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15. Int. CMG Conference 1989: Reno, NV, USA
- George W. Dodson, J. William Mullen, Linda J. Carroll, Dave Parker, Carole Arruda Reed, Harry Zimmer, Carolyn Hanna, Doug McBride, Bob Miller, Dave Thorn, Ellen E. Robertson, Bob Bishop, Ellen M. Friedman, Chuck Hopf, Jerry L. Rosenberg, John P. Pilch:
15th International Computer Measurement Group Conference, Reno, Nevada, USA, December 11-15, 1989, Proceedings. Computer Measurement Group 1989 - Bernard A. Lichtig, Mark H. Schoenberg, David J. Young:
IO IO It's Off to DB2 I Go. 1-7 - David J. Young, Mark H. Schoenberg:
DB2 Version 1 and DB2 Version 2 Comparisons. 8-16 - Richard Hammond:
VTAM Tuning - A Practical Perspective. 17-27 - Clark L. Kidd:
Using VLF to Reduce the I/O Bottleneck. 28-35 - Lawrence Y. Ho:
Locality-Based Approach to Characterize Dataset Referencing Patterns. 36-47 - Nirdosh Bhatnagar:
Back of the Envelope Performance Analysis of a Two Level Hierarchy of Memory in Presence of Tree Data Structures. 48-55 - Michael E. Brumet:
Bayesian Analytical Procedures for Mainframe Capacity Planning. 56-65 - G. Ramamurthy:
A Capacity Planning and Configuration Modeling Methodology for UNIX Systems. 66-73 - Thomas E. Bell, Craig F. L. Wormack:
VAX/VMS Memory Management for OLTP Systems. 74-83 - Linda S. Wright, Walter H. Kohler, William Z. Zahavi:
The Digital DebitCredit Benchmark: Methodology and Results. 84-92 - Bernard Domanski, Sidney W. Soberman:
Expert Systems for CPE: On Evolution and Data Analysis. 93-99 - Dick H. J. Epema:
A VM Performance Analyzer, Interpreter and Adviser. 100-110 - Dan L. Drake:
Using Data Characterization as the Basis of a Performance Methodology for DASD Configuration. 111-122 - Alexandre Brandwajn:
Performance Benefits of Parallelism in Cached DASD Controllers. 123-140 - Javier Muñoz, Ravo Ramaswamy:
Modeling Features of VM/XA SP: An Overview. 141-151 - John D. Story:
Performance Modeling in a Non MVS Environment. 152-163 - Abbas Rafii, Donald DuBois:
Performance Tradeoffs of Group Commit Logging. 164-176 - James W. McGalliard:
Benchmark Workload Data Normalization in a Multiple-Vendor Environment. 177-184 - Shamim M. Bhindarwala:
Performance Model of Multiprocessor VAX and VAXCluster Systems. 185-194 - James S. DeArmon:
VAX Paging Performance with Resident Set Locking. 195-203 - Graham G. Jump:
Disaster Recovery Planning at BOC (UK). 204-208 - Howard H. Glastetter:
A Simple Way to Monitor Shared DASD. 209-215 - William T. Gray:
Comparing Shared DASD Topologies. 216-224 - Charles W. Hopf:
A Quick CPU Capacity Plan. 225-232 - Christopher W. Finney:
Engineering Level Regime Considerations for CPU Replacement. 233-242 - Eddward M. Wadsworth:
Evaluation Techniques for Relative Processor Performance. 243-258 - Dinker Sitaram, Richard J. Miles:
A Study of the Accuracy of Benchmarks. 259-267 - Alan C. Van Antwerp:
Benchmark Documentation Guide for Software Performance Evaluation. 268-275 - Subhash C. Agrawal:
Sizing DEC's ACMs TP System Using Analytical Modeling. 276-283 - Kimmo E. E. Raatikainen:
Experiences of Hierarchical Workload Modeling in Capacity Planning. 284-292 - Boris E. Zibitsker:
Capacity Planning for Distributed Database Management Systems. 293-297 - Toby Olberding:
Cost and Performance Analysis of a Distributed Computing Environment. 298-305 - Bruce McNutt:
An Overview and Comparison of VM DASD Workloads at Eleven Installations. 306-318 - Kim D. Cooper:
Dominant Task Imbalance Multiprocessor Affect. 319-322 - Frank J. Ingrassia:
Inside Story: How the DB2 Optimizer Works. 323-339 - David W. Cady:
Interpreting Data From the DB2PM Statistics Report. 340-351 - Ivan L. Gelb, Michael J. Demain:
Calibrating and Using Models for Forecasting: Problems, Solution, Shortcuts. 352-357 - Roy A. L. Jones:
Cartridge Vs. DASD: A Performance Comparison. 358-367 - Daniel Kaberon, Henry Steinhauer:
Conquering the Storage Pyramid - Implementing the Dynamic Library. 368-372 - Richard L. Gimarc:
Quantifying the Necessity of Configuration Upgrades. 373-380 - Garth A. Gibson:
Performance and Reliability in Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks. 381-391 - Douglas R. MacKinnon:
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics. 392-403 - Jay S. Stewart:
Statistical Constructs in the Establishment of a Capture Ratio Solution. 404-423 - Jeffrey C. Hoffecker, Nathan Walsh, Mike Cunard:
DASD Performance Improvements with Actuactor Level Buffers. 424-434 - Rich Olcott:
Useful Computer System Metrics, Part 1. Toward a General Theory of Useful Metrics. 435-443 - Gene M. Leganza:
Service Level Management in a Complex CICS Environment. 444-450 - Ellen M. Friedman:
Performance Measurement and Modeling in a CICS-DB2 Environment. 451-466 - Raylene Gootee:
VM/XA SP Release 2 Performance Experiences. 467-473 - Arlene J. Scherer:
Distributed Capacity Planning for Vertical VM Networks. 474-478 - J. Frank Johnson:
General Systems Profile. 479-484 - Rich Olcott:
Useful Computer System Metrics, Part two. Useful Metrics for Storage Subsystems. 485-493 - W. Bruce Watson:
Performance Evaluation of a HYPERchannel-based High Data Rate Local Area Network. 494-502 - Tachen Leo Lo, Michael M. Chaney:
LAN Design, Implementation and Performance Modeling: A User Perspective. 503-514 - William R. Fairchild:
Understanding the MVS/XA I/O Subsystem Through DASD Event Traces. 515-524 - Robert F. Berry, Joseph L. Hellerstein:
Estimating the Utilization of Shared DASD: A Performance Management Perspective. 525-536 - Mary F. Mulvaney:
A Performance Measurement Facility on a Large Data Processing Application. 537-546 - Robert L. Lehmann:
Optics: On-line Performance, Tuning and Information Control System. 547-557 - Darrell A. Kent:
Planning for CPU and DASD: Variations on a Theme. 558-565 - Marti R. Henley, Bruce McNutt:
DASD I/O Characteristics, A Comparison of MVS to VM. 566-578 - Jeffrey P. Buzen, Annie W. Shum:
Modeling PR/SM and MDF. 579-585 - Daniel J. Squillace:
Performance and Storage Management Characteristics of SAS Versions. 586-589 - Sheldon T. Becker, Dennis S. Mok:
Predicting the Performance of a Computer System With Complex Priority Queues. 590-598 - William L. Arkins:
IMS/VS Version 2 Release 2 Performance with VSAM Hiperspace. 599-608 - William J. Mee:
Managing DASD From a SMS Perspective. 609-615 - Michael A. Salsburg:
A Hardware Independent Approach to Capacity Management. 616-620 - Vincent A. Kasten:
A methodology for Capacity Engineering UNIX-Based Software Systems. 621-631 - Gerald F. Quinlan, Richard A. Reid, Neal D. Wenderlich:
Design and Construction of a Computer System Model for Application Development Workloads. 632-643 - Lawrence W. Dowdy, F. Jefferson Flowers:
A Comparison of Calibration Techniques for Queuing Network Models. 644-655 - Jeffry A. Schwartz:
Techniques for Improving the Accuracy of Your Queueing Network Models. 656-667 - Richard B. Wilmot:
File Usage Patterns from SMF Data. 668-677 - Hulan E. Jack Jr.:
Estimating Time Dependent Resource Usage Intensity by Time Slicing Accounting Data. 678-689 - Hasan B. Mutlu:
An Availability Model for Packet-Switched Computer Networks. 690-697 - Darrel Cook, Joe E. Bell, Glen Farmer:
Comparison of Hallmark's Workload on Different Central Electronic Complexes. 698-709 - Patrick E. O'Neil:
A Set Query Benchmark for Large Databases. 710-721 - Ken H. Hansen:
A Case Study in Improving TSO Performance. 722-729 - John G. Aschoff:
Performance Management of Storage Subsystems. 730-739 - Roy A. L. Jones:
How Does Your Garden Grow? 740-748 - Carolyn Hanna:
Setting the Thresholds: An OPT Tutorial. 749-760 - Bernard R. Pierce:
Effective Use of SRM Controls. 761-786 - Cheryl Watson:
Do SRM Service Objectives Intimidate YOU? 787-798 - Timothy A. Brunner:
Utilizing MVS/ESA's Library Lookaside in Your Installation. 799-807 - Jeffrey P. Buzen, Annie W. Shum:
Model Calibration. 808-811 - Ted C. Keller:
Estimating CICS Workloads. 812-819 - Fred M. Richards Jr.:
What Makes a Good Benchmark? 820-830 - Joseph B. Major:
Are Queueing Models within the Grasp of the Unwashed? 831-839 - Kathleen Brush:
Positioning For SMS: A Performance Perspective. 840-845 - Mark B. Friedman:
Performance and Tuning of Cached I/O Subsystems - An Update. 846-854 - William T. Gray:
Tuning Transaction Driven Systems: Tools and Techniques for Workload Reclassification. 855-867 - J. Dennis Lawrence:
A Tutorial on Software Reliability Engineering. 868-877 - James C. Peterson:
Application Design for CICS Transaction Performance. 878-884 - Kornél Terplán:
Critical Success Factors of Network Management. 885-894 - John Harmon:
The Determination and Use of Poll Delay to Provide Insight into an. 895-901 - John S. Kahng:
A Methodology for Fast and Effective TPNS Script Development. 902-908 - Joe E. Bell:
The Origination, Evolution and Future of CRM. 909-923 - Leonard D. Lipner:
Zen and the Art of Management Reporting. 924-934 - Bruce R. Howarth:
An Academic's View of Career Paths for Capacity Planners. 935-939 - Philip Clark:
Both Feet on the Ground: A Survival Guide for Novice Capacity Planners. 940-948 - Ted C. Keller:
Four Management Styles. 949-957 - David P. Griffith, Michael Anderson:
An Easy Automated Aid to DASD Selection. 958-969 - James T. Cheeseman:
Performance Database Administration: An Expert System Approach. 970-978 - Hans Dithmar:
Is Strategic Planning Part of the Data Centre Responsibility? 979-984 - Samuel J. Ferrarelli:
Information Systems Planning. 985-988 - Patty Sherman:
Managing A Support Organization. 989-994 - Veli-Matti J. Salminen:
Leveraging Service Level Agreements. 995-1000 - Gerald J. Bonin:
Performance Objectives - Getting Started. 1001-1010 - Robert E. Marsh:
Measuring and Reporting User Impact of Poor Service. 1011-1017 - Catherine H. Liu, W. Nathaniel Mills III:
Automating Network Service Level Management. 1018-1025 - Adam O. Warkow, Ed Giambalvo:
A New Perspective on Availability. 1026-1030 - Larry Hendershot:
Automating the Data Center Operation. 1031-1035 - John F. Doyal:
New/Used: The Hardware Plan as a Long Term Strategy. 1036-1041 - James W. McGalliard, Christopher Roman:
Contracting for Capacity. 1042-1046 - W. W. Godbehere:
Managing the Vendor Interface Vendor Assessment: A Quantitative Management Process. 1047-1054 - Dean V. Verhaeghe, James R. Cook:
A Financial Management Architechture for I/S. 1055-1065 - Kin Y. Lee:
Corporate Cash Analysis and Department Budget Analysis Methodologies in Investment Decision-Making. 1066-1074 - Catherine H. Liu:
Cost Management for an I/S Environment. 1075-1088 - Eileen B. Ahles:
Meaningful Chargeback Reporting. 1089-1094 - Steven M. Smith:
Systems-Managed Storage Expectation Versus Actualization. 1095-1101 - Joe E. Bell, Hewitt Wright:
System-Managed Storage Implementation Planning Case Study. 1102-1114 - Anthony R. Guerrero:
System-Managed Storage: The Implementation. 1115-1121 - Paula G. McCormick, David A. Profio:
Storage Management: Challenges and Solutions for the 1990's. 1122-1129 - Robert K. Dunsire:
VM Performance Evaluation: An Introduction and Overview. 1130-1135 - Anthony G. Mungal:
I/O Subsystem Performance Through Storage Management. 1136-1145 - Robert E. Wells:
System Managed Storage: The Aftershock. 1146-1151 - Jerry L. Rosenberg:
Small But Mighty: Using the PC for Mainframe Capacity Planning. 1152-1165 - Nalini T. Joshi:
Expert Systems in Network Diagnostics. 1166-1171 - Catherine H. Liu:
Network Availability Management. 1172-1180 - J. William Mullen:
Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) and MVS/ESA Performance. 1181-1187 - John Wilson:
EDI - How, When, Where and Why. 1188-1196 - Wayne S. Papy:
Performance Implications of System Dataset Placement. 1197-1202 - Sidney Finehirsh, Nell Compo Davidson:
Selecting Resource Units For Your Installation Accounting System. 1203-1210 - Linda M. Barclay, Roderick S. Barclay:
Risk Analysis Of Critical Control Points in the Life Cycle of SMF Information. 1211-1219 - Stephen L. Lieman:
Overcoming The Five Deadly Assumptions. 1220-1226 - Bernard Domanski:
System Performance Management and Capacity Planning. 1227-1237 - Tim Grieser:
VM/XA Capacity Planning. 1239-1243 - Patricia J. Hunter:
How to Build a DASD Capacity Plan. 1244-1247 - Ray Wicks:
Capacity Planning: Theory and Practice. 1248-1250 - Michael G. Baker:
DASD Tuning - Understanding the Basics. 1251-1257 - Stephen L. Lieman:
PAL: The Performance Audit Litany: Your Passport for Successful Troubleshooting. 1258-1265 - Joel Goldstein:
DB2 Performance Planning, Analysis & Tuning. 1266-1281 - Patrick L. Gaul, Radol Gens:
An Experience in MVS Batch Tuning at Canadian Airlines International Ltd. 1282-1287 - Craig A. Cooley:
Relocation the Neglected Capacity Planning Function. 1288-1293 - Steven R. Hackenberg:
Real Time Versus Historial Monitoring. 1294-1298 - Bill Yaman:
A Six-Step Network Planning Methodology. 1299-1303 - John Wandzilak:
Chargeback Using Business Transactions. 1304-1310 - T. Paul Lee, S. Krishna Dronamraju:
Performance Measurment and Evaluation in UNIX System V. 1311-1326 - Nancy E. Covey:
Statistical Techniques for Performance Evaluation. 1327-1337 - Gerald B. Dargusch:
Adjustment of Processor and Storage Service Units. 1338-1341 - Gregory V. Caliri, Thomas R. Brown:
Using Chargeback Systems to Alleviate Resource Constraints and Improve System Performance. 1342-1347 - Hans Dithmar, Ian Hugo, Alan J. Knight:
The Capacity Management Primer. 1348-1349 - Joseph L. Hellerstein, David A. Klein, Keith R. Milliken:
Expert Systems in Data Processing Applications Using IBM Knowledge Tool. 1350-1351 - Stephen L. Samson:
MVS Performance Management: Mechanisms and Methods. 1352-1353 - Connie U. Smith:
Performance Engineering of Software Systems. 1354-1355 - Anthony M. Krause:
UNIX CPE Issues in the Real World. 1356-1358 - Teri-Lynn Judge:
Software Development in the Aerospace Industry: What Happens to Performance. 1359-1362

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