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12. DICTA 2010: Sydney, Australia
- Jian Zhang, Chunhua Shen, Glenn Geers:
International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, DICTA 2010, Sydney, Australia, 1-3 December, 2010. IEEE Computer Society 2010, ISBN 978-0-7695-4271-3
Generic Object Recognition and Image Retrieval 1
- Joselíto J. Chua, Peter E. Tischer:
Focusing the Normalised Information Distance on the Relevant Information Content for Image Similarity. 1-7 - Yanzhi Chen, Anthony R. Dick
, Anton van den Hengel
Image Retrieval with a Visual Thesaurus. 8-14
Medical Imaging and Biometric
- Mira Park
, Jesse S. Jin, Peter F. Summons, Suhuai Luo
, Robert Hofstetter:
False Positive Reduction in Colonic Polyp Detection Using Glocal Information. 15-21 - Shiaofen Fang, Ying Liu, Sophia Vinci-Booher, Bruce Anthony, Feng Zhou:
Surface Analysis from Video Volumes for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Classification. 22-26 - Mariusz Bajger
, Fei Ma, Simon Williams, Murk J. Bottema:
Mammographic Mass Detection with Statistical Region Merging. 27-32 - Madasu Hanmandlu, Jyotsana Grover, Vamsi Madasu:
Decision Level Fusion Using t-Norms. 33-38
Object Detection and Tracking
- Hugh L. Kennedy
An Efficient Frequency-Domain Velocity-Filter Implementation for Dim Target Detection. 39-44 - Mohammad Awrangjeb
, Mehdi Ravanbakhsh, Clive S. Fraser:
Automatic Building Detection Using LIDAR Data and Multispectral Imagery. 45-51 - Salma Kammoun Jarraya
, Mohamed Hammami
, Hanêne Ben-Abdallah
Accurate Background Modeling for Moving Object Detection in a Dynamic Scene. 52-57 - Hadi Firouzi, Homayoun Najjaran
Adaptive Non-rigid Object Tracking by Fusing Visual and Motional Descriptors. 58-62
Image/Video Processing and Application (Poster Session)
- Jiyong Wang, David Dagan Feng, Yong Xia:
Automated Detection of the Occurrence and Changes of Hot-Spots in Intro-subject FDG-PET Images from Combined PET-CT Scanners. 63-68 - Richard Beare
, Winston Chong, Mandy Ren, Gita Das, Velandai Srikanth
, Thanh G. Phan
Segmentation of Carotid Arteries in CTA Images. 69-74 - Pascal Vallotton, Lynne Turnbull
, Cynthia Whitchurch
, Lisa Mililli:
Segmentation of Dense 2D Bacilli Populations. 82-86 - Sang-Jun Park, Jechang Jeong, Gwanggil Jeon
Direction-Oriented Line Interpolation Using Geometric Duality. 87-91 - Mohammad Awrangjeb
, Guojun Lu
, Clive S. Fraser:
A Comparative Study on Contour-Based Corner Detectors. 92-99 - Brenden Chen, Vinod Chandran
Robust Image Hashing Using Higher Order Spectral Features. 100-104 - J. S. Jimmy Li, Sharmil Randhawa:
Reduction of Colour Artifacts Using Inverse Demosaicking. 105-110 - Matthew Andrew Kitchener, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum
, Son Lam Phung:
A Compressive Sensing Approach to Image Restoration. 111-115 - Zhenglin Wang, Ivan Lee
Sorted Random Matrix for Orthogonal Matching Pursuit. 116-120 - Peter Kovesi:
Fast Almost-Gaussian Filtering. 121-125 - Tong Kuan Chuah, Cheng Wei Lim, Chueh-Loo Poh, Kenneth Sheah:
Bone Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images by Gradient Vector Flow Active Contour with Atlas Based Centroid Forces. 126-131 - Sangjin Lee, Hoonjae Lee, Sanghoon Sull:
Image Enhancement for Reducing LCD Backlight Power Based on Human Visual Characteristics. 132-136 - Seyed Mehdi Lajevardi
, Zahir M. Hussain
A Novel Gabor Filter Selection Based on Spectral Difference and Minimum Error Rate for Facial Expression Recognition. 137-140 - Damith J. Mudugamuwa, Wenjing Jia
, Xiangjian He
Asymmetric, Non-unimodal Kernel Regression for Image Processing. 141-145 - Uvais Qidwai, Umair Qidwai:
Blind Restoration of Fluorescein Angiography Images. 146-151 - Yang Song
, Weidong Cai
, Stefan Eberl, Michael J. Fulham
, David Dagan Feng:
Structure-Adaptive Feature Extraction and Representation for Multi-modality Lung Images Retrieval. 152-157 - Sutono Effendi, Ray A. Jarvis:
Camera Ego-Motion Estimation Using Phase Correlation under Planar Motion Constraint. 158-165 - Md. Tanvir Hossain, Shyh Wei Teng
, Guojun Lu
, Martin Lackmann:
An Enhancement to SIFT-Based Techniques for Image Registration. 166-171 - Li-hui Zou, Jie Chen, Juan Zhang, Narciso García
Malaria Cell Counting Diagnosis within Large Field of View. 172-177 - Chao Zhang, Changming Sun
, Tuan D. Pham, Pascal Vallotton, Michael Fenech:
Detection of Nuclear Buds Based on Ellipse Fitting. 178-183 - Alauddin Bhuiyan, Ryo Kawasaki
, Ecosse Lamoureux, Tien Yin Wong, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao
Vessel Segmentation from Color Retinal Images with Varying Contrast and Central Reflex Properties. 184-189 - Doreen Altinay, Andrew P. Bradley
, Andrew Mehnert
On the Estimation of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Parameters of Optical Microscope Calibration. 190-195
Generic Object Recognition and Image Retrieval 2
- Nayyar Abbas Zaidi
, David McG. Squire
Local Adaptive SVM for Object Recognition. 196-201 - Anucha Tungkatsathan, Wichian Premchaiswadi, Nucharee Premchaiswadi:
Unsupervised Detection for Minimizing a Region of Interest around Distinct Object in Natural Images. 202-207 - Edmond Zhang, Mike Mayo:
Enhanced Spatial Pyramid Matching Using Log-Polar-Based Image Subdivision and Representation. 208-213 - Yu Qiu, Genliang Guan, Zhiyong Wang, David Dagan Feng:
Improving News Video Annotation with Semantic Context. 214-219 - Wenjing Jia
, Xiangjian He
, Qiang Wu
Segmenting Characters from License Plate Images with Little Prior Knowledge. 220-226
Stereo Video Processing
- Nils Einecke
, Julian Eggert:
A Two-Stage Correlation Method for Stereoscopic Depth Estimation. 227-234 - Yiran Xie, Rui Cao, Hanyang Tong, Sheng Liu, Nianjun Liu:
Evaluating Multi-scale Over-segment and Its Contribution to Real Scene Stereo Matching by High-Order MRFs. 235-240
Facial Expression and Face Recognition
- Simon Lucey
, Jun-Su Jang:
Non-rigid Face Tracking Using Short Track-Life Features. 241-248 - Farshid Hajati, Abolghasem A. Raie, Yongsheng Gao
Expression-Invariant 3D Face Recognition Using Patched Geodesic Texture Transform. 249-254 - Patrick Lucey, Simon Lucey
, Jeffrey F. Cohn:
Registration Invariant Representations for Expression Detection. 255-261 - Hanxi Li, Peng Wang, Chunhua Shen:
Robust Face Recognition via Accurate Face Alignment and Sparse Representation. 262-269
Video Surveillance and Application (Poster Session)
- Arnold Wiliem
, Vamsi Krishna Madasu, Wageeh W. Boles
, Prasad K. D. V. Yarlagadda
An Update-Describe Approach for Human Action Recognition in Surveillance Video. 270-275 - Imants D. Svalbe, Nikesh Nazareth, Nicolas Normand, Shekhar Chandra
On Constructing Minimal Ghosts. 276-281 - Suvam Chatterjee, Hao Shi:
A Novel Neuro Fuzzy Approach to Human Emotion Determination. 282-287 - Qiuxia Wu, Zhiyong Wang, Feiqi Deng
, David Dagan Feng:
Realistic Human Action Recognition with Audio Context. 288-293 - Eric Dahai Cheng, Subhash Challa, Xuanchen Tang, Xiaohu Liu:
Non-cooperative Object Detection in Sea Using Acoustic Sensors. 294-301 - Thomas Albrecht, Geoff A. W. West, Tele Tan
, Thanh Ly:
Multiple Views Tracking of Maritime Targets. 302-307 - Li Wang, Li Cheng, Tuan Hue Thi, Jian Zhang
Human Action Recognition from Boosted Pose Estimation. 308-313 - Jamie Sherrah:
Occluded Pedestrian Tracking Using Body-Part Tracklets. 314-319 - Jin Wang, Mary Fenghua She, Saeid Nahavandi, Abbas Z. Kouzani:
A Review of Vision-Based Gait Recognition Methods for Human Identification. 320-327 - Zhengqiang Jiang, Du Q. Huynh
, William Moran, Subhash Challa, Nick Spadaccini:
Multiple Pedestrian Tracking Using Colour and Motion Models. 328-334 - Tony Scoleri:
Video Metrology without the Image-to-Ground Homography. 335-342 - Ron G. van Schyndel:
A Hardware-Based Surveillance Video Camera Watermark. 343-348 - Óscar Pérez Concha
, Richard Yi Da Xu
, Massimo Piccardi
Robust Dimensionality Reduction for Human Action Recognition. 349-356 - Arif Khan, Jian Zhang
, Yang Wang
Appearance-Based Re-identification of People in Video. 357-362 - Gladis John, Geoff A. W. West, Mihai M. Lazarescu
Part Based Recognition of Pedestrians Using Multiple Features and Random Forests. 363-368 - Daniel Chen, Simon Denman, Clinton Fookes
, Sridha Sridharan:
Accurate Silhouettes for Surveillance - Improved Motion Segmentation Using Graph Cuts. 369-374 - Sheng Wang, Ruo Du, Qiang Wu
, Xiangjian He
Adaptive Stick-Like Features for Human Detection Based on Multi-scale Feature Fusion Scheme. 375-380 - Jingyuan Zhang, Hao Shi:
Geo-visualization and Clustering to Support Epidemiology Surveillance Exploration. 381-386 - Muhammad Wasim Nawaz
, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum
, Son Lam Phung:
Motion Estimation with Adaptive Regularization and Neighborhood Dependent Constraint. 387-392 - Ali Emami, Abbas Bigdeli, Adam Postula:
High Throughput Variable Size Non-square Gabor Engine with Feature Pooling Based on GPU. 393-399 - David Lucking, Eric J. Balster:
An Increased Throughput FPGA Design of the JPEG2000 Binary Arithmetic Decoder. 400-405 - Chi-Man Pun
, Cong Lin:
Geometric Invariant Shape Classification Using Hidden Markov Model. 406-410 - Anwaar Ul Haq
, Iqbal Gondal
, M. Manzur Murshed
VSAMS: Video Stabilization Approach for Multiple Sensors. 411-416
Low-Level Image Processing
- Abeed Sarker
, Leonard G. C. Hamey
Improved Reconstruction of Flutter Shutter Images for Motion Blur Reduction. 417-422 - Cher Hau Seng, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum
, Fok Hing Chi Tivive
, Moeness G. Amin
Fuzzy Logic-Based Image Fusion for Multi-view Through-the-Wall Radar. 423-428 - Punam K. Saha
, Ziyue Xu
An Analytic Approach to Tensor Scale with an Efficient Algorithm and Applications to Image Filtering. 429-434 - Anwaar Ul Haq
, Iqbal Gondal
, M. Manzur Murshed
Scarf: Semi-automatic Colorization and Reliable Image Fusion. 435-440 - Jing Yu, Qingmin Liao:
Color Constancy-Based Visibility Enhancement in Low-Light Conditions. 441-446
Sparse Representation
- Yuntao Qian, Sen Jia, Jun Zhou
, Antonio Robles-Kelly:
L1/2 Sparsity Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing. 447-453 - Óscar Pérez Concha
, Richard Yi Da Xu
, Massimo Piccardi
Compressive Sensing of Time Series for Human Action Recognition. 454-461
Multi-view Geometry
- Fei Mai, Y. S. Hung:
3D Curves Reconstruction from Multiple Images. 462-467 - Shih Ching Fu
, Peter Kovesi:
Robust Extraction of Optic Flow Differentials for Surface Reconstruction. 468-473 - Hadi Aliakbarpour
, Jorge Dias
IMU-Aided 3D Reconstruction Based on Multiple Virtual Planes. 474-479 - Wojciech Chojnacki
, Zygmunt L. Szpak
, Michael J. Brooks
, Anton van den Hengel
Multiple Homography Estimation with Full Consistency Constraints. 480-485
Statistical Pattern Recognition and Application (Poster Session)
- Xing Yan, Jianbing Shen
, Ying He
, Xiaoyang Mao
Re-texturing by Intrinsic Video. 486-491 - Nils Einecke
, Julian Eggert:
Evaluation of Direct Plane Fitting for Depth and Parameter Estimation. 492-497 - Boris Schauerte, Gernot A. Fink
Web-Based Learning of Naturalized Color Models for Human-Machine Interaction. 498-503 - Andrew J. Newell, Lewis D. Griffin, Ruth M. Morgan
, Peter A. Bull
Texture-Based Estimation of Physical Characteristics of Sand Grains. 504-509 - Mohammad Jahangiri, Daniel Heesch, Maria Petrou:
CRF Based Region Classification Using Spatial Prototypes. 510-515 - Kaimin Yu, Zhiyong Wang, Li Zhuo, David Dagan Feng:
Harvesting Web Images for Realistic Facial Expression Recognition. 516-521 - Farshid Hajati, Caro Lucas, Yongsheng Gao
Face Localization Using an Effective Co-evolutionary Genetic Algorithm. 522-527 - Juan M. Banda
, Rafal A. Angryk
Selection of Image Parameters as the First Step towards Creating a CBIR System for the Solar Dynamics Observatory. 528-534 - Chao Zeng, Wenjing Jia
, Xiangjian He
, Jie Yang:
Graph-Based Text Segmentation Using a Selected Channel Image. 535-539 - Kyu-Ha Song, Dong-Weon Lee, Jin-Woo Han, Byung-Koo Park:
Pulse Repetition Interval Modulation Recognition Using Symbolization. 540-545 - Pengdong Xiao, Nick Barnes, Paulette Lieby, Tibério S. Caetano:
Sparse Update for Loopy Belief Propagation: Fast Dense Registration for Large State Spaces. 546-551 - Chueh-Loo Poh, Tong Kuan Chuah, Kenneth Sheah:
Differentiating Healthy Cartilage and Damaged Cartilage Using Magnetic Resonance Images in a Quantitative Manner. 552-555 - Zelin Li, Jian Zhang
, Qiang Wu
, Glenn Geers:
Feature Enhancement Using Gradient Salience on Thermal Image. 556-562 - Xiaozheng Zhang, Yongsheng Gao
, Terry Caelli
Colour Adjustment and Specular Removal for Non-uniform Shape from Shading. 563-568 - Darryl McClymont, Andrew Mehnert
, Adnan Trakic
, Stuart Crozier
, Dominic Kennedy:
Improving the Discrimination of Benign and Malignant Breast MRI Lesions Using the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient. 569-574 - Tristrom Cooke:
A Fast Automatic Ellipse Detector. 575-580 - Peiyao Li, Son Lam Phung, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum, Fok Hing Chi Tivive
Automatic Recognition of Smiling and Neutral Facial Expressions. 581-586 - Jhimli Mitra, Arnau Oliver
, Robert Marti
, Xavier Lladó
, Joan Carles Vilanova, Fabrice Mériaudeau:
Multimodal Prostate Registration Using Thin-Plate Splines from Automatic Correspondences. 587-592 - Sadia Gul, Muhammad Faisal Khan:
Automatic Extraction of Contour Lines from Topographic Maps. 593-598 - Sonia González-Vázquez
, Brais Cancela
, Noelia Barreira
, Manuel G. Penedo
, Marc Saez:
On the Automatic Computation of the Arterio-Venous Ratio in Retinal Images: Using Minimal Paths for the Artery/Vein Classification. 599-604 - Baharak Choudari Oskouei, Jamshid Shanbehzadeh:
Chromosome Classification Based on Wavelet Neural Network. 605-610 - Andrew Mehnert
, Michael Wildermoth, Stuart Crozier, Ewert Bengtsson, Dominic Kennedy:
Two Non-linear Parametric Models of Contrast Enhancement for DCE-MRI of the Breast Amenable to Fitting Using Linear Least Squares. 611-616 - Gulisong Nasierding, Abbas Z. Kouzani:
Empirical Study of Multi-label Classification Methods for Image Annotation and Retrieval. 617-622
Learning and Application
- Thitirat Siriborvornratanakul, Masanori Sugimoto:
Multiscale Visual Object Detection for Unsupervised Ubiquitous Projection Based on a Portable Projector-Camera System. 623-628 - Jun Zhu, Dengsheng Zhang, Guojun Lu
An Enhancement to Closed-Form Method for Natural Image Matting. 629-634 - Sezer Karaoglu, Basura Fernando, Alain Trémeau:
A Novel Algorithm for Text Detection and Localization in Natural Scene Images. 635-642 - Ruo Du, Sheng Wang, Qiang Wu
, Xiangjian He
Learn Concepts in Multiple-Instance Learning with Diverse Density Framework Using Supervised Mean Shift. 643-648 - Luke Domanski, Changming Sun
, Raquibul Hassan
, Pascal Vallotton, Dadong Wang
Linear Feature Detection on GPUs. 649-656

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