International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      13th FoIKS 2024: Sheffield, UK

      12th FoIKS 2022: Helsinki, Finland

      11th FoIKS 2020: Dortmund, Germany

      10th FoIKS 2018: Budapest, Hungary

      9. FoIKS 2016: Linz, Austria

      8. FoIKS 2014: Bordeaux, France

      7. FoIKS 2012: Kiel, Germany

      6. FoIKS 2010: Sofia, Bulgaria

      5. FoIKS 2008: Pisa, Italy

      4. FoIKS 2006: Budapest, Hungary

      3. FoIKS 2004: Wilhelminenburg Castle, Austria

      2. FoIKS 2002: Salzau Castle, Germany

      1. FoIKS 2000: Burg (Spreewald), Germany