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7th FG 2006: Southampton, UK
- Seventh IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FGR 2006), 10-12 April 2006, Southampton, UK. IEEE Computer Society 2006, ISBN 0-7695-2503-2
Recognition Technologies
- Yun Fu, Thomas S. Huang:
Graph Embedded Analysis for Head Pose Estimation. 3-8 - Guillaume Heusch, Yann Rodriguez, Sébastien Marcel:
Local Binary Patterns as an Image Preprocessing for Face Authentication. 9-14 - P. Jonathon Phillips, Patrick J. Flynn, W. Todd Scruggs, Kevin W. Bowyer
, William J. Worek:
Preliminary Face Recognition Grand Challenge Results. 15-24
Poster Session 1 - Face Recognition Approaches
- Rob Jenkins, A. Mike Burton
, David White
Face Recognition from Unconstrained Images: Progress with Prototypes. 25-30 - Sinjini Mitra, Marios Savvides:
Using Feature Combination and Statistical Resampling for Accurate Face Recognition Based on Frequency Domain Representation of Facial Asymmetry. 31-36 - Modesto Castrillón Santana
, Oscar Déniz-Suárez
, Javier Lorenzo-Navarro
, Mario Hernández-Tejera
Face Recognition from a Tabula Rasa Perspective. 37-42 - Kazuya Ueki, Teruhide Hayashida, Tetsunori Kobayashi:
Subspace-based Age-group Classification Using Facial Images under Various Lighting Conditions. 43-48 - Masashi Nishiyama, Osamu Yamaguchi:
Face Recognition Using the Classified Appearance-based Quotient Image. 49-54 - Péter Csákány, Adrian Hilton
Relighting of Facial Images. 55-60 - Thirimachos Bourlai
, Josef Kittler, Kieron Messer:
Database Size Effects on Performance on a Smart Card Face Verification System. 61-66 - Ming Zhao, Tat-Seng Chua:
Face Alignment with Unified Subspace Optimization of Active Statistical Models. 67-72 - G. M. Beumer, Qian Tao, Asker M. Bazen, Raymond N. J. Veldhuis:
A Landmark Paper in Face Recognition. 73-78 - Yong Gao, Yangsheng Wang, Xinshan Zhu, Xuetao Feng, Xiaoxu Zhou:
Weighted Gabor Features in Unitary Space for Face Recognition. 79-84 - Hazim Kemal Ekenel
, Aristodemos Pnevmatikakis
Video-Based Face Recognition Evaluation in the CHIL Project - Run 1. 85-90 - Yu Su, Shiguang Shan
, Xilin Chen, Wen Gao:
Hierarchical Ensemble of Gabor Fisher Classifier for Face Recognition. 91-96 - Jacob Whitehill, Christian W. Omlin
Haar Features for FACS AU Recognition. 97-101 - Bailing Zhang, Clement Leung:
Robust Face Recognition by Multiscale Kernel Associative Memory Models Based on Hierarchical Spatial-Domain Gabor Transforms. 102-107 - Peter Huisman, Ruud van Munster, Stephanie Moro-Ellenberger, Raymond N. J. Veldhuis, Asker M. Bazen:
Making 2D Face Recognition MoreRobust Using AAMs for Pose Compensation. 108-113 - James Short, Josef Kittler, Kieron Messer:
Photometric Normalisation for Component-based Face Verification. 114-119 - Rajinda Senaratne, Saman K. Halgamuge
Optimised Landmark Model Matching for Face Recognition. 120-125 - Creed F. Jones III, A. Lynn Abbott:
Color Face Recognition by Hypercomplex Gabor Analysis. 126-131 - Àgata Lapedriza
, David Masip
, Jordi Vitrià
Face Verification using External Features. 132-137 - David J. Chatting
Making Recognisable Faces. 138-143 - Mohammad H. Mahoor
, Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb
Facial Features Extraction in Color Images Using Enhanced Active Shape Model. 144-148 - Barry-John Theobald, Iain A. Matthews, Simon Baker:
Evaluating Error Functions for Robust Active Appearance Models. 149-154 - Simon Lucey
, Iain A. Matthews, Changbo Hu, Zara Ambadar, Fernando De la Torre, Jeffrey F. Cohn:
AAM Derived Face Representations for Robust Facial Action Recognition. 155-162
3D Recognition and Detection
- Tatsuo Kozakaya, Osamu Yamaguchi:
Face Recognition by Projection-based 3D Normalization and Shading Subspace Orthogonalization. 163-168 - Sébastien Grange, Charles Baur:
Robust Method for Real-time, Continuous, 3D Detection of Obstructed Faces in Indoors Environments. 169-176
Recognition Considerations
- Wei Fan, Dit-Yan Yeung:
Face Recognition with Image Sets Using Hierarchically Extracted Exemplars from Appearance Manifolds. 177-182 - Charlie D. Frowd, Vicki Bruce, Alex H. McIntyre
, Peter J. B. Hancock
Adding Holistic Dimensions to a Facial Composite System. 183-188 - Xiaohui Liu, Chin-Seng Chua:
Rejection of Non-meaningful Activities. 189-196
- Narendra Ahuja, Alexia Briassouli
Joint Spatial and Frequency Domain Motion Analysis. 197-204
Face Expression and Movement
- Curzio Basso, Pascal Paysan
, Thomas Vetter:
Registration of Expressions Data using a 3D Morphable Model. 205-210 - Lijun Yin, Xiaozhou Wei, Yi Sun, Jun Wang, Matthew J. Rosato:
A 3D Facial Expression Database For Facial Behavior Research. 211-216 - Lisa Gralewski, Neill W. Campbell
, Ian Penton-Voak
Using a Tensor Framework for the Analysis of Facial Dynamics. 217-222 - Marian Stewart Bartlett, Gwen Littlewort, Mark G. Frank, Claudia Lainscsek
, Ian R. Fasel, Javier R. Movellan:
Fully Automatic Facial Action Recognition in Spontaneous Behavior. 223-230
Gesture and Gait
- Hee-Deok Yang, A-Yeon Park, Seong-Whan Lee:
Robust Spotting of Key Gestures from Whole Body Motion Sequence. 231-236 - Junwei Han, George Awad, Alistair Sutherland, Hai Wu:
Automatic Skin Segmentation for Gesture Recognition Combining Region and Support Vector Machine Active Learning. 237-242 - Bon-Woo Hwang, Sungmin Kim, Seong-Whan Lee:
A Full-Body Gesture Database for Automatic Gesture Recognition. 243-248 - Haiping Lu
, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
A Layered Deformable Model for Gait Analysis. 249-256
Poster Session 2 - Gesture and Face Recognition
- Helman Stern, Juan P. Wachs
, Yael Edan
Optimal Hand Gesture Vocabulary Design Using Psycho-Physiological and Technical Factors. 257-262 - Haiying Guan, Rogério Schmidt Feris, Matthew A. Turk:
The Isometric Self-Organizing Map for 3D Hand Pose Estimation. 263-268 - P. Ravindra De Silva, Minetada Osano, Ashu Marasinghe, Ajith P. Madurapperuma:
Towards Recognizing Emotion with Affective Dimensions Through Body Gestures. 269-274 - Sébastien Wagner, Bram Alefs, Cristina Picus:
Framework for a Portable Gesture Interface. 275-280 - Zhihong Zeng, Yun Fu, Glenn I. Roisman, Zhen Wen, Yuxiao Hu, Thomas S. Huang:
One-Class Classification for Spontaneous Facial Expression Analysis. 281-286 - Romain Hérault, Franck Davoine
, Yves Grandvalet:
Head and Facial Action Tracking: Comparison of Two Robust Approaches. 287-292 - Philippe Dreuw, Thomas Deselaers, David Rybach, Daniel Keysers, Hermann Ney:
Tracking Using Dynamic Programming for Appearance-Based Sign Language Recognition. 293-298 - Yossi Zana, Roberto Marcondes Cesar Junior
, Jesús P. Mena-Chalco:
Human and Machine Recognition of Fourier-Bessel Filtered Face Images. 299-304 - Ramana Isukapalli, Ahmed M. Elgammal
, Russell Greiner:
Learning to Identify Facial Expression During Detection Using Markov Decision Process. 305-310 - Christian Bauckhage
, Thomas Käster, Andrei M. Rotenstein:
Fast Learning for Customizable Head Pose Recognition in Robotic Wheelchair Control. 311-316 - Masanobu Yamamoto, Humikazu Mitomi, Fuyuki Fujiwara, Taisuke Sato
Bayesian Classification of Task-Oriented Actions Based on Stochastic Context-Free Grammar. 317-323 - Chunli Wang, Xilin Chen, Wen Gao:
Expanding Training Set for Chinese Sign Language Recognition. 323-328 - Makoto Kato, Yen-Wei Chen, Gang Xu:
Articulated Hand Tracking by PCA-ICA Approach. 329-334 - Yuan Li, Haizhou Ai, Chang Huang, Shihong Lao:
Robust Head Tracking Based on a Multi-State Particle Filter. 335-340 - Karl Ricanek Jr., Tamirat Tesafaye:
MORPH: A Longitudinal Image Database of Normal Adult Age-Progression. 341-345 - Nectarios Rose:
Facial Expression Classification using Gabor and Log-Gabor Filters. 346-350 - Agnès Just, Yann Rodriguez, Sébastien Marcel:
Hand Posture Classification and Recognition using the Modified Census Transform. 351-356 - Jacob Whitehill, Christian W. Omlin
Local versus Global Segmentation for Facial Expression Recognition. 357-362 - Hugo Mercier, Julien Peyras, Patrice Dalle:
Toward an Efficient and Accurate AAM Fitting on Appearance Varying Faces. 363-368 - Xuan Zou, Josef Kittler, Kieron Messer:
Accurate Face Localisation for Faces under Active Near-IR Illumination. 369-374 - Myung-Cheol Roh, William J. Christmas, Josef Kittler, Seong-Whan Lee:
Gesture Spotting in Low-Quality Video with Features Based on Curvature Scale Space. 375-380 - Kikuo Fujimura, Xia Liu:
Sign Recognition using Depth Image Streams. 381-386 - José Antonio Montero
, Luis Enrique Sucar
A Decision-Theoretic Video Conference System Based on Gesture Recognition. 387-392 - Yunus Saatci, Christopher Town:
Cascaded Classification of Gender and Facial Expression using Active Appearance Models. 393-400
Face Detection
- Chang Huang, Haizhou Ai, Yuan Li, Shihong Lao:
Learning Sparse Features in Granular Space for Multi-View Face Detection. 401-407 - ZhenQiu Zhang, Gerasimos Potamianos, Ming Liu, Thomas S. Huang:
Robust Multi-View Multi-Camera Face Detection inside Smart Rooms Using Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Programming. 407-412 - Kiyoto Ichikawa, Takeshi Mita, Osamu Hori:
Component-based robust face detection using AdaBoost and decision tree. 413-420
- Tao Yang, Stan Z. Li, Quan Pan, Jing Li, Chunhui Zhao:
Reliable and Fast Tracking of Faces under Varying Pose. 421-428
Face Feature Analysis
- David Cristinacce, Timothy F. Cootes
Facial Feature Detection and Tracking with Automatic Template Selection. 429-434 - Ying Li, Jian-Huang Lai, Pong Chi Yuen:
Multi-template ASM Method for Feature Points Detection of Facial Image with Diverse Expressions. 435-440 - Mark Everingham, Andrew Zisserman:
Regression and Classification Approaches to Eye Localization in Face Images. 441-448
Recognition Approaches
- Ognjen Arandjelovic
, Roberto Cipolla
A New Look at Filtering Techniques for Illumination Invariance in Automatic Face Recognition. 449-454 - Stan Z. Li, Lun Zhang, Shengcai Liao
, XiangXin Zhu, Rufeng Chu, Meng Ao, Ran He:
A Near-infrared Image Based Face Recognition System. 455-460 - Tat-Jun Chin, Konrad Schindler, David Suter
Incremental Kernel SVD for Face Recognition with Image Sets. 461-466 - Wen-Sheng Chen, Pong Chi Yuen, Jian Huang, Jian-Huang Lai:
Face Classification based on Shannon Wavelet Kernel and Modified Fisher Criterion. 467-474
Poster Session 3 - Whole Body, Gait and Face Recognition
- Yanmei Chai, Jinchang Ren
, Rongchun Zhao, Jingping Jia:
Automatic Gait Recognition using Dynamic Variance Features. 475-480 - Feng Guo, Gang Qian:
Dance Posture Recognition Using Wide-baseline Orthogonal Stereo Cameras. 481-486 - Paul Chippendale
Towards Automatic Body Language Annotation. 487-492 - Jerry Jun Yokono, Tomaso A. Poggio:
A Multiview Face Identification Model With No Geometric Constraints. 493-498 - Chiraz BenAbdelkader, Larry S. Davis:
Estimation of Anthropomeasures from a Single Calibrated Camera. 499-504 - Huazhong Ning, Tony X. Han, Yuxiao Hu, ZhenQiu Zhang, Yun Fu, Thomas S. Huang:
A Realtime Shrug Detector. 505-510 - Chunsheng Hua, Haiyuan Wu, Qian Chen, Toshikazu Wada:
A General Framework For Tracking People. 511-516 - Murat Ekinci:
Gait Recognition Using Multiple Projections. 517-522 - Mohiuddin Ahmad
, Seong-Whan Lee:
Human Action Recognition Using Multi-View Image Sequences Features. 523-528 - Guoying Zhao
, Guoyi Liu, Hua Li, Matti Pietikäinen:
3D Gait Recognition Using Multiple Cameras. 529-534 - Yuhya Okada, Masataka Ozu, Teruko Sakurai, Mitsuharu Inaba, Shigeru Akamatsu:
Automatic Impression Transformation of Faces in 3D Shape - A Perceptual Comparison with Processing on 2D Images. 535-540 - Ronald Poppe
, Mannes Poel:
Comparison of Silhouette Shape Descriptors for Example-based Human Pose Recovery. 541-546 - ZhenQiu Zhang, Yuxiao Hu, Tian-Li Yu, Thomas S. Huang:
Minimum Variance Estimation of 3D Face Shape from Multi-view. 547-552 - Chan-Su Lee, Ahmed M. Elgammal
Gait Tracking and Recognition Using Person-Dependent Dynamic Shape Model. 553-559 - Terrance E. Boult:
Robust Distance Measures for Face-Recognition Supporting Revocable Biometric Tokens. 560-566 - Joachim Schmidt, Jannik Fritsch, Bogdan Kwolek:
Kernel Particle Filter for Real-Time 3D Body Tracking in Monocular Color Images. 567-572 - Jilin Tu, Thomas S. Huang, Hai Tao:
Accurate Head Pose Tracking in Low Resolution Video. 573-578 - Sandhitsu R. Das, Robert C. Wilson, Maciej T. Lazarewicz, Leif H. Finkel:
Gait Recognition by Two-Stage Principal Component Analysis. 579-584 - Xiaoguang Lu, Anil K. Jain:
Automatic Feature Extraction for Multiview 3D Face Recognition. 585-590 - João Carreira, Paulo Peixoto
A Vision Based Interface for Local Collaborative Music Synthesis. 591-596 - Ming Zhao, Tat-Seng Chua, Terence Sim
Morphable Face Reconstruction with Multiple Images. 597-602 - Lijun Yin, Xiaozhou Wei:
Multi-Scale Primal Feature Based Facial Expression Modeling and Identification. 603-608 - M. Baris Caglar, Niels da Vitoria Lobo:
Self Correcting Tracking for Articulated Objects. 609-616
- Volker Blanz:
Face Recognition based on a 3D Morphable Model. 617-624
3D and Multiview
- Bisser Raytchev
, Ikushi Yoda, Katsuhiko Sakaue:
Multi-View Face Recognition By Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction And Generalized Linear Models. 625-630 - Xiujuan Chai, Shiguang Shan
, Xilin Chen, Wen Gao:
Local Linear Regression (LLR) for Pose Invariant Face Recognition. 631-636 - Reinhard Knothe, Sami Romdhani, Thomas Vetter:
Combining PCA and LFA for Surface Reconstruction from a Sparse Set of Control Points. 637-644
- Seong-Whan Lee:
Automatic Gesture Recognition for Intelligent Human-Robot Interaction. 645-650

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