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35th EUROMICRO-SEAA 2009: Patras, Greece
- 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, SEAA 2009, Patras, Greece, August 27-29, 2009, Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society 2009, ISBN 978-0-7695-3784-9
Open Source Software Development
- Sue Black, Steve Counsell, Tracy Hall
, David Bowes
Fault Analysis in OSS Based on Program Slicing Metrics. 3-10 - Jakub Rudzki, Kimmo Kiviluoma, Tero Poikonen, Imed Hammouda:
Evaluating Quality of Open Source Components for Reuse-Intensive Commercial Solutions. 11-19 - Gary Gaughan, Brian Fitzgerald
, Maha Shaikh
An Examination of the Use of Open Source Software Processes as a Global Software Development Solution for Commercial Software Engineering. 20-27
Service Oriented Architectures
- Ernst Juhnke, Tim Dörnemann, Bernd Freisleben
Fault-Tolerant BPEL Workflow Execution via Cloud-Aware Recovery Policies. 31-38 - Marc Bischof, Oliver Kopp
, Tammo van Lessen
, Frank Leymann
BPELscript: A Simplified Script Syntax for WS-BPEL 2.0. 39-46 - Karel Masek, Petr Hnetynka
, Tomás Bures
Bridging the Component-Based and Service-Oriented Worlds. 47-54
Web Computing
- Michael Sonntag:
Exercise Generation by Group Models for Autonomous Web-Based Learning. 57-63 - Mirko Fetter, Tom Gross:
LocaRhythms: Real-Time Data Mining for Continuous Detection and Prediction of Stays. 64-71 - Florian Skopik
, Daniel Schall, Schahram Dustdar
The Cycle of Trust in Mixed Service-Oriented Systems. 72-79 - Janne Kuuskeri, Tommi Mikkonen, Antero Taivalsaari
AsyncHttpEvalRequest: A New Primitive for Downloading Web Applications Incrementally and Securely. 80-86 - David de Almeida Ferreira, Alberto Rodrigues da Silva
An Enhanced Wiki for Requirements Engineering. 87-94
Model Driven Engineering
- Miguel A. Laguna
, José M. Marqués:
Feature Diagrams and their Transformations: An Extensible Meta-model. 97-104 - Maurice H. ter Beek
, Antonio Bucchiarone
, Stefania Gnesi
Dynamic Software Architecture Development: Towards an Automated Process. 105-108 - Patricia López Martínez, José M. Drake, Julio L. Medina:
Enabling Model-Driven Schedulability Analysis in the Development of Distributed Component-Based Real-Time Applications. 109-112 - Werner Heijstek
, Michel R. V. Chaudron
Empirical Investigations of Model Size, Complexity and Effort in a Large Scale, Distributed Model Driven Development Process. 113-120 - Baris Güldali, Michael Mlynarski, Andreas Wübbeke, Gregor Engels:
Model-Based System Testing Using Visual Contracts. 121-124 - Carlos Noguera, Frédéric Loiret:
Checking Architectural and Implementation Constraints for Domain-Specific Component Frameworks Using Models. 125-132 - Thomas Goldschmidt, Steffen Becker, Axel Uhl:
Textual Views in Model Driven Engineering. 133-140 - Lucia Kapová
, Thomas Goldschmidt:
Automated Feature Model-Based Generation of Refinement Transformations. 141-148 - Alexander Raschke:
Translation of UML 2 Activity Diagrams into Finite State Machines for Model Checking. 149-154 - Sylvain Robert, Sébastien Gérard
, François Terrier, François Lagarde:
A Lightweight Approach for Domain-Specific Modeling Languages Design. 155-161 - Vittorio Cortellessa, Antinisca Di Marco
, Romina Eramo
, Alfonso Pierantonio
, Catia Trubiani
Approaching the Model-Driven Generation of Feedback to Remove Software Performance Flaws. 162-169
Software Process and Product Improvement
- Thomas Ternité:
Process Lines: A Product Line Approach Designed for Process Model Development. 173-180 - Rudolf Ramler, Stefan Larndorfer, Thomas Natschläger:
What Software Repositories Should Be Mined for Defect Predictors?. 181-187 - Stefan Larndorfer, Rudolf Ramler, Clemens Buchwiser:
Experiences and Results from Establishing a Software Cockpit at BMD Systemhaus. 188-194 - Burcu Akman, Onur Demirörs
Applicability of Process Discovery Algorithms for Software Organizations. 195-202 - Ayse Tosun
, Ayse Basar Bener
, Burak Turhan
Implementation of a Software Quality Improvement Project in an SME: A Before and After Comparison. 203-209 - Evgenia Egorova, Marco Torchiano
, Maurizio Morisio, Claes Wohlin
, Aybüke Aurum, Richard Berntsson-Svensson:
Stakeholders' Perception of Success: An Empirical Investigation. 210-216 - Nina Dzamashvili-Fogelström, Mikael Svahnberg, Tony Gorschek:
Investigating Impact of Business Risk on Requirements Selection Decisions. 217-223 - Jakub Rudzki, Imed Hammouda, Tuomas Mikkola:
Agile Experiences in a Software Service Company. 224-228 - Dominik Schmitz
, Wei Deng, Thomas Rose, Matthias Jarke, Harald Nonn, Korakoj Sanguanpiyapan:
Configuration Management for Realtime Simulation Software. 229-236 - Anakreon Mentis, Panagiotis Katsaros
, Lefteris Angelis:
Synthetic Metrics for Evaluating Runtime Quality of Software Architectures with Complex Tradeoffs. 237-242 - Michael Kläs, Jens Heidrich
, Jürgen Münch
, Adam Trendowicz:
CQML Scheme: A Classification Scheme for Comprehensive Quality Model Landscapes. 243-250 - Danuza Ferreira Santana Neiva, Eduardo Santana de Almeida, Silvio Romero de Lemos Meira:
An Experimental Study on Requirements Engineering for Software Product Lines. 251-254 - Gábor Guta, Wolfgang Schreiner
, Dirk Draheim
A Lightweight MDSD Process Applied in Small Projects. 255-258 - Erlend Agoy Engum, Zornitza Racheva, Maya Daneva
Sprint Planning with a Digital Aid Tool: Lessons Learnt. 259-262 - Harald Klein, Andreas Rausch, Edward Fischer:
Towards Process-Based Collaboration in Global Software Engineering. 263-266 - Richard Mordinyi, Thomas Moser
, Eva Kühn, Stefan Biffl, Alexander Mikula:
Foundations for a Model-Driven Integration of Business Services in a Safety-Critical Application Domain. 267-274 - Muhammad Sarmad Ali
, Muhammad Ali Babar, Klaus Schmid
A Comparative Survey of Economic Models for Software Product Lines. 275-278 - Hongyu Pei Breivold, Ivica Crnkovic
Analysis of Software Evolvability in Quality Models. 279-282
Software Management
- Diana Kirk, Stephen G. MacDonell:
A Simulation Framework to Support Software Project (Re)Planning. 285-292 - Nikolaos Mittas
, Lefteris Angelis:
Bootstrap Prediction Intervals for a Semi-parametric Software Cost Estimation Model. 293-299 - Jarno Vähäniitty, Casper Lassenius
, Kristian Rautiainen
, Pasi Pekkanen:
Long-Term Planning of Development Efforts by Roadmapping . 300-305 - Filomena Ferrucci
, Carmine Gravino
, Sergio Di Martino
Estimating Web Application Development Effort Using Web-COBRA and COSMIC: An Empirical Study. 306-312 - Sebastian Barney, Aybüke Aurum, Claes Wohlin
The Relative Importance of Aspects of Intellectual Capital for Software Companies. 313-320 - Mira Kajko-Mattsson, Jan Lundholm, Jonas Norrby:
Insight into Risk Management in Five Software Organizations. 321-326 - Özden Özcan Top, Onur Demirörs
, Baris Ozkan
Reliability of COSMIC Functional Size Measurement Results: A Multiple Case Study on Industry Cases. 327-334 - Michael Kläs, Frank Elberzhager, Rolf Hendrik van Lengen, Torsten Schulz, Jürgen Goebbels:
A Framework for the Balanced Optimization of Quality Assurance Strategies Focusing on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. 335-342
Service and Component Based Software Engineering
- Antonio Sarasa Cabezuelo
, Alberto Martinez-Aviles, José Luis Sierra
, Alfredo Fernández-Valmayor:
A Generative Approach to the Construction of Application-Specific XML Processing Components. 345-352 - Mariachiara Puviani
, Giacomo Cabri
, Letizia Leonardi
Experiences in Applying Situational Method Engineering in AOSE. 353-359 - Thomas Ruhroth, Hendrik Voigt, Heike Wehrheim:
Measure, Diagnose, Refactor: A Formal Quality Cycle for Software Models. 360-367 - Francesca Saglietti, Florin Pinte, Sven Söhnlein:
Integration and Reliability Testing for Component-Based Software Systems. 368-374 - Frédéric Loiret, Ales Plsek, Philippe Merle
, Lionel Seinturier, Michal Malohlava:
Constructing Domain-Specific Component Frameworks through Architecture Refinement. 375-382 - Nicholas R. May
, Heinz W. Schmidt, Ian E. Thomas:
Service Redundancy Strategies in Service-Oriented Architectures. 383-387 - Premek Brada
A Look at Current Component Models from the Black-Box Perspective. 388-395 - Didier Donsez, Kiev Gama
, Walter Rudametkin
Developing Adaptable Components Using Dynamic Languages. 396-403 - Paul Brebner:
Service-Oriented Performance Modeling the MULE Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Loan Broker Application. 404-411 - Alexandre Costa Martins, Vinicius Cardoso Garcia, Eduardo Santana de Almeida, Silvio Romero de Lemos Meira:
Suggesting Software Components for Reuse in Search Engines Using Discovered Knowledge Techniques. 412-419 - Fernando Carvalho, Silvio R. L. Meira, Bruno Freitas, Joao Eulino:
Embedded Software Component Quality and Certification. 420-427 - Jaroslav Bauml, Premek Brada
Automated Versioning in OSGi: A Mechanism for Component Software Consistency Guarantee. 428-435 - Hamed Yaghoubi Shahir, Ehsan Kouroshfar, Raman Ramsin
Using Design Patterns for Refactoring Real-World Models. 436-441 - Nour Ali
, Muhammad Ali Babar:
Modeling Service Oriented Architectures of Mobile Applications by Extending SoaML with Ambients. 442-449 - Luka Lednicki, Ana Petricic, Mario Zagar:
A Component-Based Technology for Hardware and Software Components. 450-453 - Dirk Niebuhr, Andreas Rausch:
Guaranteeing Correctness of Component Bindings in Dynamic Adaptive Systems. 454-457 - Andreas Both, Wolf Zimmermann:
A Step Towards a More Practical Protocol Conformance Checking Algorithm. 458-465 - Fernando Raposo da Camara Silva, Eduardo Santana de Almeida, Silvio Romero de Lemos Meira:
A Component Testing Approach Supported by a CASE Tool. 466-469 - Siamak Haschemi, Arif Wider:
An Extensible Language for Service Dependency Management. 470-473 - Juraj Feljan, Jan Carlson
, Mario Zagar:
Using JavaBeans to Realize a Domain-Specific Component Model. 474-477 - Aneta Vulgarakis, Jagadish Suryadevara, Jan Carlson
, Cristina Cerschi Seceleanu
, Paul Pettersson
Formal Semantics of the ProCom Real-Time Component Model. 478-485 - Panayiotis Alefragis
, Nikos Chondros
BAL: A Language for Component Based Distributed Applications Development. 486-489 - Thomas Aschauer, Gerd Dauenhauer, Wolfgang Pree:
Multi-level Modeling for Industrial Automation Systems. 490-496 - Kung-Kiu Lau, Ioannis Ntalamagkas:
Component-Based Construction of Concurrent Systems with Active Components. 497-501 - Ning Gui, Vincenzo De Florio
, Hong Sun
, Chris Blondia:
An Architecture-Based Framework for Managing Adaptive Real-Time Applications. 502-507 - Rick Rabiser
, Deepak Dhungana
, Wolfgang Heider, Paul Grünbacher
Flexibility and End-User Support in Model-Based Product Line Tools. 508-511
Dependable Embedded Systems
- Kristoffer Nyborg Gregertsen
, Amund Skavhaug:
A Real-Time Framework for Ada 2005 and the Ravenscar Profile. 515-522 - Ashraf Armoush, Eva Beckschulze, Stefan Kowalewski:
Safety Assessment of Design Patterns for Safety-Critical Embedded Systems. 523-527 - Martin Korsgaard, Amund Skavhaug, Sverre Hendseth:
Improving Real-Time Software Quality by Direct Specification of Timing Requirements. 528-536 - Egbert Althammer, Erwin Schoitsch, Henrik Eriksson, Jonny Vinter
The DECOS Concept of Generic Safety Cases - A Step towards Modular Certification. 537-545 - Petr Böhm, Thomas Gruber:
RAMS Analysis of a Bio-inspired Traffic Data Sensor ("Smart Eye"). 546-552
Internet Technologies, Quality of Service and Applications
- Matthias Schmidt, Niels Fallenbeck, Matthew Smith, Bernd Freisleben
Secure Service-Oriented Grid Computing with Public Virtual Worker Nodes. 555-562 - Roland Schwarzkopf, Matthias Schmidt, Niels Fallenbeck, Bernd Freisleben
Multi-layered Virtual Machines for Security Updates in Grid Environments. 563-570 - Dennis Schwerdel, Abbas Ali Siddiqui, Bernd Reuther, Paul Müller:
Composition of Self Descriptive Protocols for Future Network Architectures. 571-577 - Feetu Nyrhinen, Tommi Mikkonen:
Web Browser as a Uniform Application Platform: How Far Are We?. 578-584 - Joachim Götze, Bernd Reuther, Paul Müller, Viktor Achter, Sebastian Breuers, Marc Seifert, Ulrich Lang:
SuGI - Portal and Training Systems for Grid Middlewares. 585-591

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