European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA)

European Conference on Model Driven Architecture - Foundations and Applications (ECMDA-FA)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      20th ECMFA@STAF 2024: Enschede, The Netherlands

      Proceedings: J. Object Technol. 23(3)

      19th ECMFA@STAF 2023: Leicester, UK

      Proceedings: J. Object Technol. 22(2)

      18th ECMFA@STAF 2022: Nantes, France

      Proceedings: J. Object Technol. 21(3)

      17th ECMFA@STAF 2021: Bergen, Norway [virtual]

      ECMFA 2021 Home Page

      Proceedings: J. Object Technol. 20(3)

      16th ECMFA@STAF 2020: Bergen, Norway [postponed]

      ECMFA 2020 Home Page

      Selected papers: J. Object Technol. 19(2)

      15th ECMFA@STAF 2019: Eindhoven, The Netherlands

      Proceedings published in: J. Object Technol. 18(2)

      14th ECMFA@STAF 2018: Toulouse, France

      13th ECMFA@STAF 2017: Marburg, Germany

      12th ECMFA@STAF 2016: Vienna, Austria

      11th ECMFA@STAF 2015: L'Aquila, Italy

      10th ECMFA@STAF 2014: York, UK

      9th ECMFA 2013: Montpellier, France

      8th ECMFA 2012: Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

      7th ECMFA 2011: Birmingham, UK

      6th ECMFA 2010: Paris, France

      5th ECMDA-FA 2009: Enschede, The Netherlands

      4th ECMDA-FA 2008: Berlin, Germany

      3rd ECMDA-FA 2007: Haifa, Israel

      2nd ECMDA-FA 2006: Bilbao, Spain

      1st ECMDA-FA 2005: Nuremberg, Germany