategyproof Online Spectrum Auctions with Dynamic User Arrival and Dynamic Spectrum Supply. 1-9 - Sabah Razavi, D. Richard Brown:
Characterizing the Effect of Channel Estimation Error on Distributed Reception with Hard Decision Exchanges. 1-8 - Junyu Hu, Zhenquan Qin, Yingxiao Sun, Lei Shu
, Bingxian Lu
, Lei Wang:
CII: A Light-Weight Mechanism for ZigBee Performance Assurance under WiFi Interference. 1-9 - Ailidani Ailijiang, Aleksey Charapko, Murat Demirbas:
Consensus in the Cloud: Paxos Systems Demystified. 1-10 - Sudip Vhaduri, Christian Poellabauer
Cooperative Discovery of Personal Places from Location Traces. 1-9 - Chowdhury Sayeed Hyder, Li Xiao:
Cooperative Routing via Overlapping Coalition Formation Game in Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-6 - Junmei Yao, Chao Yang, Wei Lou:
Coordinate Transmissions Centrally: A Cross-Layer Approach for WLANs. 1-9 - Fang Dong, Kui Wu, Venkatesh Srinivasan, Jianping Wang:
Copula Analysis of Latent Dependency Structure for Collaborative Auto-Scaling of Cloud Services. 1-8 - Siguang Chen, Jincheng Liu, Meng Wu, Zhixin Sun:
DCT-Based Adaptive Data Compression in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Chunyi Peng, Yuanjie Li:
Demystify Undesired Handoff in Cellular Networks. 1-9 - Tilman Wolf, Jingrui Li:
Denial-of-Service Prevention for Software-Defined Network Controllers. 1-10 - Salih Serdar Guclu, Tanir Ozcelebi, Johan J. Lukkien:
Dependability Analysis of Asynchronous Radio Duty Cycling Protocols. 1-11 - Ke Bao, Fei Hu, Elizabeth S. Bentley, Sunil Kumar:
Diamond-Shaped Mesh Network Routing with Cross-Layer Design to Explore the Benefits of Multi-Beam Smart Antennas. 1-5 - Wenjie Li, Laura Galluccio, Michel Kieffer, Francesca Bassi:
Distributed Faulty Node Detection in DTNs. 1-9 - Jian Song, Yong Cui, Zongpeng Li, Yayun Bao, Lanshan Zhang, Yangjun Zhang:
EDASH: Energy-Aware QoE Optimization for Adaptive Video Delivery over LTE Networks. 1-9 - Zeeshan Ansar
, Jianjun Wen, Waltenegus Dargie
Efficient Online Burst Transmission Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Ankit Gangwal
, Megha Gupta, Manoj Singh Gaur, Vijay Laxmi
, Mauro Conti
ELBA: Efficient Layer Based Routing Algorithm in SDN. 1-7 - Mehdi Rahmani-Andebili, Haiying Shen:
Energy Scheduling for a Smart Home Applying Stochastic Model Predictive Control. 1-6 - Oleksandr Artemenko, Omachonu Joshua Dominic, Oleksandr Andryeyev, Andreas Mitschele-Thiel:
Energy-Aware Trajectory Planning for the Localization of Mobile Devices Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. 1-9 - Yong Jin, Masahiko Tomoishi, Satoshi Matsuura:
Enhancement of VPN Authentication Using GPS Information with Geo-Privacy Protection. 1-6 - Chaofan Yang, Chenshu Wu, Zheng Yang, Tongtong Liu, Zuwei Yin, Yunhao Liu, XuFei Mao:
Enhancing Industrial Video Surveillance over Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-9 - Seungwon Shin, Lei Xu, Sungmin Hong, Guofei Gu:
Enhancing Network Security through Software Defined Networking (SDN). 1-9 - Torsten Lorenzen:
Experimental Analysis of the Channel Busy Time in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. 1-9 - Jianxun Cao, Dan Pei
, Xiaoping Zhang, Beichuan Zhang, Youjian Zhao:
Fetching Popular Data from the Nearest Replica in NDN. 1-9 - Xin He, Prashant J. Shenoy
Firebird: Network-Aware Task Scheduling for Spark Using SDNs. 1-10 - Robert Mitchell, Paul Sery, Tom Klitsner:
Foundations for Cyber Zone Defense. 1-7 - Aytac Azgin, Ravishankar Ravindran, Guoqiang Wang:
Hash-Based Overlay Routing Architecture for Information Centric Networks. 1-9 - Liang Yang, Bryan C. K. Ng, Winston K. G. Seah
Heavy Hitter Detection and Identification in Software Defined Networking. 1-10 - Yanxiao Zhao, Zhiming Hong, Guodong Wang, Jun Huang:
High-Order Hidden Bivariate Markov Model: A Novel Approach on Spectrum Prediction. 1-7 - Stefano Iannucci, Qian Chen
, Sherif Abdelwahed:
High-Performance Intrusion Response Planning on Many-Core Architectures. 1-6 - Yuchen Cao, Yongbin Zhou, Hailong Zhang, Wei Yang:
Hilbert Transform Based Vertical Preprocessing for Side-Channel Analysis. 1-7 - Abdul Salam
, Mehmet Can Vuran
Impacts of Soil Type and Moisture on the Capacity of Multi-Carrier Modulation in Internet of Underground Things. 1-9 - Jing He, Amir Atabekov, Hisham M. Haddad:
Internet-of-Things Based Smart Resource Management System: A Case Study Intelligent Chair System. 1-6 - Ibrahim El-Shekeil, Amitangshu Pal, Krishna Kant:
IP Address Consolidation and Reconfiguration in Enterprise Networks. 1-9 - Meng Shen, Liehuang Zhu, Mingwei Wei, Qiongyu Zhang, Mingzhong Wang
, Fan Li:
Joint Optimization of Flow Latency in Routing and Scheduling for Software Defined Networks. 1-8 - Zhiwei Wang, Lingyu Zhou:
Leakage-Resilient Key-Aggregate Cryptosystem with Auxiliary Input. 1-5 - Zhuozhao Li
, Haiying Shen, Kang Chen:
Learning Network Graph of SIR Epidemic Cascades Using Minimal Hitting Set Based Approach. 1-9 - Nouha Oualha
, Kim Thuat Nguyen:
Lightweight Attribute-Based Encryption for the Internet of Things. 1-6 - Nils Richerzhagen, Björn Richerzhagen, Rhaban Hark, Dominik Stingl, Ralf Steinmetz
Limiting the Footprint of Monitoring in Dynamic Scenarios through Multi-Dimensional Offloading. 1-9 - Chenxi Qiu, Haiying Shen:
Link Scheduling in Cooperative Communication with SINR-Based Interference. 1-9 - Tong Liu, Yanmin Zhu, Hongzi Zhu, Jiadi Yu, Yuanyuan Yang
, Fan Ye:
Long-Term Renewable Energy Usage Maximization in a Microgrid. 1-8 - Jixin Zhang, Zheng Qin, Hui Yin, Lu Ou, Sheng Xiao, Yupeng Hu:
Malware Variant Detection Using Opcode Image Recognition with Small Training Sets. 1-9 - Ali Behfarnia
, Ali Eslami:
Message Passing for Analysis and Resilient Design of Self-Healing Interdependent Cyber-Physical Networks. 1-6 - Ning Wang, Jie Wu:
Minimizing the Subscription Aggregation Cost in the Content-Based Pub/Sub System. 1-9 - Venkatesh Ramaswamy:
Modeling and Performance Analysis of Information-Centric Networks. 1-8 - Armen Dzhagaryan
, Aleksandar Milenkovic
Models for Evaluating Effective Throughputs for File Transfers in Mobile Computing. 1-9 - Lingnan Gao, George N. Rouskas
Network-Aware Virtual Request Partitioning Based on Spectral Clustering. 1-8 - Amitangshu Pal, Krishna Kant:
On the Feasibility of Distributed Sampling Rate Adaptation in Heterogeneous and Collaborative Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Yi Yao, Han Gao, Jiayin Wang, Ningfang Mi, Bo Sheng:
OpERA: Opportunistic and Efficient Resource Allocation in Hadoop YARN by Harnessing Idle Resources. 1-9 - Amber Bhargava, Spencer Congero, Timothy Ferrell, Alex Jones, Leo Linsky, Jayashree Mohan, Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Optimizing Downloads over Random Duration Links in Mobile Networks. 1-9 - Huanyang Zheng, Ziqi Wan, Jie Wu:
Optimizing MapReduce Framework through Joint Scheduling of Overlapping Phases. 1-9 - Hui Sun, Mort Naraghi-Pour:
Performance Analysis of a Hop-by-Hop Relay Selection Strategy in Multi-Hop Networks. 1-7 - David Shur, Yow-Jian Lin, Anthony J. McAuley, John Chapin:
Performance of Opportunistic Distributed RF Operations in Uncertain and Challenged Network Environments. 1-6 - Paul Schmitt, Daniel Iland, Elizabeth M. Belding, Mariya Zheleva:
PhoneHome: Robust Extension of Cellular Coverage. 1-8 - Lei Zhang, Cong Zhang, Jiangchuan Liu, Xiaowen Chu
, Ke Xu, Haiyang Wang, Yong Jiang:
Power-Aware Wireless Transmission for Computation Offloading in Mobile Cloud. 1-9 - Daqing Yun, Chase Q. Wu, Nageswara S. V. Rao, Qiang Liu, Rajkumar Kettimuthu, Eun-Sung Jung
Profiling Optimization for Big Data Transfer over Dedicated Channels. 1-9 - Shan Jiang
, Jiannong Cao
, Yan Liu, Jinlin Chen, Xuefeng Liu:
Programming Large-Scale Multi-Robot System with Timing Constraints. 1-9 - Aseel Basheer
, Kewei Sha
QAAC: Quality-Assured Adaptive Data Compression for Sensor Data. 1-6 - Ramin Khalili, Wint Yi Poe, Zoran Despotovic, Artur Hecker
Reducing State of OpenFlow Switches in Mobile Core Networks by Flow Rule Aggregation. 1-9 - Jie Hu, Chuang Lin, Xiangyang Li:
Relationship Privacy Leakage in Network Traffics. 1-9 - Kang Chen, Haiying Shen:
RoadAware: Learning Personalized Road Information on Daily Routes with Smartphones. 1-9 - Chong Han, Lijuan Sun, Jian Guo, Changchao Chen:
Rotatable Sensor Scheduling for Multi-Demands of Coverage in Directional Sensor Networks. 1-8 - Takayuki Sasaki, Christos Pappas, Taeho Lee, Torsten Hoefler, Adrian Perrig:
SDNsec: Forwarding Accountability for the SDN Data Plane. 1-10 - Matthew Morrison, George Humphrey, John N. Daigle, John Ralston, Jason Thibado, Andreas Ralston:
Secure and Connected Telehealth Approach to Mitigating Concussion Risks in Student Athletes. 1-9 - Kai Zhou
, Jian Ren:
Secure Fine-Grained Access Control of Mobile User Data through Untrusted Cloud. 1-9 - Albert F. Harris III, Hari Sundaram
, Robin Kravets
Security and Privacy in Public IoT Spaces. 1-8 - Oleksandr Andryeyev, Alina Rubina, Oleg Golokolenko, Oleksandr Artemenko, Andreas Mitschele-Thiel:
SkySAIL: A Flexible Software-Defined Radio Enabled Micro Aerial Vehicle. 1-6 - Hao Cai, Tilman Wolf:
Source Authentication and Path Validation in Networks Using Orthogonal Sequences. 1-10 - Björn Richerzhagen, Nils Richerzhagen, Sophie Schönherr, Rhaban Hark, Ralf Steinmetz
Stateless Gateways - Reducing Cellular Traffic for Event Distribution in Mobile Social Applications. 1-9 - Spike E. Dog, Alex Tweed, LeRoy Rouse, Bill Chu, Duan Qi, Yueqi Hu, Jing Yang, Ehab Al-Shaer:
Strategic Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing: A Case Study of IDS Logs. 1-6 - Jingjie Jiang
, Shiyao Ma, Bo Li, Baochun Li:
Tailor: Trimming Coflow Completion Times in Datacenter Networks. 1-9 - Dominik Schäfer, Janick Edinger, Justin Mazzola Paluska, Sebastian VanSyckel, Christian Becker
Tasklets: "Better than Best-Effort" Computing. 1-11 - Andrew G. Shewmaker, Carlos Maltzahn, Katia Obraczka, Scott A. Brandt, John Bent:
TCP Inigo: Ambidextrous Congestion Control. 1-10 - Rui Zhao, Samantha John
, Stacy Karas, Cara Bussell, Jennifer Roberts, Daniel Six, Brandon Gavett
, Chuan Yue:
The Highly Insidious Extreme Phishing Attacks. 1-10 - Klaus-Tycho Förster
, Roger Wattenhofer:
The Power of Two in Consistent Network Updates: Hard Loop Freedom, Easy Flow Migration. 1-9 - Ahmad Cheraghi, Tobias Amft, Salem Sati, Philipp Hagemeister, Kalman Graffi
The State of Simulation Tools for P2P Networks on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Opportunistic Networks. 1-7 - Congmin Fan, Xiaojun Yuan
, Ying Jun Zhang
Throughput Bounds for Training-Based Multiuser MIMO Systems. 1-7 - Prabhu Janakaraj, Pu Wang
, Zheng Chen:
Towards Cloud-Based Crowd-Augmented Spectrum Mapping for Dynamic Spectrum Access. 1-7 - Tong Li
, Ke Xu, Meng Sheng, Haiyang Wang, Kun Yang, Yuchao Zhang:
Towards Minimal Tardiness of Data-Intensive Applications in Heterogeneous Networks. 1-9 - Christian F. Tschudin, Ersin Uzun, Christopher A. Wood:
Trust in Information-Centric Networking: From Theory to Practice. 1-9 - Sila Ozen Guclu, Tanir Ozcelebi, Johan J. Lukkien:
Trust-Based Neighbor Unreachability Detection for RPL. 1-6 - Chowdhury Sayeed Hyder, Thomas D. Jeitschko
, Li Xiao:
Truthful Online Double Auctions with Real-Time Stochastic Arrival of Demand and Supply. 1-9 - Wei Yu
, Hansong Xu, Hanlin Zhang, David W. Griffith, Nada Golmie:
Ultra-Dense Networks: Survey of State of the Art and Future Directions. 1-10 - Greg Kuperman, Robert Margolies, Nathaniel M. Jones, Brian Proulx, Aradhana Narula-Tam:
Uncoordinated MAC for Adaptive Multi-Beam Directional Networks: Analysis and Evaluation. 1-10 - Ming Ma, Zhi Wang, Ke Su, Lifeng Sun:
Understanding the Power of Smartrouter-Based Peer CDN for Video Streaming. 1-9 - Cory J. Kleinheksel
, Arun K. Somani:
Unidirectional Quorum-Based Cycle Planning for Efficient Resource Utilization and Fault-Tolerance. 1-8 - Jialue Fang, Ye Zhu, Yong Guan:
Voice Pattern Hiding for VoIP Communications. 1-9 - Yulong Gu, Mengjia Feng, Yuan Yao, Weidong Liu, Jiaxing Song:
We Know What You Are Doing or Going to Do: Towards Accurate Human Activities Sensing. 1-9 - Yulong Gu, Yuan Yao, Weidong Liu, Jiaxing Song:
We Know Where You Are: Home Location Identification in Location-Based Social Networks. 1-9 - Yu-Jung Chu, Thinh P. Nguyen, Zachary Neil Stark:
WiFO: Hybrid WiFi and Free-Space Optical Communication System with PAM Optimal Decoding. 1-6

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