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IAS 2009: Houston, TX, USA
- Annual Meeting of the IEEE Industry Applications Society, IAS 2009, Houston, TX, USA, 4-8 October, 2009, Proceedings. IEEE 2009, ISBN 978-1-4244-3475-6
- Gabriel Nicolae Popa, Cristian Abrudean, Sorin Ioan Deaconu, Iosif Popa, Victor Vaida:
A Case Study of ESP Electrical Characteristics from a Thermal Power Station. 1-6 - Pedro J. Villegas
, Juan Díaz, Juan Antonio Martín-Ramos, Alberto Martín-Pernia, Juan Angel Martinez Esteban
A High- Voltage AC/DC Resonant Converter Based on PRC with Single Capacitor as an Output Filter. 1-8 - Bon-Gwan Gu
, Jun-Hyuk Choi, In-Soung Jung:
A Initial Current Control Method for PWM Converter Against Low DC-Link Voltage. 1-4 - Renata Carnieletto, Siddharth Suryanarayanan
, Marcelo Godoy Simões
, Felix Alberto Farret
A Multifunctional Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverter in Perspective of the Smart Grid Initiative. 1-7 - Erinc Altintas, Özgül Salor, Isik Çadirci, Muammer Ermis:
A New Flicker Contribution Tracing Method Based on Individual Reactive Current Components of Multiple EAFs at PCC. 1-8 - Pablo Aravena, Luis Morán
, Juan W. Dixon, José R. Espinoza
, Orlando Godoy:
A New Hybrid Filter Topology for Sub and Inter-Harmonic Attenuation in Cycloconverter-Fed Drives Applications. 1-7 - Ameya Shrotriya, Donald S. Zinger
A New Lamp Socket Protection Technique for Self Oscillating Electronic Fluorescent Ballasts. 1-5 - Rondineli Rodrigues Pereira, Carlos Henrique da Silva, Giscard Francimeire Cintra Veloso, Luiz Eduardo Borges da Silva, Germano Lambert-Torres:
A New Strategy to Step-Size Control of Adaptive Filters in the Harmonic Detection for Shunt Active Power Filter. 1-5 - William H. Maxwell, Joseph Kessler, Corey Kelkenberg, Mohammed Safiuddin:
A Practical Guide to the Mechanics of Performing an Arc Flash Study at Commercial & Industrial Facilities. 1-10 - Komla A. Folly
, Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy
A Real-Time Implementation of a PBIL Based Stabilizing Controller for Synchronous Generator. 1-8 - Walter Kaiser, Ricardo P. Marques, Alexander Fernandez Correa:
An Alternative Optical Method for Acoustic Resonance Detection in HID Lamps. 1-6 - Gustavo Weber Denardin
, Carlos Henrique Barriquello
, Rafael A. Pinto, Marcelo Freitas da Silva, Alexandre Campos
, Ricardo N. do Prado
An Intelligent System for Street Lighting Control and Measurement. 1-5 - Kenichi Aoshima, Nobuhiko Funabashi, Kenji Machida, Yasuyoshi Miyamoto, Kiyoshi Kuga, Naoki Shimidzu, Fumio Sato:
An Ultra-High Definition Spatial Light Modulation Device Driven by Spin-Polarized Electrons. 1-7 - Subhashish Bhattacharya
, Hesameddin Mirzaee Teshnizi, Babak Parkhideh
An Universal Active Power Filter Controller System. 1-8 - Le Zhang, Bo Zhou, Fang-Shun Cheng:
Analysis and Suppression of Torque Ripple for Doubly Salient Electro-Magnetic Motor. 1-6 - Mauro C. Moreira, Ricardo Nederson do Prado
, Alexandre Campos
Application of High-Brightness LEDs in Tissue Human and Their Therapeutic Interaction. 1-6 - Bruno Osorno:
Application of Microprocessor Based Protective Relays in Power Systems. 1-8 - Brian Tureski, S. Doug Cromey:
Arc Flash - Getting Started. 1-8 - George Roscoe, Tom Papallo, Marcelo E. Valdes:
Arc-Flash Energy Mitigation by Fast Energy Capture. 1-9 - Ramzy R. Obaid, Raed H. Ahmad:
Automatic Guidance System for Trolley-Powered Mining Haul Trucks. 1-6 - Vesna Zeljkovic, Pavel Praks, Robert B. Vincelette, Claude Tameze, Ladislav Válek:
Automatic Pattern Classification of Real Metallographic Images. 1-4 - Peter Kascak, Ralph Jansen, Timothy Dever, Aleksr Nagorny, Kenneth A. Loparo
Bearingless Five-Axis Rotor Levitation with Two Pole Pair Separated Conical Motors. 1-9 - V. Sheeja
, Bhim Singh
, R. Uma:
BESS Based Voltage and Frequency Controller for Stand Alone Wind Energy Conversion System Employing PMSG. 1-6 - Kazuo Oka, Yusuke Ohama, Hisao Kubota, Ichiro Miki, Kouki Matsuse:
Characteristic of Independent Two AC Motor Drives Fed by a Five-Leg Inverter. 1-8 - H. Landis Floyd:
Closing the Gaps in Arc Flash Hazard Mitigation A Review of US, Canada, and EU Standards. 1-5 - Sorin Ioan Deaconu, Marcel Topor, Gabriel Nicolae Popa, Iosif Popa:
Comprehensive Analysis for Modernization of 100 t Electric Arc Furnace for Steel Production. 1-6 - Liyan Qu, Wei Qiao:
Constant Power Control and Fault-Ride-Through Enhancement of DFIG Wind Turbines with Energy Storage. 1-8 - Didier Marx, Serge Pierfederici, Babak Nahid-Mobarakeh
, Bernard Davat:
Contribution to Determination of Domain of Attraction in Power Systems: Application to Drives with Input Filter. 1-8 - Shahrin Md. Ayob, Zainal Salam, Naziha A. Azli, Malik E. Elbuluk:
Control of a Single Phase Inverter Using Fuzzy Logic. 1-6 - Robert Dawley, Subhashish Bhattacharya
Control of Multi-Level Three-Phase Dual Current Source Inverters for High Power Industrial Applications. 1-8 - Jorge Pontt:
Current Topics on Reliability of High Power Electrical Machines Employed in Mining Applications. 1-5 - Rosario Casanueva
, Francisco J. Azcondo
, F. Javier Díaz
, Christian Brañas
DC and Pulsed DC TIG Welding with a Scalable Power Supply. 1-6 - Jie Li, Guang-Zhou Qu, Na Lu, Guo-Feng Li, Chang-Hai Sun, Yan Wu:
Decomposition of Pentachlorophenol Using Combination of Densification by Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption and Dielectric Barrier Discharge. 1-5 - Yan Wu, Jie Li, Guo-Feng Li, Nan Li, Guang-Zhou Qu, Chang-Hai Sun, Masayuki Sato:
Decomposition of Phenol in Water by Gas Phase Pulse Discharge Plasma. 1-4 - Hwan-Jin Jung, Byoung-Gun Park, Dong-Seok Hyun:
Design of the Feed-Forward Controller of a Single-Phase AC/DC PWM Converter in Parallel for High-Speed Trains. 1-6 - Chao Shun Chen, Cheng Ting Hsu, Y. J. Lin, Hui-Jen Chuang, Y. J. Ju:
Design of Tie Line Tripping and Load Shedding Scheme for Distribution Microgrid System with Wind Power Generation. 1-6 - Richard S. White, Thomas J. Dionise, Jeffrey A. Baron:
Design, Analysis and Operation of the Electrical Distribution System for a Modern Electric Arc Furnace and Ladle Melt Furnace. 1-7 - Sheng-Yang Lin, Weng-Jay Lee, Jen-Hsin Chen, Cheng-Tsung Liu:
Developing a Hot-Mode Experimental Apparatus for Property Investigations of Electromagnetic Stirring System. 1-5 - Jorge Pontt:
Diagnostics of Insulation Condition and Risk Evaluation of Electrical Machines Employed in Mining Application. 1-3 - Marcelo Freitas da Silva, Gustavo Weber Denardin
, Rafael A. Pinto, Juliano P. de Lopes, Mikhail Polonskii, Alysson R. Seidel
, Ricardo N. do Prado
Dimmable Lighting System Strategy Based on Integral Compact Fluorescent Lamps with Digital Compensation. 1-5 - Ya-ping Du
, Xinghua Wang:
Electrical and Thermal Analysis of Parallel Single-Conductor Cable Installations. 1-6 - Yijie Wang
, Xiangjun Zhang, Dianguo Xu:
Electronic Ballast for 119W UV Lamp Controlled by Microprocessor. 1-5 - Hideaki Hayashi, Yasuhiro Takasaki, Kazuki Kawahara, Tomoya Takenaka, Kazunori Takashima, Akira Mizuno, Moo Been Chang:
Electrostatic Charging and Precipitation of Diesel Soot. 1-8 - Guo-Feng Li, Zhiqiang Wang, Ninghui Wang:
Electrostatic Deposition of Fine Particles for Fabrication of Porous Ceramic Filter. 1-7 - Yu-Lung Ke, Ying-Chun Chuang, Hung-Shiang Chuang:
Energy Recovery Electric Bicycle with Two-Quadrant DC Motor Drivers. 1-7 - Ray-Lee Lin, Yi-Fan Chen:
Equivalent Circuit Model of Light-Emitting-Diode for System Analyses of Lighting Drivers. 1-5 - Liang Fang, Byeong-Hwa Lee, Jung-Pyo Hong, Hyuk Nam:
Estimation of Magnet Reduction in Single-Phase Line-Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor. 1-7 - GumTae Son, Hee-Jin Lee Lee, Jung-Wook Park
Estimation of Wind Turbine Rotor Power Coefficient Using RMP Model. 1-8 - Jody C. Warren:
Ethernet/IP Applications for Electrical Industrial Systems. 1-5 - Galina Mirzaeva
, Robert Eric Betz
, Terrence J. Summers
Evaluation of Current Density in DC Motor Brushes for Mining Machines Based on Air Gap Field Measurement. 1-8 - Miguel A. Reyes, Sean Gallagher
, John J. Sammarco:
Evaluation of Visual Performance When Using Incandescent, Fluorescent, and LED Machine Lights in Mesopic Conditions. 1-7 - Jo Olsen, Thomas D. Dreeben:
Experimental and Simulated Straightening of Metal Halide Arcs Using Power Modulation. 1-7 - Xiangwu Yan, Giri Venkataramanan
, Patrick S. Flannery, Yang Wang:
Fault Tolerance of DFIG Wind Turbine with a Series Grid Side Passive Impedance Network. 1-8 - Mikhail Slepchenkov, Keyue Smedley
Flicker Mitigation and Load Balancing in Steel Plants Power Systems by OCC-Hexagram Converter Based STATCOM. 1-8 - Phatiphat Thounthong
, Panarit Sethakul, Stéphane Raël, Bernard Davat:
Fuel Cell Current Ripple Mitigation by Interleaved Technique for High Power Applications. 1-8 - Paul G. Cardinal:
Generator Pitch and Associated Concerns When Paralleling Generators. 1-5 - Ying-Chun Chuang, Yu-Lung Ke, Shun-Yi Chang:
Highly-Efficient Battery Chargers with Parallel-Loaded Resonant Converters. 1-10 - Yasunori Ishikawa, Kazutake Uehira, Kazuhisa Yanaka:
Illumination Watermarking Technique Using Orthogonal Transforms. 1-4 - Pinaki Mitra, Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy
Implementation of an Intelligent Reconfiguration Algorithm for an Electric Ship Power System. 1-8 - Bhim Singh
, P. Jayaprakash
, Sunil Kumar Dube, Dwarka P. Kothari:
Implementation of Neural Network Controlled Three-Leg VSC and a Transformer as Three-Phase Four-Wire DSTATCOM. 1-8 - M. Abdesh S. K. Khan, Michael J. Hinchey, M. Azizur Rahman:
Implementation of Wavelet Controller for Battery Storage System of Hybrid Electric Vehicle. 1-8 - Yohan Baek, Kui-Jun Lee, Dong-Seok Hyun:
Improved Predictive Current Control for Grid Connected Inverter Applications with Parameter Estimation. 1-6 - Eduardo P. Wiechmann
, Aníbal S. Morales, Pablo Aqueveque
Improving Productivity and Energy Efficiency in Copper Electrowinning Plants. 1-6 - Tao Sun, Soon-O Kwon, Jung-Pyo Hong, Geun-Ho Lee:
Inductance Measurement of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor in Stationary Reference Frame. 1-7 - Ljubomir A. Kojovic, Martin T. Bishop, Dharam Sharma:
Innovative Differential Protection of Power Transformers Using Low Energy Current Sensors. 1-8 - Cristhian Olivares, Pablo Astudillo, Luis Morán
, Juan W. Dixon:
Interaction between Passive Filter and High Power Cycloconverter Drive. 1-5 - Takashi Yamazoe, Shinsuke Kishi, Takashi Shibata
, Takashi Kawai:
LCD Backlight Control for Visibility of Monocular Head-Mounted Displays. 1-5 - Rafael A. Pinto, Marcelo R. Cosetin, Marcelo Freitas da Silva, Gustavo Weber Denardin
, Alexandre Campos
, Ricardo N. do Prado
LED Lamp with a Compact Emergency Lighting System. 1-6 - Alberto Fernández Villán, Rodrigo García Acevedo, Eduardo Alvarez
, Antonio M. Campos, Daniel F. García
, Rubén Usamentiaga
, Marco Jimenez Meana, Jose Manuel García Sánchez:
Low Cost System for Weld Tracking Based on Artificial Vision. 1-8 - Yu Zhang, Ming-C. Cheng, Pragasen Pillay
Magnetic Characteristics and Excess Eddy Current Losses. 1-5 - Pablo Aqueveque, Eduardo P. Wiechmann
, Aníbal S. Morales:
Measurement System of Cathodic Currents in Electrorefining Processes with Multicircuital Technology. 1-5 - Carlos Henrique da Silva, Rondineli Rodrigues Pereira, Luiz Eduardo Borges da Silva, Germano Lambert-Torres, João Onofre Pereira Pinto:
Modified Synchronous Reference Frame Strategy for Selective-Tuned Single Phase Hybrid Active Power Filter. 1-5 - Stéphane Caux, Sébastien Carriere, Maurice Fadel
, Bruno Sareni
Motion Control of Elastic Joint Based on Kalman Optimization with Evolutionary Algorithm. 1-5 - Dimitri Torregrossa, François Peyraut, Christophe Espanet, Alain Cassat, Abdellatif Miraoui:
New Estimation of Electromagnetic Sound Power Radiated by a PM Machine: an Active and Passive Control Guideline. 1-4 - Soo-Hyoung Lee, Jung-Wook Park
New Islanding Detection Method for Inverter-Based Distributed Generation Considering Its Switching Frequency. 1-8 - Hitoshi Hirakawa, Manabu Ishimoto, Kenji Awamoto, Tsutae Shinoda:
New Type of Extra Large Area Film Display with Plasma Tube Array Technology and Its New Applications. 1-5 - Ahmed Bilal Awan
, Babak Nahid-Mobarakeh
, Serge Pierfederici, Farid Meibody-Tabar:
Nonlinear Stabilization of a DC-Bus Supplying a Constant Power Load. 1-8 - Masayuki Sato, Naomasa Okubo, Takayuki Ohshima, Tomoo Nakane, Bing Sun, Kuniko Urashima:
Nozzleless EHD Spraying for Fine Droplet Production in Liquid-In-Liquid System. 1-5 - Massimo Mitolo
, Michele Tartaglia, Sergio Panetta
Of International Terminology and Wiring Methods Used in the Matter of Bonding and Earthing of Low-Voltage Power Systems. 1-7 - Mohammad N. Uddin, Ronald S. Rebeiro:
Online Efficiency Optimization of a Fuzzy Logic Controller Based IPMSM Drive. 1-8 - Chai-Chow Chompoo-Inwai
, S. Banjongjit, W. Tangsrianukul, D. Suksawas, Wei-Jen Lee:
Optimal Design of a Small Scale Wind Power Generation System for a Rural and Low Capacity Factor Area. 1-6 - Benjamin Kroposki, Pankaj Kumar Sen, Keith Malmedal:
Optimum Sizing and Placement of Distributed and Renewable Energy Sources in Electric Power Distribution Systems. 1-10 - Puneet K. Goel, Bhim Singh
, Sreenival S. Murthy, Navin Kishore:
Parallel Operation of DFIGs in Three Phase Four Wire Autonomous Wind Energy Conversion System. 1-8 - Juan Díaz, Fernando Nuño, David Gacio Vaquero, Pedro J. Villegas
, Miguel J. Prieto
Paralleling DC/DC Switched Converters Based on Piezoelectric Transformers. 1-8 - Pablo Aravena, Giovanni Vallebuona, Luis Morán
, Juan W. Dixon, Orlando Godoy:
Passive Filters for High Power Cycloconverter Grinding Mill Drives. 1-7 - Phatiphat Thounthong
, Panarit Sethakul, Stéphane Raël, Bernard Davat:
Performance Evaluation of Fuel Cell/Battery/Supercapacitor Hybrid Power Source for Vehicle Applications. 1-8 - Phatiphat Thounthong
, Nichamon Poonnoi, Panarit Sethakul, Bernard Davat:
Performance Evaluation of Modified 4-Phase Interleaved Fuel Cell Converter for High-Gain High-Power Applications. 1-8 - Thomas Novak, David P. Snyder, Jeffery L. Kohler:
Post-Accident Mine Communications and Tracking Systems. 1-8 - Francisco Barrios, Pablo Neira, Jorge Pontt:
Power Electronics Tools-Software for Effective Training and Engineering in Mining Applications. 1-5 - Shane Hutchinson, Mesut E. Baran, Srdjan M. Lukic:
Power Supply for an Electric Vehicle Charging System for a Large Parking Deck. 1-4 - José Simpson, Adolfo Paredes Palacios, Jorge Pontt, César A. Silva:
Predictive Control of Active Filtering for Industrial Mining Installations. 1-7 - David Buso, Sounil Bhosle, Georges Zissis
, Markus Mayhrofer, Stefan Zudrell-Koch, Mikael Severinsson, Aron Rydhem, Robert Ruscassie:
Predictive Evaluation of Fluorescent Lamp Lifetime. 1-7 - John Pittner, Marwan A. Simaan
Progress in Development of a Control Model for a Tandem Hot Metal Strip Rolling Process. 1-8 - Kwang-Woon Lee, Jongman Hong, Sang Bin Lee
, Sangtaek Lee:
Quality Assurance Testing for Magnetization Quality Assessment of BLDC Motors used in Compressors. 1-6 - Tetsuya Muraoka, Noboru Nakashima, Hiroaki Ikeda:
Readability of Characters on Display Faceplates in Terms of Human Sensation. 1-6 - Akira Mizuno:
Recent Development of Electrostatic Technologies in Environmental Remediation. 1-7 - Christian Brañas
, Francisco J. Azcondo
, Rosario Casanueva
Reduced Order Model for Envelope and Small-Signal Analysis of a Phase-Controlled Triple LCpCs Resonant Inverter for Electronic Ballast Applications. 1-8 - Eduardo Kazuhide Sato, Masahiro Kinoshita, Yushin Yamamoto, Tatsuaki Amboh:
Redundant, High Density, High Efficiency Double Conversion Uninterruptible Power System. 1-8 - Joy Mazumdar:
Regeneration Energy Management in AC Mining Drives for Providing Control Power. 1-5 - Dimitri Torregrossa, Benjamin Blunier, Abdellatif Miraoui:
Regressive Method for the Determination of Fuel Cell Pem Parameters in Order to Develop a Fuel Cell Pem Emulator. 1-4 - Carlton R. Rodrigues, Glenn O'Nan, Dan Wittmer, John Richter:
Revisiting the Determination of Busway Impedance Using First Principles. 1-6 - Robert Arno, Evangelos Stoyas, Robert Schuerger:
Risk Analysis for NEC Article 708 Critical Operations Power Systems. 1-7 - Kiyong Kim, Pranesh Rao, Jeff Burnworth:
Self-Tuning of the PID Controller for a Digital Excitation Control System. 1-8 - Dev Paul, Vahik Haddian:
Shore-To-Ship Power Supply System for a Cruise Ship. 1-7 - Murilo Cervi, Tiago B. Marchesan
, José Marcos Alonso Alvarez, Ricardo Nederson do Prado
Single Stage High Power Factor Electronic Ballast for HID Lamps Using Differential Connection. 1-4 - Jorge García
, Antonio J. Calleja
, David Gacio
, Javier Ribas
, Emilio L. Corominas
Single Switch Off-Line Ballast With PFC for Low Metal Halide Lamps. 1-8 - Yuequan Hu, Laszlo Huber, Milan M. Jovanovic:
Single-Stage Flyback Power-Factor-Correction Front-End for HB LED Application. 1-8 - Ramdane Lateb, Jean Charles Mercier, Abdollah Mirzaian, Pascal Emmanuelle:
Static Torque Method to Estimate Temperature Rise in High Power Induction Motors. 1-5 - Bing Sun, Xuemei Wang, Xiaomei Zhu, Masayuki Sato:
Study of Eradicating Invasive Organisms from Ballast Water with Pulsed Discharge in Liquid. 1-3 - Ray-Lee Lin, Yi-Fan Chen:
System Analysis of CCM Dual-Loop Controlled Light-Emitting-Diode Boost Driver. 1-6 - Ray-Lee Lin, Yi-Fan Chen:
System Analysis of DCM Dual-Loop Controlled Light-Emitting-Diode Boost Driver. 1-6 - Paul M. Donohue, Syed Mofizul Islam:
The Effect of Non-Sinusoidal Current Waveforms on Electro-Mechanical & Solid State Overcurrent Relay Operation. 1-6 - Tetsuji Oda, Hiraku Miyasaka, Yuto Ono, Ryo Ono
The Low Voltage Electrostatic Discharge on the Contacting Point. 1-6 - Masoud Pourali:
The Supremacy of Embedded Redundancy over Redundancy at System Level in Mission Critical Facilities. 1-7 - Giuseppe Parise
Transitions Theory for Intersections/Nodes and Generalized Euclidean Kinematics in Operation of Electrical Installations. 1-6 - Juliano P. de Lopes, Marcelo Freitas da Silva, Rafael A. Pinto, Ricardo N. do Prado
, Alysson R. Seidel
Universal Input Voltage Self-Oscillating Electronic Ballast with Feedforward Control. 1-5 - Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Tomoya Kimura, Shinya Matsumoto, Shiro Suyama:
Viewing-Zone Control of Large Full-Color LED Display for 3-D and Digital Signage. 1-7 - Malik Elbuluk, Ahmad Hammoud, Richard L. Patterson:
Wide Range Temperature Sensors for Harsh Environments. 1-6

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