International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency (EXPRESS)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      30th EXPRESS / 20th SOS 2023: Antwerp, Belgium

      29th EXPRESS / 19th SOS 2022: Warsaw, Poland

      28th EXPRESS / 18th SOS 2021: Paris, France [virtual]

      27th EXPRESS / 17th SOS 2020 [virtual]

      26th EXPRESS / 16th SOS 2019: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      25th EXPRESS / 15th SOS 2018: Beijing, China

      24th EXPRESS / 14th SOS 2017: Berlin, Germany

      23rd EXPRESS / 13th SOS 2016: Québec, Canada

      22nd EXPRESS / 12th SOS 2015: Madrid, Spain

      21st EXPRESS / 11th SOS 2014: Rome, Italy

      20th EXPRESS / 10th SOS 2013: Buenos Aires, Argentina

      19th EXPRESS / 9th SOS 2012: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

      18th EXPRESS 2011: Aachen, Germany

      17th EXPRESS 2010: Paris, France

      16th EXPRESS 2009: Bologna, Italy

      15th EXPRESS 2008: Toronto, ON, Canada

      14th EXPRESS 2007: Lisbon, Portugal

      13th EXPRESS 2006: Bonn, Germany

      12th EXPRESS 2005: San Francisco, CA, USA

      11th EXPRESS 2004: London, UK

      10th EXPRESS 2003: Marseille, France

      9th EXPRESS 2002: Brno, Czech Republic

      8th EXPRESS 2001: Aalborg, Denmark

      7th EXPRESS 2000: State College, PA, USA

      6th EXPRESS 1999: Eindhoven, The Netherlands

      5th EXPRESS 1998: Nice, France

      4th EXPRESS 1997: Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy