International Workshop on Graph Data Management Experiences and Systems (GRADES)

Venue statistics

records by year

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    frequent authors

      Venue Information

      GRADES/NDA 2024: Santiago, Chile

      GRADES/NDA 2023: Seattle, WA, USA

      GRADES/NDA 2022: Philadelphia, PA, USA

      GRADES/NDA 2021: Virtual Event, China

      GRADES/NDA 2020: Virtual Event / Portland, OR, USA

      GRADES/NDA 2019: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      GRADES/NDA 2018: Houston, TX, USA

      5th GRADES 2017: Chicago, IL, USA

      4th GRADES 2016: Redwood Shores, CA, USA

      3rd GRADES 2015: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

      2nd GRADES 2014: Snowbird, UT, USA

      1st GRADES 2013: New York, NY, USA