Human Choice and Computers (HCC)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      16th HCC 2024: Phuket, Thailand

      15th HCC 2022: Tokyo, Japan

      14th HCC 2020: Tokyo, Japan

      13th HCC 2018: Poznan, Poland

      12th HCC 2016: Salford, UK

      11th HCC 2014: Turku, Finland

      10th HCC 2012: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      9th HCC 2010: Brisbane, Australia

      8th HCC 2008: Pretoria, South Africa

      7th HCC 2006: Maribor, Slovenia

      6th HCC 2002: Montréal, Québec, Canada

      part of IFIP World Congress 2002

      5th HCC 1998: Geneva, Switzerland

      1st HCC 1974