ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional High-Performance and Numerical Computing (FHPNC)

ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional High-Performance Computing (FHPC)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      11th FHPNC 2023: Seattle, WA, USA

      10th FHPNC 2022

      Due to a low number of submissions FHNPC 2022 was cancelled.

      9th FHPNC 2021: Virtual Event

      8th FHPNC 2019: Berlin, Germany

      7th FHPC 2018: St. Louis, Missouri, USA

      6th FHPC 2017: Oxford, UK

      5th FHPC 2016: Nara, Japan

      4th FHPC 2015: Vancouver, BC, Canada

      3rd FHPC 2014: Gothenburg, Sweden

      2nd FHPC 2013: Boston, MA, USA

      1st FHPC 2012: Copenhagen, Denmark