International Conference Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW)

International Conference on Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management

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    frequent authors

      24th EKAW 2024: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      23rd EKAW 2022: Bolzano, Italy

      22nd EKAW 2020: Bolzano, Italy

      21st EKAW 2018: Nancy, France

      20th EKAW 2016: Bologna, Italy

      19th EKAW 2014: Linköping, Sweden

      18th EKAW 2012: Galway City, Ireland

      17th EKAW 2010: Lisbon, Portugal

      16th EKAW 2008: Acitrezza, Italy

      15th EKAW 2006: Podebrady (near Prague), Czech Republic

      EKAW 2006 Home Page

      14th EKAW 2004: Whittlebury Hall, UK

      13th EKAW 2002: Siguenza, Spain

      12th EKAW 2000: Juan-les-Pins, France

      11th EKAW 1999: Dagstuhl Castle, Germany

      10th EKAW 1997: Sant Feliu de Guixols, Catalonia, Spain

      9th EKAW 1996: Nottingham, UK

      8th EKAW 1994: Hoegaarden, Belgium

      7th EKAW 1993: Toulouse and Caylus, France

      6th EKAW 1992: Heidelberg and Kaiserslautern, Germany