EuCNC 2015: Paris, France

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Track 1: Physical Layer and Fundamentals (PHY)

Wireless Communications

Communication Theory & Fading

Information Theory & Coding

Next Generation Networking

Selected Areas in Communications

Track 2: Wireless Networks (WIN)

Testbeds and Deployment

Software Defined Networks and Cloud-RAN I

Radio Resource Management

Software Defined Networks and Cloud-RAN II

Quality of Service

Interference Management

Relay and Multihop Networks

Cognitive Radio

Track 3: Optical Networks (OPN)

Optical Communication Systems and Technologies

Optical Networks

Track 4: Networking (NET)

SDN and IP Networks

5G Mobile Networks

Information Centric Networks

Track 5: Applications and Services (APS)

Cloud Computing

Wireless Networks

Traffic Modeling and Security

Track 6: Testbeds and Experimental Research (TER)

Testbed and Experimental Research 1

Testbed and Experimental Research 2