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21st ICCCN 2012: Munich, Germany
- 21st International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, ICCCN 2012, Munich, Germany, July 30 - August 2, 2012. IEEE 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1544-9
- Grajzer Chan-Tin, Tingting Chen, Subhash C. Kak:
A Comprehensive Security Model for Networking Applications. 1-5 - Andréa Nascimento, Rute C. Sofia, Tiago Condeixa, Susana Sargento:
A Decoupling Approach for Distributed Mobility Management. 1-6 - Pablo Alonso García, Alberto Álvarez González, Alonso A. Alonso, Belén Carro Martínez, Javier M. Aguiar Pérez, Antonio Sánchez-Esguevillas:
A Method for the Detection of QoS Degradation in UMTS Networks. 1-5 - Monika Grajzer, Michal Koziuk, Piotr Szczechowiak, Antonio Pescapè:
A Multi-Classification Approach for the Detection and Identification of eHealth Applications. 1-6 - Jun Duan, Donghyun Kim, Wenping Chen, Deying Li:
A New Localized Geometric Routing with Guaranteed Delivery on 3-D Wireless Networks. 1-7 - Walid Bechkit, Yacine Challal, Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah:
A New Scalable Key Pre-Distribution Scheme for WSN. 1-7 - Yue Ma, Lihua Li, Qi Sun, Lei Song, Zhou Zhou:
A Novel Transmission Protocol in Two-Hop Relay Systems When Interference Cancellation Is Not Applicable. 1-7 - Yi Wu, Ge Nong:
A Pipeline IP Lookup Architecture with Random Duplicate Allocation. 1-7 - Gregor Schaffrath, Stefan Schmid, Ishan Vaishnavi, Ashiq Khan, Anja Feldmann:
A Resource Description Language with Vagueness Support for Multi-Provider Cloud Networks. 1-7 - Jie Huang, Chin-Tser Huang:
A Secure and Efficient Multi-Device and Multi-Service Authentication Protocol (SEMMAP) for 3GPP-LTE Networks. 1-7 - Ombretta Gaggi, Giorgia Galiazzo, Claudio E. Palazzi, Andrea Facoetti, Sandro Franceschini:
A Serious Game for Predicting the Risk of Developmental Dyslexia in Pre-Readers Children. 1-5 - Osman Ugus, Martin Landsmann, Dennis Gessner, Dirk Westhoff:
A Smartphone Security Architecture for App Verification and Process Authentication. 1-9 - Angelo Coluccia, Fabio Ricciato:
A Software-Defined Radio Tool for Experimenting with RSS Measurements in IEEE 802.15.4: Implementation and Applications. 1-6 - Chris Carter, Abdennour El Rhalibi, Madjid Merabti:
A Survey of AoIM, Distribution and Communication in Peer-To-Peer Online Games. 1-5 - Armir Bujari:
A Survey of Opportunistic Data Gathering and Dissemination Techniques. 1-6 - Gareth Tyson, Sebastian Kaune, Simon Miles, Yehia El-khatib, Andreas Mauthe, Adel Taweel:
A Trace-Driven Analysis of Caching in Content-Centric Networks. 1-7 - Mathias Kretschmer, Christian Niephaus, Gheorghita Ghinea:
A Wireless Back-Haul Architecture Supporting Dynamic Broadcast and White Space Coexistence. 1-6 - Poonam Dharam, Qishi Wu:
Advance Bandwidth Reservation with Delay Guarantee in High-Performance Networks. 1-7 - Zhenyu Li, Jiali Lin:
An Analysis of the Subscription in User-Generated Content Video Systems. 1-7 - Rafael Asorey-Cacheda, Belén Pedrero-López, Francisco J. González-Castaño:
An VoD Scheme with Implicit Error Correction Using Damaged Data. 1-5 - Jiali Lin, Zhenyu Li, Dong Wang, Kavé Salamatian, Gaogang Xie:
Analysis and Comparison of Interaction Patterns in Online Social Network and Social Media. 1-7 - Alfred C. Weaver, Joseph P. Boyle, Liliya I. Besaleva:
Applications and Trust Issues When Crowdsourcing a Crisis. 1-5 - Michael Rossberg, Rene Golembewski, Günter Schäfer:
Attack-Resistant Distributed Time Synchronization for Virtual Private Networks. 1-8 - Thomas Georges Cyrille Kooh, Qin Lv, Shivakant Mishra:
Attribute Based Content Sharing in Mobile Adhoc Networks of Smartphones over WiFi. 1-9 - Robert Mitchell, Ing-Ray Chen:
Behavior Rule Based Intrusion Detection for Supporting Secure Medical Cyber Physical Systems. 1-7 - Andrew D. Jurik, Alfred C. Weaver:
Bidirectional ECG Monitoring with an Event Detection Policy Engine. 1-8 - Fatima Zarinni, Samir R. Das:
btFICA MAC Protocol for High Data Rate WLANs. 1-9 - Ruiting Zhou, Zongpeng Li, Chuan Wu, Carey Williamson:
Buddy Routing: A Routing Paradigm for NanoNets Based on Physical Layer Network Coding. 1-7 - Werner Sandmann:
Buffer Occupancies in Tandem Networks with Size-Retaining Data Packets. 1-5 - Zhe Li, Gwendal Simon, Annie Gravey:
Caching Policies for In-Network Caching. 1-7 - Honggang Zhang, Benyuan Liu, Xiayin Weng, Chao Yu:
Can Online Social Friends Help to Improve Data Swarming Performance? 1-7 - Shengbo Yang, Chai Kiat Yeo, Bu-Sung Lee:
CDC: An Energy-Efficient Contact Discovery Scheme for Pocket Switched Networks. 1-7 - Ahmed Shawky, Rasmus L. Olsen, Jens Myrup Pedersen, Hans-Peter Schwefel:
Class-Based Context Quality Optimization for Context Management Frameworks. 1-5 - Katerina Goseva-Popstojanova, Goce Anastasovski, Risto Pantev:
Classification of Malicious Web Sessions. 1-9 - Lateef Yusuf, Umakishore Ramachandran:
Community Membership Management for Transient Social Networks. 1-7 - Javier J. M. Diaz, Juan Gabriel Colonna, Rodrigo B. Soares, Carlos Maurício S. Figueiredo, Eduardo Freire Nakamura:
Compressive Sensing for Efficiently Collecting Wildlife Sounds with Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-7 - Tomoki Motohashi, Akihiro Fujimoto, Yusuke Hirota, Hideki Tode, Koso Murakami:
Construction Method of Overlapped Cluster-Trees Considering Inter-Node Distance for Resilient Video Streaming. 1-8 - António Homem Ferreira, Ricardo J. F. Lopes Pereira, Fernando M. Silva:
Content Redundancy in BitTorrent. 1-7 - José Castillo Lema, Elifranio Cruz, Augusto Neto, Susana Sargento, Eduardo Cerqueira:
Context-Driven Resource Over-Provisioning Approach for Rich Networking. 1-5 - Adisorn Lertsinsrubtavee, Naceur Malouch, Serge Fdida:
Controlling Spectrum Handoff with a Delay Requirement in Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-8 - Mohammad A. Alsmirat, Nabil J. Sarhan:
Cross-Layer Optimization and Effective Airtime Estimation for Wireless Video Streaming. 1-7 - Soheil Hassas Yeganeh, Milad Eftekhar, Yashar Ganjali, Ram Keralapura, Antonio Nucci:
CUTE: Traffic Classification Using TErms. 1-9 - Somaieh Bahrami, Hamed Yousefi, Ali Movaghar:
DACA: Data-Aware Clustering and Aggregation in Query-Driven Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-7 - Baris Tas, Ali Saman Tosun:
Data Collection Using Transmit-Only Sensors and a Mobile Robot in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-9 - Jehan-François Pâris, Ahmed Amer:
Delayed Chaining: A Practical P2P Solution for Video-on-Demand. 1-5 - Nestor Michael C. Tiglao, António M. Grilo:
Differentiated Reliability for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Wei You, Bertrand Mathieu, Patrick Truong, Jean-François Peltier, Gwendal Simon:
DiPIT: A Distributed Bloom-Filter Based PIT Table for CCN Nodes. 1-7 - Michael Lin, Thomas La Porta:
Dynamic Interference Management in Femtocells. 1-9 - Mohammed Al-Rawi, Jörg Huschke, Magued Sedra:
Dynamic Protected-Subframe Density Configuration in LTE Heterogeneous Networks. 1-6 - Ameen Chilwan, Astrid Undheim, Poul E. Heegaard:
Effects of Dynamic Cloud Cluster Load on Differentiated Service Availability. 1-6 - Hakan Öztarak, Turgay Yilmaz, Kemal Akkaya, Adnan Yazici:
Efficient and Accurate Object Classification in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. 1-7 - Sunae Shin, Xinjie Guan, Baek-Young Choi:
Efficient Location Management Scheme for Group Applications in Cellular Networks. 1-7 - Matthew Battey, Abhishek Parakh:
Efficient Quasigroup Block Cipher for Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Wei Liu, E. K. Park:
e-Healthcare Security Solution Framework. 1-6 - Erol Gelenbe, Gökçe Görbil, Fang-Jing Wu:
Emergency Cyber-Physical-Human Systems. 1-7 - Hans Wippel, Oliver Hanka:
End User Node Access to Application-Tailored Future Networks. 1-7 - Martina Brachmann, Sye Loong Keoh, Oscar García Morchon, Sandeep S. Kumar:
End-to-End Transport Security in the IP-Based Internet of Things. 1-5 - Kaustubh Dhondge, Hyungbae Park, Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song:
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Opportunistic Positioning for Heterogeneous Mobile Devices. 1-6 - Thang Tran, Maike Kuhnert, Christian Wietfeld:
Energy-Efficient Handoff Decision Algorithms for CSH-MU Mobility Solution. 1-6 - Francisco Ganhão, Luís Bernardo, Rui Dinis, Gonçalo Barros, Eduardo Santos, António Furtado, Rodolfo Oliveira, Paulo Pinto:
Energy-Efficient QoS Provisioning in Demand Assigned Satellite NDMA Schemes. 1-8 - Pan Wu, Xiang Cao, Xiaobing Wu, Guihai Chen:
Energy-Efficient Stochastic Target Coverage in Sensor Surveillance Systems. 1-6 - Rebecca Copeland, Noël Crespi:
Establishing Enterprise Business Context (eBC) for Service Policy Decision in Mobile Broadband Networks. 1-5 - Peng He, Hongtao Guan, Gaogang Xie, Kavé Salamatian:
Evaluating and Optimizing IP Lookup on Many Core Processors. 1-7 - Mohammad Zubair Ahmad, Ratan Guha:
Evaluating End-User Network Benefits of Peering with Path Latencies. 1-7 - Han Liu, Chen-Nee Chuah, Hui Zang, Sara Gatmir-Motahari:
Evolving Landscape of Cellular Network Traffic. 1-7 - Yue Zhou, Jinyao Yan:
Experimental Evaluation of TCP Implementations on Linux/Windows Platforms. 1-5 - Jiang Xiao, Kaishun Wu, Youwen Yi, Lionel M. Ni:
FIFS: Fine-Grained Indoor Fingerprinting System. 1-7 - Hai Liu, Youhua Zhou, Xiaowen Chu, Yiu-Wing Leung, Zhifeng Hao:
Generalized-Bi-Connectivity for Fault Tolerant Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-8 - Selvi Kadirvel, José A. B. Fortes:
Grey-Box Approach for Performance Prediction in Map-Reduce Based Platforms. 1-9 - Reuven Cohen, Anna Levin:
Handovers with Forward Admission Control for Adaptive TCP Streaming in LTE-Advanced with Small Cells. 1-7 - Zhen Chen, Xi Shi, Lingyun Ruan, Feng Xie, Jun Li:
High Speed Traffic Archiving System for Flow Granularity Storage and Querying. 1-5 - Kiumi Akingbehin:
Hybrid Wireless Harness for Low Mass Vehicular Applications. 1-5 - Patrick-Benjamin Bök, Katharina Kohls, Stephanie Dünhaupt, York Tüchelmann:
Improving the Distributed Fair Congestion Avoidance Protocol for Home Area Networks with Internet Access Links. 1-6 - Hyoungshick Kim, Eiko Yoneki:
Influential Neighbours Selection for Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks. 1-7 - Barbara Staehle, Michael Bahr, Desheng Fu, Dirk Staehle:
Intra-Mesh Congestion Control for IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-7 - Filipe Casal Ribeiro, Rui Dinis, Francisco Cercas, Adão Silva:
Iterative Frequency-Domain Receivers for the Uplink of Cellular Systems with Base Station Cooperation. 1-5 - Pedro Pedrosa, Rui Dinis, Fernando Nunes:
Joint Equalization and Phase Noise Tracking for Doubly Selective Channels. 1-7 - Chao-Hsien Lee, Chung-Ming Huang, Chia-Ching Yang, Hsiao-Yu Lin:
K-Hop Packet Forwarding Schemes for Cooperative Video Streaming over Vehicular Networks. 1-5 - Immanuel Schweizer, Michael Wagner, Dirk Bradler, Max Mühlhäuser, Thorsten Strufe:
kTC - Robust and Adaptive Wireless Ad-Hoc Topology Control. 1-9 - Nils Aschenbruck, Jan Bauer, Jakob Bieling, Alexander Bothe, Matthias Schwamborn:
Let's Move: Adding Arbitrary Mobility to WSN Testbeds. 1-7 - Song Yuan, Onur Ascigil, James Griffioen, Kenneth L. Calvert:
Leveraging Legacy Software in Clean-Slate Network Architectures. 1-7 - Sajjad Zarifzadeh, Constantine Dovrolis:
Localization of Network Performance Problems with Multi-Level Discrete Tomography. 1-9 - Emna Salhi, Samer Lahoud, Bernard Cousin:
Localization of Single Link-Level Network Anomalies. 1-9 - Dario Maggiorini, Antonio Nigro, Laura Anna Ripamonti, Marco Trubian:
Loot Distribution in Massive Online Games: Foreseeing Impacts on the Players Base. 1-5 - Shengbo Yang, Chai Kiat Yeo, Bu-Sung Lee:
MaxCD: Max-Rate Based Cooperative Downloading for Drive-Thru Networks. 1-7 - Arash Nourian, Muthucumaru Maheswaran:
Measuring the Availability of Images Posted on Social Media Sites. 1-5 - Bjoern Dusza, Christoph Ide, Christian Wietfeld:
Measuring the Impact of the Mobile Radio Channel on the Energy Efficiency of LTE User Equipment. 1-5 - Gustavo Marfia, Marco Roccetti, Marco Zanichelli, Angelo Varni:
Mercator Atlas Robot: Bridging the Gap between Ancient Maps and Modern Travelers with Gestural Mixed Reality. 1-5 - Uma Parthavi Moravapalle, Swades De:
Mesh Routing for Error Resilient Delivery of Multiple-Description Coded Image/Video Content. 1-7 - Iain Oliver, Alan Miller, Colin Allison:
Mongoose: Throughput Redistributing Virtual World. 1-9 - João Marco C. Silva, Solange Rito Lima:
Multiadaptive Sampling for Lightweight Network Measurements. 1-7 - Daniel van den Akker, Chris Blondia:
MultiMAC: A Multiple MAC Network Stack Architecture for TinyOS. 1-5 - Nicola De Coppi, Jianxia Ning, George Papageorgiou, Michele Zorzi, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy, Thomas La Porta:
Network Coding Aware Queue Management in Multi-Rate Wireless Networks. 1-7 - Mohamed H. Shazly, Ehab S. Elmallah, Janelle J. Harms:
On Breach Path Detection Reliability of Wireless Sensor Grids. 1-7 - Meryem Simsek, Andreas Czylwik, Mehdi Bennis:
On Interference Management Techniques in LTE Heterogeneous Networks. 1-5 - Sen Wang, Jun Bi, Jianping Wu:
On Performance of Cache Policy in Information-Centric Networking. 1-7 - Dario Maggiorini, Christian Quadri, Laura Anna Ripamonti:
On the Feasibility of Opportunistic Collaborative Mixed Reality Games in a Real Urban Scenario. 1-5 - Marco Di Felice, Ali J. Ghandour, Hassan Artail, Luciano Bononi:
On the Impact of Multi-Channel Technology on Safety-Message Delivery in IEEE 802.11p/1609.4 Vehicular Networks. 1-8 - Pasquale Pace, Valeria Loscrì:
OpenBTS: A Step Forward in the Cognitive Direction. 1-6 - Junjie Zhang, Kang Xi, Liren Zhang, H. Jonathan Chao:
Optimizing Network Performance Using Weighted Multipath Routing. 1-7 - Michael J. Schultz, Patrick Crowley:
Performance Analysis of Packet Capture Methods in a 10 Gbps Virtualized Environment. 1-8 - Eunju Hwang, Donghwa Yeo:
Performance Analysis of Random Resource Allocation for Non-Real-Time Traffic in IEEE 802.16e under Unsaturated Traffic Condition. 1-5 - Fazal Wahab Karam, Terje Jensen:
Performance Analysis of Ranking for QoS Handover Algorithm for Selection of Access Network in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Brad Penoff, Alan Wagner, Michael Tüxen, Irene Rüngeler:
Portable and Performant Userspace SCTP Stack. 1-9 - Adel Ghanbari, Hamid R. Rabiee, Mohammad Khansari, Mostafa Salehi:
PPM - A Hybrid Push-Pull Mesh-Based Peer-to-Peer Live Video Streaming Protocol. 1-8 - Thomas Huehn, Cigdem Sengul:
Practical Power and Rate Control for WiFi. 1-7 - Hyungu Hwang, Daeho Kim:
Practical Time Synchronization for OFDM Systems on Mobile Channel. 1-5 - Kh Mahmudul Alam, Joarder Kamruzzaman, Gour C. Karmakar, M. Manzur Murshed:
Priority Sensitive Event Detection in Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-7 - Silvia Boiardi, Antonio Capone, Brunilde Sansò:
Radio Planning of Energy-Efficient Cellular Networks. 1-7 - Jimin Liu, Joyce Y. Wu, Jiming Chen, Peng Wang, Jie Zhang:
Radio Resource Allocation in Buildings with Dense Femtocell Deployment. 1-5 - Zahra Jeddi, Esmaeil Amini, Magdy A. Bayoumi:
RBS: Redundant Bit Security Algorithm for RFID Systems. 1-5 - John Keller, Xiaoyan Li:
Reducing the Computational Cost of Ratio-Based Indoor Localization. 1-5 - Suhail Yousaf, Rena Bakhshi, Maarten van Steen:
Reliable Localized Event Detection in a Wireless Distributed Radio Telescope. 1-6 - Luigi Vincenzo Mancini, Angelo Spognardi, Claudio Soriente, Antonio Villani, Domenico Vitali:
Relieve Internet Routing Security of Public Key Infrastructure. 1-9 - Mohamed Said Seddiki, Mounir Frikha:
Resource Allocation for Virtual Routers through Non-Cooperative Games. 1-6 - Angelo Coluccia:
Rethinking Stream Ciphers: Can Extracting Be Better Than Expanding? 1-5 - Albana Gaba, Spyros Voulgaris, Konrad Iwanicki, Maarten van Steen:
Revisiting Gossip-Based Ad-Hoc Routing. 1-6 - Haowei Yuan, Tian Song, Patrick Crowley:
Scalable NDN Forwarding: Concepts, Issues and Principles. 1-9 - Olga Goussevskaia, Roger Wattenhofer:
Scheduling Wireless Links with Successive Interference Cancellation. 1-7 - Thang Tran, Maike Kuhnert, Christian Wietfeld:
Seamless Context-Aware Voice Service in the Cloud for Heterogeneous Network Environment. 1-6 - Ahmed Lounis, Abdelkrim Hadjidj, Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah, Yacine Challal:
Secure and Scalable Cloud-Based Architecture for e-Health Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-7 - Nils Aschenbruck, Jan Bauer, Jakob Bieling, Alexander Bothe, Matthias Schwamborn:
Selective and Secure Over-The-Air Programming for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Farhan Siddiqui, Sherali Zeadally, Cristina Alcaraz, Samara Galvao:
Smart Grid Privacy: Issues and Solutions. 1-5 - Shu Yang, Mingwei Xu, Dan Wang, Jianping Wu:
Source Address Filtering for Large Scale Network: A Cooperative Software Mechanism Design. 1-7 - Alae Loukili, Alexander L. Wijesinha, Ramesh K. Karne, Anthony K. Tsetse:
TCP's Retransmission Timer and the Minimum RTO. 1-5 - Dennis Christmann, Reinhard Gotzhein, Stephan Rohr:
The Arbitrating Value Transfer Protocol (AVTP) - Deterministic Binary Countdown in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks. 1-9 - Jose Saldana, Mirko Suznjevic, Luis Sequeira, Julián Fernández-Navajas, Maja Matijasevic, José Ruíz-Mas:
The Effect of TCP Variants on the Coexistence of MMORPG and Best-Effort Traffic. 1-5 - Riyad Alshammari, Nur Zincir-Heywood:
The Impact of Evasion on the Generalization of Machine Learning Algorithms to Classify VoIP Traffic. 1-8 - Anthony Kleerekoper, Nicholas Paul Filer:
The Relay Area Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Davide Conzon, Thomas Bolognesi, Paolo Brizzi, Antonio Lotito, Riccardo Tomasi, Maurizio A. Spirito:
The VIRTUS Middleware: An XMPP Based Architecture for Secure IoT Communications. 1-6 - Yuehua Wang, Zhong Zhou, Ling Liu, Liang Cheng, Wei Wu:
Topological Similarity-Based Scheme for Large-Scale Group Communication Services. 1-7 - Omar Abdul-Rahman, Masaharu Munetomo, Kiyoshi Akama:
Toward a Genetic Algorithm Based Flexible Approach for the Management of Virtualized Application Environments in Cloud Platforms. 1-9 - Yangyang Wang, Jun Bi, Jianping Wang:
Towards an Aggregation-Aware Internet Routing. 1-7 - Christian Niephaus, Mathias Kretschmer:
Towards an Energy Management Framework for Carrier-Grade Wireless Back-Haul Networks. 1-6 - Gabriel Martorell, Felip Riera-Palou, Guillem Femenias:
Tuning Fast Link Adaptation Algorithms for CSMA/CA- and CSMA/E2CA-Based WLANs. 1-7 - Ombretta Gaggi, Nicola Moretti, Claudio E. Palazzi:
Ubiquitous Social Cams. 1-5 - Fatima Zarinni, Samir R. Das:
Understanding the FICA MAC Protocol in High Data Rate WLANs. 1-9 - Sarang Bharadwaj Masti, Serugudi V. Raghavan:
VNA: An Enhanced Algorithm for Virtual Network Embedding. 1-9 - Jin Zhu, Tilman Wolf:
VNMBench: A Benchmark for Virtual Network Mapping Algorithms. 1-8 - Matteo Cocon, Gustavo Marfia, Marco Roccetti:
xTrack: A Flexible Real-Time 3D Scanner for Home Computing Applications. 1-5
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